Edited some of the above posts (added several races w/illustrations and Hakubi Customs depiction), and now:
Depiction of Genetic Infantryman in action, made Pre-Vanishing.
Developed on an alternate universe for nothing but war, they are tough, efficient… and expendable. Created in their home universe by one of the factions of a civil war in a planet that was hit day in and day out for the better part of two decades with biological and chemical weaponry, their chief advantage over any other kind of ‘super-soldier’ enclave out there in Coreline is their immunity to all kinds of chemical-biological attack.
Nick-named ‘the Blue Men’ (or ‘the Smurfs’ in the street), they have been believed to be all but exterminated in their home universe. However, they have appeared in Coreline by the lots and were immediately drafted into the English SAS (the main unit using them has been nick-named the ‘Blue Men Group’). Their implanted ‘soulchip’ technology has become researched and has become a standard of several other units and agencies.
Racial Traits.
*+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wis. Genetic Infantrymen are tough and strong, but were designed to be ‘grunts’ in other aspects.
*+6 bonus to resist biological/chemical weapon effects: The atmosphere of their former planet was nothing but one humongous cloud of toxins. They were designed to all but walk thru them unharmed.
*+2 bonus to resist radiation effects. Strangely, the war over on their homeworld used little nuclear weaponry and on a limited scale, and this part of their design wasn’t as big as the toxic resistance aspects.
*Resistance to Energy (acid) 10: A side-effect of said warfare was a massive production of acid rains.
*Starting cybernetics: Soulchip. All G.I.s have it implanted from development, in order to ‘reduce costs’ in training new soldiers. Just clone, plug and go.
New technology.
Fast-Growth Cloning
One of the many technologies Fictions have access to is the ability to grow clones at an extremely accelerated rate, thru the use of muscle electro-stimulation. Although on several universes cloning has been established as easy and even dirt-cheap, the fast-growing is still in its prototype stages, especially in Coreline.
This allows a body to be completely regrown, without any ability adjustments due to level, enhancements (excluding genetic engineering) or damage being applied, within 2d4 days.
The body will be mindless, however.
Cost: 35.
Restriction: None
Memory Engram Recording
The brain is a highly complex organ. With the furrows and ridges of the brain, as well as stored electrical and chemical charges making up personality, memory and intelligence.
With advanced tissue mapping and imaging, electrostatic mapping, and neuro-chemical tracking, the science of recording the "person" from the brain has been advancing in long steps. Sadly, at the time it is expensive, and care must be taken from keeping the recording from awakening. Those recordings that ‘wake up’ usually hit the virtual "panic button" and request either being put back to sleep, or petition for Artifical Sentience Status.
This keeps all skills, feats, muscle memory, etc at the time of the recording. When combined with the Fast-growth cloning, this allows a PC to be technologically resurrected if they are killed.
Cost: 30.
Restriction: Licensed (+1).
(Extremely) rapid advances in neural mapping courtesy of retro-engineered Fiction technology, the Soulchip is a spinoff technology of the Mental Engram Recording (above) science, and represents a massive leap in recovering those who have died.
In use solely by the military (and some other shadowy organizations) at this time, as the procedure is experimental at best, and the long-term psychological effects are unknown, this chip stores the person's memories of whom it is implanted in.
When the person is killed, the soulchip is designed to do one of two things: one is to broadcast a high-powered, highly compressed signal to an established computer (a.k.a. "Soul Catcher") via an FTL communications wave, where it is recorded.
If for whatever reason the Soulchip cannot perform the communication, they go to ‘backup mode’, where they retain the person’s memories for a passing subject (usually a fellow soldier) to retrieve the chip and carry it to a safe location where they will be downloaded. A tiny built-in A/V sensor system and speaker allow the recorded personality to communicate.
Combined with Force Growth Cloning, a dead character can be back in action within 2d4 days.
Cost: 35.
Restriction: Military (+3)
Soulchip Socket
Sometimes the personality that is inside the Soulchip will desire to help whoever picked it up, and sometimes it will be necessary to link it up to something (to keep it powered, or for it to help).
The Soulchip Socket Gadget can be added to both a weapon or a piece of gear, and allows a Soulchip to be connected to said devices. If added to a piece of gear, the Soulchip’s personality can make rolls in case of the character (using the personality’s skills), or can fire the weapon (using the personality’s BAB and feats, such as Burst Fire and Autofire-if the weapon allows for them to be used). A piece of gear or weapon can only have one Soulchip Socket. The Gadget also adds a basic set of sensors to the piece of gear and the weapon,if they lack it, for the personality to see its surroundings.
DC Modifier: +4.
Restriction: Military (+3).
