CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Hey marcoasalazarm, I was looking through your deviant art page.. and I was thinking of possibly stating some of the characters.. or do you have them stated already? Like Irene Vincent, Spider-Assassin; Irene Vincent, Black Widow; or if there's any you haven't stated up or want done.

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Will need to get back to you on the "want done" part (need to think), but if you wanna stat any of them, man, by all means, please go ahead.

Hell, will be VERY grateful to you. As in "we're not worthy!" levels.


Will need to get back to you on the "want done" part (need to think), but if you wanna stat any of them, man, by all means, please go ahead.

Hell, will be VERY grateful to you. As in "we're not worthy!" levels.

I can attempt it, but will need more of the characters to have abilities filled out, and possible class/level suggestions. Like Irene Vincent, Spider-Assassin, has her spider abilities, and several skills, which can be calculated, and possibly some feats, but a suggested class(s) would be good.

Probably would be Quick/Tough with some Gunslinger (many Alternates of Rally would go for Gunslinger or Sniper from "Modern Player's Companion" because of their gun skills). With Spiders obviously some amount of Fast is expected because of their immense agility..


Probably would be Quick/Tough with some Gunslinger (many Alternates of Rally would go for Gunslinger or Sniper from "Modern Player's Companion" because of their gun skills). With Spiders obviously some amount of Fast is expected because of their immense agility..

Well some of the agility can be just from the spider abilities.. I could create a generic template for spider enhanced people, which you can apply to any 'spider' character as a base, and then can be tweaked for any special versions.. like spiderman (peter parker) and spider girl (may parker) would both have the exact same template, while spider-woman (i forget her name off hand, but black hair, used to be an agent of either hydra or aim) had the basic spider abilities plus a few added ones such as her vemom blasts (ranged bio-electric/energy attack) and could fly.
Later versions of spider-man (peter parker) would have "evolved" spider traits (further enhanced strength, organic web shooters, stingers, etc)...

I'm just listing off some of what i'm thinking of doing..

But a basic quick/tough and a little gun slighter for Irene Spider-Assassin sounds like a good base, just gotta find my copy of Modern Player's Companion, sounds like a good start for her.

Well, with the upcoming release of "The Force Awakens", I guess we better make the call:

The GFFA and other Star Wars stuff running around the Core Timeline is based on the two original trilogies and all other Expanded Universe stuff-the Abrams stuff (heck, pretty much everything post-"Legends" announcement, including the new Marvel comics) I assume right now is/will be cool but THAT is the "minority" of the SW status quo on the Coreline.

So, you know... #LegendsNeverDie.

(Which is my first use of a has tag EVER, sorry).


Here's the basic SHIELD flying car I posted on the WOTC forum awhile back, might as well post here. I'll probably create a thread at some point with all my other stuff at some point..

SHIELD Flying Car
These vehicles are assigned as the main transportation means for agents in the field. These vehicles are usually modeled on common sports versions of cars, but come with a variety of equipment that makes them anything but what they appear to be. Firstly the vehicles are armour plated to resist most hand weapons, a flight system, a few concealed weapons, electronic surveillance equipment, plus a variety of equipment for the agent to use while away from the vehicle.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Flying Car
Crew: 1
Passengers: 2
Cargo: 250 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: +2
Top Speed: 320 (32), 343 (34) flight
Defense: 8
Hardness: 9
Hit Points: 39
Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 50
Restriction: Mil +3
Accessories: Flight mode, Surveillance equipment, military radio, EMP generator, mouse trap, concealed machineguns x2, GPS, onboard computer, cameras, 100 foot with grappler tag launcher with winch (concealed), HUD, smoke dispenser, medicomp, fast-use medkit (5 use), voice activation, demolition kit, disguise kit, radio jammer, EMP shielded, medical dispenser, pressurized interior, 10 hour air supply
Notes: Concealed machine guns behind the headlights which slide out of the way, onboard computer and all systems are also voice activated, links to vehicle diagnostics, GPS, mapping, communications systems including data network, radio, and HUD. The onboard computer uses the medicomp to monitor the health of anyone inside and will notify of any injuries and notifies the occupants of what to do as it opens a compartment with the fast-use medkit and medical dispenser. The pressurized interior grants +4 save to occupants against airborne agents.
Surveillance systems include cell interception, parabolic mics, small cameras mounted around the vehicle, grants +2 Computer Use to all electronic surveillance activities (jam communications, intercept communications, hacking computer systems, etc).
EMP Generator - functions like an EMP grenade, 20 foot radius around the vehicle, which is shielded against EMPs. 5 uses before requiring a 3 hour recharge.
Smoke Dispenser - Generates a cloud of smoke around the vehicle in a 30 foot radius. If the vehicle is moving a 60 foot long 10 foot wide trail of smoke is created instead.
Flight Mode - The vehicle is able to achieve flight, small deployable wings from the sides slide out, small thruster is exposed from the back. The vehicle has a flight ceiling of 50,000 feet, is pressurized, with 10 hour air supply, with a range of 700 miles before requiring a 2 hour cooldown and recharge.
Medical Dispenser - This carries various chemicals for treating the SHIELD agent, usually includes 6 doses of anti-toxin, sporekill, neutrad, plus a small canister of compressed oxygen with a mask that contains a 1 hour oxygen supply.
Mouse Trap - A miniature fusion torch that only has about 2 minutes worth of fuel in it.

WeaponDamageCritDamage TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
7.62mm Machinegun 2(fire linked)3d1020Ballistic100 ftS,A200 rds link

OK, TFA has been seen, so little potential idea...

...First Order exists on the CLINE GFFA. Obviously factions like New Republic, Imperial Remnant and Sith Empire don't like those guys, and First Order don't like them back.

Comparatively speaking... First Order are the new kids on the block. Plenty cool new stuff but they still have not assimilated that even the Sith maps have a nice "OUT THERE BE MONSTERS" painted right where Outer Rim Area 51 is for a reason.

Voidrunner's Codex

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