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Converting True Dragons

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Monster Junkie
The next 3 true dragons will all need name changes, as they all have similarly-named counterparts. Since all have chromatic-sounding names, but don't fit into that category, a name change is probably a good thing!

Brown Dragon (Draco Auburnis Forestus)
Frequency: Rare
No. Appearing: 1-6
Armor Class: 3
Move: 9”/24”
% in Lair: 75%
Treasure Type: H
No. of attacks: 3
Damage/attack: 2-5/2-5/4-16
Special Attacks: Breath weapons and possible magic use
Special Defenses: Nil
Magic Resistance: See text above
Intelligence: 13-16
Alignment: Pure Neutral
Size: L (28” long)
Psionic Ability: Nil
Chance of Speaking 60%, Magic use 65%, Sleeping 20%

The Brown Dragon always lives in a forest, though it may be in a cave within a forest. The dragon is true neutral and interested in the welfare of the forest above all else, though it does have a weakness for crafted jewelry of all types. The brown dragon can shapechange to a small mammal, lizard or bird once per day at its 2nd age level, twice at 4th, three times at 6th and 4 times at 8th. The shapechangeling can, at the very most, inflict 1-2 points of damage with claw, beak, bite, etc. However, the shapechangeling can have the dragon’s full hit points and full benefit of its normal saving throw.

A brown dragon can attack with claw/claw/bite, or either of its two breath weapons, Faerie Fire and Lightning. The Faerie Fire covers an area of 6.x6. at a range up to 3. from the dragon’s mouth. Any in the fire are covered (no saving throw) for 4-80 turns and they also take the sum of the dragon’s age level and hit dice in damage unless a saving throw versus magic is made, in which case they take no damage. The Lightning is in a single bolt 8” long and ½” wide for full age times hit dice in damage, or ½ if a s.t. is made.

Brown Dragons which speak and can cast spells use Druidic spells:
Age Group / Spells castable per day
first / 2 first-level spells
second / 2 first and 1 second-level spell
third / 2 first and 2 second-level spells
fourth / 2 first, 2 second and 1 third-level spell
fifth / 2 first, second and third-level spells
sixth / 3 first, second and 2 third-level spells
seventh / 3 first, second and third-level spells
eighth / 3 first, second and third plus 1 fourth-level spell

Brown dragons are 85% likely to be on friendly terms with Pixies, Sprites, Druids, Pseudo-dragons and Treants that live in the same forest or nearby.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #38 (1980).


Monster Junkie
Hold on, size Large (28")?

Twenty eight inches seems a bit small!

I'm guessing that's just a typo for 28 feet.

I hope so. Otherwise, we'd have to assume it was the shorthand for multipliers of 10 feet, making it 280 feet long! :eek:

Auburn has a nice ring to it.

Its shapechanging ability sounds like wildshape.

Yeah, I really like Auburn. And it does sound like wildshape. In fact, the dragon seems rather druidic, so perhaps we should have it cast spells from the druid spell list as sorcerer spells?


Oh joy! A druidic-style forest dwelling dragon.

Name change. Amber's already taken (and we should differentiate it from that one). I'm looking at Wikipedia for brown names, especially those named after trees or plants; there's chestnut, mahogany, and redwood. But auburn has a good ring to it. ;)

Wildshape for me as well (the 2e amethyst dragon had wildshape too).

Either it casts druid spells as sorcerer spells, or it has druid spellcasting levels. (The wurms from Dragon magazine had the latter.)


Monster Junkie
It sounds like we've got plenty of support for auburn and wildshape.

I'd prefer sorcerous casting, but don't mind druidic if the majority of you prefer it.

The faerie fire-ish breath weapon sounds fun!


Extradimensional Explorer
Auburn is pretty good, but it's still sort of chromatic if that's an issue.

I think I'd prefer druid casting, and I actually would rather stick to the normal alternate form (since wildshape is based on that anyway).

Voidrunner's Codex

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