Converting original D&D and Mystara monsters


Extradimensional Explorer
That all looks good to me. I assume you'd be ready to de-red the bonus languages and move to the caprine after this, too?

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That all looks good to me. I assume you'd be ready to de-red the bonus languages and move to the caprine after this, too?

I'd better go through the "Ovinaur As Characters" one final time before de-redding it just to make sure there are no hold-overs from previous versions.

During that process I corrected a bunch of "goatlings" into "ovinaurs", and noted a few "monstrous humanoids" that should be "outsiders" in both the ovinaur and goatling.

Updating the Goatfolk Working Draft.
Updating the Ovinaur Working Draft.
Updating the Goatling Working Draft.


Caprine Original Stats

Caprines have a -2 penalty to Wisdom. However, a +1 bonus may be applied to Constitution and Charisma, or a single +2 bonus to one of these two abilities at the player's option. Although they don't benefit from elven ability score adjustments, ovinaurs have other common elven abilities, as described in BECMI or the AD&D game.

Caprines are primarily Fighters. If using AD&D rules, they may be Thieves, Druids or Bards as an option. The -30% experience penalty applies in all cases. Caprines cannot otherwise be Paladins, Assassins or any other subclass. All alignments are available to them.

Like ovinaurs, caprines have access to second level Goat Magic cast at half their experience level (rounded down). They otherwise participate fully when goatlings summon their coven. Caprines can plainly see invisible fairy folk.

Love and Passion: One of the striking traits of caprines is their propensity for revelry. They love rustic music, drinking, dancing, frolicking amid meadows and woodlands, and above all, courtship. Love and passion are the primary ingredients of their lives.

Caprines have an ulterior motive for throwing lavish parties, besides their own jovial nature. When a great gathering of people partake of caprine-fostered revelry with reckless abandon, their mindsets generate a special resonance in the ether, which generally enhances flora in the region and the land's fertility, making woodlands more suitable to fairy folk in general and dryads in particular. Caprines boundless exuberance impacts much of the region's fairy population, including nixies, pixies, sprites, nymphs of all knids, and very rarely treants. This feat is valuable since there are far fewer dryads than caprines.

Dryads are necessarily polyandrous, marrying more than one caprine, and entertaining relationships with many others. Mating with unattached caprines is an exercise in evaluating how suitable a caprine is to father offspring. Mating with other races results from the dryads' facetious nature and their fascination with charismatic males. Married households nevertheless endeavor to generate new tree spirits or young male caprines who are later released to the care of their fathers.

Conversely, dryads forgive their companions consorting with specimens of other races because the intensity of the passion generated by the caprines and their partners easily exceeds that of mere festivities, dance, music, or drinking. In fact, he who resonates the best harmonics in the ethereal has the greatest chance of finding a dryad mate and producing healthy offspring. Caprine and dryad genetics being so fundamentally different, this resonance is indispensable for best results. Caprine offspring born to other races do not yield caprine stock, but children of the other race with vaguely elven features and none of the goatmen's power.

Caprine motivations for much of what they do in their lives revolve around themes of entertainment, passion, and reproduction, which leads them to seek and generate pleasure around them. This mechanism socially ranks caprines and provides them with certain tangible advantages. The flute is one of the most common tools of their trade (although others may be used, like a lyre or pan pipes, for example). Caprines use flutes to generate certain effects, depending on the resonances they create.

Striking a Resonance: there are several methods to resonate harmonics in the ethereal. The list below describes the most common methods, durations, and the value of their resonance in the world's ether. Each can be attempted only once per day, usually in a busy tavern, a village, or a city street. Those requiring an ability check may be empowered.

Joyous Cavorting: frolicking amid meadows and forests remains the simplest method, available to caprines of all ages and levels.

Duration: 1 hour …… Resonance: 1d6 notes

Playing Music: one of the greatest pleasures enjoyed by any race or gender, for caprines level 2 or higher. It requires at least one more person willing to listen, and a Charisma check. The level by which the check succeeds determines how many people in a crowd stop to listen.

Duration: 1 turn …… Resonance: 1 note per listener

Merry Drinking: naturally, a flagon of mead or fine wine does marvels when the going gets grim for caprines level 3 or higher. It requires a Constitution check, at least one other person with whom to share the beverage, and a flagon for each. The level by which the check succeeds determines how many people in a crowd stop to have a drink, especially if it's free.

Duration: 1 turn …… Resonance: 1 note per drinker

Dancing Dizzily: A step beyond frolicking, and none of that subdued medieval pacing about, pretty please. It requires a Dexterity check from a caprine level 4 or higher, a source of music, and at least one dancing partner. The level by which the check succeeds determines how many people in a crowd join the fun.

Duration: 1 turn …… Resonance: 1 note per dancer

Reveling with Reckless Abandon: is a combination of all of the above for caprines level 5 or higher. It requires a crowd of at least 20 guests (or 20 HD-worth) initially, a source of music, lots of good food and drinks, and a site prepared for the occasion.

The caprine's, player must make three ability checks (Cha, Con, Dex). If at least two out of three succeed, the level by which the best check succeeds determines how many people (or HD-worth) are charmed and join the fun.

Keep making ability checks until at least two out three checks fail. The actual number of charmed revelers may exceed the initial number of guests, as others may show up. Each check takes 1 hour. The charm lasts until the next morning, when everyone wakes up (some of whom might be none too pleased).

Duration: 1+ hours …… Resonance: one note/charmed reveler

Harvest the Fruit of Passion: The world belongs to the bold and dashing caprines level 6 or higher. A night of heaven with the fairest of them all will echo throughout the ether of this world. The object of the caprine's attention must fail a saving throw vs paralysis for the suitor to prevail. Two penalties apply: a) -5 if charmed, b) subtract the caprine's Cha bonus adjustment, c) -1 per aptly role-plated courtship maneuvers at the DM's discretion.

To determine the actual harmonic resonance, add the partners Cha bonus to the amount by which the saving throw failed. If the caprine is of lower level than his partner, multiply the result above by the difference in their levels/HD. Following particularly raucous nights, partners other than dryads may expect a commitment in absence of which said partners may feel rather miffed and eager for requital.

