CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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The “SHADO Mobile”, as it is known by many people within and without AEGIS (and most importantly its United Kingdom branch, which used to be SHADO), it is a light, air-transportable APC which is also flexible, modifiable for multiple specific mission requirements as well as being easy to repair and put back on the field.

While many people may mock the “battleship-gray shoe box with tracks”, for the most part the reality is that it has proven to be a good vehicle to have around in most any position.

The SHADO Mobile is crewed by a driver and a technician (who also functions as a gunner, although this role can be fulfilled by a third crewman if necessary), and features top and bottom emergency hatches as well as a main rear hatch. It takes a full-round action to start moving the SHADO Mobile. The SHADO Mobile is three squares wide and four squares long. It provides full cover to its occupants.

Crew: 2.
Passengers: 11.
Cargo: 325 lb.
Initiative: -2.
Maneuver: -2.
Top Speed: 62 (6) (Ground Speed) /34 (3) (Water Speed).
Defense: 8.
Hardness: 10.
Hit Points: 48.
Size: Huge.
Purchase DC: 45
Restriction: Military (+3).

Special Rules:
*Easy To Repair: The SHADO Mobile’s design provides it with a +2 to Repair checks and Craft checks for modifications.

The SHADO Mobile (all model types) comes equipped with the following:
*NPC Seal (prevents crew from being affected by environmental Nuclear, Biological and Chemical attack effects and hazardous atmospheres. If the vehicle is critically damaged (25% of its Hit Points or less), the Seal will break).
*Inertial Navigation Device (provides +2 bonus to Navigate rolls, stacks with any other navigation device/bonus, system cannot be affected by magnetism or signal jamming).
*Surface Surveillance Radar (Senses other vehicles and terrain features within 200 feet).
*Computer with Satellite link to database of choice.
*Radio with Encryption Circuit (20 mile range, eavesdroppers must roll a Decipher Script or Computers roll (DC 30) to be able to listen in).
*Integral Winch (13-ton capacity, 100 ft. line).
*Cameras on all points of the Mobile with multiple vision modes (low-light, thermal).
*High-Powered Lights (Illuminates with a beam 200 feet long and 150 feet across at its end. As well, people looking towards the lights during their activation must do a Reflex roll (DC 18) or be blinded for 1d6 rounds).
*Amphibious Capability (the SHADO Mobile is capable of flotation, it takes a full round to activate the water engines (speed is mentioned above). If the vehicle is critically damaged (10% of its Hit Points or less), it will be unable to float).
*Retractable Machine Gun Turret (Stats as M2HB Heavy Machine Gun (Pg. 96 D20M Core Rulebook), covers all arcs of the vehicle (only front and side arcs with Mortar deployed). Driver can operate this weapon while driving at a -4 penalty to both attack roll and any Drive checks made the same round).
*Retractable Mortar (Stats: 8d6 (Ballistic/Explosive), Critical Range: 20, Range: 2.2 Miles, ROF: 1 Rnd. Fires only towards Front Arc of vehicle).

SHADO Mobiles modified for Command and Control/Sensors have the additional:
*Increase of range of Surface Surveillance Radar to 500 Feet, increased sensitivity allows for detection of beings up to Small size.
*Air Surveillance Radar (Senses other airborne vehicles within 10 miles).
*Commander's Console (with link to agent tracker system, medical readouts and cameras/Kill-Cams/other carried sensors and radios. The Console provides a +2 bonus to Aid Another rolls and abilities such as the Soldier’s “Tactical Aid” (as well as being able to use them remotely)).
*Augmented Communications (Radio with Encryption Circuit and 30-mile range and laser transceiver).
*Computer with hostiles database (provides +2 bonus to recognition rolls and related effects).

SHADO Mobiles outfitted for Medical or Mechanical work have the additional:
*Medical Suite (all Treat Injury, Earth and Life Sciences & Craft (pharmaceutical) checks have a +5 bonus).
*Mechanical Suite (All Craft (Electrical and Mechanical) checks have a +5 bonus).
*Additional Rear Tow Winch (20-ton capacity, 100 ft. line).
Both of these Suites reduce the Passenger Capacity to 6.
SHADO Mobile
SHADO Mobiles modified for Anti-Aircraft use has the following:
*Air Surveillance Radar (senses airborne vehicles within 10 miles).
*Anti-Air Artillery Gunnery Control Computer (provides a +4 bonus to attack rolls against airborne targets).
*Replaces Retractable Mortar with rooftop-mounted Anti-Air Artillery Turret, capable of mounting several weapons (covers all vehicle arcs, standard load-out being either quadruple .50 BMG machine guns (stats as M2HB Heavy Machine Gun (Pg. 96, D20 Modern Core Rulebook), all 4 guns fire at the same time and hit the same target (1 attack roll, 4 damage rolls)) or anti-air missiles (same stats as Sidewinder Missiles, Pg. 223, D20 Modern Menace Manual). Maintains Retractable Machine Gun Turret (only covers front and side vehicle arcs).
This modification suite reduces the Passenger Capacity to 6.


