CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

I'll start up with the rest of Fiction races. Here's my view of the standard D20 Fictions races (for now, just Elves).


Sketch of female Elf in USMC NBC drill, dated 1123 Weeks Post-Vanishing.

The elves are long-lived, somewhat aloof race, that had managed to add an astounding degree of artistry to everything they do, from language to warfare tactics. On Coreline, a great majority of them had been thrown into a harsh scenario and put so down on their luck that it’s hard to believe that they are considered an incredibly beautiful race-but like other Fiction races that live on Coreline, they have adapted.
Elven artistry has appeared everywhere, in a strange example even in Gangsta rap (admittedly, even if it’s the ‘same old’ at heart, it’s odd to listen to a Tupac cover in Elven).
There’s so many variations of this race out there that it would take forever to mention, so we’ll just cover the ‘main template’ Elf and a few of the variations in here.

Racial Traits:
--‘Main’ Elf: So called because they’re the ones with the most closeness to a ‘main template’ of Elves by mainstream Pre-Vanishing Fiction. They are the most ‘middle-of-the-way’ of the bunch, and as such, the more adaptable. They have spreaded all over Coreline, especially on cities like Chicago, Mexico, San Jose, Tokyo and London.
*Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution.
*Medium: As Medium creatures, elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
*Speed: Elf base land speed is 30 feet.
*Immunities: Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
*Low-Light Vision: An elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
*Racial Skills: +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.

--‘Magical’ Elves: They are a variation of the ‘Main’ Elf, in that their society has gone on and developed magic as high as technology-to the point that they just cannot interact with the latter as well as the ‘Main’, so they have gone on and stayed away from the cities.
They are located in areas like Scotland, the English countryside, New Zealand and the Alps.
Racially speaking, they are the same as the ‘Main’ elves, with the following exceptions:
*Arcane Skills: Elves automatically gain the Arcane Skills feat as described in Urban Arcana. (The character gains the following class skills, as described under the Mage advanced class: Concentration, Craft (chemical), and Spellcraft. Further, the character gains Use Magic Device as a class skill, as described under the Occultist advanced class.)
*Magecraft: Elves are naturally gifted in magics and arcana obscura. Elvish spellcaster have a +1 bonus on Difficulty Class to resist for all spells they cast. In addition all Elves can manifest 1 Level 0 spell per day from any spellcaster list. This is in addition to any other spells the character may be able to cast.
*Technophobic: The ‘Magical’ elves are technophobic creatures. They take a -4 species penalty on skill checks that require an understanding of technological items, including Computer Use, Craft (Electronic), Demolitions, Disable Device, Drive, Pilot and Repair checks.

+Aquatic Elves:
This Elven sub-species had adapted to a semi-amphibious lifestyle, being capable to breathe underwater and swim pretty fast. Because of this, they have expanded on several coastal areas (such as Washington, Maine, California, Jamaica, Okinawa and Venice, Italy) and off-coast colonies (most of them abandoned Pre-Vanishing rigs).
Racial stat-wise, they have all of the same abilites as ‘Main’ Elves, except as follows:
* +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence: Aquatic elves are as flexible as their land bound cousins, but their life underwater is one- dimensional fundementally, giving them a penalty to intelligence.
* Swim 40 feet.
* Gills: Aquatic elves can survive out of the water for 1 hour per point of Constitution before they start to drown.
* Low-Light Vision: As ‘Main’ Elves, except its four times the range of humans.

+Drow Elves: If there is one variety of Elves out there that is more divided and misunderstood than the Drow, it still has to show face. Countless amounts of Pre-Vanishing fiction shows them as en extreme evil, and so they are prejudiced. But the division inside them is large. Several of them want nothing to do with any pantheons, and have adapted to living on the streets.
Inside the Pantheons, the division is great: there’s the original ones to Lolth and Eilistraee, and there’s a third, rapidly growing one: to an Alternate of Naruto Uzumaki that got ascended (originally) as a prank, and to the prankster’s bad luck, got no turning back. This pantheon actually enforce the Drow to be friends, and eschews conventional magic in favor of Jutsus.
They have all of the same abilites as the Elves, except as follows:
*+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma - Drow elves are almost selectively bred to favor a keen intellect and strong personality.
Medium: As Medium creatures, drow have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Drow base land speed is 30 feet.
Immunities: Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.
Darkvision: Drow can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and drow can function just fine with no light at all.
Light Sensitivity: Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds a drow for 1 round. In addition, drow take a –1 circumstance penalty on all attack rolls, saves, and checks while operating in bright light unless equipped especially (with dark glasses, for example).
Racial Skills: +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A drow who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
Spell Resistance (Ex): A drow gains Spell Resistance equal to 5 + half her character level (rounding down).
Elven Subtype: For all effects related to race, a drow is considered an elf.