Duration: 1 night or 1d4+4 hours …… Resonance: see above

Benefits of Resonance: The total accumulated resonance determines what abilities are available to a caprine. Only one day's worth of resonance can be accumulated at any time. Abilities can only be used once and require the use of a caprine's flute or other chosen instrument. Unused abilities remain available until the caprine begins a new day's work (frolicking, playing music, etc), which resets the process. What day to accumulate resonance remains at the player's discretion. Unspent abilities cannot be saved for later use when the caprine starts accumulating new harmonics. The powers described below cannot be empowered unless indicated otherwise. Some require a caprine to play music for more than a round. If it sustains from an attack. The caprine's music is interrupted and its effect ends.
Table 5. Resonance
Ferocity, Morale
Damper, Taunt
Charm, Fear, Sleep
Mask, Summon Fairy Folk
Killer Cheese, Vitalize
Covet, March to War
Sound of Death​

Charm: non-associated members within a 40' radius must save versus spell or be charmed and sit entranced while the caprine keeps on playing. The effect lasts as long as the caprine plays. (BECMI only*)

Covet: all within a 40' radius desire something or someone in the caprine's presence. A saving throw vs spells negates the effect. Those who fail become obsessed with acquiring the indicated object or gaining the company of the indicated person. How they approach the issue depends entirely on their intelligence (no mass suicides). The effect lasts one day per level of the caprine.

Damper: negates an attack relying on sound, such as the song of harpies, fear-instilling roars, etc. It also soothes shriekers and keeps them silent. (BECMI only*)

Fear/Remove Fear: similar to the clerical spell except it covers a 40' radius. Fear lasts for 1 round/level of the caster. Can be empowered.

Ferocity: +1 bonus to hit to companions within hearing range, or +10 bonus to a War Machine unit's BFR. The caprine needs to play his instrument for one round for dungeon encounters, or for the duration of a battle for War Machine encounters. (BECMI only*)

Killer Cheese: the caprine needs a vat or bucket of milk of any kind. His music turns it to cheese. Although its taste and consistency are outstanding, it begins to exude concentrated fumes 1d4+1 round after it is made. Its smell is strong enough to be detected within 200' in a dungeon, or within a mile outdoors, possibly attracting monsters.

Fumes are highly inflammable (unless the cheese is consumed) and, if within 10' of an exposed source of fire, the cheese explodes, inflicting 1d6 points of battering damage per level of the caprine. Unexploded cheese may be cut into chunks, as many as one creamy morsel per level of the caster or any combination thereof, and handled in anyway the caprine or his companions desire. Can be empowered.

March to War: causes 4 HD-worth of creatures per level of the caprine, and within a 40' radius, to fade into the ethereal plane along with the caprine. Unwilling creatures may save vs. spells to avoid the effect.

The effect lasts as long as the caprine keeps playing his music, after which everyone reappears in the Prime Plane. Anyone straying more than 40' from the caprine immediately reappears. While in the ethereal, the caprine may march as he plays. A successful attack will cause him to stop playing his music. Can be empowered.

Mask: alters the caprine's facial traits, voice, and body to appear as a human or elf (or half-elf for AD&D). Facial traits cannot be those of an existing PC or NPC, but can be recreated multiple times to impersonate the same character. The caprine's abilities are unchanged and the alteration lasts one night or 1d4+4 hours.

Morale: +1 bonus to retainers, allied NPCs, or +10 Morale to a War Machine unit. The caprine needs to play for one round for dungeon encounters, or for the duration of a battle for a War Machine encounter. (BECMI only*)

Sleep: as the sleep spell. Cannot be empowered.

Sound of Death: as long as the caprine keeps playing his heart-wrenching cacophony without being interrupted, all foes within 40' suffer damage equivalent to 10% of their total hit points per round (no save). It is a difficult and demanding dissonant tune tapping into the caprine's own life force, reducing his hit points 1d4 each round. If he does not play all ten rounds of the tune, the caprine permanently loses a point of Constitution. If he does complete it, the ethereal harmony is disturbed and no other abilities are therefore available until the caprine starts accumulating resonance once more.

Summon Fairy Folk: the caprine summons a number of HD-worth of fairies or woodland beings equal or less than his own and friendly to him. Dryads cannot be summoned. Summoned fairy folk appear on the next round if in a pastoral setting, or 1d4+1 rounds later in any other environment. They remain 3 rounds +1 per level of the caprine during which they will help the caster in any way they can. Can be empowered.

Taunt: foes within a 40' radius must save vs spell or charge toward the caprine to interrupt his offending music. The caprine may keep on playing if more potential victims are expected to show up

(*) Eliminate an ability for the AD&D game if it duplicates a Bard ability.

Originally appeared in Goatmen of Kavaja by Bruce Heard (2012).
Last edited:


I'll start a Working Draft with a bare skeleton for the stats.

This doesn't look as trick as the previous conversion, since we've only got the Resonance ability to sort out. I've got a few ideas for a first draft of that, but it's too late to type them up today.

I'm wondering how many of the standard Elf Traits we should give the Caprine. I'm thinking we might as well use all of them apart from the "Favored Class: Wizard". The original text says their favoured class is Fighter, but the flavour text sings Bard to me.


Medium Outsider (Goatkin, Native)
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+4 chain shirt, +1 light shield) touch 10, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+3
Attack: Longsword +3 melee (1d8/19-20); or longbow +4 ranged (1d8/×3)
Full Attack: Longsword +3 melee (1d8/19-20); or longbow +4 ranged (1d8/×3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Discerp, empowerment, goat magic, resonance
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., elven traits, fey sight, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 13
Skills: Balance –1*, Concentration +5, Jump –1*, Knowledge (nature) +5, Hide +3*, Listen +7, Move Silently +3*, Perform [one type of instruments] +10, Search +2, Spot +7, Survival +3 (+5 aboveground),Tumbling +2*
* includes –3 armor check penalty
Feats: Skill Focus (Perform), Weapon Focus (longbow)
Environment: Temperate forest
Organization: Solitary, gang (4-8 plus 1 róg of 2nd-4th level), band (20-50 plus 10% noncombatants plus 1 2nd-4th level róg per 10 adults and 1 dzwon of 5th-8th level), or tribe (30-300 plus 50% noncombatants plus 1 2nd-4th level róg per 10 adults, 1-13 dzwony of 5th-8th level and 1 župan of 5th to 12th level)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always chaotic
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3

This person looks like a handsome male elf apart from the legs, which resemble a goat's; they are covered in fine wool and end in elegant hooves.

