ZEITGEIST Converting Zeitgeist 5th edition to the Eberron world


Awesome! I'm going through the adventure carefully asap to make a flow chart and figure out what I want to keep etc. I was hoping to make the ship an airship, but that might be a bit convoluted, so sticking Axis Island in Lake Galifar might make the most sense. For adventure 2 I replaced Macbannin with Duke Jalnar ir'Edar and Leone Quital became Leone Cannith. The wand of Egal the Shimmering became (we are using PF2e as our system):


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Well I hadn't read about Duke Jalnar ir'Edar and so he's not in my player's guide. Now I just need to find a way to introduce him in my campaign, because it's an interesting canon story in Passage. Thanks for pointing him out to me.

My first inclination was to make Leone Quital into Leone d'Cannith, but I changed it to a different race and backstory:

Leone Toldrath
Dwarf steelshaper from the Mror Holds. He’s an early discoverer of the Realm Below in the Mror Holds discovering the ancient steelshaping techniques of Sol Udar: The Realm Below. When he combined this technique with his aberrant dragonmark abilities, this resulted in incredible powerful effects. This discovery made him a rich person. He became a member of the Aurum and is a current member of the shadow cabinet. His aberrant dragonmark is hidden under his clothing and not generally known to the public.

I thought this gave a better explanation of his incredible powers.

I'm not really familiar with PF2, so it's difficult to grasp the effects of the activations. Looking at the description I assume you changed Egal the Shimmering to one of the Rakshasha leaders of the Lords of Dust? Did you make him an ally of one of the known overlords?


My first inclination was to make Leone Quital into Leone d'Cannith, but I changed it to a different race and backstory:

Leone Toldrath
Dwarf steelshaper from the Mror Holds. He’s an early discoverer of the Realm Below in the Mror Holds discovering the ancient steelshaping techniques of Sol Udar: The Realm Below. When he combined this technique with his aberrant dragonmark abilities, this resulted in incredible powerful effects. This discovery made him a rich person. He became a member of the Aurum and is a current member of the shadow cabinet. His aberrant dragonmark is hidden under his clothing and not generally known to the public.

I thought this gave a better explanation of his incredible powers.
Hmm, yeah that makes a lot of sense. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Cannith stuff. I had set it up as potentially part of a power struggle within the Cannith West branch, and at the end, once the Duke killed himself in jail, I had them vacate the building they were doing business in in Passage. The scandal was all the opportunity House Orien needed to eject them essentially from the city.

I'm not really familiar with PF2, so it's difficult to grasp the effects of the activations. Looking at the description I assume you changed Egal the Shimmering to one of the Rakshasha leaders of the Lords of Dust? Did you make him an ally of one of the known overlords?

So I haven't really decided exactly. Eldrantulku is an overlord and he works through Rakshasa, and there was an old Dragon article about Duke Janar ir'Edar that had him involved with a cult connected to the Lords of Dust, so I figured I throw stuff out in that direction and then figure it out later (sometimes I just give clues and such out like that and see what my players end up caring about before I figure out the fine details).

As for what the PF2 stuff means, basically the first activation allows them to cast the spell Dimensional Anchor which essentially dispels efforts to teleport a target from one plane to another. For the wielder, any attempt to teleport them would be dispelled (essentially the wand would make a roll against the DC of the spellcaster trying to teleport them). That stuff was to try to replicate the original ability of the wand. I added the second activation because Eldrantulku encourages paranoia and discord -- basically it allows a once per day casting of the spell Paranoia after a critical hit with a spell attack. That spell causes someone to temporarily turn on their allies if they fail a saving throw.


Hmm, yeah that makes a lot of sense. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Cannith stuff. I had set it up as potentially part of a power struggle within the Cannith West branch, and at the end, once the Duke killed himself in jail, I had them vacate the building they were doing business in in Passage. The scandal was all the opportunity House Orien needed to eject them essentially from the city.
I also didn't want to have multiple House Cannith members being part of this Obs cell. I wanted to change Alexander Grappa to be Aaren d'Cannith, father of Merrix d'Cannith from Cannith South. According to Eberron lore Aaren was the one advancing the warforged creation of his father by giving sapience to the warforged. When he saw that his creations were sold by House Cannith as slaves and warmachines, he was appalled. His pleas to stop this lucrative business were ignored. In 970 YK, Aaren was excoriated - formally disinherited from House Cannith. Following his expulsion Aaren disappeared. His fate remains a mystery, and diviners and inquisitives have found no traces of him. This sounded like the perfect fit for Alexander Grappa. He hasn't been found because he joined the Obs.
To make this even more interesting, one of the PC's is unknowingly a son of his. And half-brother of Merrix. I'm already looking forward when he finds out who his real father is. Especially when in adventure 6, they will encounter Merrix at his creation forge in Droaam as the Steel Lord.