+Gray Elves: This particular sub-species of the ‘Magic’ Elf is smarter, haughtier, more experienced magic-wise and bookish.
Their natural preference to avoid physical confrontation and be left alone to expand on their research has made them go to aislated areas like the Tibet and the Argentinean Ands.
Racial Stats: They have the same abilities as the ‘Magic’ Elf, except for the following>
*+2 Intelligence, -2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution: Gray elven society favors knowledge and wand mobility over physical strength.
*Their constant research has given them an additional +1 racial bonus to Arcane Skill rolls.

+Wild Elves: They are a semi-barbaric variety of Elves, who believe as a whole that everybody Elf (even the ‘magical’ ones) has lost its connection to the woods. Not to say that they despise technology, but that they have taken it and magic as crutches to adapt to the Coreline. They live a nomadic lifestyle, and the few settlements they do have are located in out-of-the-way middle-of-nowhere towns in the Southwest, Brasil and Australia..
They have all of the same abilites as the common elves, except as follows:
* +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence: Wild elves have the agility of the other sub-races, but their life in the wild doesn't lead to many geniuses.
*+1 to Handle Animal (horse), Ride and Survival Skill rolls

+Wood (‘Psi’) Elves: They are the ‘other’ wild elves, the ones that follow your every move in the forests, but you might never see. They are akin with the ‘Magic’ Elves in that they have reached an innate connection with one of the ‘ethereal’ forces, but in their case, it’s psionics. The fact that psionics are rarer among Elves than magic, and their own desire to be left alone, has made them be extremely reclusive. They live in the forests of the East and West coasts, Colorado, Canada and the Latin Americas.
They have all of the same abilities as the common elves, except as follows.
*+2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma - Wood elves are strong and swift, but their reclusive lifestyle seldom leads to higher learning and social skills.
*Wood elves gain the ‘Track’ Feat for free.
*Psionic Skills: Elves automatically gain the Psionic Skills feat as described in Urban Arcana. (The character gains the following class skills, as described under the Telepath advanced class: Autohypnosis, Concentration, and Psicraft.)
*Psionic Abilitiesi: Wood Elves are naturally gifted in psionics. Elvish psionicists have a +1 bonus on Difficulty Class to resist for all psionics they cast. In addition all Elves can manifest 1 Level 0 spell per day from any Psionics list. This is in addition to any other psionics the character may be able to cast.
*Technophobic: The Wood elves are technophobic creatures. They take a -4 species penalty on skill checks that require an understanding of technological items, including Computer Use, Craft (Electronic), Demolitions, Disable Device, Drive, Pilot and Repair checks.
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This is overkill (requires D20 BESM rulebook).

This one spot is for the two more 'overkill' races statetd yet (well, working on the rest seen in this series, as well). They were made by Malanchon over atthe GoO boards.


There's a reason they are feared, you know...


Hailing from a long dead world, the race of warriors known as Saiyans were feared wherever they appeared in their home universe. Originally vile mercenaries, Saiyans now wander the cosmos aimlessly, with no roots to ground them. They are a dying race, and so it is rare to come across more than two or three together. Saiyans live to fight, and nothing makes them happier than to face a great challenge.
Their first appearances in Coreline were the next thing to having thrown nukes. They destroyed multiple towns, blasted holes in the countryside, murdered lots of people as they went on a fighting binge aganist other races and each other. And when people returned from the Vanishing, it stil took a lot to get them under control.

It is not hard to suppose that they are feared A LOT by lesser races, no matter where they stand in a particular conflict.

Personalities: Saiyans are loud and aggressive. They often charge blindingly into combat just for the thrill of it. Although not all are bloodthirsty, and there is a surprising number of gentle Saiyans, combat is their life and blood.

Physical Descriptions: Saiyans appear as diverse as humans, with many giants in their midst. However, even the smallest among them is strong and compact. Saiyans only grow hair on their heads, which is always black and spiky, and by the time they reach maturity, they no longer grow or regrow any hair. Most Saiyans are also distinguished by a long brown tail usually wrapped around their waist.
It is well-known by those Otaku who survived the 23 Hours that a Saiyan with a tail looking atthe full moon would grow into the Oozaru (Weremonkey) Form, and be incredibly hard to stop. However, for some reason, the moon of Coreline (and other moons in this universe) lack whatever factor is required for the Form to appear.

