Converting Oriental Adventures creatures


Sure, that'll work! Though that's a few posts to process. ;)

Updating the Shadow Walker Working Draft.

Updating the Ninja Spirit Shadow.

While updating the Ninja Spirit Shadow I noticed a small problem. The creature has the AC bonuses of a 3rd level monk, so it would NOT have a +1 level-based intrinsic bonus to its AC since it's only monks of level 5th+ that gain that ability.

It seems to me that the easiest way to resolve the problem is keep the +1 bonus and add "In addition, martial artistry grants the ninja spirit shadow a +1 bonus to AC; it loses this bonus when it is wearing armor, encumbered, immobilized or helpless." to the Martial Artistry text.

Upon reflection, we might as well make it a deflection bonus to honor the deflection bonus in the earlier draft, making it "In addition, martial artistry grants the ninja spirit shadow a +1 deflection bonus to AC; it loses this deflection bonus when it is wearing armor, encumbered, immobilized or helpless."

I've made the above changes to the Ninja Spirit Shadow. It'd be easy enough to change it if we decide on an alternative solution.

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Extradimensional Explorer
I like that change to the Ninja Spirit Shadow, so let's keep it.

By comparison to the original monster, I think we should drop the Shadow Form ability. Do you agree?


I like that change to the Ninja Spirit Shadow, so let's keep it.

By comparison to the original monster, I think we should drop the Shadow Form ability. Do you agree?

I'm kind of divided on the issue. On the one hand, there's no mention of Iso Yoichi possessing that ability, but on the other hand it's such a cool and thematically appropriate ability for a supernatural ninja, especially one called the Shadow Walker.

That said, if we did give it the Shadow Form ability I'd make it voluntary rather than always occurring in areas of bright illumination.

He's already a ridiculously complicated creature so it would certainly be simpler just to drop it - but you know how I love ridiculously complicated monsters!


Extradimensional Explorer
And you know I prefer simplicity! I think we should drop it and be true to the original monster. Beside, Shadow Hurling is pretty cool and thematic, and so is Wall Walking.

Push is up next, I think. Is that like a bull rush?


And you know I prefer simplicity! I think we should drop it and be true to the original monster. Beside, Shadow Hurling is pretty cool and thematic, and so is Wall Walking.

I'm fine with dropping it, in which case…

Updating the Shadow Walker Working Draft.

Push is up next, I think. Is that like a bull rush?

Now you know that'd be far too simple. In fact it's a ki power!

The original power is as follows:

Oriental Adventures
Concentrated Push: The character focuses his inner energy into his hands, giving him great results even from a gentle push. On a successful to hit roll the opponent is knocked back one foot per level of the character. If the distance is greater than three feet, the victim must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation to remain on his feet. If the victim hits a solid object, he suffers damage as if he had fallen the same distance. Note that those with Immovability can resist being knocked back. If the Concentrated Push attack is unsuccessful, all attacks made against the character for the remainder of the round have a 2 on their chance to hit.

I'd interpret that along these lines:

Push (Ex): The Shadow Walker can Push an opponent of any size as a standard action by hitting it with a melee touch attack. The target must succeed at a DC 19 Will save or be pushed 10 ft. away from the Shadow Walker and take 1d6 nonlethal damage. It must then succeed at a DC 19 Reflex save or fall prone. If the target strikes any solid object during its pushed movement it takes normal damage instead of nonlethal damage.


Extradimensional Explorer
The only thing your interpretation seems to be missing is the last sentence, which seems something like the "react against a failed trip" mechanic (ie, a penalty for a miss). However, I agree with you and am happy to leave that out. Update away!

Up next, Shadow Hurling, which is "Shadow Hurling: He can fling actual pieces of shadow; if hit, the victim must save vs. paralyzation or be blinded for 1-4 rounds." Ranged touch, Will save or be blinded?


The only thing your interpretation seems to be missing is the last sentence, which seems something like the "react against a failed trip" mechanic (ie, a penalty for a miss). However, I agree with you and am happy to leave that out. Update away!

Updating the Shadow Walker Working Draft.

I'd have been game adding that if you wanted it, but prefer the current version. Mostly because it just makes it more fiddly to run having to keep track of one-round penalties to AC. Although it does make it more effective too, of course…

It's a simple enough change - just adding "If the push attack fails, the Shadow Walker takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class until the end of the round".

Up next, Shadow Hurling, which is "Shadow Hurling: He can fling actual pieces of shadow; if hit, the victim must save vs. paralyzation or be blinded for 1-4 rounds." Ranged touch, Will save or be blinded?

I was thinking we could make it an alternative to its shadow stars special attack, so the Shadow Walker can throw either "slashing shadows" or "blinding shadows".

Maybe Reflex save instead of Will, to represent the victim successfully shielding their eyes or evading the missile?



Come to think of it, the Push attack writeup doesn't say where the DC 19 comes from - it was originally base DC 10 plus half Hit Dice plus a +4 bonus (inspired by the +4 bonus Improved Trip gives to Trip attempts, since I was assuming it was going to have Improved Trip).

Is that OK with you? We should really specify how the DC was derived. I'd be fine making it Dex-based (for DC 18) or Charisma-based (for DC 17), or maybe either of those two with a +2 racial bonus to top up the DC to 20 or 19?


Extradimensional Explorer
I'm happy with the current version of Push. AC penalties are definitely non-standard.

I'd go with a Cha-based DC for Push, since it takes a Will save. I'm ok with DC 17, actually, but I wouldn't object to the use of Ability Focus or a racial bonus, either. I'll leave that up to you.

Turning Shadow Hurling into a second type of Shadow Stars would work for me. I'm not sure what type of save to use, since that changes how I think of the effect. If we go with a Ref save, a Dex-based DC would be good.


I'm happy with the current version of Push. AC penalties are definitely non-standard.

I'd go with a Cha-based DC for Push, since it takes a Will save. I'm ok with DC 17, actually, but I wouldn't object to the use of Ability Focus or a racial bonus, either. I'll leave that up to you.

Let's go for Charisma-based with a +2 racial bonus then.

Updating the Shadow Walker Working Draft.

Turning Shadow Hurling into a second type of Shadow Stars would work for me. I'm not sure what type of save to use, since that changes how I think of the effect. If we go with a Ref save, a Dex-based DC would be good.

I'd favour a Dex-based Reflex save simply because we already have a Fort save (Shadow Wound) and a Will save (Push), so it'd be nice to have the third leg of the save tripod covered.

Voidrunner's Codex

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