Converting "Real World" Animals and Vermin

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Extradimensional Explorer
30 ft, max Listen, and probably Skill Focus (Listen). They've already got a good racial bonus on Jump.

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Monster Junkie
Some more interesting stuff from Wikipedia:

"Kangaroos and wallabies are adept swimmers, and often flee into waterways if presented with the option. If pursued into the water, a large kangaroo may use its forepaws to hold the predator underwater so as to drown it.[19] Another defensive tactic described by witnesses is catching the attacking dog with the forepaws and disembowelling it with the hind legs."

Racial bonus on Swim speeds as well?

"Kangaroos are shy and retiring by nature, and in normal circumstances present no threat to humans. Male kangaroos often "box" amongst each other, playfully, for dominance, or in competition for mates. The dexterity of their forepaws is utilised in both punching and grappling with the foe, but the real danger lies in a serious kick with the hindleg. The sharpened toenails can disembowel an opponent."

Racial bonus on grapple checks?

A weak rake attack?


Extradimensional Explorer
I'd go with a bonus on Swim checks, but not a swim speed. Maybe +8?

Maybe a small racial bonus on grappling, about +4. How about rake damage equal to the slam damage?


Monster Junkie

I currently gave it rake damage equal to a leopard, as I can't really see a kangaroo having a more deadly rake than a similarly-sized great cat. Sound OK?


Extradimensional Explorer
Didn't realize the leopard rake was so low. Sounds good to me.

From Wikipedia, "The collective noun for kangaroos is a mob, troop, or court." How about court? That's a nice one for the group organization, I think.

CR 1?


Monster Junkie
Sure. This isn't a conversion, per se, since there are no original stats to convert, but we can easily downsize a kangaroo and include the stat block in the CC.

Any suggested changes other than the usual changes associated with downsizing a critter?


Extradimensional Explorer
Reduce to 1HD at the same time, I guess. The rake damage will be pretty small; do you still want to keep rake?


Monster Junkie
Not much on them at Wikipedia, but this page has some information:

"To defend itself, a buck attacks with his forepaws, scratching with his razor-sharp claws while keeping his head back to avoid damage to the eyes. It can also bite as well as lean its whole body back on its heavy tail and use its rear feet to kick. Normally, however, they try to run away rather than fight."

"A group of wallabies is called a mob"

"Grown wallabies reach 2 1/2 feet tall and weigh 30 pounds. This is a good pet size, and they will not outgrow their environment. The expected life span for a wallaby is about the same as a small dog (12-15 years). They will stay docile throughout their life span."

"Wallabies stay docile through life with the bottle fed Bennett joeys making the best pets. With a typical life span of 12-15 years there are plenty of years to enjoy them as your pet. They are curious and cunning with a personality and a temperament of a deer. They groom their entire body daily, combing the hair with their claws and teeth and even washing their faces and behind their ears like a cat. There is absolutely no smell to a wallaby at any stage of life."

"The joeys box and wrestle each other when young but as they start to mature the females act like young ladies and the males like typical boys. The males spar or box each other daily throughout life as a form of recreation. During breeding season the boxing becomes the manner of establishing dominance that is challenged constantly by other rival males."

"...a wallaroo is any of a few species somewhat intermediate in size between a wallaby and a kangaroo."

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