Relations: Saiyans are most often of chaotic alignment. They are self-focused and flippant of others. Many older Saiyans are also evil, who only want to spread more carnage and relish in their physical superiority.
Although there are as many good Saiyans as there are evil Saiyans in Coreline, the fights that Saiyans are known to wage (which can only be described as 'WMD hitting'), unfortunately, has given them a perennial bad rep.

Adventurers: Saiyans wander because they have nothing better to do. No longer organized as mercenaries, Saiyans go out to find worthy battles and to develop their inner powers. Some strive to achieve the legendary “Super Saiyan” status (which, thank God, not all of them can achieve. Those who DO, however...).

Saiyan Traits- Point Cost
Base Movement: 0
+2 Strength: 1
+2 Constitution: 1
-2 Wisdom: -1
-2 Charisma: -1
Alternate Form (Oozaru): 2
Painful Training: 2
Stubborn Body: 1
+2 to Intimidate Skill Checks: 0.5
+2 to Survival Skill Checks: 0.5
Total Cost: 6
Adjusted Cost: 0

Alternate Form (Oozaru/Weremonkey)- Full Powered Version with the Defects: Blind Fury (3 BP), Involuntary Physical Change (1BP), Restriction (2 BP), and Vulnerability (1 BP). The Attribute gained is Size Change (Growth) +2.
The Vulnerability is the Saiyan’s tail, if it is grabbed, then all the Saiyan’s attributes drop by 2, and the Saiyan feels weak and drowsy. The Tail is a reservoir of Chi for the Saiyan, and under the light of the full moon (Restriction), a Saiyan who still has his tail is forced to transform into the Oozaru Form, in order to empty the body of excess Chi before the Saiyan is burnt up by his own energies (Involuntary Physical Change). The Oozaru is a giant Ape-like form, which suffers from a bestial madness (Blind Fury).
Should the Saiyan lose his tail, he loses the Alternate Form Attribute and all it’s defects. He gains 2 bonus CP instead.

However, the full moon in Coreline doesn’t has whatever is required for the Saiyans to achieve this transformation (it has been theorized that maybe the full moon’s rays in the DBZ universes have an additional frecuency that instill the transformation and that this version of the Moon lacks, but since other kinds of Werecreatures change with ease, this has not been proven).

Painful Training- Saiyans grow stronger from near death experiences. Whenever they are brought to negative HP, then recovers without dying, Saiyans gain a special experience bonus. This is calculated by how many hit points below zero the Saiyan reached, multiplied by their character level, and multiplied again by 100. For stronger campaigns, a DM may choose to let the Saiyan character gain bonus CP equal to half the negative HP the Saiyan survives. DMs may limit how much experience or CP a Saiyan would receive for self-inflicted wounds. This traits does not prevent a Saiyan from dying like any other character.

Stubborn Body- Saiyan bodies are conditioned to ignore many of the rigors of aging. They only receive a –1 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution at Old age, and do not suffer any penalties at Middle or Venerable age. Saiyans have a lifespan equal to a Dwarf.


Well, they look freaky...

The quiet and ascetic race known as Nameks are practically legendary, known for their great magic and miracles, until the race nearly died out a millennia ago. No one knows why the race faced extinction, and the Nameks themselves do not talk about it. Now, most Nameks are solitary folk, content to spend their lives tending their planet, although occasionally a Namek learns how to fight, but only to protect. In the deeper outskirts of space roam other Nameks unaffected by the cataclysm, and some of these are arrogant and villainous.
They appeared on Coreline at the same time as the Saiyans, and although the grand majority of them decided to live and let live (moving deep into Asia and Australia), several of them wagered fights as destructive as the Saiyans'. Maybe the fact that most people recognized that Nameks would rather leave them be stopped them from getting the same bad rep as Saiyans.

Personalities: Most Nameks are cold and controlled, preferring to let their actions speak for themselves. They also tend to watch and judge others.

Physical Descriptions: Quite a distinguishing race, Nameks are green-skinned humanoids with no body hair, two antennae on their foreheads, and tan sections over their body. They often choose loose and simple garment.

Relations: Nameks tend to be cold and short-spoken to others, alienating most other by their attitude. However, if one should earn the Namek’s respect, then they have gained a friend for life.

Alignment: The Namek’s steely control is the epitome of being Lawful, and most prefer a neutral outlook to the consequences of good and evil.

Adventurers: Very few Nameks choose to adventure, although there is an occasional wonderment about the rest of the universe, and that is where most Namek adventurers come from. Rarely does a Namek become concerned about wealth, but personal development is very important to them.

