CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Lord Zack

I think I know what you mean. A lot of people might be interested in doing business with InGen, like the Umbrella Corp., the Galactic Federation, etc.

If I had to choose between Park and World I'd go with Park. However, perhaps Jurassic Park is part of a larger complex, Jurassic World.

Ferenginar has historically not been known as much of a tourist attraction. The torrential rains and muck the world has been known for has insured that the world has been a center of business, but not for sightseeing. However this has changed recently due to the Ferengi's dealing with the Hutts. Ferenginar is not that different from Nal Hutta as many Ferengi have noticed. So many enterprising Ferengi entrepreneurs have sought to make their world as attractive to the Hutts as possible, in order that the Hutts will spend as much of their credits (or preferably truguts) or latinum there as possible. In fact many Hutts have traveled to the world for the express purpose of recreation.

Of course the space lanes between the GFFA and Ferenginar are not always safe. While the Klingons have begun to focus on external threats like the recent Iconian invasion of the Milky Way (as seen in Star Trek Online), many Klingons will consider any ship that passes through Klingon space without permission of their particular faction as fair game. Then there are various space pirates, Orion, Zebesian or other. Of course the Solar Run is a major focus of the war and there is the risk of running afoul of the various combatants. Then there is the fact that wealthy Hutts twnd to have powerful enemies. There is a need for security for these Hutt tourists and the PCs might be able to provide said security.
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Lord Zack

It occurs to me that Jurassic Park/World would want to obtain various non - lethal weapons to subdue their attractions. The best one I could think of is starship grade phasers. They might also use handheld phasers and phaser rifles, stun blasters, stokhli spray sticks, X-Com ARC throwers, etc.

Also they might have some exotic alien beasts, including Rancors, Acklays, perhaps in a separate section of the park. Of course players might be hired to obtain such specimens as well as wild dinosaur specimens from various "lost worlds" such as Pellucudar, and the Savage Land.

A combination of lethal and non-lethal, projectile and energy weapons, would be best, considering that sometimes the dinos *need* to be put down and the Park's problems have been because of malfunctioning devices (sabotage, of course), so better not to hedge all the bets on one type of weapon.

(Did a short story for the setting, "Regular Dinosaur Park". Sales of weapons for JP are the center of the story. Didn't even thought of Spray Sticks or ship-sized lasers for it.... although the story do ends with the possibility of JP management buying more stuff later on).

The other islands of the Death Archipielago need monsters to inhabit them... those certainly sound like good options.

Lord Zack

Maybe somewhere near the Koprulu Sector, they are similar in many ways. That might be too far from Earth, though. I don't know whether the 'verse has the technology to travel that far even if only one-way. I also think Azeroth should be in/near the Koprulu Sector.

OK, switching to the RPG part of the setting for a sec. Here is a potential alternate use for Action Points that I think looked cool.

So the question is.... use? No use? Obviously think would need some tweaking, add stuff...

Here we go:

Special Actions
A character can perform certain tasks by spending an action point. In addition to the actions described below, some prestige classes or feats (see below) might allow the expenditure of action points in order to gain or activate specific abilities, at the GM’s option.

Activate Class Ability
A character can spend 1 action point to gain another use of a class ability that has a limited number of uses per day. For example, a monk might spend an action point to gain another use of her stunning fist ability, or a paladin might spend an action point to make an additional smite attack.

Boost Defense
A character can spend 1 action point as a free action when fighting defensively. This gives him double the normal benefits for fighting defensively for the entire round (+4 dodge bonus to AC; +6 if he has 5 or more ranks in Tumble).

Emulate Feat
At the beginning of a character’s turn, he may spend 1 action point as a free action to gain the benefit of a feat he doesn’t have. He must meet the prerequisites of the feat. He gains the benefit until the beginning of his next turn.

Extra attack
During any round in which a character takes a full attack action, he may spend 1 action point to make an extra attack at his highest base attack bonus. Action points may be used in this way with both melee and ranged attacks.

Spell Boost
A character can spend 1 action point as a free action to increase the effective caster level of one of his spells by 2. He must decide whether or not to spend an action point in this manner before casting the spell.

Spell Recall
Spellcasters who prepare their spells in advance can spend 1 action point to recall any spell just cast. The spell can be cast again later with no effect on other prepared spells. This use of an action point is a free action and can only be done in the same round that the spell is cast. Spontaneous spellcasters such as sorcerers and bards can spend 1 action point to cast a spell without using one of their daily spell slots. This use of an action point is a free action and can only be done as the spell is being cast.

Any time a character is dying, he can spend 1 action point to become stable at his current hit point total.

Improving Feats
The use of action points opens up a whole range of possible feats. However, it’s easier on characters simply to improve existing feats to take advantage of action points—that way, characters needn’t spend their precious feat slots simply to gain the ability to use their action points. Below are a few examples of how action points can be used with existing feats. Unless otherwise stated, each effect requires a free action to activate and lasts 1 round.

You can spend 1 action point to negate your miss chance for a single attack.

Combat Expertise
You can spend 1 action point to double the bonus to Armor Class granted by the feat. For example, if you take a penalty of -3 on your attack roll, you gain a +6 dodge bonus to AC.

You can spend 1 action point to increase the dodge bonus granted by the feat to +2. The effect lasts for the entire encounter.

Improved Critical
You can spend 1 action point to double your critical threat range. Since two doublings equals a tripling, this benefit increases your threat range from 19-20 to 18-20, from 17-20 to 15-20, or from 15-20 to 12-20, including the effect of your Improved Critical feat. This benefit stacks with the benefit from Improved Critical, but not with other effects that increase threat range.

Improved Initiative
You can spend 1 action point to double the bonus on initiative checks granted by the feat, from +4 to +8.

Metamagic Feats
You can spend 1 action point to add the effect of any one metamagic feat that you have to a spell you are casting. The spell is cast at its normal level (without any level adjustment because of the feat) and takes no extra time to cast.

Heighten Spell automatically raises a spell’s effective level to the highest level of spell you are capable of casting. For example, if a 7th-level wizard with the Heighten Spell feat casts burning hands and spends 1 action point to heighten the spell, the spell is treated as if it were a 4th-level spell in all respects even though the wizard prepared it normally (as a 1st-level spell).

Power Attack
You can spend 1 action point to double the bonus on damage rolls granted by the feat. For example, if you take a penalty of -3 on your attack roll, you add +6 to your damage roll.

Spell Focus
You can spend 1 action point to double the increase to save DCs granted by the feat, from +1 to +2.

Spell Penetration
You can spend 1 action point to double the bonus on caster level checks granted by the feat, from +2 to +4. The effect lasts for the entire encounter.

Voidrunner's Codex

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