Caprines are an all-male race of goatkin descended from goatlings who intermingled with dryads. A caprine can have any color of skin seen in humans, from the most pallid white to the darkest black, with head hair and leg wool in a hue that matches the equivalent human. They live in Sylvan woodlands.

In general, a caprine is a joyous, carefree person who dedicates his life to all kinds of revelry. He loves music, dancing, eating, drinking and general frolicking, but his greatest passion is love itself, with courtship being what motivates him the most. A caprine almost always carries a musical instrument. Flutes are the favourite, followed by lyres and pan pipes. Caprines can have eccentric tastes, so an individual could carry almost anything that can create a tune, and a rare few prefer the music of their own voice and body.

Caprines are polyamorous and some will try to woo almost anything, but only unions with a dryad can produce another caprine. Dryads are far rarer than caprines in the forests they share, so each dryad will have multiple caprine husbands or suitors vying for her companionship. When these polyandrous unions result in a boy baby, it is always a caprine who is given into the care of his father and uncles once old enough. Girl offspring are always dryads like their mothers. These marriages are extremely open, and the dryad hardly ever objects if any of "her" caprine share their affections elsewhere. A caprine can have children with other folk, usually humanoids or fey, but the offspring are of their mother's race with slightly elflike features (and sometimes exceptionally hirsute legs) and never caprine.

Caprine society revolves around magical vibrations in the ether they call resonance. Resonance is beneficial to fey creatures, so generating large amounts of it means that sylvan beings will be abundant in the caprine's woodland home, including the dryads that caprines yearn to court. A caprine who generates the finest resonance harmonics is most likely to win over a dryad mate and produce the fittest children. The easiest way to create a lot of resonance is to have a really lavish party or festival, with as much passionate revelry as possible. The bulk of the caprine economy is geared to organising and supplying such events.

A caprine is about as tall and heavy as a male elf.

Caprines speak Goatspeech and Sylvan, and most also know Common or Elven.

Caprines are highly individualistic and vary greatly in what weapons and tactics they prefer, but generally like fighting from range with longbows or magic. Many favor ambushes, trickery and sniping foes from the underground, much like a sylvan elf. A typical caprine will quickly seek to escape from any battle it is losing, but if they are fighting for something important caprines can be implacably persistent, returning to attack again and again, with more preparation and different tactics each time. They spend their empowerment points and resonance notes liberally in any serious battle.

Being rather chaotic creatures, caprines sometimes come up with bizarrely eccentric stratagems. For example, a caprine might have a fondness for disguising herself as her enemies and tricking them into detonating fondues of killer cheese.

Discerp (Su): Once per month, a caprine can drain energy from an undead creature or a creature with the Extraplanar subtype. The victim must be physically or magically restrained in some way. Each minute that the caprine concentrates on discerping, the victim gains a negative level (positive level in the case of undead) and the caprine gains 10 empowerment points. A caprine can discerp a maximum number of levels equal to half its HD (round down). If the victim has as many negative levels as HD, it falls unconscious rather than dying. Negative levels are recovered at the rate of 1/day and never become permanent.

A caprine may never have more empowerment points from discerping than 5 times its Hit Dice.

Empowerment (Su): Any goatkin able to obtain empowerment points with a Discerp ability (see above) can expend those points to enhance its abilities. Using empowerment is a swift action unless it is stated otherwise below. Goatkin can only use empowerment once per round, but they can enhance themselves with multiple empowerments they made on separate rounds. A goatkin can use empowerment for the following benefits:
  • Attack: The goatkin gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its next attack roll (including spells, spell-like abilities, and natural weapons) for every empowerment point it expends (maximum bonus +5). If the goatkin does not make an attack roll within three rounds, the empowerment point is wasted.
  • Damage: The goatkin gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its next damage roll (including spells, spell-like abilities, and natural weapons) for every empowerment point it expends (maximum bonus +5). If the goatkin does not make a damage roll within three rounds, the empowerment point is wasted.
  • Checks: The goatkin gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its next skill or ability check for every empowerment point it expends (maximum bonus +5). If the goatkin does not make a skill or ability check within three rounds, the empowerment points are wasted.
  • Armor Class: The goatkin gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its natural armor bonus for every 2 empowerment points it expends (maximum bonus +5). This empowerment lasts for three rounds.
  • Saves: The goatkin gains a +1 bonus to its next saving throw for every 2 empowerment points it expends (maximum bonus +5). If the goatkin does not make a saving throw within three rounds, the empowerment points are wasted.
  • Spell Magnitude: The next spell (or spell-like ability) the goatkin casts gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its caster level for every 2 empowerment points it expends (maximum bonus +5 caster levels). For standard spells, this caster level bonus only applies to the spell's range, duration and checks to overcome spell resistance and does not increase any other level-based variable (damage, area of effect, number of targets, et cetera). Goatkin have special spells that have the spell magnitude empowerment bonus apply to all their level-based variables, including every spell in the Goat Magic Spells section of the goatling entry. If the goatkin does not cast a spell within three rounds, the empowerment points are wasted.
  • Fate: As an immediate action, a goatkin can expend 10 empowerment points to reroll any check or roll. The goatkin must accept the result of the reroll.
  • Life Protection: A goatkin with at least 15 empowerment points who is dead or dying can protect its life by spending all its empowerment points as an immediate action. The goatkin instantly becomes stable at 0 hp. If the goatkin died from Constitution loss or energy drain it stabilizes at Con 1 or 1 HD as appropriate. A goatkin that has been struck dead must use this ability immediately if it wishes to save its life, it cannot wait until after the moment of its death then revive itself. Goatkin can use life protection when they are otherwise unable to act (stunned, paralyzed, unconscious, helpless et cetera).
Goat Magic (Sp): A caprine with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 8 or higher has spell-like abilities depending on its Hit Dice, as indicated on the table. The abilities are cumulative. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable once per day. Caster level equals half the creature’s HD, and the save DC is Charisma-based.

