CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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OK, one little thing to note: opening some polls over on my DeviantArt page (has the same user name) and putting to vote some details for this setting.

Right now these polls are important because they will shape how the Corporations of the "Borderlands" universe will appear on Coreline.


After reading Operation: Hard Entry on marcoasalazarm's deviantart page, here's the Loki robot from Mass Effect 2/3. Cheap and easy to replace soldiers and security drones.
Feel free to use the stats. I might do the Ymir as well at some point. 
Loki Security Robot
The Loki is a bipedal humanoid security robot designed for security detail and guard duty in locations where manpower is an issue or where the use of organics for "around the clock" shifts is unfeasible. Used initially for colony guard duty, it has been used in numerous civilian and military sector units after severe loses in battle. These robots have also found use in mercenary groups such as Eclipse for added manpower, as expendable assault units.

An inexpensive and relatively basic design, it does have a few interesting features Their joints are sealed, rendering the risk of shorting out in waterlogged environments moot. A basic personality suite is installed and are easily programmed for various security tasks, and can be equipped with any of numerous weapon systems, both lethal and non-lethal, as circumstances dictate. The Loki is given a female voice for issuing warnings in a calm, soothing voice, equipped with an IFF system, and are networked, allowing for groups to work together, although with very simple tactics (move forward to the target, shoot or use other equipped weapons until target is neutralized, move onto next target, hedge pedestrians out of restricted areas, etc), which makes giving orders to groups of them very quick and easily.

Fairly cheap to produce, making them well liked in many corporate sectors as they can purchase mass quantities and use weight of numbers to repel intruders, but lightly armoured. They are equipped with a shock system for close combat, able to stun or even kill most humanoids, and a self destruct system. When used in combat roles, a badly damaged Loki will move at best speed close to a target and initiate its self destruct. Otherwise, upon heavy damage that cripples the Loki, the self destruct triggers.
Lokis are usually armed with M-3 Predator heavy pistol or M-4 Shuriken machine pistol.
Loki (PL6)
CR: 1
Size: Medium
Hit Points: 20 (1d10+10)
Init: +0
Speed: 30
Defense: 13 (10 base, +3 armour)
BAB/Grp: +0
Attack: +2 melee unarmed 1d3 non-lethal, +2 melee Shock emitter (damage varies by setting), +0 ranged equipped weapon. Usually a M-3 Predator or M-4 Shuriken.
FS/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Shock Emitter, Kamikaze
Special Qualities: Network, Sealed
Saves: Fort +0, Reflex +0, Will +0
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con -, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Listen +2, Search +2, Spot +2
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency

Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Legs (pair)
Manipulators: Hands (2)
Armour: Duraplastic
Sensors: Class III
Skill Software: Skill chips Listen +2, Search +2, Spot +2
Feat Software: Feat progit: Personal Firearms Proficiency
Accessories: AV Recorder, AV transmitter, self-destruct (2d6, Reflex DC 11), Shock Emitter, IFF, sealed joints, holster, ammunition storage (4 magazines).
PDC: 27
Kamikaze: If the Loki is reduced to 5 or less hit points, it will move to the closest target and initiate its self destruct in melee reach of the Loki.
Network: When grouped with other Lokis, they become more efficient. For every five Lokis within 300 feet and in radio contact, they gain +1 Initiative, +1 Listen, +1 Search and +1 Spot. If one Loki in the group is aware of a target, they all are. If more than one Loki is attacking the same target and are within 50 feet of each other, they gain a +1 to attack. Lokis can be programmed very quickly, granting a +2 to Computer Use checks to change programming and give orders.
Sealed: The Loki is sealed to protect its joints and internal systems from water and weather. It can not be shorted out by being submerged in water. Able to tolerate depths of up to 200 feet. Can not swim, but move at bottom of the water at half speed.
Shock Emitter
This is a short baton-like device the extends from the left hand that is used to shock targets, usually set to stun, but in military programmed Lokis, it can be set for more lethal settings.
Damage: 1d3 nonlethal +stun, 1d4 +stun, 1d4 bludgeoning +1d6 electrical
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Electrical
Stun: On a successful melee strike with the first two settings, the target must make a Fort save DC 13 (first setting), or DC 15 (second setting) or be stunned for 1d4+2 rounds. With the second setting, a successful save instead paralyzes the target for 1 round.
M-3 Predator
A heavy pistol using mass acceleration technology, able to propel a 10mm sized slug a good range.
M-3 Predator (PL6)
Damage: 2d8
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: ballistic
Range Increment: 50 ft
Rate of Fire: S
Size: Small
Weight: 5 lbs
Ammo: 12
Purchase DC: 19 (Lic +1)
Ammunition: Same price as 9mm.
M-4 Shuriken
A machine pistol that fires a smaller round than the M-3 Predator, but is designed to carry a slight electric charge that aids in damaging shields, but over damage is lower. This type of ammunition has be tested on other mass acceleration weapons, but doesn't seem to carried over. A unique feature that hasn't been duplicated in many weapons. Has a three round burst setting, and a pulse mode for a higher rate of fire, but reduces accuracy.
M-4 Shuriken (PL6)
Damage: 2d8
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: ballistic
Range Increment: 50
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Medium
Weight: 8 lbs
Ammo: 24
Purchase DC: 24 (Res +2)
Notes: 3 round burst mode, pulse mode, anti-shield
Can make an autofire attack using 3 rounds if the user has the Burst Fire feat.
Pulse: The user can increase the number of bullets fired in autofire or when using the Double Tap or Burst Fire feats. When using double tap, uses 4 bullets to increase damage by an additional die, Burst Fire uses 5 bullets (overriding the 3 round burst fire mode) to deal an extra die of damage, and autofire uses 15 bullets to deal an extra die of damage, and increases the autofire Reflex DC to 17. Engaging Pulse mode is a free action that can be done once per round.
Anti-Shield: Due to the design of the ammunition combined with how the Shuriken fires and imparts a charge to the ammunition by its mass acceleration system, against energy shields it deals +50% more damage. Against systems that grant a deflection against ballistic weapons (magnetic fields, etc), the penalty to attack is reduced by half, or any Deflection bonus added by these systems is halved against attacks from this weapon.
Ammunition: PDC 12 (Res +2) for 50 rounds.


All right, having bought the first two "Borderlands" games and having gone through my first play through of number one (and currently starting with first play through of Number Two), I have decided about putting Borderlands stuff on The Line. Some stuff is going to be built based on votes on my DevArt page (as said before)..., first decision: Torgue Corporation.

It's not "Torgue". It's "Torgue-Urdnot" (read "No Gods, Only Guns"-it's BL/ME by the guy who made the "Firefly" fic "Forward" and it's hard-core Crazy Awesome). And what you need to expect from Torgue/Urdnot is weapons design stylistic choices that scream "Testosterone Poisoning" (or "Death By NASCAR" or "Tim Taylor Would Love This Thing") and pack NASTY punch. NASTY. Talking about stopping power? More like PUNCH PEOPLE IN THE FACE LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN power.

And lots of explosions. Even their most vanilla weapons carry grenade launchers as accessories. Mass Effect hand-cannons and plain cannons that come standard with high-explosive rounds. And their lasers (I know that Torgue rips against Lasers on the "Pre-Sequel", but he seems to love lasers on the ad for the same game (especially Laser Shotguns and the "Ghostbuster"-style beams), so I'm going to split the difference and say that he loves lasers that fit his purviews and don't just go "pew-pew") fire *pure explosive energy* (imagine the lightning gun from "District Nine" and apply its effects to ANYTHING THAT THE LASER HITS-rock, metal, glass and yes, people).

And, oh yeah, their ads involve much SHOUTING and OVERUSE OF THE CAPS LOCK KEY. Their stores sound like a hooligan convention. They hired Mister Satan as one of their spokesmen (FUNimation VA for him is Chris Rager, and both Mr. Satan and Torgue sound exactly the same... only Torgue is Constantly Shouting) and their first ads on The Line? Ripping off the Glock "Picked The Wrong..." ad series with R. Lee Ermey with much more gore and machismo.

