Converting True Dragons

Opal might be the Sun Dragon, but he has the Darkness domain! Besides, he's Mr Neutral, so he has to balance some of the light stuff. :p

Maybe it's for when he blinks and becomes the Eclipse Dragon. :p

How about replacing protection from energy with dominate animal and invisibility purge with greater magic fang?

Works for me.

So bestow curse, blacklight [D], cure serious wounds, daylight, dominate animal, greater magic fang, stone shape, wind wall.

Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft.

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Okay, time to consider 4th level divine spells.

Let's see, his domain spells are summon nature's ally IV ¹, heroism, armor of darkness, cure critical wounds, divination, freedom of movement, imbue with spell ability, command plants, fire shield, dimension door, confusion, control water, sleet storm.

The armor of darkness would give a +8 to AC but at Opal's level of play that's less useful than you'd think. The freedom of movement is probably the most useful spell on the list for combat purposes, although confusion is often good for a laugh it's more like something his chaotic Sister Dragon would use.

There isn't that much super useful on the Druid list. There's scrying (which he can get with a lower level slot as a druid spell) and rusting grasp (of limited use as it doesn't affect magic items made of metal).

We gave Pearl 4th—confusion, control water, cure critical wounds, dismissal, divination, freedom of movement, inflict critical wounds, restoration which is a workable basis.

Maybe make freedom of movement the Domain spell and swap the confusion for scrying then think about whether to swap anything else?

Like control water. I'd be game for changing that.

Also, having both divination and scrying seems a little redundant, so is there anything that works better as a 4th level spell?

How about sending and spell immunity?

4th—control water?, cure critical wounds, dismissal, divination?, freedom of movementᴰ, inflict critical wounds, restoration, scrying;


4th—cure critical wounds, dismissal, freedom of movementᴰ, inflict critical wounds, restoration, scrying, sending, spell immunity;

I'd be happy with that, sure!

At 5th level, Pearl has
5th—break enchantment, dispel law, false visionᴰ, greater command, mass cure light wounds, mass inflict light wounds, scrying, true seeing
Let's think about changes to that. Switch the domain spell to call lightning storm perhaps since it's also a Druid spell. Then, since Opal's neutral, we should swap out dispel law. What about mark of justice or commune?

I'd be happy with that, sure!

At 5th level, Pearl has
5th—break enchantment, dispel law, false visionᴰ, greater command, mass cure light wounds, mass inflict light wounds, scrying, true seeing
Let's think about changes to that. Switch the domain spell to call lightning storm perhaps since it's also a Druid spell. Then, since Opal's neutral, we should swap out dispel law. What about mark of justice or commune?

Don't really fancy the greater command so shall we swap that too?

That'd mean we need three new spell picks:

5th—break enchantment, spell, spellᴰ, spell, mass cure light wounds, mass inflict light wounds, scrying, true seeing

I agree that false vision seems the Domain spell to change and call lightning is tempting. That spell only does 5d6 or 5d10 damage, but it doesn't cost Opal any actions to chuck the bolts so she can use it for battlefield control. He could just get that as a regular druid spell though.

A bunch of Pearl's spells are on Opal's domain lists (break enchantment, mass cure light wounds, true seeing and her current false visionᴰ) so we could "domain-ify" one of those instead.

As for the dispel law swap, I like commune with nature over commune (although Opal could pick that as a regular druid spell too).

While mark of justice is tempting it is maybe too situational for a general purpose selection like this one.

Any other druid spells worth swapping in. Perhaps baleful polymorph, stoneskin, tree stride or wall of thorns?

Dang it, I'm not making much progress here.

The issue with the domain spells is that a lot of them are available in another way anyway. So we might as well just pick however we like. After all, these are just "typical spells prepared." Let's do

5th—baleful polymorph, break enchantment, call lightning stormᴰ, commune with nature, mass cure light wounds, mass inflict light wounds, scrying, true seeing

That's got plenty of druid spells.