Namek Traits- Point Cost
Base Movement: 0
+2 Wisdom: 1
-2 Charisma: -1
Does Not Eat: 1
Elasticity +1: 2
Rejuvenation +1: 1
Heightened Sense (Hearing) +1: 1
+2 to Concentration Skill Checks: 0.5
+2 to Listen Skill Checks: 0.5
Total Cost: 6
Adjusted Cost: 0

*blast of violet-tinged silver flame erupts from thin air*

Whoa. Crowded room. Now:
Vehrec said:
Dimensional Instability: Reality Decay
A three block area of Queens was engulfed in a powerful reality decay field today, causing the deaths of several dozen Fictions and over 700 people are still in comas as of this report. Physicists are baffled by the size of the event, but were unable to determine the cause.
The breakdown of the barriers between the thousands of realities was not an easy or stress free process. And sometimes, its too much even for a robust healthy reality to take. When everything in an area gives way, Fictions and the Vanished are the ones who suffer. Fictions simply disapear (Fortitude DC35 to drop to -1 hp instead) and the Vanished have their minds Fracked over backwards (Will save DC 30 or take 4d6 Wis damage) . Needless to say, this is not considered a nice thing by any streach of the imagination. One of these things destroyed a powerful Ranma alternate, so it seems that there are even more powerful varients out there. Be very afraid.

An adjoinder to this, Marco: However, the phenomenon (happily enough) appears to be restricted for the moment in the Material Plane of origin by unknown means, or at least undisclosed so far to the mortal population (use of the Ultimate Force being about as likely as some kind of multi-pantheonic 'act of the gods' at least where such things apply)
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They were considered in Pre-Vanishing Fiction with the following things: 1) a high degree of technical knowledge, 2) a near-primal distaste for the Elves, 3) a more ‘rough-party-guy’ kind of aloofness. On Coreline, they adapted because they immediately went into reverse-engineering the advanced technology from other Fiction races, and the one from Pre-Vanishing. They have made a reputation by creating technology that is ‘AK-47 reliable’, that is extremely simplistic, but that does the job just as well, and is guaranteed to do the job no matter how much punishment you drive it thru.
On Coreline, there are 3 variations of the Dwarves: the ‘spacer’ Dwarves, the ‘modern’ or ‘techie’ Dwarves and the ‘magic’ Dwarves. Unlike the ‘foolish Elves’, the magic-using Dwarves are not as technophobic.

+‘Spacer’ Dwarf: So called because they first appeared along with the off-world colonies, they have developed their bodies and society slightly different from the other Dwarven societies, in that they make emphasis in ‘find a job, get a crew, keep ‘er flying’.
They have spreaded themselves all other the off-world colonies and the Asteroid Belt.
Racial Traits: They are statistically the same as ‘Modern’ Dwarves except for the following:
*Bonus Feats: Spacer Dwarves obtain the ‘Spacer’ and ‘Zero-G Training’ Feats for free.
*Land Cherries: Spacer Dwarves have been up in space from birth to (hopefully) death. They live among the stars and planetoids with low gravity. As such, their bodies (even if sturdy) are not adapted to go around Earth-like gravity, which can cause temporal dizziness and lack of coordination and stamina, at least at first.
Whenever a Spacer Dwarf gets onto a planet or space station with ‘normal’ (1.0g) gravity or higher, they get a -2 penalty to any Dexterity and Constitution-based rolls. This penalty disappears after the Spacer Dwarf has been 120 continuous hours on the planet. If the Spacer Dwarf leaves the planet and then returns, the penalty will reappear until another 120 hours have passed.

+’Modern’ (‘Techie’) Dwarves: So called because they have adapted themselves towards the eccentricities of modern technology and lifestyles, they are the most common Dwarf: the hardy tinkerer, the hardy-around-the-edges gadgeteer. Unfortunately, they sacrificed some of their grip on their magical roots in order to obtain their grip on technology (and isn’t THAT such a common thing among ‘advanced civilizations’?). They are pretty much everywhere where technology is widely used, such as Japan and Silicon Valley.
Racial Traits:
*Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Constitution, –2 Charisma.
Medium: As Medium creatures, dwarves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
*Speed: Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. However, dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations).
*Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and dwarves can function just fine with no light at all.
*Heat Resistance: Dwarves are used to extremely hot temperatures. They have a natural Heat Resistance of 5.
*Stability: A dwarf gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
*Racial Skills: +2 racial bonus on Craft checks.
*Racial Saving Throw Bonus: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison. +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
*Racial Attack Bonus: +1 racial bonus on attack and damage rolls against Ogres.

