Converting True Dragons


Extradimensional Explorer
Total Mystara novice here, and the original thread gives a 404- what's a "true dragon?"
In 3.X D&D and offshoots, it's a dragon with all the usual age categories from wyrmling to great wyrm, like the metallic and chromatic dragons. Opal, the one we're converting now, isn't really a true dragon since he's unique and doesn't have age categories. But he is a deity-like overlord for many of the types of true dragons, which is why we're converting him in this thread.

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Total Mystara novice here, and the original thread gives a 404- what's a "true dragon?"

It's a term for a "proper dragon" that matures through age categories or a Unique dragon with an equivalent level of power, like Bahamut.

For example, a 3E True Dragon hatches out as a Wyrmling and can grow through twelve age categories, with the final one being Great Wyrm.

If you're old school and play a Mystara campaign using the "classic" Basic/Expert/Companion/Master/Immortal rules the standard dragons are ranked by Size Category rather than Age Category, being either Small, Large and Huge. In BECMI, a Large Dragon has pretty much 150% the Hit Dice of a Small Dragon, while a Huge Dragon has 200% the HD. The attacks and spell use of the BECMI dragon also get more powerful with Size.

By contrast, there are draconic monsters like Wyverns and Dracimeras that might technically be a type of dragon, but they aren't True Dragons. Like a chimpanzee is a Hominid but isn't a human.



Let's go with floating disc. We don't use that one very much.

Next, Pearl has
2nd—blindness/deafness, cat's grace, detect thoughts, hideous laughter, mirror image;

Maybe swap cat's grace out for another ability booster? Detect thoughts is also redundant due to an at will SLA. And hideous laughter is 3/day. Thoughts on replacements? Want to go with a druid spell for one of them?

Hmm, eagle's splendor for the ability booster?

I'd say barkskin and lesser restoration have the greatest utility but we've already picked those as cleric spells.

How about giving it one or both of barkskin and lesser restoration as sorcerer spells so Opal can use them multiple times and substituting more "situation" druid spells as Cleric picks since he can only cast those once? Like, say tree shape, soften earth and stone or warp wood.




Extradimensional Explorer
I'd be happy with eagle's splendor. Then I agree with switching both barkskin and lesser restoration to sorc spell casting. Let's replace them in the cleric list with soften earth and stone and warp wood.

OK, next Pearl has
3rd—arcane sight, displacement, haste, major image;
How about replacing one of the illusions with something like deep slumber?


I'd be happy with eagle's splendor. Then I agree with switching both barkskin and lesser restoration to sorc spell casting. Let's replace them in the cleric list with soften earth and stone and warp wood.

Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft.

OK, next Pearl has
3rd—arcane sight, displacement, haste, major image;
How about replacing one of the illusions with something like deep slumber?

There are very few creatures what 10 HD of would pose any real opposition to Opal, so that seems like a waste of a slot.

Maybe go for a druid spell? There aren't that many that would have much point though. I guess he could use neutralize poison or protection from energy on allies, but those effects don't affect him. I guess the ability damage from poison is decent at that level, but it'd have a better DC as a arcane/cleric spell.

Upon reflection, the Cleric Spell options are way better, such as remove curse.


Extradimensional Explorer
We did give Opal bestow curse as a cleric spell, so there is a nice balance to adding remove curse as an arcane spell. So what about
3rd—arcane sight, displacement, haste, remove curse;

Moving on, Pearl has
4th—black tentacles, crushing despair, dimensional anchor, greater invisibility;
We should probably change out black tentacles since Opal has that 3/day as an SLA. What do you think about fire shield?


We did give Opal bestow curse as a cleric spell, so there is a nice balance to adding remove curse as an arcane spell. So what about
3rd—arcane sight, displacement, haste, remove curse;

Works for me.

Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft.

Note we're giving Opal the cleric version of remove curse rather than the sorcerer version (since he can get it a spell level lower using his cleric-as-arcane spell ability).

Should I add a note to that effect?

Moving on, Pearl has
4th—black tentacles, crushing despair, dimensional anchor, greater invisibility;
We should probably change out black tentacles since Opal has that 3/day as an SLA. What do you think about fire shield?

Opal is already immune to cold and fire damage, so fire shield would just give him the ability to deliver a trivial amount of damage.

A status-inflicting attack spell seems more prudent, like confusion. Or how about phantasmal killer or resilient sphere? Or a combat or utility spell if we can think of one worth doing.

Remember something from the druid or cleric list is an option.


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes, I guess some kind of asterisk and footnote on remove curse seems appropriate.

Let's go with resilient sphere. We don't see that one too often.

Pearl has
5th—feeblemind, mind fog, mirage arcana, wall of force;
Any changes to that? At least none of those are in Opal's SLA list. I wouldn't mind swapping in baleful polymorph or insect plague from the druid list. Maybe replace mirage arcana with one of them?


Yes, I guess some kind of asterisk and footnote on remove curse seems appropriate.

Let's go with resilient sphere. We don't see that one too often.


Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft.

Pearl has
5th—feeblemind, mind fog, mirage arcana, wall of force;
Any changes to that? At least none of those are in Opal's SLA list. I wouldn't mind swapping in baleful polymorph or insect plague from the druid list. Maybe replace mirage arcana with one of them?

I'm happy to swap out a spell, but baleful polymorph seems superfluous to a creature with polymorph any object.

How about giving it true seeing instead of mirage arcana and swap the Cleric Spells Prepared's true seeing for death ward or mark of justice?

Voidrunner's Codex

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