Converting Oriental Adventures creatures


Extradimensional Explorer
That will all work for me. Do you just want to modify Shadow Stars as follows?

Shadow Stars: The Shadow Walker can produce giant shuriken made of darkness as a free action - it reaches into the dark recesses of its clothing (or another lightless place) and pulls the weapon out from nothingness. The Shadow Walker can produce slashing stars or blinding stars. A slashing star acts as a Gargantuan sized +1 keen ghost touch shuriken, but the Shadow Walker can use it as if it were properly sized for the Shadow Walker. If a blinding star hits a creature, the victim must make a DC X Reflex save, or the shadow binds to its eyes, causing blindness for 1d4 rounds. The Walker can create as many shadow stars as it can hold; the shadow shuriken vanish one round after leaving the hold of the Shadow Walker.

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That will all work for me. Do you just want to modify Shadow Stars as follows?

Sure, it'd be more efficient to cover both sorts of stars in the same power, although I'd tweak the description to make it clear the blinding stars do no damage. We'll also need to set the save DC. I'm thinking Dex-based for a DC of 18.

That could make it:

Shadow Stars: The Shadow Walker can produce giant shuriken made of darkness as a free action - it reaches into the dark recesses of its clothing (or another lightless place) and pulls the weapon out from nothingness. The Shadow Walker can produce slashing stars or blinding stars. A slashing shadow star acts as a Gargantuan sized +1 keen ghost touch shuriken, but the Shadow Walker can use it as if it were properly sized for the Shadow Walker. A blinding shadow star does no damage if it hits, but any creature struck by one must make a DC 18 Reflex save or the shadow binds to its eyes, causing blindness for 1d4 rounds. The Walker can create as many shadow stars as it can hold; the shadow shuriken vanish one round after leaving the hold of the Shadow Walker. The save DC is Dexterity-based.


That'll do.

Up next is the Stun Touch. You'll have to fill me in on what that was.

The original 1E Oriental Adventures writeup is:

Stunning Touch: With a light slap of his fingers in the correct place, the character can stun and daze his opponent. This can be done in place of a normal attack and causes no damage. A normal to hit roll must be made. If successful, the victim is allowed a saving throw vs. paralyzation. If this is failed, the victim is stunned for 1d4 rounds, unable to take any action. However, should the to hit roll fail or the saving throw be passed, the attack has no effect.​

However, thought we'd already settled this issue with the Veiled Maidens. Stun Touch is the Oriental Adventure equivalent of 3E's Stunning Fist.

In standard 1E AD&D, all monks got a stunning attack as a class ability, but in 1E Oriental Adventures, the monk class got to choose its martial manoeuvres, and Stun Touch was one of the available options.

Therefore, I assumed we were just going to give the Shadow Walker the Stunning Fist feat as a normal or bonus feat.


Extradimensional Explorer
Oh, right, I remember that now that I see the ability. Let's go with a bonus feat.

Is Wall-Walking close enough to a spider climb SLA?


Oh, right, I remember that now that I see the ability. Let's go with a bonus feat.

Is Wall-Walking close enough to a spider climb SLA?

We've already got a Wall-Walker conversion, so I was thinking we'd use that creature's eponymous ability.

Wallwalking (Ex): A wall-walker The Shadow Walker need not make Climb checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). It retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class while climbing and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. A wall-walker The Shadow Walker can make Jump checks and perform the Run action when it uses wallwalking to climb.

Then all we need do is decide on a Climb speed. Making it the same as the Shadow Walker's land speed makes the most sense to me.


Extradimensional Explorer
I had a feeling we'd seen this before! That'll work for me.

In that case, I think we're done with SAs and SQs! Ready for skills and feats?


Extradimensional Explorer
Skills: Hide, Move Silently are musts. Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble are thematically appropriate but not really necessary given the bonus it gets from Acrobatics. Do you want to include them anyway? I guess I'd also go with Listen and Spot.


Skills: Hide, Move Silently are musts. Balance, Climb, Jump, and Tumble are thematically appropriate but not really necessary given the bonus it gets from Acrobatics. Do you want to include them anyway? I guess I'd also go with Listen and Spot.

It needs at least 1 rank in Tumble because that skill cannot be used untrained.

How about maxing out seven skills and dividing the remaining 14 points between the four aforementioned Acrobatics skills?

How about Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot all maxed-out, plus Balance 4 ranks, Climb 4 ranks, Jump 2 ranks, and Tumble 4 ranks?

Voidrunner's Codex

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