Caprine Spell-Like Abilities
1-5detect magic, protection from evil
6-9binding circle
10-13dispel magic, occultation
14-17dimension door, sunfire whip
18-21contact outer plane (1/week), magic jar (1/month)
22-29antimagic field, binding cage (1/month)
30+summon coven (1/month)

Elven Traits (Ex): Caprines inherit the following racial traits from their elf ancestors.
  • Immunity to sleep spells and effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. (Not reflected in the saving throw modifiers given here.)
  • Low-light vision.
  • Weapon Proficiency: Caprines are automatically proficient with the longsword, rapier, longbow, composite longbow, shortbow, and composite shortbow.
  • +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A caprine who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if they were actively looking for it.
  • Elven Blood: For all effects related to race, a caprine is considered an elf. Caprine, for example, are just as vulnerable to special effects that affect elves as their elf ancestors are, and they can use magic items that are only usable by elves.
Fey Sight (Su): A caprine possesses an innate see invisibility power that allows it to see through the supernatural or spell-like invisibility abilities of creatures with the Fey subtype. Fey sight does not see other forms of invisibility including spells, magic items, or invisibility abilties of non-fey creatures such as an invisible stalker's natural invisibility, a couatl's psionic invisibility or an astral deva's invisibility spell-like ability.

Resonance (Su): A caprine can create a form of ethereal energy called harmonic resonance from the joyful and pleasurable sensations of living sentient creatures. It can then expend this resonance to create a wide range of supernatural effects.

A caprine can spend empowerment points to enhance some of its resonance abilities. Details are given in the individual ability descriptions.

Resonance effects are harmonics in the ether, so the caprine can only use resonance on Planes that overlap the Ethereal Plane or when it's in the Ethereal Plane. If they travel to a plane that is not contiguous to the Ethereal Plane a caprine is unable to use any of the resonance abilities described below, although it does not lose any harmonic resonance it may have already accumulated.

Resonance Overview:
Resonance is measures in resonance notes. The maximum number of resonance notes a caprine can sustain at any one time is equal to its Charisma or Constitution score (whichever is higher), plus 5 notes for each of the caprine's Hit Dice. A caprine's resonance powers are determined by its resonance score. This score is the total number of resonance notes the caprine can accumulate over a day spanning from dawn to dawn (see Striking a Resonance for further details).

The caprine can use a given resonance ability (as listed in the Resonance Abilities Table below) as soon as its resonance score is high enough to qualify for it. Most resonance abilities do not interfere with a caprine's accumulation of resonance notes, so a caprine can use a resonance ability and then continue increasing its resonance score in order to access higher-ranking abilities. The sole exception is the sound of death ability, which prevents any further use of resonance abilities until the caprine resets its resonance score.

A resonance ability may only be used one time after it begins accumulating resonance notes. The resonance score persists until the caprine decides to accumulate a new day's resonance score. This resets the caprine's resonance score to zero, causing it to lose any unused abilities from its previous resonance score but allowing each resonance ability to be used once more.

Striking a Resonance:
There are six methods by which a caprine can produce resonance. A caprine can gain resonance from each method only once per day. If it fails at an attempt to strike resonance it can try again until it succeed or runs out of time or resources. Once it has succeeded at striking resonance it cannot use that method again to increase that day's resonance score.

With the exception of the most basic method of Cavorting, all resonance striking methods require skill or ability checks and the participation of one or more partners. The Aid Another action cannot be used to enhance the checks made to strike resonance but any other bonus to skill or ability checks apply, including those from the caprine's empowerment ability. Two or more caprines may simultaneously strike resonance off each other – for example, a group of caprines in a "dance party" can each use the dancing method and include the other caprines as their dancing partners. Each caprine in such a group makes their resonance checks separately.

The six methods by which a caprine can strike harmonic resonance notes are as follow:

Cavorting: The caprine spends an uninterrupted hour gamboling outdoors through places filled with living plants, such as a forest, meadow or blooming desert. This earns 1d6 resonance notes.

Music: The caprine plays music in front of a willing audience for at least 10 minutes. At the end of their performance, the caprine attempts either a DC 10 Charisma check or a DC 15 Perform (instrument) or Perform (sing) check. If they succeed, a number of intelligent creatures equal to 1 plus the amount by which the caprine's check exceeds the DC gather to listen, and the caprine gains one resonance note per audience member. For example, a caprine that rolled 14 on a DC 10 Charisma check would earn 5 resonance notes and gather an audience of 5 creatures. However, if the DM deems that there are not sufficient intelligent creatures nearby, the caprine can only gain notes up to the maximum practical size of the audience.

Imbibing: The caprine shares flagons of strong drink with a group of revellers for at least 10 minutes. At the end of the merry drinking, the caprine attempts either a DC 10 Constitution check or a DC 15 Concentration check (or a DC 15 Autohypnosis check if the campaign uses the Psionics rules). If they succeed, a number of intelligent creatures equal to 1 plus the amount by which the caprine's check exceeds the DC stop to share a toast, and the caprine gains one resonance note per drinker. For example, a caprine that rolled 18 on a DC 15 Concentration check would earn 4 resonance notes and drink a toast with 4 creatures. However, if the DM deems that there are not sufficient intelligent creatures available, the caprine can only gain notes up to the maximum practical size of the drinking party.

A caprine normally uses this ability somewhere people are already imbibing, such as a busy tavern or rowdy party. If the caprine has to pay for the drinks it usually costs 1 sp per person (minimum 1 gp). High-quality (i.e. "masterwork") drinks may be available that grant a +2 circumstance bonus on the resonance-gathering check but cost 2 gp per person (minimum 20 gp).

Dancing: Caprines of 4 or higher Hit Dice can perform this resonance striking method. The caprine dances dizzily for at least 10 minutes with one or more willing dance partners. At the end of this period, the caprine attempts either a DC 10 Dexterity check, a DC 15 Perform (dance) check or a DC 15 Tumble check. If they succeed, they accumulate resonance notes equal to one plus the amount by which their check result exceeded the DC up to a maximum equal to the number of partners the caprine is dancing with. For example, a caprine that rolled 14 on a DC 10 Dexterity check would earn 5 resonance notes from Dancing provided it has five or more dancing partners.

