D&D 5E Could D&D Die Again?

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It seems like Wizards is spending Anton of money on One DND, especially with the VTT. I wonder what their measure of success will be. I could see a scenario where One DND does better than any other version but is still considered a disappointment due to how much was spent on the VTT.

I feel they are putting a LOT of bets on how successful they can be online. May all their bets be won.

If it flops, it really could KILL D&D (I think...the amount spent overall is becoming astronomical. I don't think D&D has ever had this much spent on it combined over it's existence with how much I think they are going to invest in the virtual online presence). (By spent, I'm not talking just on the game, but the investment in the virtual and online presence and other aspects "BEYOND" what the game normally has been in the past).

They have multiple individuals with computer backgrounds and internet involvement in their resume's in the Leadership positions right now to guide this ship. Hopefully their experience pays off.


I feel they are putting a LOT of bets on how successful they can be online. May all their bets be won.

If it flops, it really could KILL D&D (I think...the amount spent overall is becoming astronomical. I don't think D&D has ever had this much spent on it combined over it's existence with how much I think they are going to invest in the virtual online presence). (By spent, I'm not talking just on the game, but the investment in the virtual and online presence and other aspects "BEYOND" what the game normally has been in the past).

They have multiple individuals with computer backgrounds and internet involvement in their resume's in the Leadership positions right now to guide this ship. Hopefully their experience pays off.

Something like 300 million movie+vtt? And software is notirious at blowing out budgets.

VTT crashing and burning could maybe do it.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Well, there's the "D&D is dead" perspective, and there's the "D&D is dead to me!" perspective.

For the first perspective, I don't think D&D will ever die, truly. There will always be someone, somewhere, playing at least one edition of D&D in some format or another. There will always be a demand for RPGs--they are a unique pastime, a creative outlet that can't be found in any other format--and D&D will always be considered The One That Did It First. So no, I don't think it will ever "die."

But I can imagine a timeline where the developers have made so many changes I didn't want, and pushed it so far into a direction that doesn't appeal to me, that I no longer desire to play it. Other people will no doubt love the changes and new direction, and the game will thrive for years and years without me, though. This hypothetical situation would be my loss, not theirs.


I feel they are putting a LOT of bets on how successful they can be online. May all their bets be won.

If it flops, it really could KILL D&D (I think...the amount spent overall is becoming astronomical. I don't think D&D has ever had this much spent on it combined over it's existence with how much I think they are going to invest in the virtual online presence). (By spent, I'm not talking just on the game, but the investment in the virtual and online presence and other aspects "BEYOND" what the game normally has been in the past).

They have multiple individuals with computer backgrounds and internet involvement in their resume's in the Leadership positions right now to guide this ship. Hopefully their experience pays off.

I do get a feeling Hasbro is expecting the VTT to start bringing in reoccurring revenue from most players similar to (but probably not as much as) MtG. And I just don't know if many players will be willing to put up with the amount of micro transactions I have a feeling the VTT team will push to hit those revenue goals.

If WotC pushes too hard I could see more players branch out to other TTRPGs.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I am appalled to discover that, nine pages in, no one has posted this meme.



D&D has colonized far too many brains to die. Whether Hasbro could lose money it, sell it, etc. is a totally different question. But I am completely confident that, barring a civilization-changing cataclysm of some kind, D&D will be around for the foreseeable future.


The point of the OGL (and now I guess the creative commons thing) is that D&D can't die. It literally can't. If WotC and Hasbro evaporated overnight and all their intellectual property rights became an unresolvable mess, such that no edition of D&D was ever printed again, it doesn't matter because we have a million pseudo-clones that include everything but the name itself and seven proprietary monsters.


The point of the OGL (and now I guess the creative commons thing) is that D&D can't die. It literally can't. If WotC and Hasbro evaporated overnight and all their intellectual property rights became an unresolvable mess, such that no edition of D&D was ever printed again, it doesn't matter because we have a million pseudo-clones that include everything but the name itself and seven proprietary monsters.

D&D is still dead in that scenario you would have D&D like games.

My OP wasn't about D&D going extinct just getting themselves into a lot of trouble requiring a bailout or sale.

Voidrunner's Codex

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