Just giving it an unarmed strike is ok, but then it's very silly to have it as a separate monster. I think I'd prefer just to convert the lesser kytons and put in a sidebar about chainless kytons of lesser or normal type.
I can go along with that. Whatever we came up with for the Chainless Kyton would have been a pale imitation of the sublime brilliance that is the Cleon Special™ version, so why reinvent the koh-i-noor?
To recap, here's the Lesser Kyton:
Chainless Kyton
Lesser kytons wander around the city conducting their strange business and carrying out tasks that only their own twisted minds can truly understand. “Normal” kytons are their more common, mature counterparts that patrol Jangling Hiter, serving as both law enforcement and civil defense. The city has no codified law system—the kytons act as enforcer, sentencer, and executioner on the spot. Further, the kytons quietly travel around the city collecting money and favors from all within Jangling Hiter as the price for “protection.”
KYTON, LESSER: AC 2; MV 12; HD 4; hp 24 each; THAC0 17; #AT 2; Dmg 1d8/1d8 (chains); SA control and even attack with any chains within 20 feet; SD +1 or better weapon to hit, immune to cold, regenerate 1 hit point a round; SW Recover from wounds inflicted from blessed or holy weapons at half normal rate, flee from blessed items; MR 10%; SZ M (6’ tall); ML fanatic (17); Int low to avg (5–9); AL LE; XP 2,000.
* * *
Okay, so it's got 4 HD instead of a regular kyton's 8 and has weaker attacks (1d8 vs. 1d10) and magic resistance (10% vs. 25%).
The lower damage suggest either the 3E version's chains either have a lower base damage than 2d4 damage or it has a lower Strength bonus.
I'd keep its mental stats the same but change the skills & feats selection somewhat, since they're "Commoners" rather than being "Police" like standard Kytons.
There's no mention of the Unnerving Gaze special attack, but then again there's no mention of that in
Tales of the Infinite Staircase's statblock for the standard Kyton.
Are we giving that ability to the lesser kyton or not?
Do we want it to have the same Dancing Chains ability as a common Kyton or reduce its effectiveness slightly - maybe have it animate two chains instead of four?