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Could I have some Advice on my Character please?


So, I came up with a character whoom for now, I shall call 'Mar'.

She is not my first character but rather one I would be happy to try and play.

My other 2 characters basically consisted of "a Smart Swordsman with a mystery past who doesn't understand what it means to live yet is very capable and existed purely as a tradegy" and "a Cleric who heals people, can run very fast and hits people in the genitals with her stave before running away".

Please note that I have not played D&D before but I would really like to get this character "up and running" and "refined" before I actually do get around to playing with some people I know. I as a person am not very "human" but I feel I could make up for that by having an interesting character on the get go. If my character is too powerful, unclear or lacking, please tell me how I could fix things. Thank You.

Mar (or you can just call her Mercenary)– Human – Fighter - [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Neutral Evil[/FONT]

Basically, Mar.
Mar is a Mercenary. She fights not for meagre payment but for spoils so she tends to travel with “groups of heroes”. Gold or Anything else of value is important of course in terms of negotiating with her as she has a sense of business about her.

What is her nature?
Though evil at heart, she makes sure to look out for her allies (if she knows they will look out for her) and makes sure to take a caring approach when they care about something though brashly.

Other than that, Mar loves the thrill of fighting and is always happy to share the experience with friends and foes alike.

If left to her own devices, she will probably commit some kind of evil.
Things to know.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mar is played in 2[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]nd[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] person perspective. [/FONT]

Mar will communicate to her teammates most of the time but can also act ahead of allies during key points of decision making to initiate things. It's just part of her nature.

In the short time Mar has been a Mercenary, Mar has always acted impulsively and speaks her mind. Should she feel like she's not getting a large enough cut of the loot or gold, she'll probably pressure you into negotiating or explaining yourself.

On the Offensive, Mar is brash though she tries to stay aware of what her allies are doing if she isn't fighting someone at the time. On the Defence, Mar will think strategically both for her party and NPC's as survival is a key part of being victorious.

Mar is always judging. She remembers when you've ticked her off and she remembers when you've done something for her. Balancing her opinion of you is key to not having her betray you. (This means, I've got to actually write stuff down and weigh it out and remove things as she forgets/forgives)


Mar is a very resilient fighter. As she actually gets hurt during a fight, she doesn't lose anything but becomes disabled to varying degrees. If her Teammates, leave her alone by being DEAD, Fainting or Running away, it is possible for her to be beaten to death.
(In other words, she can't lose her limbs or Bleed but she is just as vulnerable as anyone else if things don't turn around for her or party in time)


Pale Figure” (unique quality/skill/feature)

Mar has a strange appearance in that she appears to have gray/white bones and muscle. Though this makes her look somewhat unhealthy or similar to a vampire, she is neither of those things and instead can choose to push herself to accomplish extreme measures of action. It is worth noting though that she has slightly pink skin simply because she has a normal skin tone.
Empowered Run: Can empower her run so that she can cover twice as much land.
Empowered Jump: Can Translate 10% of her Strength into Metre high/long jumps.

Empowered Run/Jump Con: If the player doesn't role a 10 or higher for either action, Mar will put too much pressure into her legs and collapse causing 20% of her max health damage to her and preventing her from moving until she either heals using a potion or sleeps it off.
Empowered Punch: Can punch things extremely hard without taking damage to her hands or other arm parts. 10 or more role to see if lands the hit, 10 or more to determine the effectiveness of the punch. This move takes her Strength stats and adds it additionally to the current hit bonus that her weapon would provide and transforms it into a devastating punch hit. (Powerful weapon = more confidence in power)

Empowered Punch Con: Rolling less than 10 will result in dislocating the arm in question and possibly falling over. Rolling 1 will result in the force of her punch dislocating her arm, taking 10% of max health as damage and she will fall over and remain fallen for at least 1 turn.

Hard Parry: Mar can use her arms to hit against weapons in order to parry them.

A successful role of 10 results in a normal parry.

More than 10 results in a Hard parry which knocks foes over.

Less than 10 will guarantee that her arm will be dislocated (which can be sorted AFTER a fight) and she may get hit if she can't dodge the follow up attack.

1 results in having her arm's bones and muscles severely damaged and will take 20% of her Max Health as damage to herself and knocked down.
Taking a hit for the team: Mar can attempt to body block any form of physical attack and she will brace herself for the outcome.

Rolling a 15 or more will result in a successful block and will allow the protected Character if he/she is nearby to make a follow up action of any kind.

Rolling less than 15 results in taking the hit as anyone else would, being knocked over and a Roll of 15 or more must be made to determine whether she becomes paralysed.

Rolling a 20 results in the enemy's Weapon Breaking.

Landing a 1 results in taking 50% of Maximum Health, being paralysed, being knocked down and being knocked out for the rest of the day.

