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Coolest Thing PC's Have Ever Done


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
What is the most amazing, coolest, simply jaw-droppingly best thing you or other PC's have ever done in a game?

Inspired by my Jump over lava onto a Wyvern's Back thread a few months back.

Here's a story I've related here before. The PC's were low on resources, having expended most of them hitting their dwarf in the head while his helm was being enveloped by an ooze of some sort. In the next room they spied a spooky altar, obviously despoiled and probably evil.

The elf thief immediately grabbed it to look for hidden treasure. A Shadow burst forth and touched him. He lost one level and ran away.

The two fighters couldn't hit the Shadow. They rolled 18's but that wasn't good enough. The dwarf was knocked unconscious. The human was almost crying.

The cleric activated his "Ring of Invisibility" which was really a "Ring of Teleport." He found himself dizzy and a few hundred miles away--with all of the group's healing potions!

In the second round, it was only the human fighter vs. the Shadow. I rolled initiative for the Shadow (2E) and, as he was using "natural weapons" he was at a +0 to intiative. The human was wielding a two-handed sword of some kind and was at +6, I think. I rolled a "1" for the Shadow.

Everybody paused and looked at the human's player. He said "Even if I roll a '1' it's going to kill me before I get to go."

"Probably," I said.

He rolled the d10 (2E, remember) and everyone leaned in to watch. It bounced and spun... and spun... and spun... and stopped spinning--and balanced on it's pointed end. I bumped the table; everybody cursed at me; the die stayed perfectly balanced on its point.

The human declared loudly "I win the initiative!" He grabbed the d20 and rolled a "19," then did maximum damage. The Shadow died.

Everybody cheered. Then we tried on and off for two years to get that d10 to balance on its point. We never succeeded.

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First Post
They decided to skip my planned mission for Shadowrun and instead use their own resources, contacts, etc to track down a re-occurring mad scientist and put him in the grave once and for all. The mad scientist would be the BBEG for a mission ever few months or so. I put a hint of where he was in a file they stole from Renraku and they decided to call up their Johnson and tell him they would be unavailable for awhile. Then they spared no expense to track this guy down.


The setup: the PCs are up against a Far Realm cult, who are each sporting weird mutations as a result of basking in the radiance of the Far Realm. They've tracked them to their secret lair, under a nobleman's mansion.

The layout: the set of stairs leading down to the hidden level opens to a large, rectangular room. At the far end of the rectangular room is a circular room, and at the far end of that is an open permanent gate to the Far Realm. The cult leaders are standing just outside of the open gate.

The PCs enter the rectangular room, see the cult leaders, and rush to engage. Unfortunately, there are several traps in the rectangular room, and they activate them. This slows down their progress - all except for Akari, the elven paladin, who rushes into the center of the rectangular room.

The cult leader (an elven wizard) tells the others to go on ahead into the Far Realm, and he'll follow shortly. His consort, a tiefling sorcerer, stays with him, but the other three enter the gate. The cult leader then casts a wall of ice across the entrance to the circular room, trapping Akari in there with him, separated from the rest of his party. The tiefling then casts a wall of fire in a circle, focused inwards, surrounding Akari. At this point, the two cultists think they'll just roast Akari alive while he's trapped there without backup.

Of course, they had no way of knowing that one of Akari's rings was a ring of minor fire protection. Akari could have run through the wall of fire to safety. Instead, he walked into the wall of fire and stopped there (a 5-foot step), delivered a full attack on the cult leader, and killed him there on the spot. As the player described it, "Then Akari just stands there with his sword drawn, surrounded by flames all around him." He took some fire damage doing so (the spell did more damage than his ring could negate), but he took down the main villain singlehanded.



Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Instead, he walked into the wall of fire and stopped there (a 5-foot step), delivered a full attack on the cult leader, and killed him there on the spot. As the player described it, "Then Akari just stands there with his sword drawn, surrounded by flames all around him."
Yeah, very cool. :cool:


A Wicked Kendragon
In a Top Secret game a couple of years back we were on a 747. We were playing a team of International Atomic Energy Agency commandoes (hah!) sent to bring back two warheads stolen from America.

We were working under the assumption that the warheads were in London, but as the plane was nearing Heathrow one our two deactivation specialists, Natalya, caught the man we'd been tailing checking on a crate at the back of the plane near the cargo doors. It was both of the nukes, still en route.

She took out the man, and tried to remove the altitude detonators on the nukes, but was herself caught by two other terrorists.

Meanwhile, the plane got hijacked because one of us completely failed at charm as we were trying to investigate further. We totally blundered the rest of the situation. A firefight ensued between the rest of us and the terrorists. Three dead PC's later our banged up team entered the cargo bay to find the two remaining baddies throw Natalya off the plane. We opened fire, but far too late, as the last terrorist managed to shove the crate out. Right before dying he activated the regular bombs on the plane that we never found.

The plane explodes, the crate falls, with Natalya, who'd been getting extremely lucky dice rolls to stay hanging on the back of the cargo bay ramp (and the character wasn't even built to be physical).

Natalya falls down towards downtown London holding on to a crate of nuclear warheads as her team dies in a giant fireball far above.

As she fell she disarmed the altitude detonators right before reaching the target height. And finally, survived the mission by using the reserve parachute she'd nicked off one of the terrorists who'd tried to throw her off the plane earlier.

Not only that, she'd pickpocketed the mans wallet. Which had instructions from his boss. So she charms her way into the masterminds heavily guarded house, knocks him out, binds him, and busts out of the place in his Rolls Royce.

Mission accomplished.


