Converting True Dragons

I can go with that, ie, change mirage arcana to true seeing and replace true seeing with mark of justice in the Cleric Spells list.

Next up, Pearl has
6th—antimagic field, heal, veil;
I don't mind those, but maybe we should swap one out. What about disintegrate for veil?

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I can go with that, ie, change mirage arcana to true seeing and replace true seeing with mark of justice in the Cleric Spells list.

Next up, Pearl has
6th—antimagic field, heal, veil;
I don't mind those, but maybe we should swap one out. What about disintegrate for veil?

I prefer Pearl's spell selection to swapping out veil.

Sure, let's keep that. Moving on, Pearl has
8th—greater shadow evocation, mass charm monster, mind blank;
I don't see any overlap with divine spells or SLAs, so those would be ok for me. It's not that I wouldn't swap anything out, but I'm not sure of anything particularly thematic that I'd prefer. I guess we could do something like repel metal and stone or whirlwind if we'd like to work in something druidic, but I'm not sure what I'd replace.

Sure, let's keep that.

Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft.

Moving on, Pearl has
8th—greater shadow evocation, mass charm monster, mind blank;
I don't see any overlap with divine spells or SLAs, so those would be ok for me.

Hang about, eighth level?

You've skipped the seventh level spells.

It's not that I wouldn't swap anything out, but I'm not sure of anything particularly thematic that I'd prefer. I guess we could do something like repel metal and stone or whirlwind if we'd like to work in something druidic, but I'm not sure what I'd replace.

Either of those two are worthy spells, but I don't think they're worth a Sorcerer slot. It's unlikely Opal will need to use them multiple times. We can always swap an 8th-level Cleric spell for one of them (whirlwind?) if we think it worth doing.

Come to think of it, did we consider whether there were any 6th-level Druid spells worth swapping for veil?

I can see uses for antilife shell although the area is a bit of an issue since Opal in his true form wouldn't be able to fit inside a 10-foot radius.

…scrub that, we've already got antilife shell in his Cleric spells prepared.

I guess I'm just eager to move on! :p

Anyway, sounds like we can keep level 8 spells as-is.

Back to 7th level, Pearl has
7th—insanity, limited wish, prismatic spray;
I don't see any overlap with SLAs or cleric spells. I like limited wish, but the other two feel too chaotic to me. What about spell turning and fire storm?

I guess I'm just eager to move on! :p


Anyway, sounds like we can keep level 8 spells as-is.


Back to 7th level, Pearl has
7th—insanity, limited wish, prismatic spray;
I don't see any overlap with SLAs or cleric spells. I like limited wish, but the other two feel too chaotic to me. What about spell turning and fire storm?

While spell turning is a good pick I'm not fond of fire storm. How about forcecage instead?

Sure, forcecage is good.

And at 9th level (at last), Pearl has
9th—shades, shapechange, weird.
How about switching out weird for time stop and possibly shades for foresight?

Works for me!

The original stats have the same movement speeds and types as Pearl. Shall we just use the same as what we have for Pearl then?

Works for me!


The original stats have the same movement speeds and types as Pearl. Shall we just use the same as what we have for Pearl then?


I think with Pearl we combined the speeds of a great wyrm of every Chaotic dragon we were using as reference, but doing the same for Neutral dragons would likely give Opal different speeds and it's more consistent to the original Dragon Rulers to just copy-and-paste the speed.

Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft.

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