Reveling: Caprines of 5 or higher Hit Dice can perform this resonance striking method. The caprine must join or gather a group of at least 20 intelligent creatures and "party" for at least 1 hour. The caprine then makes three skill or ability checks as if they were simultaneously performing the Music, Imbibing and Dancing resonance methods. If they succeed on any of these checks, they gain resonance equal to the check that produced the greatest number of resonance notes using the methods detailed in the Music, Imbibing and Dancing methods (as appropriate), plus a bonus of 5 points if they succeeded at 2 of the checks or 10 points if they succeeded at all three. Unlike the other methods, there is no cap based on the number of revellers. If the result exceeds the number of participants present when the revels begin additional intelligent creatures will join the celebration.

Example: A caprine completes a revelry and rolls a 21 Perform (wind instruments) for Music while playing a flute, a 19 Con for Imbibing, and a 13 Tumble for Dancing. The DC 15 Tumble check is a failure, the DC 15 Perform check is a 6-point success and the DC 10 Con check is a 10-point success. The highest success is the Con results, so the caprine earns 15 resonance notes; 10 from the success level plus a bonus of 5 for succeeding on two checks.​
Partnering: Caprines of 6 or higher Hit Dice can perform this resonance striking method. The caprine and another willing intelligent creature spend at least 1d4+4 hours performing a task together. The precise task is unimportant, provided both partners passionately dedicate themselves to it. Traditional caprines prefer to use partnering to enjoy "a night of heaven" with their partner, but a solid game of chess or discussion of poetry or architecture can generate just as many resonance notes. Both partners must make a DC 20 skill check against the same Craft, Knowledge or Perform skill. If either partner succeeds, the caprine gains resonance equal to 1 plus the amount by which the highest result exceeds the DC. If both partners succeed at the skill check the caprine gains a bonus of 10 resonance notes. The DM also has the discretion to award between 1 and 10 bonus resonance notes (typically 5) for role playing on the part of the caprine's or partner's player. Note that partnering cannot be used to manufacture items or affect other creatures – the partners are enjoying themselves too much to produce anything useful.

Resonance Abilities:
Starting a resonance effect is a standard action. Some resonance abilities require concentration, which means the caprine must take a standard action each round to maintain the ability. Even while using a resonance ability that doesn't require concentration, a caprine cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), spell trigger (such as wands), or command word. Just as for casting a spell with a verbal component, a deaf caprine has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use resonance. If they fails, the attempt still counts against their daily limit.

Resonance Abilities Table
Resonance ScoreAbilities
1-5ferocity, morale
6-10damper, taunt
11-20cause/remove fear, charm, sleep
21-40mask, summon sylvan folk
41-70killer cheese, vitalize
71-100covet, march to war
101+sound of death

Cause/Remove Fear: A caprine with a resonance score of 11 or more can play a tune that inspires courage or terror in all creatures within 40 feet of the caprine. A "terror" tune affects enemies who hear it like a cause fear spell, while a "courage" tune affects allies who hear it like a remove fear spell. Note that creatures with 6 or more HD are immune to the cause fear spell. Treat this power as if it were a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to the caprine's Hit Dice and a Will save DC equal to 11 plus the caprine's Charisma modifier. The fear or courage effect lasts for 1 round per HD of the caprine. This is a mind-affecting sonic fear ability.

Fascinate: A caprine with a resonance score of 11 or more can enrapture creatures by playing a musical instrument. The music affects all non-allies within 40 feet. Affected creatures must see and hear the caprine play and be able to pay attention to the performance. The caprine must also be able to see the creature. Distractions such as combat or other dangers prevent the ability working. Affected creatures must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + ½ caprine's HD + caprine's Cha modifier) or be fascinated for as long as the caprine continues to play and concentrate, up to a maximum of 1 round per Hit Dice of the caprine. Any potential threat allows affected creatures a new saving throw. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. This is a mind-affecting sonic enchantment (compulsion) ability.

Covet: A caprine with a resonance score of 71 or more can use alluring music to give all creatures within 40 feet (except the caprine itself) an irrational desire for something or someone within 10 feet of the caprine. The creatures must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + ½ caprine's HD + caprine's Cha modifier) or begin coveting the object or creature indicated by the caprine. The effect lasts for 1 hour per Hit Dice of the caprine. Affected creatures may make additional Will saves (same DC) to shake off the effects every hour or if they are endangered by the resonance effect (with a +5 bonus on their save if whatever they covet threatens them). If they fail this save, an affected creature cannot initiate attacks against a coveted creature but may defend themselves from it.

How affected creatures act on the desires raised by covet depends on their alignment and personality: an evil being may want to molest or control the coveted target, while a good creature may try to woo or protect it. Coveting creatures will compete with each other to possess the target but will not act against their basic nature. Thus, close friends or good-natured allies will use persuasion, bribes, tricks or non-lethal force rather than try to kill or cripple their rivals. This is a mind-affecting sonic compulsion ability.

Damper: A caprine with a resonance score of 6 or more can use music to counter magical effects that depend on sound. This works like a bard's countersong ability except the caprine must use a musical instrument for the Perform check. Damper is a sonic ability.

Ferocity: A caprine with a resonance score of 1 or more can play a musical instrument and inspire ferocity in its allies (not including itself), improving their combat abilities. The caprine must concentrate the first round they use this ability but does not need to maintain concentration to continue playing on subsequent rounds. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the caprine's ferocious tune. Affected allies receive a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the caprine's music. Ferocity is a mind-affecting sonic ability.

Killer Cheese: A caprine with a resonance score of 41 or more can play music so sour it can turn an open container of milk into cheese, creating up to 1 pound of cheese per Hit Dice of the caprine. The caprine needs a vat or bucket plus a gallon of milk per pound of cheese. After 1d4+1 rounds the cheese begins emitting concentrated fumes that smell so pungent the cheese can easily be smelled from a mile away, in indoors areas such as a dungeon the odor can be smelled from 200 feet away. Creatures with the scent ability can detect the cheese from even greater distances.

The cheese and its fumes are explosively inflammable. If an open flame comes within 10 to 20 feet of the cheese vat (roll 2d6+8 ft. per round) it ignites the concentrated fumes and the entire vat explodes, causing 1d6 damage per HD of the caprine up to a maximum equal to the pounds of cheese created or 20d6, whichever is lower; this damage is half fire and half bludgeoning because it combines intense heat and concussive force. The explosion covers a burst with a radius of 5 ft. for a 1d6 damage explosion; 10 ft. for 2d6 to 4d6; 20 ft. for 5d6 to 10d6; 30 ft. for 11d6 to 15d6 and 40 ft. for 16d6 to 20d6. Even bigger bursts can be created by combining multiple batches of non-fuming killer cheese, as detailed below. The maximum damage of killer cheese is 20d6.

