Creamsteak's Pathfinder Sunless Citadel [IC]


" Maybe, " answers Snag while he glances around to see if there is anything else suspicious. " Were these trap doors made by your people, scaledog? "

Carefully making his way around the open pits, the half-orc creeps up towards the other passage to take a look at what lies down it before waving his companions forward. " If it was the Hucreles, there is no way to tell whether the missing footprints belonged to one of them or one of their companions, so I suggest we investigate before assaulting the goblins. "

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Skye - Human Cleric - AC 16 - hp 12/17 - Perception (+7)

"Wooa! Wooa! Wooa!" Skye exclaimed when she heard Snagg's comments about those coming and going. "So what happened to the fourth? And, if they came back through here, where did they go? It seems to me that this path gets one killed, whereas if we follow the tracks of the three that came back, we might actually find them. Which means, that we go that way." She waved her hand aimlessly towards where they'd come form and one of the other areas they had not yet explored. "And what's with all these fountains and dragons in any case?" she asked suddenly. "I mean, that's two in the space of a few feet. What's up with that?" She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.

Realisation suddenly dawned on her. "Oh, that's right. We have to find proof of them being alive or dead, right? So if we find a dead one, then we've got proof. So we have to follow all leads? In that case, Snagg, lead on. We're right behind you." She looked into the pits, trying to tell if somebody had fallen into the pits, and staying well clear of the fountain for now.


Spells and Abilities Active:

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Turn Undead (2 Used)

Spells Prepared:

Spells Prepared (Normal 3/1, Wis 0/1):

Level 0 (3): Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
Level 1 (2): Bless, Protection from Evil

Skye's Character Sheet


The stench of rotting meat suffuses the air, rising from much-chewed carcasses of several cave rats, smaller vermin, and some suspiciously humanoid looking bodies. The cadavers lie upon a floor of filth, old bones, hair, and fur that combine to make a particularly large and vile nest. The norther wall is smashed, opening into rubble strewn darkness.

Walking Dad

First Post

After Aramil makes a small gesture and says a minor word of power, the filth before him cleans and he starts to examine the nest.

[sblock=ooc]Aramil casts prestidigitation and uses the clean effect. Than he searches the nest. Perception (sight) + 4. Afterwards he will cast detect magic on the heap, too.[/sblock]


Wrinkling his nose, Snag steps over the refuse and slowly creeps over towards the hole in the wall to take a peek at what lies beyond.


Skye - Human Cleric - AC 16 - hp 12/17 - Perception (+7)

"Ew!" Skye said, wrinkling her nose. "I guess we'd better check the bodies to see if there is any sign of the Hucreles among them." She almost tip-toed across the floor to the broken wall, shining the light on her shield into the darkness beyond. "Don't know how they can stand it," she muttered, keeping her nose closed as she investigated the nearby area.

[SBLOCK=OOC]OOC: Perception +7 to search the area.

Spells and Abilities Active:

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Turn Undead (2 Used)

Spells Prepared:

Spells Prepared (Normal 3/1, Wis 0/1):

Level 0 (3): Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
Level 1 (2): Bless, Protection from Evil

Skye's Character Sheet


There's a bit of a treasure trove in this room, albeit difficult to find every last bit and piece. Eventually you can count out 300 sp, 68 gp, 3 gems worth 40 gold each, and the body of a human... probably a ranger. He had 5 daggers, studded leather armor, a shortbow, a sack (waterskin, one ration, a bedroll, flint and steel, and three torches), a quiver with only six arrows remaining, a potion of cure light wounds, and a pouch with 17gp.

A gold ring sits on the ranger's finger, engraved with the name Karakas.

Walking Dad

First Post
Aramil, AC 15 (T12, FF13), HP 18/18, F +1,R+3,W+2

Aramis whispers : "Aurum Arcanum." and makes a short gesture to detect possible magic on the items.

Voidrunner's Codex

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