Ki Frenzy (Su): Once per day, the Keeper of the Keys can focus its ki to become filled with berserk energy. For X rounds, the Keeper gains the effects of a haste spell, a +1 enhancement bonus to damage and to Fort and Will saves, and the ability to deflect missiles. X times per round as a free action while frenzied, the Keeper can make a DC X Ref save to prevent a missile weapon from hitting him.
What do you think?
Rather than quoting the
haste spell and requiring the DM to look up the adjustments, I'd list the benefits and add a note that they don't stack with
How's this for the "hasty part"?:
Ki Frenzy (Su): Once per day, the Keeper of the Keys can focus its
ki to act in a fanatical frenzy of superhuman speed. For X rounds, the frenzied Keeper gains a +2 morale bonus on Strength and Dexterity, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, immunity to fear effects, and all of its modes of movement gain an enhancement bonus of 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the Keeper's normal speed using that form of movement. If the frenzied Keeper makes a full attack action, it may make one extra attack with any weapon it is holding using its full base attack bonus, plus any appropriate modifiers. The effects of ki frenzy are not cumulative with similar effects, such as a
haste spell or weapon of speed.
X times per round as a free action while frenzied, the Keeper can make a DC X Ref save to prevent a missile weapon from hitting him.
Hmm, didn't we give the Reaper a deflect missiles ability?
Yup, as part of Scythe Parry:
Scythe Parry (Ex): The Reaper can use its scythe to parry attacks from melee weapons or ranged weapons. The Reaper can make one parry attempt per round, plus additional parry attempts in place of Attacks of Opportunity.
To parry, the Reaper makes an attack roll with its scythe (+16 modifier). If this roll is equal to or greater than the opponent's attack roll, the attack is deflected harmlessly. Parrying causes no damage to the opponent's weapon (or to the opponent, if the latter was using a natural weapon).
The Reaper can parry while fighting defensively (+2 dodge, –4 attack rolls). The -4 attack penalty for fighting defensively does not apply to parry rolls. If the Reaper uses the total defense action, it can attempt to parry all attacks made against it in that round.
How about we repurpose that?
Ki Frenzy (Su): Once per day…
While in a ki frenzy, the Keeper can deflect attacks from ranged weapons. The Keeper can make one deflection attempt per round, plus additional deflect attempts in place of Attacks of Opportunity.
To deflect, the Keeper makes an attack roll with an unarmed strike (+## modifier) or a monk's weapon (i.e. the +## modifier of its
chimes). If this roll is equal to or greater than the opponent's ranged attack roll, the attack is deflected harmlessly. Deflection causes no damage to the missile. Unusually massive ranged weapons and ranged attacks generated by spell effects can’t be deflected.
The Keeper can deflect missiles while fighting defensively (+2 dodge, –4 attack rolls). The -4 attack penalty for fighting defensively does not apply to deflect rolls. If the Keeper uses the total defense action, it can attempt to parry all ranged attacks made against it in that round.