D&D 5E Could D&D Die Again?


As the title says. D&D has almost died 3 times but could it happen a 4th time?

For purposes if this question I'm going to ignore events that are highly unlikely and would really mess things up. This means WW3, Supervolcanoes, great depression etc basically things completely beyond WotC control. Could they botch things that badly purely on their own merits?

Also an edition flopping by itself won't kill D&D. Nor am I talking about no more D&D ever but something similar to the other near collapses/TSR going under.

So in what somewhat plausible scenario could D&D die again?

Here's my scenario.

1. The D&D movie flops (for whatever reason). A flop here means it loses money roughly speaking it needs to make around double it's production+marketing costs not if it makes hundreds of millions of box office or the quality of the movie or if you liked it. $200 million box office could still be a flop. Does the movie make money yes/no is the only criteria.

2. One D&D flops for whatever reason. Bit harder to know but if it's 4E 2.0 and it goes out of print in a few years it's probably a flop.

3. Hasbro/WotC themselves get into trouble due to whatever reasons. This means no MtG money to bail out D&D.

So that's roughly the scenario that's somewhat plausible.

This is not a prediction, projection, want desire etc.

Why plausible? For those of you who don't know is Magic is not in the best condition right now and Hasbros stock price is falling.

Due to various decisions made by WotC there's a lot of angry MtG players out there. It's probably worse than 4E comparatively. Espicially to WotC bottom line.

There's also multiple reasons but overprinting sets, to much product and to expensive with deluxe products aimed at whales seems to be big issues.

How bad is it? They're dumping MtG product for sale on Amazon cheaper than distributors can get it. And they're asking people why they're no longer playing standard. And Bank of America has commented on what's happening. How it plays out in the future no idea.

And that's basically how D&D could tank again a simultaneous collapse of D&D and MtG. Probably won't happen but it's a somewhat plausible scenario.

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Sales in the relatively near future will stabilize, if they haven't already. But die? I don't see it happening any time soon. The future is hard to predict, especially when it hasn't happened yet, but HASBRO is still hoping that D&D is the golden multi-media movie/game goose.

I mean, worst case they decide to sell it off and Elon Musk buys it. :eek:

Sales in the relatively near future will stabilize, if they haven't already. But die? I don't see it happening any time soon. The future is hard to predict, especially when it hasn't happened yet, but HASBRO is still hoping that D&D is the golden multi-media movie/game goose.

I mean, worst case they decide to sell it off and Elon Musk buys it. :eek:

WorC is better run than TSR and they've course corrected before.

Seems they're doubling down on thetG side of things in 2023.

Less popular doesn't been crash and burn though which is what I'm outlining.
Ah, okay.. So what you're getting at are cases where the business itself collapses for some reasons and stops putting out content and other support, more or less independent of what fans are doing?

Ah, okay.. So what you're getting at are cases where the business itself collapses for some reasons and stops putting out content and other support, more or less independent of what fans are doing?

Yes either they go bust again like TSR or require a bailout like TSR with the Blooms and Lorraine.

Not D&D goes broke never to be printed again. Doesn't include fan stuff and non WotC D&D's.

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