Converting "Real World" Animals and Vermin

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Here you go:

Spiny anteater (echidna): An egg-laying mammal that burrows under the ground, this nocturnal anteater uses its long, sticky tongue to catch insects. Beware of its giant cousin: AC 5, HD 9* (L), MV 90' (30') or 60' (30') when burrowing, AT 1 tongue, D 3d6/rd, NA 1-2 (0), Save F5, ML 8, TT Nil, Int 2, AL N, XP 1,600. The giant echidna lashes at its prey with its sticky tongue, sweeping a cone-shaped area equivalent to a standard dragon's breath. All small or medium-sized creatures within this area must save vs. dragon breath or be stuck on the tongue. The giant echidna then pulls its victims into its mouth, causing 3d6 points of damage per round to each of them. At the end of each round, victims can pull free if they succeed a Strength check.

From "Voyage of the Princess Ark", Dragon #186.


Extradimensional Explorer
Just had to mention that I ran across a mention of the gulper eel (vurgens) in a Smithsonian magazine tonight. :)

Anyone else want to work on the giant echidna? I kind of left it because Shade was on vacation, but I'm just as happy to do this next in this thread...


Inventor of Super-Toast
Giant echidna sounds sweet. How do we want to handle the cone of tongue? Sounds like the adhesive/drag combo of mimics/ropers would be applicable... but then it's a cone. Weird. May have to be toned down some.

Demiurge out.


Extradimensional Explorer
Rather than a cone, we could do a down-sized version of a dragon's tail sweep. Probably shouldn't do much (any damage), but the adhesive effect from a roper sounds about right.

So Shade, what do you think, can we add this one to the list?


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
Rather than a cone, we could do a down-sized version of a dragon's tail sweep. Probably shouldn't do much (any damage), but the adhesive effect from a roper sounds about right.

So Shade, what do you think, can we add this one to the list?

Good idea...and yes! :D


Extradimensional Explorer
Oh, good, so we'll do the large version, I guess. Any good ideas of animals to compare that to for stats?


Monster Junkie
Glyptodon, perhaps?

L, Str 20, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7

Quillflinger, M, Str 15, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10

We could also upsize the following:
Hedgehog/Platypus, D, Str 3, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 5


Extradimensional Explorer
Advancing the quillflinger gives Str 23, Dex 14, Con 18; advancing the hedgehog/platypus gives Str 21, Dex 4, Con 16. How about we go with Str 20, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 8?

Why on earth is the platypus supposed to be that intelligent? :confused:

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