Competition: MannCo and Diggers Technologies, with Salusian Company pretty behind (to their dismay).

Well... this is the canon now. Now let's hope that the writer of "NGOG" will give me permission.


I created these two mechs for marcosalazarm on the wizrds' board for this setting. Uploading them here too.

With advent of big game preserves, or parks using large cloned creatures, the Pacifier was created as a means to help handle large, and potentially dangerous creatures. Equipped with large grabbing claws instead of hands for holding large creatures, with taser-like emitters to aid in subduing the creature. Mounted on the shoulder is a heavy caliber weapon that can fire both lethal and non-lethal tranquilizer rounds to subdue when getting close is not an option. The hull is also fitted with an electric shock system that is weaker than the tasers to act as a deterrent to keep creatures from chewing on the mech.
The armour is designed to resist punctures from bites from large creatures.
Pacifier (PL5-6)
Size: Large (-1)
Bonus Hit Points: 100
Superstructure: Alumisteel
Hardness: 10
Armour: Alumisteel
Bonus to Defense: +6
Armour Penalty: -6
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +8
Dexterity Penalty:
Speed: 25
Purchase DC: 38 Res (+2)

Helmet Cockpit
Torso Cockpit
Left Arm Grapple Claw
Right Arm Grapple Claw
Shoulders M-9 Barrage Chaingun
Back Modified Class II Sensors
Boots Electric Defense
Comm System

Standard Package Features: Electric defense, puncture resistance, dual ammunition,
Bonuses: +2 Navigate, +2 Spot, lowlight
Weapons: M-9 Chaingun 5d6 or special, 20, ball or special, 60 ft, s/a, linked 100/100. See Tranquilizer Rounds for special
Grapple Arm 1d10 slam, 20, blud, melee
Taser 2d6 + special, 20, elect, melee, 20 charges

Electric Defense
This system electrifies the outer skin of the Pacifier, dealing 1d6 electric damage to anything touching it, plus the target must make a Fort save DC 12 or be shakened for 1d4 rounds. The system can only be active for 1 minute before it needs a 5 minute recharge and cool down, which also allows the mech to degauss the hull to prevent systems from being scrambled.
Puncture Resistance
The armour of the Pacifier is layered and treated to have greater resistance to piercing damage, gaining damage reduction 15 to piercing attacks.
Grapple Arm
These large four prong grabber claws are designed to grab large creatures and hold them. They are also fitted with taser-like emitters to stun large creatures. The grapple claws can be used to slam dealing 1d10 lethal damage, but are really designed for grappling. The claws provide an additional +4 per claw used to grapple, in addition to size bonuses, and once a grapple is achieved, the user can engage the lock feature which locks the claws shut, granting a +15 to grapple checks to maintain the grapple, in addition to normal bonuses.
As a free action as part of the grapple, or slam attack, the user can use the taser emitters to deal 2d6 electrical damage plus the target must make a Fort save DC 20, or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. As the tasers are designed for large creatures, targets of medium size that fail the Fort save are paralyzed for 50% longer. If the target also has a Constitution lower than 10, a failed save requires another Fort save at the same DC, failure means the target is now dying (at near death and unconscious, -1 hit points, and needs to stabilize, or continue to lose 1 hit point per round) due to massive shock and damage to their heart. The tasers have 20 charges before requiring 5 minutes to recharge 20 charges again.