@TFL I didn't want to put my notes into your recap. So I thought I would add them here. The conversion is written as my personal notes, so not everything is spelled out or in perfect English. Some parts are just copies from text in the adventure to make them easy to reference for myself during the adventure. If you have any questions, please ask.

I do wonder why you chose to have the murder of The Dying Skyseer take place in Journey's Home. What is in the notes stolen by Nilasa from House Orien? In my campaign the Obs are secretly pushing the rivalry between the three House Cannith factions. As such Cannith South is involved with the smuggling operations and buying industrial facilities in Passage. Some hard to trace evidence of this can be found in the notes stolen by Nilasa. Cannith South is unaware part of the smuggled wares are used to built a warforged colossus inside Cauldron Hill.


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I agree that Journey's Home isn't the most natural choice for Nilasa's murder, but I went with it for a few reasons. I really wanted to focus on the effects of the houses for this campaign, and their actions tracing all the way back to the War of the Mark. A Cannith enclave would be the first choice, but my players a quite savvy, and the moment they hear "Big construction going on and having to do with House Cannith", they're going to immediately think Warforged Colossus. Plus, the campaign that was run in Sharn focused a lot on Cannith South and Merrix d'Cannith, and I didn't want to retread that ground so soon. Not that I neglect them entirely.

Additionally, I wanted to give House Orien a good shake, as we are in the heart of the House. So the notes that Nilasa stole from Baron Kwanti show large amounts of high value and magical resources struck from cargo manifests, deeds of facilities and industrial factories hidden behind enough ownerships to throw off any ties to Orien, and all covered by independent Brelish owners, seemingly unrelated. Even some supplies acquired from Cannith South with promises of more on the way. All in all suspicious, but not damning by itself.

In this campaign, House Orien is quickly overtaking the fractured House Cannith as the largest house, thanks in no small part to acquiring a way to cross the Mournland in a lightning rail (thanks to the events of the previous campaign), convincing Thrane to rebuild the White Bridge connecting Thaliost and Rekkenmark, and House Cannith being in scandal and shambles, with Merrix d'Cannith even having disappeared after his illegal warforged were discovered. Will likely have him join the Ob.


I've written most of my conversion notes down for the 3rd adventure. It's become an extensive document. It needs to cover both the planar conversion, but also the travel to the different ziggurats. I've covered most things allthough I need to write down some details, including the background of Rock Rackus. I need to check with the other adventures featuring him to finish this.
I'm also not yet certain how to incorporate the frost giants, as giants live on Xen'drik and not on Khorvaire. I might add them to the Icetop mountains, but not yet certain, so the links in Kvarti's description are still not definitive.
Because the travel time from Passage to the location of the Sunken Zigurat is very dependent on the means of transport. So I think the date of the gala is not yet set, when they leave, so I can adjust it to their return to Passage.
If anyone has anything to add I haven't thought about I would very much appreciate the feedback.


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So my campaign is still going strong. At the moment converting the 4th adventure, Allways on Time. Exchanged ideas at the campaign threat of TFL, but didn't want to highjack his campaign recap threat by spamming the ideas for my campaign. The route will be:

Korranberg -> Zolanport -> Sterngate -> Starilaskur -> Vathirond -> Mournland -> Griffonclaw -> Gatherhold -> Soldit -> Atur -> Korth -> Rekkenmark.

Vendricce is a small island north of Thaliost, the obs will take a boat from Rekkenmark.

I wanted to share 3 descriptions of NPC's, curious what other people will think of this conversion.

Ashima-Shimtu is an ancient demoness affiliated with the Overlord Sul Khatesh (keeper of secrets, overlord of occult knowledge). Ashima-Shimtu has been an advisor to multiple lords. In the time of Karrn the Conquerer (app.-2000 Y.K.) she was defeated by him around the location of Arcanix. She agreed to become his advisor resulting in the cruelities he commited in later times. The secrets she told him were not always to his liking, and when she refused to tell him the ritual that would certainly help him defeat his enemies, he chose to imprison her in a special prison on the island of Odiem located in the Karrn river. All religious signs are dedicated to the Sovereign Host in the prison. Rumors tell of Galifar I sometimes visiting this location for advise, although it is certain she has never been set free. Bound in this location for 3.000 years.

Damata Griento
Half-orc originally from the Shadow Marches. A 40-something half-orc now residing in Graywall, Droaam. Damata has brought his wife and two children on board for a vacation. Though the rest of his family is a boisterous party of new-wealth tourists eager to see the “Five Nations,” Damata is troubled and edging toward manic-depression.

