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Converting Oriental Adventures creatures


Monster Junkie
Looking at its feats list I don't much care for Power Critical. With the attack bonus it's got it's not going to miss very often! Maybe swap it for Blind-Fight or Combat Reflexes?

That's fine. Combat Reflexes isn't particularly useful, given its Dex. Blind-Fight appeals, though.

Also, we might as well swap the Weapon Focus (bite) for Epic Prowess, which gives it a +1 on all its attacks instead of just one.

No can do. WF is a prereq for Overwhelming and Devastating Critical. :hmm:

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That's fine. Combat Reflexes isn't particularly useful, given its Dex. Blind-Fight appeals, though.

Blind-Fight was my preference too.

No can do. WF is a prereq for Overwhelming and Devastating Critical. :hmm:

Cheerfully retracted! :D

Here's another point. The original Reptilian Gargantua's tail sweep affected a 90' radius sweep. I think we'd better give its tail-slap and tail-sweep some kind of Reach.

Space/Reach: 50 ft./40 ft. (80 ft. with tail)


Monster Junkie

An immature reptilian gargantua stands about 20-40 feet tall. It also has 10 HD (THAC0 11) and a movement rate of 12 (Sw 9). A youngling's claws inflict 1-10 hit points of damage each, and its bite inflicts 2-24 (2d12) hit points of damage. Its tail -- not nearly as formidable as an adult's -- sweeps the ground in an arch reaching 20 feet behind and to both sides, inflicting 3-18 (3d6) points of damage to all victims who fail their save vs. death.

Do we want an underbar for those?

Environment: Any coastal land or aquatic?

Organization: Solitary or mated pair?

Treasure: None or incidental?

Advancement: 65+ HD (Colossal)?


Extradimensional Explorer
That all looks good. Maybe the mated pair could also have a child every so often. ;)

I'm game for an underbar if you all are.



You've got a "guargantua" in Kara-Tur. That typo is in MC6, so I'm thinking it got copy'n'pasted.

Do we want an underbar for those?

Of course we have to have Minya!:p

We might as well include the "resurrection storm" in its write-up, and maybe give stats for the egg.

Environment: Any coastal land or aquatic?

Organization: Solitary or mated pair?

Solitary, mated pair or family (2 parents and 1 infant) ?

Treasure: None or incidental?

Advancement: 65+ HD (Colossal)?

No treasure.

The advancement's OK by me. (Except I still prefer them as 50+ HD Dragons :.-()


That org, advancement, and treasure look good.


We've still got a few points to clear up in the stats.

Reptilian gargantua stand over 100 feet tall and weigh x tons.
If a 10-foot tall one weighs a ton then a 100-foot one would weigh 1000 tons. That seems about right.

Swallow Whole (Ex): A reptilian gargantua can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Huge or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 6d6+6 points of crushing damage plus 4d6 points of acid damage per round from the gargantua's digestive juices. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by dealing x points of damage to the gargantua's digestive tract (AC x). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A reptilian gargantua's gullet can hold 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small, or 512 Tiny or smaller creatures.
6d6+6? Shouldn't it be +21 for its Strength?

How much damage to cut oneself free? 50 hp like the tarrasque?

The internal AC would be 33 if we use the usual "half natural armour" rule.

Tail Sweep (Ex): A reptilian gargantua can sweep with its tail as a standard action. The sweep affects a half-circle with a radius of 40 feet, extending from an intersection on the edge of the gargantua's space in any direction. Medium or smaller creatures within the swept area take 8d10+31 points of damage. Affected creatures can attempt DC 55 Reflex saves to take half damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.
This should be 80 feet since we increased its tail reach.



Hold on, shouldn't the bite be a primary attack and the claws and tail the secondary? We're following the lead of the SRD Dragon aren't we?

Besides, at the moment the claws average about 87% the damage as the bite, while the original version's claws only do 50% as much.

Claw: 3d10+21 = 16.5+21 = 37.5
Bite: 6d6+10 = 33+10 = 43

Apart from that I think it's done save for the Challenge Rating.

Let's settle on that and start on Minya!

CR 24-25?

Voidrunner's Codex

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