Converting True Dragons

Oof, I missed the extra bonus spell from the higher Wis. I like refuge for this.

Works for me.

At 8th level, Opal and Pearl have the same number again!
Pearl has
8th—dimensional lock, earthquake, fire storm, greater planar ally, greater spell immunity, polymorph any objectᴰ;

What about earthquake for the domain spell and substituting reverse gravity as one of the "regular" 8th level spells from the druid list. Anything else you'd want to switch?

Eh? But earthquake isn't a domain option.

How about cutting fire storm and having demand be the domain spell, which'd make it:

8th—dimensional lock, demandᴰ, earthquake, greater planar ally, greater spell immunity, polymorph any object;​

If you still fancy reverse gravity we can swap another standard spell. Maybe earthquake or greater planar ally?

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Darn it, I had a draft saved, but it's not showing up!

Anyway, reverse gravity would give some nice variety. Let's drop greater planar ally I guess. I mean, it seems likely that Opal will have some very big dragons around as allies already.

9th level is 5+1. Pearl has
9th—implosion, mass heal, miracle (×2), soul bind, time stopᴰ.
That's actually ok with me, though how about swapping storm of vengeance for either implosion or soul bind. It's both cleric and druid, so it fits nicely that way.

Darn it, I had a draft saved, but it's not showing up!

Anyway, reverse gravity would give some nice variety. Let's drop greater planar ally I guess. I mean, it seems likely that Opal will have some very big dragons around as allies already.

So this:

8th—dimensional lock, demandᴰ, earthquake, greater spell immunity, polymorph any object, reverse gravity;

Works for me.

Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft.

I'd forgotten to add the 6th and 7th-level cleric spells spells we'd agreed, so did those at the same time.

9th level is 5+1. Pearl has
9th—implosion, mass heal, miracle (×2), soul bind, time stopᴰ.
That's actually ok with me, though how about swapping storm of vengeance for either implosion or soul bind. It's both cleric and druid, so it fits nicely that way.

Well I've long considered storm of vengeance as being pretty useless for its spell level.

It doesn't do much damage (15d6 to six targets, or 10d6 if the target saves against lightning, and 5d6 against everything else plus its hindering effect affect you or your allies inside the storm as much as your enemies.

Also, it requires Concentration so you can't do anything else while it's storming.

Still, if you want it I guess we can throw it in.

However, I'd rather swap one of the miracle twins instead of implosion or soul bind considering how effective those two spells are.

Which'd be:

9th—implosion, mass heal, miracle, soul bind, storm of vengeance, time stopᴰ.​

We could swap out any of the other spells, including time stop, since storm of vengeance is on Opal's domain list.

There should be an apathy spell! Umm, let's go with antipathy, just because.
Cleric spells set then? Ready for Sorcerer spells?

There should be an apathy spell!

I guess nobody could be bothered to create one.

Umm, let's go with antipathy, just because.

Works for me.

Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft.

Cleric spells set then? Ready for Sorcerer spells?


We've already done the cantrips, so next is 1st-level Sorcerer Spells Known.

Pearl had mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, shield, true strike, unseen servant, which are a pretty decent selection.

Guess we should swap one or two for something else just for the sake of variety. Maybe exchange floating disc or magic aura for unseen servant? All of the other spells are fairly high-utility.

I guess nobody could be bothered to create one.

Pearl had mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, shield, true strike, unseen servant, which are a pretty decent selection.

Guess we should swap one or two for something else just for the sake of variety. Maybe exchange floating disc or magic aura for unseen servant? All of the other spells are fairly high-utility.
Let's go with floating disc. We don't use that one very much.

Next, Pearl has
2nd—blindness/deafness, cat's grace, detect thoughts, hideous laughter, mirror image;

Maybe swap cat's grace out for another ability booster? Detect thoughts is also redundant due to an at will SLA. And hideous laughter is 3/day. Thoughts on replacements? Want to go with a druid spell for one of them?

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