Dual Ammunition
The M-9 Chaingun has a split ammunition bay, allowing it to have two different types of ammunition. A standard load will be half normal bullets, half tranquilizer rounds, switching between the two is a free action only once a round. Comes standard with 2 belts of normal rounds (100), 2 belts of tranquilizer rounds (100).
Tranquilizer Rounds
These are special rounds of ammunition designed to deliver a powerful tranquilizer to subdue large creatures. Damage is reduced by half, plus the target must make a Fort save DC 20 or fall unconscious for 1d6+1 hours. A successful save, the target suffers temporary 1d4 Dex and Con damage for 2d4 rounds. As this tranquilizer is designed for large creatures, medium sized creatures hit and fail their save, are immediately knocked unconscious, plus must make another Fort save at the same DC or suffer 2d6 temporary Con damage. If the save was failed by 10 or more, and the character didn't die from the Con damage, they will permanently lose 1 point from their Con and suffer a permanent -1 to Fort saves as the chemicals have damaged their health and immune system.
Modified Class II Sensors
This modified version of the Class II sensors functions similar to the standard, except it has low-light vision, and instead of scanning nonliving targets, it gains the same information on living targets, where applicable. So a successful Computer Use check DC 15 will grant information about size, locomotive capabilities, present direction or trajectory, approximate health (healthy being full or near full hit points, slightly wounded 75%, wounded 50%, heavily wounded 25% or less), basic composition on defensive or offensive capabilities (large claws, teeth, heavy rough skin, thick scales or bone plates, quills, acid glands, etc).

The Subduer is the successor to the Pacifier, boasting enhanced systems and new technologies for nonlethal attacks and capture. The subduer retains the grabble arms of the Pacifier, only with improvements. Only one of the grapple arms retains the taser, while the other mounts a heavy gravity snare. The M-9 Barrage has been replaced with an extended range corona microwave beam with a stun module. Instead of the electric defense, the Subduer mounts a tangler launcher system.
Pacifier (PL6-7)
Size: Large (-1)
Bonus Hit Points: 100
Superstructure: Duralloy
Hardness: 15
Armour: Resilium
Bonus to Defense: +6
Armour Penalty: -5
Reach: 10 ft
Strength Bonus: +8
Dexterity Penalty:
Speed: 30
Purchase DC: 41 Res (+2)

Helmet Cockpit
Torso Cockpit
Left Arm Grapple Arm with taser
Right Arm Grapple Arm with heavy gravity snare
Shoulders Extended Range Corona Microwave Beam
Back Modified Class III Sensors
Boots Tangler Defense
Comm System

Standard Package Features: Tangler defense, puncture resistance, stun module
Bonuses: +2 Navigate, +2 Spot, 90 ft darkvision
Weapons: Corona microwave beam 5d6 or stun, 20, fire or stun, 50 ft, s, -
Grapple Arm 1d10 slam, 20, blud, melee
Taser 2d6 + special, 20, elect, melee, 20 charges
Heavy Gravity Snare special, -, -, 60 ft, s, -

Tangler Defense
This system launches tangler grenades, either on command or set to defense mode where it will attack a target that strikes the Subduer. On command, the user can launch a tangler grenade at any target within 30 feet of it. If set to defensive mode, the system will launch a tangler grenade at any target that strikes the Subduer with a melee attack. The system strikes with a +6 attack roll. If the user is being grappled, the system hits automatically. The Tangler defense system contains 30 grenades.
Puncture Resistance
The armour of the Subduer is layered and treated to have greater resistance to piercing damage, gaining damage reduction 20 to piercing attacks.
Stun Module
The extended range corona microwave beam has a stun module installed. Switching to the stun setting is a free action once a round. The target must make a Fort save DC 20 or be stunned for 1d6+1 rounds.
Grapple Arm
These large four prong grabber claws are designed to grab large creatures and hold them. They are also fitted with taser-like emitters to stun large creatures. The grapple claws can be used to slam dealing 1d10 lethal damage, but are really designed for grappling. The claws provide an additional +5 per claw used to grapple, in addition to size bonuses, and once a grapple is achieved, the user can engage the lock feature which locks the claws shut, granting a +20 to grapple checks to maintain the grapple, in addition to normal bonuses.
As a free action as part of the grapple, or slam attack, the user can use the taser emitters to deal 2d6 electrical damage plus the target must make a Fort save DC 20, or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. As the tasers are designed for large creatures, targets of medium size that fail the Fort save are paralyzed for 50% longer. If the target also has a Constitution lower than 10, a failed save requires another Fort save at the same DC, failure means the target is now dying (at near death and unconscious, -1 hit points, and needs to stabilize, or continue to lose 1 hit point per round) due to massive shock and damage to their heart. The tasers have 20 charges before requiring 5 minutes to recharge 20 charges again.