After an hour the cheese vat stops its intense fuming and becomes less explosive. This also happens if the cheese is cut up into chunks, normally creamy morsels that weigh one pound each. This low-explosive form of the cheese only explodes if it makes contact with fire. The damage it does varies depending on how many pounds of cheese are exploded (see below and the Creamy Explosions Table). It does not matter what vat the killer cheese came from, creamy morsels created by different caprine can be piled together to produce a larger explosion. Killer cheese morsels remain explosive for 2 days. Its explosive properties are a spell-like ability so can be removed by dispel magic and suppressed by antimagic.

A single morsel of cheese explodes for 1d3 damage; 2 to 20 morsels of cheese explode for 1d6 damage per 2 morsel of cheese (up to 10d6 damage at 20 pounds/morsels); after which the explosion increases by 1d6 damage per 10 additional morsels up to 16d6 damage at 80 pounds; after which the explosion increases to 17d6 at 100 pounds, 18d6 at 125 pounds, 19d6 at 160 pounds and finally the maximum damage of 20d6 at 200 morsels or more. Once the maximum damage is achieved, additional cheesy morsels can increase the radius of the explosion but not the damage; multiplying the number of cheesy morsels by X squared multiplies the burst radius by X.

Creamy Explosion Table
Creamy MorselsDamage (Half Fire / Half Bludgeoning)Burst Radius
1 pound1d35 ft. radius
2-3 pounds1d65 ft. radius
4-5 pounds2d610 ft. radius
6-7 pounds3d610 ft. radius
8-9 pounds4d610 ft. radius
10-11 pounds5d620 ft. radius
12-13 pounds6d620 ft. radius
14-15 pounds7d620 ft. radius
16-17 pounds8d620 ft. radius
18-19 pounds9d620 ft. radius
20-29 pounds10d620 ft. radius
30-39 pounds11d630 ft. radius
40-49 pounds12d630 ft. radius
50-59 pounds13d630 ft. radius
60-69 pounds14d630 ft. radius
70-79 pounds15d630 ft. radius
80-99 pounds16d640 ft. radius
100-124 pounds17d640 ft. radius
125-159 pounds18d640 ft. radius
160-199 pounds19d640 ft. radius
200+ pounds20d640 ft. radius
300+ pounds20d650 ft. radius
450+ pounds20d660 ft. radius
800+ pounds20d680 ft. radius
1,000+ pounds20d690 ft. radius
1,250+ pounds20d6100 ft. radius
1,600+ pounds20d6120 ft. radius
2,000+ pounds20d6125 ft. radius
2,500+ pounds20d6140 ft. radius
3,200+ pounds20d6160 ft. radius
4,000+ pounds20d6180 ft. radius
5,000+ pounds20d6200 ft. radius
8,000+ pounds20d6250 ft. radius
×4 weight20d6×2 radius

Killer cheese is outstandingly delicious and remains edible for one to two weeks (1d8+6 days). Natural and magical preservatives can be used to extend this period of edibility, but no preservation technique can extend the time that killer cheese remains explosive. Dispelling the cheese's explosive spell-like properties does not affect its flavor, scent or nutritional qualities.

Empowerment: A caprine can use empower damage on a killer cheese explosion if they made all the exploding cheese themselves, a creamy explosion that uses creamy morsels made by more than one caprine cannot have its damage empowered. A caprine who uses empower spell magnitude on their killer cheese creates one additional pound of cheese for every 2 empowerment points it expends (maximum bonus +5 pounds of cheese). This does not increase the cheese vat's fuming explosion damage which is based on the caprine's Hit Dice.

Creating killer cheese is a sonic ability.

March to War: A caprine with a resonance score of 71 or more can play a tune on a musical instrument that partially shifts creatures into the Ethereal Plane. The tune shifts the caprine plus up to 4 Hit Dice worth of creatures per HD of the caprine who are within 40 feet of the goatkin. The caprine chooses what order the tune shifts creatures in, an unwilling target is allowed a Will save (DC 10 + ½ caprine's HD + caprine's Cha modifier) to avoid shifting. A marching creature is incorporeal and invisible to creatures on the Prime Material Plane, fully material and visible to creatures on the Ethereal Plane, and moves at five times its normal land speed (i.e. 15 miles per hour for a 30 ft. speed). Other forms of movement, such as flight, are not increased by March to War.

This resonance power lasts for as long as the caprine continues to play. If a creature ever moves more than 40 ft. from the caprine, its marching effect immediately ends and the creature becomes visible and corporeal. Effects that interfere with interdimensional travel, such as the dimensional lock spell, will interfere with March to War.

Empowerment: A caprine can use empower spell magnitude on March to War. For every 2 empowerment points it expends it can affect one additional creature of any Hit Dice.

Mask: A caprine with a resonance score of 21 or more can use resonance to make themselves—including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment—appear to be a human, elf or half-elf. The caprine can seem 1 foot shorter or taller, thin, fat, or in between. They cannot impersonate an existing individual, but each mask they apply can appear to be a different person or recreate an appearance they've already used. The caprine's abilities do not change. If they use this spell to create a disguise, the caprine gets a +10 bonus on the Disguise check. The mask lasts for 1d4+4 hours or until sunrise, whichever happens first. This is a illusion (glamer) ability.

Morale: A caprine with a resonance score of 1 or more can play a musical instrument to inspire bravery in its allies (not including itself), improving their morale. The caprine must concentrate the first round they use this ability but does not need to maintain concentration to continue playing on subsequent rounds. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the caprine's courageous tune. Affected allies receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and charm effects. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the caprine's music. Ferocity is a mind-affecting sonic ability.

Sleep: A caprine with a resonance score of 11 or more can play a lullaby that puts up to 2d8 Hit Dice of creatures within 100 feet of the caprine into a magical slumber that lasts for 4d4 minutes. This ability only affects creatures with 4 or less Hit Dice, those with 5 or more HD are immune to the lullaby. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first. Among creatures with equal HD, those closest to the caprine are affected first. Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. Unconscious creatures and those who do not sleep (such as undead or constructs) are not targeted. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). This is a mind-affecting sonic compulsion ability. It can not be empowered.