Empowered throw: This skill is purely utility. This skill is not used in combat but rather can be used before combat starts or any other time of activity. Depending on the Dice Roll, she will be able to throw a teammate or object said number of metres far/high.

Super Empowered throw: This skill is purely utility though it can be used during combat or events but only on Allies and small objects. This takes the previous 1 to 20 metre throw of the Empowered Throw, adds in some of her strength up to 20 additional bonus metres and adds in an extra role to see if takes any injuries. This move can only be used once per day.

Super/Empowered throw Con: The main risk of both of these moves is that the characters and objects in question are at peril. A role will be made to see if a Character's arms remain intact/unscathed and a role will also need to be made to see if they have landed or latched on to the surface without mishap.
Other than the other plethora of backfiring issues with her skills. Her Pale skin makes the uneducated unsure of her. Character's in question may think:

1. She's terminally Ill. If so, a roll will need to be made where a 1 or more results in the character backing off and trying to escape from her. Pursuit will result in the character screaming either in the normal sense or that there's a plague coming.

2. She's a vampire (even if she's walking around in daylight). A roll will have to be made to see if they act cautiously and mind their own, scream or call for help. If your party who is a wizard or sorcerer can get the “mob's” attention, he or she can convince the audience that they're being stupid because Mar is walking around in daylight.

3. She's an undead. They may dismiss the thought, may hold their tongue and acted cautiously or run away, screaming for their lives as they shout “LITCH! LITCH! LITCH!” and then Mar has to hide from said individual for the rest of the day.

4. To ask if she's alright. Mar just says she's k.

5. Is just a pale human. Totes like Whatevs but that's a temporary -2 to Charisma just towards that character when Mar is talking to them or her party talks about Mar for her.

6. Or is Royalty/Nobility. Peeps will be very friendly then.


Allies can go around with her and communicate her needs or wants for her, express their trust of her to friendly NPC (other Evil or Sketchy character's will need to make a role to see if they trust what your character says) and will express in taverns or, shops or merchants that she's just pale and Mar will agree.

Thank You for reading.

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First Post
Heya LegionError121, welcome to the forums.

As for Mar, she is going to need some attention. Firstly, the most striking thing to note is that you are pulling a lot of stuff that has no bearing in D&D rules. All the "Pale Figure" and Disadvantages are things you can RP yourself, but otherwise you would need to clear any and all with the person running the game. Just temper your expectations accordingly.

Secondly, I would seriously reconsider having Mar be "evil". "Evil" characters can be tricky to play, especially if they're your first character. They can wreak havoc on the group and cause a bunch of discord that is not super fun to deal with. It CAN be done, but you have to be slick about it. Mar sounds more antagonistic, which probably will not translate well into a fun character at the table.

Lastly, have you looked at D&D rules? If not then you should pick up the Players Handbook ASAP and read it over. For Mar I would suggest looking at the Monk Class with a Criminal Background. You have a lot of unarmed attacks which would fit in with the Monk, and the Criminal Background would lend itself more to a shady history. Bear in mind that historically not all Monks were pious religious folk...some were just hiding from the law (one reason Shaolin Monestary became so well known is because allegedly criminals would stay there and share their "real world" fight experience with the Fighting-Monks of the temple). I might also suggest multi-classing with Rogue, but not before you are comfortable with the game.

Thank You for the good advice :) To me, it sounds a lot like your saying Mar is a bit overclocked with detail and has some major issues :)

One of the things about her being evil is that as long as she has work :) She would play along as a good guy e.g. need to save princess? She'll help you get that done without ruining things for you :) It's only if she's left to her own devices that she would be evil, as in, on her own :) I guess I need to rethink her moral stance to suit that more rebelious/punk style without having to a be a dick 24/7 :) Good to know that playing Evil characters is a bit dodgey as well because I was going to make a complete ass of a Jester/Rougue who went around in the night and killed people, blackmailed and generally acted as a complete lunatic as he doesn't need to sleep :)

Lastly :) I have looked at the rules a bit, watched some videos BUT I am struggling to work out what freedoms I could have for using my own ideas :) I imagine things like Mages who can destroy a town with giant spells :) I think of things such as Boosts to Rolls because I want to reward risk with more results :) I would like to keep Mar as my character but I don't want to change her too much because I feel that making her totally different would make her "not Mar" :) I simply want to reach outwards but still have a character who is accepted for bringing something interesting to a fight :)

At one point, I wanted to create a Clearic that could use her own Health Points to heal allies but I was worried that the experiance might become stale because part of the fun of D&D (I think) is having to worry about things like potions and having a character who can basically stand there, use her healing like she's some kind of battery only to restore all of her health to continue with a bajillion potions that her team have given her because she does all of the healing anyways would take away from that diversity of options :)

Would you mind suggesting a few ideas I could try to build up on? :) I'm hoping to try and make something a bit more unique than "I played "Don't Fear The Reaper" on my Fife as I watched my allies died to the undead" :)

Wednesday Boy

The Nerd WhoFell to Earth
Secondly, I would seriously reconsider having Mar be "evil". "Evil" characters can be tricky to play, especially if they're your first character. They can wreak havoc on the group and cause a bunch of discord that is not super fun to deal with. It CAN be done, but you have to be slick about it. Mar sounds more antagonistic, which probably will not translate well into a fun character at the table.