Heavy Gravity Snare
Built into the right arm, this heavy gravity snare is used to hold animals. Targets hit must make a Reflex save DC 15 to avoid its effects. On a failed save the target is entangled for 2d6 rounds, until the gravity ring dissipates. An entangled creature can escape the gravity ring with a successful Escape Artist check DC 40, or break free with a successful Strength check DC 35.
Modified Class III Sensors
This modified version of the Class III sensors functions similar to the standard, except instead of scanning nonliving targets, it gains the same information on living targets, where applicable. So a successful Computer Use check DC 15 will grant information about size, locomotive capabilities, present direction or trajectory, approximate health (healthy being full or near full hit points, slightly wounded 75%, wounded 50%, heavily wounded 25% or less), basic composition on defensive or offensive capabilities (large claws, teeth, heavy rough skin, thick scales or bone plates, quills, acid glands, etc).


Quite welcome.
With the closure of the WOTC forums in the coming days, gotta find somewhere to put all my stuff. And I do enjoy contributing to this setting when I can.

OK.... was saving stuff from the WOTC Forums (started late-pretty sure won't be able to get everything that I deem cool. If anybody here has some kind of "Wayback Machine"-style file for the whole thing, plz tell me), and I noticed that Raptorial/Rappy moved a lot of the stuff she wrote to this page:

Which is now gone. Anybody here saved the stuff in it?

Gentlemen, Gravity Falls is part of the Core Timeline. Still banging up ideas for it-accepting some.

Pretty much Weirdmageddon didn't ended there.... just is not Bill running the show anymore.


Here's something to help protect S.H.I.E.L.D. or other similar units. Will probably be posting more again soon since WOTC forum is dead.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Uniforms and Armour

The S.H.I.E.L.D organization has developed a lot of its own technology, weapons, gadgets, armour and uniforms.

Basic Jumpsuit
The basic SHIELD jumpsuit is the standard uniform for SHIELD agents. The SHIELD badge on the left shoulder is colour coded for department, rank badges are on the right shoulder. The bands around the arms are also colour coded for sub divisions within departments. They also serve as harness for connecting holsters and pouches for holding various equipment and tools. The belt around the waist is designed to easily attach holsters and pouches.
The jumpsuit is made of a micro-kevlar weave that offers some protection against firearms and melee weapons, about the equivalent of a light undercover armour, only for the whole body, not counting the head, unless a helmet is worn. Lined with several molecular adhesion pads on the legs and arms for attaching holsters, pouches, tools and gadgets. The jumpsuit also has thermal regulating material which helps keep the wearer warmer or cooler in non-extreme environments.
As a piece of armour, the basic jumpsuit doesn't require any training, which makes it an excellent piece of basic protection to give civilian contractors or give out during disaster relief efforts.

SHIELD Jumpsuit (PL5)
Type: Light Armour
Equipment Bonus: +2
Nonprof. Bonus: +2
Str Bonus: 0
Nonprof Str Bonus: 0
Max Dex: +7
Armour Penalty: 0
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 2 lbs
Purchase DC: 13
Restriction: Res (=2)
Notes: Doesn't require armour feat to use properly. Grants +1 bonus to Fort saves against hot or cold environments.

Recon Impact Suit
This full body outfit is similar to the basic jumpsuit, but is lined with IR dampening and sensor scattering material. All badges can be covered with the same material while in the field to keep them from reflecting light or sensor signals. Comes with a holster for a sidearm over the chest from the shoulder plus a melee weapon holster on the waist. The micro-kevlar is replaced with a stronger material, but remains flexible. This suit is issued to recon, scout and undercover units. Normal clothing can be easily worn over this armour, but negates some of its stealth capabilities.