First Post
I don't know how 'cool' people might think this is, but ...

I've run one world several times. In one story arc, the players are infused with temporal energy. When they arrive back at the town they discover that they are repeating the same day (ala Groundhog Day). However, the temporal energy did begin to wear off so each 'day' was a little shorter. Two groups used this to their advantage, for example, attempting to buy things on credit and not paying the 'next' day, or training up experience (it's allowed). One group, however, made it a point to rescue/prevent the death of every single person who was killed in that day as well as right all the wrongs they uncovered.

Of that same group, eventually:
The dwarf gathered all the dwarves who had been scattered (and over the course of thousands of years had become idiots) together and built a colony.
The fighter ran for political office and became regent of the only city in existence.
The druid created a very large area (possibly 40 mile diameter) and made it a protected forest.
Another fighter used a horn of building to found a new town (only the second in the world).
A female fighter who had 'turned' lesbian after being gang-raped built the first GLBT nightclub in that town.
And the bard sacrificed himself to save the world.
All in all, very cool to me.


In our first Star Wars game session...

Right after Order 66 was executed we found ourselves on an Acclamator about to be whacked by clone troopers.

We fought our way to the bridge, killed the bridge crew, pointed the ship at a nearby planet and fired up the thrusters. We destroyed bridge helm control and ran for the shuttle bay.

We escape. The ship plunged into the planet killing all those left on board.

We didn't get any Dark Side points either!


Getting lost in fantasy maps
In the return to the temple of elemental evil, the party was atop this towering pillar fight it out with some grell.

The grells were going down but not without dealing a significant amount of pain. The remaining grell gets a grapple on the PC rogue and pulls him up and off towards the side of the pillar top, the remaining PCs were dishing out damage using bows. The grappled rogue PC is now firmly over empty air when he stabs the grell grappling him, killing the grell . . .

. . . and resulting in the grell and PC rogue suddenly beginning to plummet to the floor far far below. The PC rogue had taken a great deal of damage and was sure to die from massive falling damage.

All the players just stared at each other, pausing, while our DM waited for someone to say something. Silence. Our DM said, "Uh, he's going to fall to his death, anyone got something?"

The player of the fighter and the player of the rogue, brothers, stared at each other, both silent while everyone else watched each other. Then the player of the fighter said, "Damn it all, what the hell, the rest of you hold this end of my rope I'm jumping after him!" Are you kidding me? What's the realism in that as a rescue attempt, right?

All kind of dumbfounded and amazed, DM included, the player of the rogue even said "what's the hope with that"?

Giving a glimmer of a chance, our DM said, "If you can roll a 20, we'll say you get the rope around you tightly as you are jumping and falling, and right before you both hit the floor, you get him." And pulled out a brick of d6s. "Or you both get this."

Yeah, you can guess.

The player of the fighter just tossed the D20 high in the air far from him end of the table. Smack, landed solidly on the table. Everyone but the player of the fighter leaned forward to look.


Everyone shouting, stood up, raising hands amazed. Well deserved high-fiving the fighter's player. The rest of the return to the temple of elemental evil was nothing close to that.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Natalya falls down towards downtown London holding on to a crate of nuclear warheads as her team dies in a giant fireball far above.

As she fell she disarmed the altitude detonators right before reaching the target height. And finally, survived the mission by using the reserve parachute she'd nicked off one of the terrorists who'd tried to throw her off the plane earlier.

Not only that, she'd pickpocketed the mans wallet. Which had instructions from his boss. So she charms her way into the masterminds heavily guarded house, knocks him out, binds him, and busts out of the place in his Rolls Royce.

Mission accomplished.
"Bond: Jane Bond." :cool:

Everyone shouting, stood up, raising hands amazed. Well deserved high-fiving the fighter's player. The rest of the return to the temple of elemental evil was nothing close to that.
But did the rogue give the fighter back his stuff he had stolen from him earlier? ;)

Last night, the party needed to destroy an island fortress. Thankfully, they have access to a variety of useful magic from their allies:

  • Temporal Credit Default Swap Mana. The PCs know a wizard dabbling in time magic. He borrows mana from the future to fuel powerful spells now, with the drawback that when the spell comes to an end, everything in a nearby radius decays into dust. The guy basically Dark Sun-ified his homeland, but in a pinch he can provide ridiculous power.
  • Grand Summoning. A wizard king is like a Pathfinder 'summoner' class. He has the ability to envision a monster in his mind, and then can summon it. The power of the monster is limited by the summoner's power.
  • Godsblood. The PCs have a few vials of the spilled blood of a god. It's the essence of creation, and can make objects and creatures invulnerable.
  • Bag of Holding.

So how did the PCs attack the island fortress?

They created Godzilla.

The party used time magic to power up the wizard king, who summoned a two hundred foot tall lizard, infused with godsblood, with radioactive/time paradox breath. It rose out of the sea, lay waste to the defenses of the island, and survived the attacks of hundreds of warriors and spellcasters.

We hit all the highlights. The tail thwomp against a tower. The roar and blasting breath. The "attacking flying devils that Godzilla swats out of the sky."

The "Godzilla starts to act evil, turns on the good guys, and a PC performs a beautiful seductive dance to soften the beast's heart, but while Godzilla is distracted the villain uses a sucker punch hell laser that causes Godzilla's head to explode in a burst of flaming skull and brains like someone rolled a 10 on the crit table in Rogue Trader, unleashing the pent up temporal magic, which sweeps out and kills everybody in a 1-mile radius (except the PCs, who hid safely inside their bag of holding)."

All in all, the party counted it a success.
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