+’Magic’ Dwarves: So called because they, of all three variations, are the ones that mostly uses magic. They view magic as they view technology: as items that must be meshed together and developed to their utmost degree. As such, they have become one of first races to develop technomagic, and they are –still- the best teachers in the subject in magic courses all around Coreline.
Racial Traits:
They are statistically the same as ‘modern’ Dwarves, except for the following:
*Arcane Skills: Dwarves automatically gain the Arcane Skills feat as described in Urban Arcana. (The character gains the following class skills, as described under the Mage advanced class: Concentration, Craft (chemical), and Spellcraft. Further, the character gains Use Magic Device as a class skill, as described under the Occultist advanced class.)
*Magecraft: Dwarves are naturally gifted in magics and arcana obscura. Dwarven spellcasters have a +1 bonus on Difficulty Class to resist for all spells they cast. In addition all Dwarves can manifest 1 Level 0 spell per day from any spellcaster list. This is in addition to any other spells the character may be able to cast.
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'Mrs Stingray? A Mousiour Duran is here to see you.'

When Durandal, as a Halo style AI needs to move around, he uses one of several custom built bodies, using technology right on the bleeding edge. He's got a couple of combat boomers and one body for just meeting people in. Here are some stats for what to expect when people attack the second largest stockholder of GENOM, friend of the remnant, opponent of robot rights and one of the world's most reclusive men.

'Duran' custom boomer
Immunities: Bioreplicas are immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless. They are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain (except as noted under Destruction/Restoration, below), energy drain, or the effects of massive damage. They cannot be raised from the dead (but again, see below).
Repairable: A successful Repair check (DC 30) heals 1d10 points of damage to a bioreplica, and each check represents 1 hour of work. Duran's nanite infused body also heals 1 point of damage per hour.
Critical Systems: Although they are constructs, bioreplicas have vital areas and critical systems. Consequently, they are subject to critical hits.
Lifelike Appearance: Duran is indistinguishable from a adult Frenchman. Even when cut open, he appears human right down to a cellular level.

Medium Construct, HD: 12d10+10, Mas:-, Init: +8(+2 equipment, +4 feat, +2 dexterity) Defense: 19 (+1 natural, +2 dexterity, +6 forcefield), touch: 18, flat footed: 17, BAB: 15/10/5, Grp: +19/+14/+9, Attack: +19/+14/+9 melee +17/+12/+7 ranged, SQ:Construct traits, Critical systems, darkvission 120', scent, AL: Self, GENOM, Evil, SV: Fort +8, Ref+8, Will+14, AP 10, Rep: +10, Str 18 Dex 15 Con - Int 30 Wis 23 Cha 15
Skills: (just assume that he has at least ten ranks in everything, including decorative basket weaving. It's easier that way.)
Feats: Personal Firearms proficiency, Improved initiative, Aircraft operation, Spaceship operations, Educated, Studious, Vehicle Expert.
Sensors: Class VIII
Accessories: vocalizer, built in videophone, wireless Internet link (enables Durandal to remotely upload or download himself into this body as a full round action. Its a DC 30 Computer use check to do that as a move action and a DC 50 to load as a free action.)

Shortly after the 23 hours, Durandal established himself as Mosiour Duran, a rich Frenchman with interest in GENOM. Following several questionable but legal property deals, Duran bought out several stockholders outright, paying as much as half a dollar per share more than the going price. At great price, he obtained not only 30% of the company but also a seat on the board of directors. And he realized that he needed a butt to place on that seat. His favorable attitude towards the Colonial Remnant made him a target for a couple of assassination attempts by Cylons, who spent all their time searching his estate for a man who didn't exist. So he tore their bodies apart, examined the stats on Major Kusanagi's last scraped body, and added everything he could pull from both to make a unique S-44 class boomer. The S-44 model is totally indistinguishable from a normal human, and only one exists. The only way to determine it's inhumanity would be a sub cellular analysis. He made the body as tough as possible so as to make it hard to kill him while he was wearing it, but at the same time leaves nothing to chance. 'Duran' is never seen without a small horde of bodyguards, both human and Boomer. At the first sign that anything is wrong, he retreats to safety. It's a safe bet that killing him is a good deal harder than most people would guess.



