I think we have a 2D form for some monster somewhere --- do you remember where that comes from? We could do a 2D shadow form like that with fast healing. Then we say it can only be hit by magic weapons with a miss chance (or ghost touch?), like incorporeal creatures. What do you think?
I suggested a duodimensional Special Quality for the Artist Tasked Genie that we could adapt. We never used it for the Genie, so might as well get some use out if it. Here it is:
Duodimensional (Su): Twice per day, an artist genie can turn itself into a two-dimensional object, with height and width but no thickness. In this state the genie has vulnerability to weapons, taking 50% extra damage from any weapon attack that hits it, but it can automatically squeeze through extremely tight spaces (cracks as little as an eighth of an inch wide, provided they are long enough to accommodate the genie’s height or breadth), use its thinness to conceal itself from opponents (+15 circumstance bonus on Hide checks) or stand against a flat surface and pretend to be a lifesize portrait (Disguise check with a +10 circumstance bonus). The genie can stay duodimensional for a duration of up to 14 rounds.
In addition, an artist genie in duodimensional can turn itself "sideways from reality" and partially shift from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane as a free action, it can shift back from partially-Ethereal to Material form as a move action. The genie is incorporeal and invisible on the Material Plane while so "rotated", but is corporeal and visible on the Astral Plane. The artist genie will automatically return to the material plane if the duration of the duodimensional power runs out.