Depiction of the 33-S Boomer 'Sylvie', taken from her Core Universe series, 'Bubblegum Crisis'.
They were built originally as 'sexaroids', but were banned in their core universes' Earth because they had a little 'something extra': they could link with other computers-most specifically, those of advanced weaponry.
On Coreline, thanks to the massive advent of 'construct' and 'Artificial Intelligence' Fictions, the 33-S Boomers have managed to obtain a semblance of belonging, but there's also lots of people who hate them, both from their home universes and from others (for example, the Colonial Remnant slander of "Toaster" is now applied to both them and any Cylons that are on Coreline). As well, since they are still only being produced mainly by Genom (although Stingray Industries has started a limited production run of 33-Ss), they stil feel that they are 'owned' and are searching for their 'freedom' from the megacorp.
Racial Traits:
*Type: Humanoid (Construct).
*+2Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Wis.
*30 ft. Speed.
*Computer Link (Ex): 33-S Boomers can connect to other computers and access them faster then a normal operator. To connect, the 33-S Boomer must use specialized interface systems or improvise a connection using a wire. In order to do so, the 33-S Boomer must cut thru its skin to access its internal interface ports, doing 1 point of damage to itself.
Once connected, the 33-S Boomer can do a computer-based task taking 1 or more minutes in a full round, while a task requiring 1 or more hours takes 1 minute. The 33-S cannot move during this connection, and so, it loses its Dexterity bonus to Defense, aside from a -2 to any other actions, since it must concentrate for the interface to work.
Disconnecting takes a move action.
*Hypnotic Eyes (Ex): A specialized laser-based luminescence mechanism inside the eyes of the 33-S Boomer allows it a limited hypnotic effect. To do so, the 33-S must do a gaze attack roll, range 30 feet, with the target making a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ 33-S’s level + 33-S’s Cha modifier). If the roll is failed, the gazed character will be charmed with one simple command (like ‘go to sleep’ or ‘forget you saw me’).
*Fangs: A 33-S Boomer is equipped with retractable fangs to draw blood. These fangs deal 1d4 (piercing) damage.
Blood Dependency (Ex): A ‘failsafe’ device created by Genom to prevent ‘rogue’ 33-S Boomers from ‘going too far’ (or rather, to insure their slavery), it is attributed to a programmed ‘seal-off’ of the 33-S’s capabilities to produce its own blood.
A 33-S with this system still activated is slightly anemic. A 33-S with this system activated cannot regain lost hit points naturally, furthermore each day that the damage goes unhealed the 33-S loses one hit point. If a 33-S has a steady supply of blood (artificial or natural-at least must take a pint once per day) it can heal regularly. The 33-S doesn’t obtains any bonuses from drinking blood after the system is deactivated, or a higher amount.
A 33-S must also obtain blood once a month to maintain its metabolic processes (again, it must be at least a pint).
For the Blood Dependency system to be deactivated, specialized software must be downloaded into the 33-S. Stingray Industries-manufactured 33-S Boomers already have such a software downloaded, while Genom-manufactured 33-S’s do not. This software is highly guarded inside Genom and S.I. R&D facilities.
*Skill Bonus: 33-S Boomers have a +1 bonus to Computer Use and Bluff skills.
Level Adjustment: +2.
Micronized and Large-Sized Zentraedi holding a conversation (taken in the Colombian Jungle, 23 days Post-Vanishing.)
Created in their home universe by the Tirolian Robotech Masters, they are a giant genetically-enginnered warrior race, considered disposable and following the mandates of a history filled with lies. When they first arrived to Earth, they did so searching for a ship lost to them, which had by then been refitted by the local humans to fight back. All of the following fighting revealed several things, such as their genetic similarities with humans, the humans’ unending (and near-maddening) resourcefulness, and the fact that, for all the power available to them, the Zentraedi’s creators should have thought of giving them something like ‘pop culture’.
The Zentraedi that had appeared in Coreline come from many alternate timelines regarding the series (funnily, though, that they have been the newest representatives of the whole ‘Robotech-vs.-Macross’ rivalry that has known to a good deal of Anime fans Pre-Vanishing), in either of two sizes: the standard ‘super-size’ Zentraedi and the ‘micronized’ Zentraedi.
Another large distinction also appears between their appearance during the 23 Hours and a short time Post-Vanishing, when a good number of the Zentraedi have adapted to Earth culture-especially after losing a number of fights to the ‘Minmay Tactic’ or quick-talking.
Units and teams that have obtained Zentraedi say that they can be ‘loyal, reliable, and in time even amiable, but those first times you wanna crack a joke at them is a pain.’
Racial Traits
-Micronized Zentraedi and general traits:
*Medium-Sized Humanoids.