Sound of Death: A caprine with a resonance score of 101 or more can play a terrible cacophany on a musical instrument that lasts 10 rounds. This heart-wrenching sound starts harmful vibrations in any living creature who hears the tune and is within 40 feet of the caprine when it starts to play. Starting sound of death is a standard action that requires concentration. The caprine must sing or play a musical instrument each round they maintain the sound, this is a free action that doesn't require concentration.

The caprine can tune sound of death so it affects or spares particular creatures, specifying what individuals, races or species the sound harms or does not harm. At the end of each round, the caprine takes 1d8 hit points of damage, and all creatures affected by the sound's initial vibrations that are within earshot of the tune (a 300 ft. spread) take 2d8 damage. However, this damage cannot reduce the affected creature below 0 hit points. At the end of the final tenth round, all creatures affected by sound of death (apart from the caprine) will automatically die (no save) if they are at 0 or negative hit points, or die if they fail a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 plus half the caprine's HD plus its Charisma modifier) if they have positive hit points.

If the caprine is forced to stop playing the sound of death before the tune finished on the 10th round, the caprine takes 1d3 Constitution drain damage with no saving throw.

A bard can use countersong against sound of death. Each round of the countersong, he makes a Perform check. If the result matches or exceeds a Perform check by the caprine (part of the free action to maintain sound of death) then any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) automatically succeeds on their Fort save against the sound of death. If the bard performs countersong on the final round, a victim with 0 or negative hit points is allowed a Fortitude saving throw (DC as above). If this save succeeds, the victim escapes automatic death and becomes stable at –5 to –9 hit points (d4+5) or their current hit points, whichever is lower.

Sound of Death is a sonic death effect.

Summon Sylvan Folk: A caprine with a resonance score of 21 or more can summon fey or woodland beings to its aid. Unless otherwise stated, this power works like a summon nature's ally spell. This power cannot summon entities tied to a specific area or object such as dryads or shargugh. The number and power of the sylvan folk is limited by the caprine's Hit Dice as follows:

Sylvan Summons Level Table
Caprine Hit DiceMaximum Summoning*
1–2summon sylvan folk I
3–4summon sylvan folk II
5–6summon sylvan folk III
7–8summon sylvan folk IV
9–10summon sylvan folk V
11–12summon sylvan folk VI
13–14summon sylvan folk VII
15–16summon sylvan folk VIII
17 or highersummon sylvan folk IX
*Caprines can also summon sylvan aid of any level lower than this maximum down to summon sylvan folk I.

A caprine can summon a uniform group of the same creature or a mixed group of two different creatures.

When summoning a uniform group, a caprine can summon any selection from the following table (down to a minimum of rank I creatures):

Sylvan Summons Table for Uniform Group
1 creatures of summons level rank
1d3 creatures of summons level rank–1
1d4+1 creatures of summons level rank–2
2d4+2 creatures of summons level rank–3
4d6 creatures of summons level rank–4
6d6 creatures of summons level rank–5
8d6 creatures of summons level rank–6
10d6 creatures of summons level rank–7
12d6 creatures of summons level rank–8

When summoning a mixed group, a caprine can summon one selection from Column A plus one selection from Column B of the following table:

Sylvan Summons Table for Mixed Group
Column AColumn B
1 creature of summons level rank–1
1d4+1 creatures of summons level rank–3
2d6 creatures of summons level rank–4
3d6 creatures of summons level rank–5
4d6 creatures of summons level rank–6
5d6 creatures of summons level rank–7
6d6 creatures of summons level rank–8
1d3 creatures of summons level rank–2
1d4+1 creatures of summons level rank–3
2d6 creatures of summons level rank–4
3d6 creatures of summons level rank–5
4d6 creatures of summons level rank–6
5d6 creatures of summons level rank–7
6d6 creatures of summons level rank–8

The following table groups representative sylvan creatures by their summoning rank. Additional creatures can be added at the DM's discretion:

Table of Sylvan Creatures by Summoning Rank
Rank 1 Summons: Flitterling [LG], Haudhla, Oh-do-wa (jogah) [LN], Sidhe
Rank 2 Summons: Bogeyman [CE], Boggie [any non-Good], Bramble [NE], Kitsune Kasumi, Kruel [CN, CE], Gremlin (sprite)[any Chaotic]
Rank 3 Summons: Centaur [NG], Faerie Changeling [any non-Evil], Satyr [CN; without pipes]
Rank 4 Summons: Batibat [CN, no talisman], Callicantzaros [NE], Gahonga [CN], Grain Nymph, Giant Owl [NG]
Rank 5 Summons: Chevall [NG], Nixie (sprite) [Aquatic], Satyr [CN; with pipes], Shatjan [LN], Stone Maiden [NG], Unicorn [CG]
Rank 6 Summons: Agta [CN], Manggus [CE], Nereid [CN], Pixie (sprite) [NG; no special arrows], Sakina [CG]
Rank 7 Summons: Baobhan Sith [CE], Pixie (sprite) [NG; with sleep arrows], Korred [CN], Thunder Child [NE], Treant [NG]
Rank 8 Summons: Actaeon, Ga-hon-ga (jogah) [CG], Phouka (includes lach púca) [CN], Quickling [CE]
Rank 9 Summons: Great Callicantzaros [NE], Grig (sprite) [NG; with fiddle], Leprechaun, Pixie (sprite) [NG; with sleep & memory loss arrows and can cast irresistible dance], Unicorn Celestial Charger [CG]

Taunt: All enemies within 40 feet of the caprine must succeed on a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ caprine's HD + caprine's Cha modifier) or become enraged. This is a sonic mind-affecting charm effect. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same caprine’s taunt for 24 hours. Enraged victims charge to attack the caprine in an attempt to interrupt its offensive music, taking the most direct route available. Taunted creatures can attack creatures or obstacles that obstruct their approach to the caprine. The taunt effect is automatically broken if another creature injures the victim or if the path to the caprine leads into a dangerous area (flames, off a cliff, or the like). A bard’s countersong ability allows a taunted victim to attempt a new Will save. The effect continues for as long as the caprine sings and maintains concentration, affecting new enemies who enter the taunt's area of effect. Taunt is a mind-affecting sonic compulsion ability.

