Creamsteak's Pathfinder Sunless Citadel [IC]

Walking Dad

First Post
Aramil, AC 15 (T12, FF13), HP 18/18, F +1,R+3,W+2

"I sense no magic in this room. Did you find anything? Perhaps I can try to identify it." Aramil says.

[sblock=ooc]Appraise: +7 (+9 to identify magic items) Perhaps you like to roll this in secret.[/sblock]

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Skye - Human Cleric - AC 16 - hp 17/17 - Perception (+7)

Skye frowned when she let the magic flow from her eyes. "I can't really figure out what all this is for, and unlike Snagg, I don't particularly like playing with dangerous mechanical or magical things. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should get on with finding this dragon, the Hucreles and hopefully not getting killed by a bunch of kobolds." She looked down the northern passage way. "Snagg, I guess you being the most crafty should take point?" She grinned and then followed the half-orc down the corridor to the north.


Spells and Abilities Active:

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Turn Undead (2 Used)

Spells Prepared:

Spells Prepared (Normal 3/1, Wis 0/1):

Level 0 (3): Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
Level 1 (2): Bless, Protection from Evil

Skye's Character Sheet

Walking Dad

First Post
Aramil, AC 15 (T12, FF13), HP 18/18, F +1,R+3,W+2

"I'm with you at this. Let's get the job done. Lead the way, creature!" Aramil says. "And for Nethys' sake, Snagg, I mean the kobold."


Snag says, " Maybe you guys should let me scout ahead a bit first. The gobs are likely to be getting close, and we don't want to just waltz into their lair unawares. "

He pauses just a moment before heading towards the passage, and as he moves out of range of the light, he crunches down a little and begins creeping northward, quite capable of relying on his own darkvision.


As Snag rounds the corner, Meepo yells out in a half-whispered tone, "Turn there, go through the door hairmonkey. That way to goblins."


Snag can make out that the hallway continues for a while north, and there are multiple alcoves that way. To your west, you can see a door.


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Not wanting to leave anything to chance, Snag decides to briefly check the alcoves further north before heading back to the door. He listens intently with his ear pressed to the wood for the sounds of any goblins in the next area before carefully opening up the door and peeking inside.


As Snag creeps forwards to inspect the alcoves, he spots the ravenous look of a dire rat peering outside of one of the alcoves. Their glares meet, but the rat seems content to sit where it is right now.


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Snag decides to creep back to the group and inform them of the giant rodent which would they probably do not want to deal with at a more inopportune time later.

He pulls out his bow and nocks an arrow, and motions for the others to get ready.

Walking Dad

First Post
Aramil, AC 15 (T12, FF13), HP 18/18, F +1,R+3,W+2

"I'm ready when you are, Snagg." says Aramil as he draws his sword and readiey an Acid Dart.
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