Next up, Pearl has
6th—antilife shell, blade barrier, forbiddance, heroes' feast, mass eagle's splendor, misleadᴰ, undeath to death;

Opal's domain spell could be the same, actually, but I'd probably prefer to change it for variety. How about heal? Most of these actually seem decent. I think I'd swap out forbiddance, perhaps for something like banishment or geas/quest. Do you have any other thoughts?

The issue with the domain spells is that a lot of them are available in another way anyway. So we might as well just pick however we like. After all, these are just "typical spells prepared." Let's do

5th—baleful polymorph, break enchantment, call lightning stormᴰ, commune with nature, mass cure light wounds, mass inflict light wounds, scrying, true seeing

That's got plenty of druid spells.

Hmm, baleful polymorph might end up a little redundant as we'll likely give Opal polymorph any object later, but what the hell.

Time to move on!

Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft.

Next up, Pearl has
6th—antilife shell, blade barrier, forbiddance, heroes' feast, mass eagle's splendor, misleadᴰ, undeath to death;

Opal's domain spell could be the same, actually, but I'd probably prefer to change it for variety. How about heal? Most of these actually seem decent. I think I'd swap out forbiddance, perhaps for something like banishment or geas/quest. Do you have any other thoughts?

I'd be in favour of giving him heal as a sorcerer spell like we did Pearl, so how about prying eyes for the domain spell?

Let's say banishment instead of forbiddance? That'd be:

6th—antilife shell, banishment, blade barrier, heroes' feast, mass eagle's splendor, prying eyesᴰ, undeath to death;​

I could see swapping mass eagle's splendor for something else, but if we do I think he'll need the en-masse or regular version of eagle's splendor as a sorcerer spell.

Hold on a second!

Opal has detect thoughts as an SLA! There's no point making that his 2nd level clerical domain spell!

We'd better change it to, say, identify.

Better check to make sure there's no more duplicates…

I see dominate animal and commune with nature in the SLAs so we need to replace those spells too.

He's got a greater command SLA so command is redundant.

The enthrall spell is completely redundant to a dragon with Beguiling Words.

Also, I just realized we've given him scrying twice! It's in his 4th level selection as a druid spell!

How about:

1st—command => entropic shield
2nd—detect thoughts => identify
2nd—enthrall => status
3rd—dominate animal => helping hand
5th—commune with nature => righteous might
5th—scrying => geas/quest

I'll go along with all those changes and your suggestions for 6th level spells. All I can say is, whew, I try to check for overlap with SLAs, but there are just so many to keep track of!

We need 6+1 at 7th level. Pearl has
7th—destruction, greater restoration, greater scrying, spell turningᴰ, regenerate, repulsion;

What do you think about using screen as the domain spell, just for something different? I wouldn't mind getting sunbeam from the druid list in place of destruction or repulsion since Opal is the Sun Dragon after all. Any other ideas?

I'll go along with all those changes and your suggestions for 6th level spells. All I can say is, whew, I try to check for overlap with SLAs, but there are just so many to keep track of!

Yeah, it's not the first time this has happened.

Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft.

We need 6+1 at 7th level. Pearl has
7th—destruction, greater restoration, greater scrying, spell turningᴰ, regenerate, repulsion;

What do you think about using screen as the domain spell, just for something different? I wouldn't mind getting sunbeam from the druid list in place of destruction or repulsion since Opal is the Sun Dragon after all. Any other ideas?

So you're talking:

7th—sunbeam, greater restoration, greater scrying, screenᴰ, regenerate, repulsion;​

That works for me, but is 5+1 spells, so we need another one.

I fancy either refuge or transmute metal to wood.

Oof, I missed the extra bonus spell from the higher Wis. I like refuge for this.

At 8th level, Opal and Pearl have the same number again!
Pearl has
8th—dimensional lock, earthquake, fire storm, greater planar ally, greater spell immunity, polymorph any objectᴰ;

What about earthquake for the domain spell and substituting reverse gravity as one of the "regular" 8th level spells from the druid list. Anything else you'd want to switch?

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