Vitalize: A caprine with a resonance score of 41 or more can play music that fills living creatures (including the caprine itself) with energy and health. The caprine can play this vitalizing tune for up to 1 round per Hit Dice. Each round it makes a Perform check with a DC of 15 plus +1 per previous check. If it succeeds, it can vitalize a single creature within 40 feet and continue playing; if it fails the Perform check the vitalizing tune ends. The target creature can choose to make a Will save (DC 10 plus 1/2 caprine's HD plus caprine's Cha modifier) against the tune, if they succeed they are not vitalized and cannot be targeted again by that vitalizing tune.

While the caprine plays a vitalizing tune, creatures vitalized by it are so full of uninhibited vigor they have difficulty doing anything requiring calm or concentration. They can perform energetic actions such as fighting, dancing or carousing normally, but must succeed at a DC 10 Concentration check to perform actions that require stillness or focus, including spellcasting, Intelligence-based skill checks and Hide, Move Silently or Open Locks checks. Once the vitalizing tune ends, affected creatures can act normally but remain vitalized for 1 hour per HD of the caprine (maximum 24 hours).

Being vitalized immediately removes the fatigue and exhaustion conditions. For each 4 hour period that passes, a vitalized creature recovers 1 hit point per character level and 1 point of ability score damage, just as if they healed naturally for a day. Unlike normal magical healing, vitalize can cure nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst. In addition, a vitalized creature becomes temporarily immune to disease and poison. However, any poison or disease in the creature's system or that it is exposed to during the period of vitality will affect them once the duration has expired (as per delay poison).
Skills: A caprine has a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A caprine who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.

Caprines As Characters
Caprine characters possess the following racial traits.
  • +2 Constitution, –2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
  • Size Medium.
  • A caprine's base land speed is 30 ft.
  • Racial Hit Dice: A caprine begins with three levels of outsider, which provide 3d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +3, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +3, and Will +3.
  • Racial Skills: A caprine's outsider levels give it skill points equal to 6 × (8 + Int modifier). Its class skills are Concentration, Know (nature), Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Search, Spot, Tumbling.
  • Racial Feats: A caprine's outsider levels give it two feats.
  • Special Attacks: Discerp, empowerment, goat magic, resonance.
  • Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, elven traits.
  • Automatic Languages: Goatspeech and Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Halfling, Orc.
  • Favored Class: Bard.
  • Level Adjustment: +3.
Originally appeared in Goatmen of Kavaja (Bruce Heard, 2012).
(sourced from

Published with permission from Bruce Heard.

Skill Ranks: Balance 0 ranks +0 Dex +2 synergy –3 armour, Concentration 4 ranks +1 Con, Jump 0 ranks +0 Str +2 synergy –3 armour, Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks +0 Int, Hide 6 ranks +0 Dex –3 armour, Listen 6 ranks –1 Wis +2 racial, Move Silently 6 ranks +0 Dex –3 armour, Perform (one type of instruments)* 6 ranks +1 Cha +3 feat, Search 0 ranks +0 Int +2 racial, Spot 6 ranks –1 Wis +2 racial, Survival 4 ranks –1 Wis, Tumbling 5 ranks +0 Dex –3 armour
Skills: Balance –1*, Concentration +5, Jump –1*, Knowledge (nature) +5, Hide +3*, Listen +7, Move Silently +3*, Perform [one type of instruments] +10, Search +2, Spot +7, Survival +3 (+5 aboveground),Tumbling +2*
* includes –3 armor check penalty [–2 chain shirt, –1 light wooden shield]
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This doesn't look as trick as the previous conversion, since we've only got the Resonance ability to sort out. I've got a few ideas for a first draft of that, but it's too late to type them up today.

Well I'm at a loose end today so might as well whip up said first draft:

Resonance (Su): A caprine can create a form of ethereal energy called harmonic resonance from the joyful and pleasurable sensations of living sentient creatures. It can then expend this resonance to create a wide range of supernatural effects.

A caprine can spend empowerment points to enhance some of its resonance abilities. Details are given in the individual ability descriptions.

Resonance is measures in notes. The maximum number of resonance notes a caprine can sustain at any one time is equal to 5 times its hit dice plus either its Charisma or Constitution score (whichever is higher).

Since resonance notes are harmonics in the ether, caprine can only use resonance on Planes that overlap the Ethereal Plane or when they're in the Ethereal Plane. If they travel to a plane that is not contiguous to the Ethereal Plane they are unable to use any of the resonance abilities described below, although they do not lose any harmonic resonance notes they have already accumulated.

Striking a Resonance: There are six methods by which a caprine can produce resonance. A caprine can attempt each method only once per day. Resonance notes are cumulative, but caprine can only accumulate one day's worth of resonance at a time. If it has accumulated notes from a previous day's resonance, it loses all those notes as soon as it starts striking resonance. Its resonance score becomes the total number of resonance notes it strikes over the new day even if this is a lot less than it previously held.

[Here's an alternative version where it keeps whichever is best, based on the assumption it can spend notes to use its abilities:

Striking a Resonance:
There are six methods by which a caprine can produce resonance. A caprine can attempt each method only once per day. Resonance notes are cumulative, but caprine can only accumulate one day's worth of resonance at a time. To increase its accumulated resonance a caprine needs to amass more resonance notes over a day than it is currently holding. For example, if a caprine accumulates a total of 17 notes over a day it can only increase its number of notes by accumulating 18 or more notes on a subsequent day or by spending some of those 17 notes. i.e. if it spends 6 notes to reduce its holding to 11 it can increase its number of notes by accumulating 12 or more notes over a day.

The six methods by which a caprine can create harmonic resonance notes are as follow:

Cavorting: X

Dancing: X Dexterity check or Perform check?

Imbibing: X Constitution check?

Performing: X Charisma check or Perform check?

Reveling: X multiple ability checks or Perform check?

Consorting: X Charisma check?

Expending Resonance:
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Extradimensional Explorer
Hmmm, before we start with the resonance (that is going to be tricky...), I just realized something. In the original text, both ovinaurs and caprines "have access to second level Goat Magic cast at half their experience level (rounded down)." Shouldn't that mean that they just get through protection from evil and not empowerment or discerp (comparing to the original goatling)?

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