The ATRV is built, and sold, as an all-purpose land vehicle, useful for transportation of equipment and personnel through hard terrain. Cheap (and expendable) for an ATV, a top-of-the-line electric engine allows it to be operated in both atmosphere and vacuum, and its design is fully amphibious. The controls on the ARTV are simple, with ignition switch, accelerator and brake pedals, and dual-handle steering (like that of a tank-pull on one handle to stop the three wheels of one side to turn, pulling both works as an emergency brake. Both driver and passenger parts of the ATRV’s front seat have handles, so it can be driven from either side). The ATRV is mostly used by ATV enthusiasts, ranchers, and groups that need a cheap vehicle for perimeter patrol.

The ATRV-70 is crewed by a single driver and can hold two people on its front seat (more people are capable of going on the rear cargo bed, rather uncomfortable and maybe holding on for dear life). The ATRV-70 is two squares wide and two squares long. It provides no cover to its occupants.

Crew: 1.
Passengers: 1.
Cargo: 280 lb.
Initiative: -1.
Maneuver: -1.
Top Speed: 20 (2) (Ground Speed) /15 (1) (Water Speed).
Defense: 8.
Hardness: 5.
Hit Points: 14.
Size: Huge.
Purchase DC: 17
Restriction: Licensed (+1).

Special Rules:
*Easy To Fix: The design of the ATRV-70 is modular, and many of its systems are very simple, allowing for quick and easy repairs. Repairs and Craft checks to repair or modify an ATRV-70 are reduced by -2 each, repair times are reduced by 25%.
*Silent: The ATRV’s electric engine is very quiet, making rolls to hear it active (and the vehicle moving) to have a -6 penalty (barring other elements such as the vehicle running over something that makes noise or the occupants themselves making noise).

The ATRV-70 comes equipped with the following:
*Amphibious Capability: The ATRV-70 is capable of flotation. Water speed is mentioned above. If the ATRV-70 is critically damaged (10% of its total Hit Points), the vehicle will not be able to float.
*Puncture-Resistant Tires: Penalties which occur because of severe tire damage are halved.
*Compartments: One in front dash (can fit gloves, small tools or small weapons), two on rear cargo bed (can ferry larger equipment or up to Medium-sized weapons). Water-tight and air-tight. These compartments are also concealed (Spot roll, DC 15, to notice).
*Roll Cage: Comes free with each purchase, can be added/removed in five minutes (Repair roll DC 10). Provides benefit of full cover to the vehicle’s occupants for the purpose of situations like rolling over, plus comes installed with a pintle mount for a light weapon.
*Remote Control Rig: This modification can be done pretty quickly (Repair check DC 18, five minutes), allowing the ATRV-70 to be used as a crude drone. All Drive rolls while using this rig are done with a -2 penalty.


View attachment 67899

The ATRV is built, and sold, as an all-purpose land vehicle, useful for transportation of equipment and personnel through hard terrain. Cheap (and expendable) for an ATV, a top-of-the-line electric engine allows it to be operated in both atmosphere and vacuum, and its design is fully amphibious. The controls on the ARTV are simple, with ignition switch, accelerator and brake pedals, and dual-handle steering (like that of a tank-pull on one handle to stop the three wheels of one side to turn, pulling both works as an emergency brake. Both driver and passenger parts of the ATRV’s front seat have handles, so it can be driven from either side). The ATRV is mostly used by ATV enthusiasts, ranchers, and groups that need a cheap vehicle for perimeter patrol.

The ATRV-70 is crewed by a single driver and can hold two people on its front seat (more people are capable of going on the rear cargo bed, rather uncomfortable and maybe holding on for dear life). The ATRV-70 is two squares wide and two squares long. It provides no cover to its occupants.