I second WarpedAcorn's advice about Mar's personality. Personally speaking Mar sounds too confrontational for me to enjoy playing with. I recommend speaking with the rest of the players to get their buy-in for the character before settling on this personality. If the rest of the group likes how Mar will gel with their characters and they will enjoy roleplaying along side Mar, you're good to go.


First Post
The thing with evil characters that want to engage in things like murder and blackmail is that you need to have the entire party and DM onboard with this idea. There are definitely "evil" campaigns where everyone is a bad guy, but those usually break down and end up with the party at each others' throats (picture the Sith in Star Wars lore and reason Darth Bane instituted the Rule-Of-Two). You also run into the issue of having people playing Lawful-Good characters at the table, who would directly oppose your actions. Some tables are OK with inter-party drama, but most of the time this drama between characters spills over into drama between players, which leads me to my last point. You have to remember you're not the only one at the table. D&D is a group game and as such the spotlight will be on different people at different moments. The polite thing to do is to take the opportunity when the light shines on you, but not hog it, and to try to include the rest of the party. Having a character that sneaks off every night to have her own adventures means spending a lot of time with the rest of the players sitting on their hands. Just something to keep in mind.

As for the freedoms you have with your character...you have a lot when it comes to how you want to build them, but since D&D is a structured game you have to stay within its defined rules. You might want boosts to rolls and risk/reward systems, but unless they are printed in the books you can not handwrite them in. The exception to this is if you go to the DM and get permission, but this may vary from person to person and table to table.

To start with, I would suggest building a character from scratch. Just make a test build so you get used to the process. I would suggest watching the following video for an idea of how to create a character, and how a character concept can come together as you put ink to paper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulosnECCvmc&t=79s . Nevermind if you aren't interested in the Warlock class specifically, this just so happens to be a good video I've watched and have recommended some of my new players watch to get an idea of the process.


First Post
The problem I have is I can't picture myself roleplaying so I want to make a character who sort of just does things :) Got any suggestions? :)

CN Lightfoot Hafling Rogue (Arcane Trickster) with low stats in Cha & Wis. He can be a socially-awkward twitchy guy who blurts out inappropriate things at inopportune times (tourettes maybe) and fidgets uncontrollably. For a more comedic approach you can play him as thinking he's smooth but treat him more as someone who bumbles through situations like the Peter Sellers Inspector Clouseau from the old Pink Panther movies (like you got to pick the lock of a door and on a success instead of unlocking the door it just falls down with you still holding the lock in hand, or stumbling in combat only to luckily dodge an attack).

Ok :) "No" to having a directly evil character who upsets people by being a complete dick :)

(e.g. he could go off and find a man who wants his wife to have an abortion :) You say you can help with that and say you know a Cleric who is in your party who can do that, you then sneak off at night with the Cleric and trick the player into thinking he'll be curing a plague or something/doing something good but what you actually do is use your daggers to cut the baby out of the women and then force the Cleric to cover for you by and then when it's the next day, you lead the guy into an alley and gut him so you can take his gold without bother whilst still being amused by your venture :) )

(This guy I came up with certainly sounds like he would upset a lot of people now that I think about it xD)

I kind of like the idea of "CN Lightfoot the Hafling Rogue" but I don't think I would be that good with the comedy aspect :) I think it would be like I'm playing Jaja Binks or something :) Maybe I could have a nieve/usless Archer? :)

Wednesday Boy

The Nerd WhoFell to Earth
The problem I have is I can't picture myself roleplaying so I want to make a character who sort of just does things :) Got any suggestions? :)

If you have a difficult time coming up with a personality and/or how to act out your character, consider emulating a character from a book, show, or movie that you enjoy and think would fit in well with the party. For example, emulate Patrick Stewart's Professor X for your sagely, caring cleric. Or Chris Pratt's Starlord for your sarcastic rogue.

If by "sort of just does things" you mean you prefer combat, exploration, and rolling dice rather than the acting aspect of roleplaying games, you can make a character who lets other people the in party take the lead socially. But if by "sort of just does things" you mean acts impulsively without consideration of the party, I recommend rethinking that goal. In my experience that sort of play is often disruptive for the GM and other players, so unless everyone is on board I suggest avoiding that.

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