Recon Impact Suit
Type: Light Armour
Equipment Bonus: +3
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Str Bonus: 0
Nonprof Str Bonus: 0
Max Dex: +6
Armour Penalty: -1
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 4 lbs
Purchase DC: 15
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: Thermal, IR and Motion sensors suffer -4 to checks to detect the wearer. The non-reflective and dark colouring of the armour grants a +1 to Hide checks in low-light, shadowy or darker conditions.

S Armour
This is the standard SHIELD armoured uniform for infantry level soldiers expecting combat. Armoured torso, arms and legs protect the body from most weapons, a helmet protects the head. Comes with the same molecular pads and holster belts as the basic jumpsuit. Connectors for combat webbing or packs on the shoulders and waist for added carrying capacity. A torso bandoleer for holding grenades or specialty rounds. The suit contains an encrypted military radio, GPS, and micro computer on the wrist for mission updates, video communications, and maps. The helmet will include a camera for recording all events, which are stored on the micro computer, and can be transmitted live to a command centre.

S Armour (PL5)
Type: Medium Armour
Equipment Bonus: +4
Nonprof. Bonus: +2
Str Bonus: 0
Nonprof Str Bonus: 0
Max Dex: +4
Armour Penalty: -2
Speed (30 ft): 30
Weight: 10 lbs
Purchase DC: 19
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: Has the following integrated equipment: encrypted military radio, GPS, satellite datalink, display glasses with HUD connected to micro computer, tinting glasses (+2 saves against flash bangs or other light based attacks), nanobeacon, card computer, display on arm. Hooks for easily attaching backpack or webbing. Power pack to power all the onboard systems for 2 days before requiring recharging. Can be recharged from universal power adaptor in 2 hours, torso bandoleer that can hold 5 grenades in quick access (quick action to grab the grenades) or 10 of shotgun size or 15 of up to .50 cal sized rounds.

S Tech Armour
Tech armour is higher tech armour SHIELD assigns to teams that engage in combat with augmented foes. Augmented foes includes combat robots, light to medium cyborgized foes, or creatures with artificially enhanced biologies, or creatures with natural abilities above peak human abilities. The basic armour is similar to the S Armour but has slightly heavier protection, plus has several equipment slots for different types of equipment or upgrades to be added for different mission profiles.
Adding or changing a piece of equipment for the equipment slots takes Craft: Electrical and Craft: Mechanical checks of DC 18 and 10 minutes to apply for each piece.

S Tech Armour
Type: Medium
Equipment Bonus: +5
Nonprof. Bonus: +2
Str Bonus: 0
Nonprof Str Bonus: 0
Max Dex: +4
Armour Penalty: -2
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 15 lbs
Purchase DC: 21
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: Encrypted military radio, GPS, satellite datalink, display glasses with HUD connected to micro computer, tinting glasses (+2 saves against flash bangs or other light based attacks), nanobeacon, card computer, display on arm. Hooks for easily attaching backpack or webbing. Power pack to power all the onboard systems for 2 days before requiring recharging. Can be recharged from universal power adaptor in 2 hours. Has universal mountings for standard jet packs.
2 Equipment Slots.
GM Note: Can easily add any other armour gadget available, which generally only use one equipment slot, use best judgement for each gadget/equipment added from books or other sources. This does not count such gadgets as environmental seal, improved defense, increased range of motion, segmented, etc, as they don't take armour slots

S Tech Armour Equipment
These items are developed for the S Tech Armour and its successor armours. Each piece takes up a number of slots, requires Craft: Electrical and Craft: Mechanical checks DC 18 and 10 minutes of work to add or remove. Some of the equipment is reversed engineered from technology recovered from various criminal or terrorist groups such as A.I.M., Hydra, the Sinister Six, etc. These items are SHIELD issued, and not available to other sources. However some Black Market knockoffs, or captured samples have been made available over time.