They were also seen in Pre-Vanishing Fiction as a ‘tinkerer’ race, but in contrast to the Dwarves’ ‘AK-47 reliability’, the Gnomes were sophisticated, advanced, and not a little bit unwilling to use said technology as means for some prank. They like a good life-and they’d like nothing less than a smooth trip to get it.
On Coreline, there’s two versions of the gnomes: the ‘techie’ Gnomes and the ‘magic’ Gnomes. They both represent extremes of the Gnomes’ natural tinkering, because while the ‘techie’ Gnomes have embraced technology to the point of adapting cybernetics to themselves to overcome some biological shortcomings (and in the way, obtain a lot of moolah thru research grants and merchandising), the ‘magic’ Gnomes have developed magic (especially illusionary magic) to a high degree (for which several special effects firm (like ILM) employ them).

+’Techie’ Gnomes: they were called this way because they obtained a high degree of technology knowledge, to the point of making cybergrafts almost second nature among themselves. They are located all over Coreline, but have found a niche on the off-world Colonies.
Racial Traits:
Size: Small.
Ability Modifiers: –2 Strength, +2 Constitution.
Base Speed: 20 feet.
Special Combat Bonuses: Gnomes gain a +1 species bonus on attack rolls against bugbears, goblins (and other goblinoids), and kobolds. Gnomes also gain a +4 dodge bonus to their Defense against giant creatures (such as ogres and trolls); this bonus represents special training that gnomes undergo, during which they learn tricks that previous generations developed in their battles with giants. Note that any time a gnome loses his positive Dexterity bonus to Defense, such as when he’s caught flat-footed, he loses this dodge bonus, too.
Bonus Feat: ‘Techie’ Gnomes receive the ‘Cybertaker’ Feat for free.
Low-Light Vision: Gnomes can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Skill Bonuses: Gnomes gain a +2 species bonus on Listen checks. Gnomes who have one or more ranks in the Craft (mechanical) and Craft (electrical) skills also gain a +2 species bonus on Craft (mechanical) and Craft (electrical) checks.

+’Magic’ Gnomes: So called because they have gone the ‘other’ way of the spectrum and forged a heavy amount of advanced magic, although they specialize in illusionary magic. They are located all over the British Isles, especially because they don’t like to wander too far off from their homelands (or where they first appeared during the Hours).
Size: Small.
Ability Modifiers: –2 Strength, +2 Constitution.
Base Speed: 20 feet.
Special Combat Bonuses: Gnomes gain a +1 species bonus on attack rolls against bugbears, goblins (and other goblinoids), and kobolds. Gnomes also gain a +4 dodge bonus to their Defense against giant creatures (such as ogres and trolls); this bonus represents special training that gnomes undergo, during which they learn tricks that previous generations developed in their battles with giants. Note that any time a gnome loses his positive Dexterity bonus to Defense, such as when he’s caught flat-footed, he loses this dodge bonus, too.
Illusion Mastery: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against Illusion spells cast by gnomes.
Speak with Animals: Once per day, a gnome can use speak with animals to speak with a burrowing mammal (a mole, gopher, ground hog, and so forth). It has a duration of 1 minute, and the gnome is considered a 1st-level caster when he uses this spell-like ability, regardless of his actual level.
Low-Light Vision: Gnomes can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Saving Throw Bonus: Gnomes gain a +2 species bonus on saving throws against illusions.
Skill Bonuses: Gnomes gain a +2 species bonus on Listen checks. Gnomes who have one or more ranks in the Craft (pharmaceutical) and Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences) skills also gain a +2 species bonus on their checks.
Bonus Feats: Gnomes gain the bonus feat Archaic Weapons Proficiency.
Gnomes with Charisma scores of 10 or higher gain the bonus feat Magical Heritage.



This particular race is only encountered on one country: New Zealand. This is because they don’t have a large desire (but some would rather call that ‘fear’) to leave their rather comfy lifestyles, and villages, for the search of adventure. Their villages do, however, produce some impressive quantities of food products, enough for the Halfling communities to have a solid grip on the small territory they cover. However, some of the ‘tallest’ races have shown some desire to take the Halflings’ lands (although most of them are just dark jokes), and so, the Halflings’ communities have started to train a small self-defense army for themselves.

Size: Small. Halflings gain a +1 size bonus to Defense, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks. They suffer a –4 size penalty on grapple checks. Halflings must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
Ability Modifiers: –2 Strength, +2 Dexterity.
Base Speed: 20 feet.
Special Combat Bonuses: Halflings gain a +1 species bonus on attacks with thrown weapons and slings.
Saving Throw Bonuses: Halflings gain a +1 species bonus on all saving throws. In addition, they gain an additional +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear.
Skill Bonuses: Halflings gain a +2 species bonus on Climb, Jump, Listen, and Move Silently checks.
Bonus Feat: Halflings gain the bonus feat Archaic Weapons Proficiency.



