Creamsteak's Pathfinder Sunless Citadel [IC]

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" Well, this doesn't bode well for the Hucreles, " says the half-orc as he shamelessly loots the body of the fallen warrior. " We'd better be careful or we'll end up like them too. "


Skye - Human Cleric - AC 16 - hp 12/17 - Perception (+7)

For the first time since coming on the mission, Skye looked solemnly down at the body of the ranger. "Not a way to go," she remarked, before looking around for something to make the ranger more respectable in death. "If we return, we should make sure the body is buried properly. Or returned." She noticed her use of the word 'if' but decided to make nothing of it.

Returning to her usual jovial spirits, she turned to Aramil. "Guess we'd better make sure Meepo shows us the right way. We've found one body - let's hope we find the Hucreles and their companion alive. Which way to the goblin areas? I think it's time we paid them a visit." She readied her shield, but kept her trident stowed away. She briefly thought about calling aid, but decided now was not the time.

[SBLOCK=OOC]OOC: Haven't updated to Alpha 3 yet, but will do so sometime this week.

Spells and Abilities Active:

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Turn Undead (2 Used)

Spells Prepared:

Spells Prepared (Normal 3/1, Wis 0/1):

Level 0 (3): Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
Level 1 (2): Bless, Protection from Evil

Skye's Character Sheet


"So the hairmonkeys is done then? Meepo will lead you to goblins... stupid hairmonkeys..."

He pauses slightly before the last statement, almost doubting himself. He then stops at the door leading west, out of the room with the fountain. "That way to goblins. Be careful, they is not friendly to friend hair-monkeys."


Skye - Human Cleric - AC 16 - hp 12/17 - Perception (+7)

Skye follows Snagg as he heads to where Meepo pointed the goblins were. She clutches her fists together for a few moments and then checks to see that her holy symbol is still in place. "Let's do this. The more I'm in the place, the more it rubs off on me. And that's not a good thing. I do not want to be a hairy monkey when I leave here, let alone a dead one." She follows after Snagg, keeping her eyes and ears open for trouble, leaving Thunder and Aramil to keep the rear guard with Meepo.

[SBLOCK=OOC]OOC: Haven't updated to Alpha 3 yet, but will do so sometime this week.

Spells and Abilities Active:

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Turn Undead (2 Used)

Spells Prepared:

Spells Prepared (Normal 3/1, Wis 0/1):

Level 0 (3): Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
Level 1 (2): Bless, Protection from Evil

Skye's Character Sheet

Walking Dad

First Post

Aramil, AC 15 (T12, FF13), HP 18/18, F +1,R+3,W+2

Aramil follows Snagg and Skye a few paces behind, keeping an eye on Meepo and and for other possible dangers...

Voidrunner's Codex

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