Crew: 1.
Passengers: 1.
Cargo: 280 lb.
Initiative: -1.
Maneuver: -1.
Top Speed: 20 (2) (Ground Speed) /15 (1) (Water Speed).
Defense: 8.
Hardness: 5.
Hit Points: 14.
Size: Huge.
Purchase DC: 17
Restriction: Licensed (+1).

Special Rules:
*Easy To Fix: The design of the ATRV-70 is modular, and many of its systems are very simple, allowing for quick and easy repairs. Repairs and Craft checks to repair or modify an ATRV-70 are reduced by -2 each, repair times are reduced by 25%.
*Silent: The ATRV’s electric engine is very quiet, making rolls to hear it active (and the vehicle moving) to have a -6 penalty (barring other elements such as the vehicle running over something that makes noise or the occupants themselves making noise).

The ATRV-70 comes equipped with the following:
*Amphibious Capability: The ATRV-70 is capable of flotation. Water speed is mentioned above. If the ATRV-70 is critically damaged (10% of its total Hit Points), the vehicle will not be able to float.
*Puncture-Resistant Tires: Penalties which occur because of severe tire damage are halved.
*Compartments: One in front dash (can fit gloves, small tools or small weapons), two on rear cargo bed (can ferry larger equipment or up to Medium-sized weapons). Water-tight and air-tight. These compartments are also concealed (Spot roll, DC 15, to notice).
*Roll Cage: Comes free with each purchase, can be added/removed in five minutes (Repair roll DC 10). Provides benefit of full cover to the vehicle’s occupants for the purpose of situations like rolling over, plus comes installed with a pintle mount for a light weapon.
*Remote Control Rig: This modification can be done pretty quickly (Repair check DC 18, five minutes), allowing the ATRV-70 to be used as a crude drone. All Drive rolls while using this rig are done with a -2 penalty.


Ladies and gentlemen, I require a minute of your time. Your vote will be highly appreciated.

So... here we go. Currently I am working on an information packet for Costa Rica, and I am undecided on a particular, and highly important aspect.

So here we go...


Where do you think would be the best location for the "Six Deaths" island chain (which comprises the "Cinco Muertes (Five Deaths)" chain which includes Isla Sorna and the addition of Isla Nublar)? Would it be option "A" (where Nublar is located on the map showcased above) or option "B" (where the Five Deaths are located on the map showcased above)?

Thanks for your time.

Ladies and gentlemen, I require a minute of your time. Your vote will be highly appreciated.

So... here we go. Currently I am working on an information packet for Costa Rica, and I am undecided on a particular, and highly important aspect.

So here we go...

View attachment 68563

Where do you think would be the best location for the "Six Deaths" island chain (which comprises the "Cinco Muertes (Five Deaths)" chain which includes Isla Sorna and the addition of Isla Nublar)? Would it be option "A" (where Nublar is located on the map showcased above) or option "B" (where the Five Deaths are located on the map showcased above)?

Thanks for your time.

Lord Zack

Unfortunately, my knowledge of the area is limited, so I din't really have much of a way to make an informed decision. I am watching Jurassic World right now though and it seems very interesting...

"Indomitus Rex? What a fascinating creature. Worthy to be part of the Swarm." -the Queen of Blades.
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OK, ZERGIFIED I. Rex? Scary thought...

Seriously scary.

After some consideration (and discussion with some friends), I have decided that the "Seis Muertes" Island Chain is now located where Isla Nublar is. All of them are infested with dinos-of all kinds, even the LEGO ones. Sorna is a biological reserve (the John Hammond Reserve) and Nublar... well, the idea is that it has the Jurassic World and the Jurassic Park facilities both open and active, but dunno how that could go... maybe the older facilities are the "factory floor" for the World facilities or Park is the more Safari-like part of the resort, where the hotels are or something?

(On that end, should the whole place still be called "Park" or should it use the new "World" name?).

The world being what it is, Nublar has become... well, let's see... probably has been protested (and maybe even attacked) by SCALE a few times and occasionally there's emergency drills where customers are led to specialized bunkers while the Asset Containment Teams are deployed, and buying a ticket to Nublar also includes some small print that legally has you acknowledge that the place may be swarmed with dinosaurs at any moment? And, oh yeah, the Six Deaths are occasionally poached by people like Ninjas and Mon trainers.

I have also a couple of ideas regarding Masrani, InGen and BioSyn, but dunno whether to discuss them here because they *do* have some big spoilers...

Voidrunner's Codex

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