Shock Absorption
This piece of equipment adds shock absorbing material and a small energy field that dissipates damage from physical sources, such as melee weapons, unarmed combat, concussion energy and bullets. Grants DR 5 against kinetic energy attacks, including piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, crushing, ballistic, slams and concussion. Increases armour check penalty by -1, reduce max Dex bonus by 1.
Slots: 1
Weight: +9 lbs
PDC: 13
Res: Mil (+3)

Precision Strike
A scanner and combat program added to the suit's computer that aids the wearer in melee combat with visual overlays on the display glasses of where to strike. This is done with arrows or lines pointing to where to strike, and guide lines for direction of attacks. Melee attacks gain +2 to attack rolls, critical threat range increases by 1. For example, a club has a threat range of a roll of 20, but with Precision Strike now has 19-20.
Slots: 1
Weight: +3 lbs
PDC: 14
Res: Mil (+3)

Reflexive Flash
This device is basically a flash bang grenade in the form of powerful lights that flash every time the wearer is struck in melee combat, hopefully blinding or dazing the attacker. The wearer's display glasses are calibrated with the device to prevent the wearer from being blinded by the attached device. Any time the wearer is struck in combat, the Reflexive Flash emits a powerful flash of light, in visual, UV and IR. The attacker must make a Reflex save DC 14 or be Dazed.
Slots: 1
Weight: +2 lbs
PDC: 10
Res: Res (+2)

Predecessor to the Chameleonic surface armour gadget, using cameras and displays to change the colour of the armour to that of the surrounding environment. Grants the wearer +2 to Hide, while moving the user gains 10% miss chance due to blurring the outline of the wearer. Can be activated for 10 minutes with a 10 minute cool down.
Slots: 1
Weight: +6 lbs
PDC: 19
Res: Mil (+3)

A series of gyros and balance systems give the wearer an enhanced sense of balance and enhanced load bearing capabilities. Grants +1 to Reflex saves, +2 to Balance checks, increase weight capacity by 10% (increase each load capacity by 10%), and when carrying medium load capacity the wearer is not considered encumbered until carrying a heavy load.
Slots: 1
Weight: +12 lbs
PDC: 13
Res: Lic (+1)

Ablative Armour
Armour plating that is designed to provide heavy armour and protection. These plates are designed to slowly disintegrate and ablate each layer. Grants +10 Defense which overrides the Tech Armour's normal +5 until the Ablative armour is depleted, DR 10, and 50 temporary Hit Points, armour check penalty -5, speed reduced by 10 feet, max Dex bonus +1. After each attack, the DR and bonus to Defense are reduced by 1. When the DR and Defense bonus are depleted, the Ablative armour only provides the HP bonus, if any remains. Once all of the HP is depleted, the Ablative armour is destroyed and falls from the wearer and the original armour's stats are used. The system uses up a slot, allowing for other systems to be installed, however the plating covers the entire armour and the other equipment added (not the standard comms and mini computer) are not usable until the Ablative Armour is removed. The system does have an emergency release which will shed the armour as a move equivalent action.
Slots: 1, but prevents use of any other equipment.
Weight: +30 lbs
PDC: 18
Res: Mil (+3)

Density Phase Array
This device emits a field that hugs the frame of the armour that alters the frequency of the armour and wearer's molecules for several effects, depending on the frequency used. It can be set to make the wearer intangible (incorporeal), allowing the wearer to walk through walls and attacks to pass right through them. With the aid of a small anti-gravity device, this prevents the wearer from fall through the ground unless they push down into the ground. The wearer has a 50% chance to ignore any attack from a corporeal source, except magical attacks have a 75% chance to strike the wearer. The wearer can move through solid objects as long as they have enough movement to move completely pass the object, not ending their turn within an object. Can look through an object (such as through a wall) provided the object is not more than 5 inches thick. Items made of pure lead slow the passage of an intangible wearer, requiring twice as much movement to go through (2 inches of lead counts as 4 inches for example). Items that absorb or reflect vibrations (vibranium, acoustium and similar materials) interferes with the density field and prevents the wearer from passing through. Weapons made of these items will hit an intangible wearer.
Lighten density allows the wearer to be lighter than normal, this will include the gear the wearer is wearing, decreasing their weight by 75%. This will add +10 ft to the user's movement, and a +6 circumstance bonus to Jump and Move Silently checks.
Increase density increases the user's density and increases weight of the user and gear by double (the user's carrying capacity isn't affected, as their muscles become dense enough to compensate. If the wearer was carrying a medium load, the increased density and weight is still considered a medium load). The wearer gains DR 4, and melee strikes gain +4 damage, but suffers -10 ft to speed.
The density array has its own power supply and maintain the field for a total time of 1 hour a day which can be divided up as many times for a short of period as the user wants, takes 2 hours to recharge. Activating and deactivating the field is a free action which can only be done on the user's turn.
Slots: 2
Weight: +15 lbs
PDC: 25
Res: Rare (+4)

