Sure, that'll work! Though that's a few posts to process.
Updating the Shadow Walker Working Draft.
Updating the Ninja Spirit Shadow.
While updating the Ninja Spirit Shadow I noticed a small problem. The creature has the AC bonuses of a 3rd level monk, so it would NOT have a +1 level-based intrinsic bonus to its AC since it's only monks of level 5th+ that gain that ability.
It seems to me that the easiest way to resolve the problem is keep the +1 bonus and add "In addition, martial artistry grants the ninja spirit shadow a +1 bonus to AC; it loses this bonus when it is wearing armor, encumbered, immobilized or helpless." to the Martial Artistry text.
Upon reflection, we might as well make it a deflection bonus to honor the deflection bonus in the earlier draft, making it "In addition, martial artistry grants the ninja spirit shadow a +1 deflection bonus to AC; it loses this deflection bonus when it is wearing armor, encumbered, immobilized or helpless."
I've made the above changes to the Ninja Spirit Shadow. It'd be easy enough to change it if we decide on an alternative solution.