On Coreline, they have decided to use their large numbers and become the one thing they can truly be: troops. On every conflict Post-Vanishing, such as the Central-American Wars and the Zero-One raid, there were Goblins there. They have built a reputation as mercenaries, and what determines the loyalty of a Goblin on Coreline might be the size of your wallet as much as your motivation.
Even then, some of them are not *that* stupid. They are still guns-for-hire, yeah, but not dumb enough to throw their lives away for no reason (or just charge head-long into a fight). It is this (relative) minority that is more sought after by contracting companies and the common street-variety ‘needy person’.
Racial Traits:
Size: Small.
Ability Modifiers: –2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, –2 Charisma.
Base Speed: 30 feet.
Darkvision: Goblins can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and goblins can function with no light at all.
Skill Bonus: Goblins gain a +4 species bonus on Move Silently checks.
Bonus Feat: Goblins are keenly aware of their surroundings and gain the bonus feat Alertness.


On Coreline and Fictions universes, sometimes, Humans and other species marry. Sometimes, crimes occur. And sometimes, experiments are performed. Whatever happens, the legacy, however enduring, is easy to see: hybrids between Humans and said species. With special abilities and adaptability gained from both species, they consider their mixed legacy to be both a blessing and a curse.
On Coreline, the ‘Hans’ (so called because of the Japanese term for ‘Half’ or ‘Hybrid’) are all on the same wagon, especially because sometimes one or other bloodline is misunderstood, and they have to choose which species to try to stand up to. As such, they consider whatever friends they have to be a valuable commodity.
There’s as many hybrids out there as there are races in Coreline, so this block is made to show a small number of them.

Half-Elves: This text describes the “main” half-elf, and although the other elven races have had their share of half-breeds (the half-drow being one of them), its nonetheless the main elf the one who has the majority of recorded cases.
+ “Main” Half-Elf:
Racial Traits:
*Medium-Size: As Medium-sized creatures, half-elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
*Half-elves speed is of 30 feet.
*Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
*+1 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks: Half-elves DO NOT have the elf’s ability to notice secret doors by simply passing near them. Half-elves have keen senses, but not as keen as those of an elf.
*Elven Blood: For all special effects and abilities, a half-elf is considered an elf. A half-elf can, for example, use magic weapons and items with racially-specific elven powers as if they were elves.
*Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +1 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.

+Half-Drow: Seen by the most backwards of elves (and, sometimes, other half-elves) as the result of an unholy matrimony, the half-drow are the other recorded majority for other half-elf births. Although some of them have come from evil drow, the majority of half-drow are from “good” ones, and-thanks to this-it is not a rare occurrence to find small chapels to Elistratree inside hospitals, next to the maternity wards, and for half-drow to be treated as equals (at least by other half-elves).
Racial Traits are like half-High Elves, except for the following:
*Medium-Size: As Medium-sizes creatures, half-drow have no special bonuses or penalties due to size.
*Half-drow speed is of 30 feet.
*Darkvision: Half-drow can see in the dark up to 40 feet. Darkvision is black-and-white only, but it is otherwise like normal vision, and half-drow can function just fine with no light at all.
*+2 racial bonus to Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.
*Light Blindness (Ex) - Abrupt exposure to bright light like the spell daylight or sunlight blinds a half-drow for 1 round. While operating in bright light, they recieve a -1 circumstance penalty to all attacks, saves, and checks unless using protective devices, such as dark glasses.

Half-Orcs: They usually come from far-off areas in Fiction universes and Coreline, where law is a little more lax. And let’s not say that they’re barbarians, but it’s easy to see that they have obtained the impulsiveness for action of their orcish relatives.
Racial Traits:
*+2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.
*Half-Orc base speed is 30 feet.
*Darkvision: Half-orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black-and-white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and half-orcs can function just fine with no light at all.
*Orc Blood: For all special effects and abilities, a half-orc is considered an orc. For example, a half-orc can use special orc weapons or magic items with racial-specific orc powers as if they were orcs.
*Bonus Feat: Half-orcs gain the bonus feat Archaic Weapons Proficiency.

