Converting True Dragons


Extradimensional Explorer
It seems to work best when we do the divine spells first. One question, are we letting Opal cast cure or inflict (or neither) spells spontaneously? (I assume neither based on the cantrips.)

1st level -- bless, command, cure light wounds, divine favor, doom, faerie fire, inflict light wounds, obscuring mist [D], shield of faith

As usual, I'm open to other suggestions.

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It seems to work best when we do the divine spells first.

Works for me.

One question, are we letting Opal cast cure or inflict (or neither) spells spontaneously? (I assume neither based on the cantrips.)

I'd say no, since monsters with clerical spellcasting don't normally get spontaneous casting.

1st level -- bless, command, cure light wounds, divine favor, doom, faerie fire, inflict light wounds, obscuring mist [D], shield of faith

As usual, I'm open to other suggestions.

Let me think about it.

Also, I need to update Opal's Domain Spell Options before getting too carried away.


Any other thoughts about 1st level spells before we move to 2nd level?

Hmm, well obscuring mist isn't a very interesting Domain pick.

I'd go for a different one. preferably one that's not on the normal Cleric List.

So maybe detect secret doors, longstrider or magic aura?

Also don't forget we can pick Druid Spells as Cleric Spells, so we should consider whether there are any juicy Druid Spells to add.

Currently he only has faerie fire, but I can see goodberry, hold animals or speak with animals being useful. We could swap, say, doom for one of those.

Thinking it over, Opal already has a pile of animal Spell-Like Abilities so it might be more appropriate adding speak with animals an At-Will SLA and maybe giving him goodberry as the doom swap.

What do you think?


Extradimensional Explorer
So that would leave us with
1st level -- bless, command, cure light wounds, divine favor, faerie fire, goodberry, inflict light wounds, magic aura [D], shield of faith
plus speak with animals as an SLA. Sounds fine to me.

A proposal:
2nd level -- aid, death knell, detect thoughts [D], enthrall, gust of wind, heat metal, lesser restoration, make whole, silence


So that would leave us with
1st level -- bless, command, cure light wounds, divine favor, faerie fire, goodberry, inflict light wounds, magic aura [D], shield of faith
plus speak with animals as an SLA. Sounds fine to me.

Works for me.

Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft.

A proposal:
2nd level -- aid, death knell, detect thoughts [D], enthrall, gust of wind, heat metal, lesser restoration, make whole, silence

Don't care for make whole as that's not terribly functional. Would prefer barkskin or invisibility over that.

The death knell is also a bit situational so would be OK swapping that for something else if there's another 2nd-level spell you fancy.


Extradimensional Explorer
Well, what about
2nd level -- aid, barkskin, detect thoughts [D], enthrall, gust of wind, heat metal, invisibility, lesser restoration, silence
Next proposal:
3rd level -- bestow curse, blacklight [D], cure serious wounds, daylight, invisibility purge, protection from energy, stone shape, wind wall
As usual, I don't mind changing some of these.


Well, what about
2nd level -- aid, barkskin, detect thoughts [D], enthrall, gust of wind, heat metal, invisibility, lesser restoration, silence

That's fine.

Will update the working draft due course.

Next proposal:
3rd level -- bestow curse, blacklight [D], cure serious wounds, daylight, invisibility purge, protection from energy, stone shape, wind wall
As usual, I don't mind changing some of these.

Hmm, while it's a VERY good spell for the level, it seems a bit odd for the Sun Dragon to pick blacklight as his domain spell. The Sun domain spell of that level is searing light, which is more thematically appropriate but unfortunately does too little damage to be much use to Opal.

Heck it, leave the blacklight in. It's just too nice not to use.

Opal can pick dominate animal, greater magic fang, neutralize poison and poison as he has full access to druid spells. Those are good picks.

Not sure why he'd get protection from energy as Opal's already immune to acid, cold, electricity, fire and sonic so it's useless to him. Maybe he likes to protect an ally with it?

Similarly, he can naturally See Invisibility with a 1,600 foot range, so invisibility purge is only useful for aiding companions.

Going for druid spells seems a better option.


Extradimensional Explorer
Opal might be the Sun Dragon, but he has the Darkness domain! Besides, he's Mr Neutral, so he has to balance some of the light stuff. :p

How about replacing protection from energy with dominate animal and invisibility purge with greater magic fang?

Voidrunner's Codex

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