*Speed of 30 ft.
*+2 Strength or Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma: they have been brought up as warriors for countless generations, and so, it’s pretty hard to them to show a soft side.
*Newly-appeared Zentraedi may not select Charismatic Hero or Charismatic Ordinary as their first class: again, warrior upbringing. Their concept of ‘charisma’ mostly comes down to being on the right side of a weapon when making an order.
After a time of exposure (roughly three or four months), Zentraedi have enough of a grasp on the concept of ‘charisma’ to ‘give it a shot’. The GM might then let the Zentraedi cross-class into the Charismatic Hero or Charismatic Ordinary classes, but not before.
*All Zentraedi must select either the Emergency Services, Military, or Technician occupations. And again, their upbringing. For them, it’s just the battlefield and how to survive on it.
*Newly-appeared Zentraedi suffer a -2 penalty to all Bluff, Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, Knowledge (art, behavioral sciences, business, current events, earth and life sciences, physical sciences, popular culture, streetwise, theology and philosophy), Perform, and Sense Motive checks.
After a time of exposure (roughly three or four months), they might have become acclimated to Earth culture, and these penalties may be reduced to -1 or eliminated altogether at the GM's discretion.
*Zentraedi suffer a permanent -2 penalty to all Craft and Repair checks.
Full-size Zentraedi use the above stats, with the following modifications:
*Size changes to Gargantuan (apply size penalties as appropriate).
*Speed of 50 ft.
*+24 Strength, +12 Constitution (as well as a corresponding increase in hit points).
*-4 Dexterity.
*Damage reduction: 10/--.
*Level Adjustment: +3.
The Second:
U.R.T.V. (U-DO Retro Virus) Units:
Normal U.R.T.V. Units during a firefight (taken during the 23 Hours in Tokyo).
A 'Special' U.R.T.V. Unit (nothing is known, only that it goes by the nick-name 'Jr.').
Produced as biological weapons aganist a xeno-biological menace (Base Universe: Xenosaga), these clones were considered to be completely eliminated (except for 3 or 4) in their home universe, but on a number of Alternate universes, some more survived or were created aside from the original 669.
Of the original 669, 665 were 'normal' and 4 (the last ones) were 'special'.
Again, this number varied on some Alternate universes.
When they arrived to Coreline, they discovered that some things from their universe had come as well (although the thick of it was from 14 years ahead in their timeline), and some not. The lack of the U-DO menace had left them without a purpose to exist, but they soldiered on.
*+2 Int, +2 Will: Speed of mind and mental toughness were requisites of their construction.
*Medium-Sized Humanoids.
*30 Ft. Speed.
*When creating a U.R.T.V. Unit character, roll 1d10.
Result: -1 to 5, the character is a 'normal' U.R.T.V. Unit.
-6 to 10, the character is a 'special' U.R.T.V. Unit (see 'Special Abilities', below).
All U.R.T.V. Units have the following:
*Hive Mind (Ex.): On combat conditions, U.R.T.V. Units can willfully go on a 'Hive Mind' mode for battlefield coordination. This psionic connection has a one-mile radius (all U.R.T.V. Units must stay within a mile of each other for it to work). Any knowledge of a tactic that works aganist an enemy will instantly be known by all others in the link nearby. While in the 'Hive Mind' mode, U.R.T.V. Units are immune to all mind-affecting spells and powers. However, this ability is mentally draining. Whenever the 'Hive Mind' mode is deactivated, all Units that were linked will suffer a -2 penalty to all Will saves, Wisdom and Intelligence-based skill checks for the following 1d4 rounds.
*Telekinesis (Sp): 3/Day, Manifester Level 10, Save DC 10 + U.R.T.V. Unit's Key ability modifier + Power Level.
Special Abilities: A number of U.R.T.V. Units were engineered with additional abilities (on the core universe, this was from Unit 666 to Unit 669, but this could have changed on Alternate Universes). U.R.T.V. Units with these abilities were considred 'monsters' by other U.R.T.V. Units, although on more than one Alternate Universe, they earned the respect of their fellow Units. They are easy to distinguish because of having different eye and/or hair color than their 'brothers'.
The following table shows the more commons abilities added to 'Special' Units, but the GM could authorize additional mutations if he so desires.
Special Abilities (Roll 1d8)
1-2: Immunity to Aging Effects (including natural).
3-4: Regeneration.
5-6: Suggestion (3/Day, Manifester level 10, Save DC 10 + U.R.T.V. Unit's key ability modifier + power level).
7-8: Lesser Body Adjustment (1/Day).
9-10: Fire Bolt.
Level Adjustment: +1 (Normal U.R.T.V. Unit), + 2 (Special U.R.T.V. Unit).