Inu-Youkai Hanyous: This particular kind of hybrids, insofar, only exist in Japan. They represent the race that is Rumiko Takahashi’s character, Inu Yasha, and a number of ACCs. They are loud and rather rude, but they are pretty nasty short-range fighters. It is, however, the fact that their demonic blood is just waiting for the right moment to come out and tear everything apart, that keeps a large number of them incommunicado from the world at large. Which –for some- suits them just fine.
Inu-Youkai Hanyous have the following racial traits:
*+4 Str. Their Youkai heritage makes hanyou exceptionally strong.
*+2 Dex. Their youkai heritage also makes Hanyou very agile.
*-2 Wis. The youkai blood clouds the minds of Hanyou.
*-4 Cha. Because of their youkai heritage, most people hate and often try and kill Hanyou. This prejudice, combined with the isolation it imposes upon them, make them very bad at social interaction.
*All Hanyou have extremly sharp senses, and have Scent and receive a +2 Racial bonus on Spot, Search, and Listen checks.
*Hanyou recover much faster than normal people. Hanyou regain 1 hp/level+con modifier every hour.
*Claws: All Hanyou deal base 1d6 when fighting unarmed. For Martial Artists and any other class with higher than normal Unarmed damage, the hanyou will always deal one category higher than his level indicates.
*Human Form: Once per month, at a phase of the moon chosen by the player at creation, the hanyou becomes fully human. He loses the +4 Str, +2 Dex bonuses, and loses his sharp senses [Bonus of Spot, Listen, Search, and Scent feat]. He loses his claw damage. He also gains a +4 Cha bonus as long as he is in human form, because his youkai heritage is not apparent. He also gains a +2 Wisdom bonus because his demonic blood is no longer clouding his mind. This lasts from nightfall till sunrise.
*Youkai Form: When a Hanyou with 10 HD or more has his life seriously threatened [GM's call], his Youkai blood takes full control. He gains a massive +10 to Str, Dex and Con. He instantly regains full HP, including the addtional HP from his Con modifier. His Int, Wis, and Cha are reduced by (2*number of times transformed)[Special note: This doesn't affect his Will save, but otherwise full effects apply]. His unarmed attack now deals 1d10. The first time this transformation happens, the hanyou will mostly rememeber himself, and can control his actions. But as his Int, Wis and Cha drop with each successive transformation, he becomes more of a mindless killing machine. A strong shock or knocking the Hanyou unconscious can bring him back into normal state.
*Level Adjustment: +2.

A fairly important question here:

Vehrec said:
Dimensional Instability: Reality Decay
A three block area of Queens was engulfed in a powerful reality decay field today, causing the deaths of several dozen Fictions and over 700 people are still in comas as of this report. Physicists are baffled by the size of the event, but were unable to determine the cause.

You don't by any chance mean the purely Post-Vanishing human physicists in the community, do you? Because if *Washu-chan* and such *truly don't know* the cause of this w/ their resources, then, well......*shakes head*.....we're pretty much screwed, 23 Hours notwithstanding.

Aquarius Alodar said:
A fairly important question here:

You don't by any chance mean the purely Post-Vanishing human physicists in the community, do you? Because if *Washu-chan* and such *truly don't know* the cause of this w/ their resources, then, well......*shakes head*.....we're pretty much screwed, 23 Hours notwithstanding.

Maybe Vehrec didn't meant that, or maybe it's one of those 'no matter how smart I am, I'm not finding the 'off' switch' kinda things. Oh, well, aside from that, I suppose that everything else is cool with the Instability, and I'll add it (and the rest) later.

BTW, what do ya think of the races? The Inu Hanyou one is pretty powerful, I know, but I think that the fact that they've got the whole 'demon blood' part kinda helps with the balancing.

Does Washuu understand what happens and why it does when reallity goes all pear shaped and starts unraveling? The answer to that is a definative MAYBE. Besides, its more there for dramatic tenssion because of the rarity, not as an actual threat.

And I wouldn't presonally treat the Inu-yasha halfbreeds as races per say. They strike me as being unpredictable genetically, and besides, how many of them can there be?
Ok, I'm chossing to ignore the 10,000 bad Mary Sues that infest Inuyasha fanfics but can you blame me? As uber as the original is, I don't feel comfortable with a bunch of unstable knock-offs running around.

Verec said:
Does Washuu understand what happens and why it does when reallity goes all pear shaped and starts unraveling? The answer to that is a definative MAYBE. Besides, its more there for dramatic tenssion because of the rarity, not as an actual threat.

And I wouldn't presonally treat the Inu-yasha halfbreeds as races per say. They strike me as being unpredictable genetically, and besides, how many of them can there be?
Ok, I'm chossing to ignore the 10,000 bad Mary Sues that infest Inuyasha fanfics but can you blame me? As uber as the original is, I don't feel comfortable with a bunch of unstable knock-offs running around.

Okay, to start with, your comment about the Hanyous is very much agreed with. As for your answer on the Instablity: thanks. Just a random 'oh, frell' moment on my part there.

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