Damata hails from the Griento clan, allies of the Torrn family of House Tharashk. He’s always been eager to find the luxury life of the five nations, and he never fit in the Shadow Marches society. He started working for House Tharashk and was stationed in Graywall, Droaam. He was successful in delivering monstrous strength for Aundairian and Brelish production facilities. He became wealthy and raised in the ranks of House Tharashk. Unfortunately he failed in an attempt to challenge his superior, loosing status within the House. Afterwards, he was suckered into a high-stakes con by a man posing as an Aundairian railmagnate of House Orien, planning to build a lightning rail from Threshold to Graywall to connect Breland and Droaam. Damata was dazzled by a slick pitch that involved teleporting him to Passage and taking him to lavish parties enjoying the luxury lifestyle he wanted.

Seeing vast potential for wealth and needing a huge down payment to buy a stake. His current status with the House was not sufficient for such an investment. Damata took a loan from The Family in Passage, a criminal organization secretly based in Zilargo and affiliated to the Trust. When his ‘partner’ disappeared with tens of thousands of gold pieces, Damata was on the hook. After begging for mercy, gnomes of Zilargo approached him to broker a deal which would give him sufficient funds to repay the loan. He was told to come to Korranberg to settle the deal. He was told to take some of the House secrets, regarding monstrous mercenary contracts, with him. Damata botched an attempt to lie to his wife, and ended up with her and their kids tagging along, expecting to enjoy a vacation while Damata does ‘research for his railroad.’

The gnomes in Korranberg told him to sell the secret documents to House Deneith in Karrnath. Damata has a suitcase of holding full of dragonshards he stole from House Tharashk at Graywall and the secret documents, worth a total of 34,000 gp. He has a hunch he’ll never make it home alive, and even if he does, he’s pretty sure his family or the House will find and kill him.

Through his House Tharashk contacts, he could be a contact for the party to the Gatekeepers. Gatekeepers are allied to the Torrn clan of House Tharashk. In my Eberron, the Gatekeepers are very secretive and almost impossible to find. Almost all members were annihilated when they tried to recover Axis Isle, during the war.

Ottavia Sacredote
A Sovereign Host divine oracle of Aureon human woman, who is also a member of House Tarkanan. Ottavia wears a silver ring that says “Orthodoxy Bolsters Gods,” marking her as tier four of lantern cell. Ottavia is an adherent agent of the Obscurati, who has fallen in love with Nathan.

Ottavia was born out of the secret relation between Jorlanna d’Cannith and an heir of House Deneith (Dragonmarked p 18). Born deaf, Ottavia was given to a Sovereign Host orphanage in Sharn, where she grew up devout in her faith. She learned to communicate through sign language and even speak, albeit with difficulty. When she reached maturity, she focused her studies on texts, laws and history, and felt a divine guidance in her studies. She started training in the use of magic, learning to cope with her deafness. Her expertise grew and she became a member of the King's Citadel. She began to doubt the purity of those in power after discovering the ruthlessness of captain Tonan (Sharn City of Towers p139) of the local Dark Lanterns. She talked about this with local commander Knight-Marshal Banarak Tithon, but he waved away her grievances. Shortly after this discovery, she was attacked at her house by members of the Deathsgate adventurer’s Guild. During her defense she developed an aberrant dragonmark, killing one of her assaillants. She fled the scene and after a couple of days was contacted by House Tarkanan. The House learned her develop and control the abilities of her aberrant dragonmark.

Afterwards she was sent to Xandrar, the one city in Breland accepting persons with an aberrant dragonmark. In Xandrar she came into contact with members of the Jierre family line. This family had made the aberrant dragonmarks openly acceptable in the Archduchy of Xandrar and offered her protection vs Captain Tonan. So she was susceptible when an agent of the Obscurati approached her. The ties between this family and the Obscurati, convinced her she now has a chance to make a difference. Though still earnest in her faith, she believes the conspiracy just to be a group of enlightened thinkers who want to reform society and improve the lot of the poor and weak. Through her direct ties to the Jierre family she has also been able to change laws, increasing the rights for the poorer and weaker citizens of the country.

Ottavia took an instant liking to Nathan when she realized the man knew her sign language. She believes Nathan’s lantern will be used to shield and illuminate the weak when an inevitable reckoning occurs. Throughout the trip she presses Nathan to make sure his creation is used for the right purpose.

Any comments?

I'm following along as best I can, having not really interacted with Eberron since, ooh, 2009?

Is the idea that the markings on Ottavia's neck are her dragonmark?

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