Digital Decoy
This is a holographic system that projects an image around the wearer, or an image up to 50 feet from the wearer. The projector can project a 3D image up to large size object around the wear (out to 10 feet around the wearer), or up to 50 feet away. Alternatively, up to 3 medium sized objects can be projected 50 feet around the wearer. These images look quite real, however if touched, the touching object passes right through. They do emit an IR signature, but one-quarter of an object their size, and don't emit any sound. These images are quite useful for disguising the wearer and an ally standing next to the user as a pillar, or a wall. Projecting objects away from the user can be used to appear to have more allies than really exist. Anyone seeing the objects can make a Will save DC 15 if they suspect the images are fake. However they will need a reason to suspect the images are fake, such as 4 soldiers are running, but the sound of only one is heard (Listen DC 12 at more than 30 ft away), while a projection of a garbage dumpster against a building generally is of no concern.
The Digital Decoy has a separate power supply able operate for 3 hours a day, which can be broken up any way the user wants. To program an image takes 5 minutes (for simple projections of common objects such as a wall, dumpster, parked vehicle), 10 minutes for come complex items (soldier running) with a Computer Use check DC 18. Up to 100 images can be stored and easily activated as a full round action.
Slots: 2
Weight: +20 lbs
PDC: 25
Res: Mil (+4)

This set of equipment enhances the S Tech armour's melee capabilities against stronger than peak human opponents. Slightly heavier armour plating and padding is added for greater protection, the arms are fitted with heavy gauntlets that can change into various melee weapons, such as large bludgeons, slashing claws or piercing spikes. The heavier armour increases Defense +1, gains 20 temporary HP that is reduced first, +4 Strength, decreases max Dex bonus by 1, armour check penalty increases by -1, speed reduced by 5 ft. The gauntlets can change into one of three weapons: hammer dealing 2d8 bludgeoning, crit x2; set of three claws dealing 2d6 slashing, crit 19-20x2; and a spike dealing 3d4 piercing damage, crit 20x3. The weapons can also be energized with electricity, which can be set to stun or lethal levels. The stun is usually used with the hammer, with the target suffering 1d6 non-lethal electrical damage and make a Fort save DC 17 or be paralyzed for 1d6+2 rounds. Lethal setting adds 1d6+1 electrical damage to all attacks with the gauntlet weapons. Switching between different weapons or normal hands is a swift action that can be done once a round, turning on the energized system is a free action. There is enough power in the armour for 50 discharges of the energized weapons. A standard power pack can be used for another 50 discharges.
Slots: 2
Weight: +25 lbs
PDC: 25
Res: Mil (+3)

This set enhances the armour's speed and reflexes allowing the wearer to take on low level speed enhanced targets, or chase light vehicles. The servos in the legs are enhanced so that once they are moving, they will increase speed quickly. Wheels on the side of the feet lower and lock to help increase speed in most terrain except rough. Danger avoidance systems are installed to help increase reflexes and avoid obstacles. The wearer gains +20 ft to speed, when running can move at x6 speed instead of normal x4, even if encumbered with a medium load. Additionally the wheels on the boots can lower and lock into place, allowing the wearer to move at a vehicle speed of 30. The wearer also gains +3 to Reflex saves.
Slots: 2
Weight: +20 lbs
PDC: 23
Res: Mil (+3)

Voidrunner's Codex

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