Paper Warrior Original Stats
Fifth is the paper warrior, whose weapon is mightier than the blade. His strength comes from his office of power.
A special note for the DM: each of the seven swords possesses a special weakness. If the characters specifically attack the item or achieve the condition, the weapon master suffers double damage from hits scored and has a -2 on initiative for the next round. The weaknesses are:
Paper Warrior: His desk (AC 7).
43. Paper Warrior
This chamber holds a large mahogany table with moldering cushions to sit on. Upon the table are several sheets of colorful paper, an ink dish, and a 2 foot long white plume, tipped with silver.
This is the den of the fifth weapon master Ito Chomei, a shukenja and steward of the clan. If the papers or the quill pen are disturbed, they are snatched away by an invisible force and the ink flows from the dish forming words on a clean sheet of paper. These words spring from the page and take the form of a tattooed man. With a wave of his hand, the door to the chamber slides shut and bolts.
Ito Chomei: 8th level shukenja (AC 5; MV 9”; hp 36; #AT 2; THAC0 16; Dmg 1-4 and special; ki: +3 on saves
Chomei first acts to protect himself while speaking to the characters about disturbing him, and then seeks to cause confusion.
His spells include:
First Level: curse, cause light wounds (x4), deflection;
Second Level: hold person (x2), obscurement, speak with animals, snake summons;
Third Level: cause disease, dispel magic, bestow curse;
Fourth Level: tongues (reversed)
Ito Chomei is known as the Paper Warrior, because he can fold and animate origami weapons. He can fold two per round (four using his special martial arts maneuver speed) and can even do so while being attacked. These devices each possess AC 8 and 15 hit points, and suffer double damage from fire. He has 14 pieces of paper. Once an item is folded, his breath enlarges it to double size. The items he can fold are:
Shield Beetle: Absorbs all damage from a single blow. Excess damage is lost.
Bee Warrior: Acts as a second level bushi, but does 1d6 points of damage.
Vipers: These have MV 6”; #AT 1; THAC0 18; Dmg 1 + poison; poison damage 2-8, save negates.
Pinwheel: Razor-sharp blades slash at legs as it rolls along the floor (#AT 1; THAC0 15; Dmg 2-5).
Leaping Locusts: Distract one foe a round, treat as a protection from good (-2 to PCs attacks, +2 to shukenja saves).
Octopus: Attacks one character within 10’. If a save vs. spells is made, the victim takes 1-4 points of damage and the octopus is destroyed. If failed, the victim takes 2-8 the first round and 3-12 in all later rounds.
An effective way to stage this is to have the origami devices coming in from different directions at different heights to create maximum PC confusion.
Chomei’s martial arts special maneuvers are: pain touch, prone fighting, one finger, fall, missile deflection, iron skin and speed.
Chomei’s weapons include a kiseru (iron pipe) and the quill pen. The latter is special.
Quill Pen: Characters struck by the pen do not suffer damage, but must make a save vs. breath weapon or have their perception of reality “rewritten.” The DM may choose from the following confusion effects: a friend looks like a foe; the victim believes the battle is over; sees the foe as his friend, etc.) This effect lasts for 6 rounds.
When the Paper Warrior is defeated there is the sound of crumpling paper as he collapses into a ball. Within a drawer in his desk there is a prayer cloth with two cure disease and three cure serious wound spells. There is also a box of eight pen nibs, but one is really a katana charm that fits into the medallion.
Note: OA2's monster appendix table lists his alignment as LE.
Originally from OA2 Night of the Seven Swords (1986).
Fifth is the paper warrior, whose weapon is mightier than the blade. His strength comes from his office of power.
A special note for the DM: each of the seven swords possesses a special weakness. If the characters specifically attack the item or achieve the condition, the weapon master suffers double damage from hits scored and has a -2 on initiative for the next round. The weaknesses are:
Paper Warrior: His desk (AC 7).
43. Paper Warrior
This chamber holds a large mahogany table with moldering cushions to sit on. Upon the table are several sheets of colorful paper, an ink dish, and a 2 foot long white plume, tipped with silver.
This is the den of the fifth weapon master Ito Chomei, a shukenja and steward of the clan. If the papers or the quill pen are disturbed, they are snatched away by an invisible force and the ink flows from the dish forming words on a clean sheet of paper. These words spring from the page and take the form of a tattooed man. With a wave of his hand, the door to the chamber slides shut and bolts.
Ito Chomei: 8th level shukenja (AC 5; MV 9”; hp 36; #AT 2; THAC0 16; Dmg 1-4 and special; ki: +3 on saves
Chomei first acts to protect himself while speaking to the characters about disturbing him, and then seeks to cause confusion.
His spells include:
First Level: curse, cause light wounds (x4), deflection;
Second Level: hold person (x2), obscurement, speak with animals, snake summons;
Third Level: cause disease, dispel magic, bestow curse;
Fourth Level: tongues (reversed)
Ito Chomei is known as the Paper Warrior, because he can fold and animate origami weapons. He can fold two per round (four using his special martial arts maneuver speed) and can even do so while being attacked. These devices each possess AC 8 and 15 hit points, and suffer double damage from fire. He has 14 pieces of paper. Once an item is folded, his breath enlarges it to double size. The items he can fold are:
Shield Beetle: Absorbs all damage from a single blow. Excess damage is lost.
Bee Warrior: Acts as a second level bushi, but does 1d6 points of damage.
Vipers: These have MV 6”; #AT 1; THAC0 18; Dmg 1 + poison; poison damage 2-8, save negates.
Pinwheel: Razor-sharp blades slash at legs as it rolls along the floor (#AT 1; THAC0 15; Dmg 2-5).
Leaping Locusts: Distract one foe a round, treat as a protection from good (-2 to PCs attacks, +2 to shukenja saves).
Octopus: Attacks one character within 10’. If a save vs. spells is made, the victim takes 1-4 points of damage and the octopus is destroyed. If failed, the victim takes 2-8 the first round and 3-12 in all later rounds.
An effective way to stage this is to have the origami devices coming in from different directions at different heights to create maximum PC confusion.
Chomei’s martial arts special maneuvers are: pain touch, prone fighting, one finger, fall, missile deflection, iron skin and speed.
Chomei’s weapons include a kiseru (iron pipe) and the quill pen. The latter is special.
Quill Pen: Characters struck by the pen do not suffer damage, but must make a save vs. breath weapon or have their perception of reality “rewritten.” The DM may choose from the following confusion effects: a friend looks like a foe; the victim believes the battle is over; sees the foe as his friend, etc.) This effect lasts for 6 rounds.
When the Paper Warrior is defeated there is the sound of crumpling paper as he collapses into a ball. Within a drawer in his desk there is a prayer cloth with two cure disease and three cure serious wound spells. There is also a box of eight pen nibs, but one is really a katana charm that fits into the medallion.
Note: OA2's monster appendix table lists his alignment as LE.
Originally from OA2 Night of the Seven Swords (1986).