Creamsteak's Pathfinder Sunless Citadel [IC]


Aramil 17
Thunder 16
Skye 15
Snag 14
Momma 10
Rats 7

Aramil begins his spell, Thunder crushes one of the vermin beneath his blade, Sky produces a damaging attack that doesn't quite disable her target, and Snag fires an arrow into the nasty mother rat, but it seems to fail to pierce her thicker than usual hide.

The Den Mother comes barreling forward, in defense of her slain spawn, or perhaps out of simple hunger. She strikes at Thunder, dealing 5 points of damage.

The pack swarms forward, the four remaining normal dire rats attack Thunder and Sky equally. The vermin make obvious targets as they crawl over each other to get to their quarry. Skye and Thunder each get attacks of opportunity. Both hit, and they fell their targets. One rat manages to deal some damage to Skye, dealing 3 points.


Aramil's target for his sleep spell happens immediately, and he'll of course need to tell me how he's targetting it out now.


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Walking Dad

First Post
(ooc: The effect should include 6k, 6L, 7k. It will also include Thunder. If he miss his save, aramil will walk close to him and give him a kick (1d4 non-lethal, to wake him instantly).)


Skye - Human Cleric - AC 16 - hp 14/17 - Perception (+7)

Skye braced herself for the arrival of the rats, and they swarmed just as she had expected they would. The large rodents gnawed and bit at her shield, and threw their impressive weight against her protection. One bite slipped through her shield's defense, grabbing her by the arm, and the pain and blood flared out of the wound. "Ouch!" she cried, "That was not nice. Sit!"

The dire rat continued to press the assault and Skye drew out her trident, using it effectively in defense but her shot just narrowly missed the nimble rat she was attacking and she slammed the weapon into the floor. "Stand still, I tell you," she commanded the rat with futility.

[SBLOCK=OOC]OOC: Creamsteak, Skye didn't have a weapon prepared, so she can't take any attacks of opportunity since she's not threatening anything.

If the rat at K7 falls asleep, she remains where she is, draws her trident and attacks the rat at J8. Trident vs. Dire Rat: 13. If K7 remains awake, she takes a 5 ft. step to L8, before attacking K7 with her trident as above. Attack misses.

Spells and Abilities Active:

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Turn Undead (2 Used)

Spells Prepared:

Spells Prepared (Normal 3/1, Wis 0/1):

Level 0 (3): Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
Level 1 (2): Bless, Protection from Evil

Skye's Character Sheet


Aramil 17
Thunder 16
Skye 15
Snag 14
Momma 10
Rats 7

Aramil's spell puts Thunder, the den mother, and two other dire rats to spell all in one final motion.

He then kicks Thunder for 1 point of non-lethal to wake him.



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Reveille said:
Thunder Coup de Grace's the Den Mother.

OOC: 36 Damage. She needs to make a Fort save DC 46 to survive the blow.

To get this right... you're doing this from prone? CDG is a Full Round Action and you were put to sleep before your turn. There's also the potential matter of dropping your weapon. I don't see how it works out.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Creamsteak said:
To get this right... you're doing this from prone? CDG is a Full Round Action and you were put to sleep before your turn.
The character is on the ground. An attacker who is prone has a -4 penalty on melee attack rolls and cannot use a ranged weapon (except for a crossbow). A defender who is prone gains a +4 bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks, but takes a -4 penalty to AC against melee attacks.
Standing up is a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Coup de Grace
As a full-round action, you can use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de grace to a helpless opponent. You can also use a bow or crossbow, provided you are adjacent to the target.
You automatically hit and score a critical hit. If the defender survives the damage, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or die. A rogue also gets her extra sneak attack damage against a helpless opponent when delivering a coup de grace.
Delivering a coup de grace provokes attacks of opportunity from threatening opponents.
You can’t deliver a coup de grace against a creature that is immune to critical hits. You can deliver a coup de grace against a creature with total concealment, but doing this requires two consecutive full-round actions (one to "find" the creature once you’ve determined what square it’s in, and one to deliver the coup de grace).
I see nothing that disallows this action (Defending it because it was my idea).
Only the possibility of a dropped weapon ;) [/sblock]


Regardless, to move on, Thunder does something to kill the rat mother.

Skye then steps forward and stabs at one of the concious rats, but misses.

Snag fires another arrow, this time nailing one of the concious rats for 5 points of damage. It still lives.

The two concious rats claw at Skye, one hitting for another 2 points of damage.

Back at the top of the initiative.

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