Creamsteak's Pathfinder Sunless Citadel [IC]


Skye - Human Cleric - AC 16 - hp 12/17 - Perception (+7)

"Aramil!" she cried, "My hero!" Then her attempted giggle following the mirth was stiffled by another one of the rats biting into her flesh. "And look how dirty those teeth are!" she said as the pain flared up in her body. "I'll get you... you crazy yellow-toothed animal," she said before aggressively launching into an attack that ended up with one dead rat from her powerful trident blow. "Serves you right!" she said, though she probably didn't mean it entirely. She had great respect for animals and knew that they had a place, but biting into her was not the place to be.

[SBLOCK=OOC]OOC: Skye attacks one of the rats that bit her. Trident Attack vs. Dire Rat: 22. Damage: 9 hp.

Spells and Abilities Active:

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Turn Undead (2 Used)

Spells Prepared:

Spells Prepared (Normal 3/1, Wis 0/1):

Level 0 (3): Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
Level 1 (2): Bless, Protection from Evil

Skye's Character Sheet

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Walking Dad

First Post
Aramil, AC 15 (T12, FF13), HP 18/18, F +1,R+3,W+2; Ini 17

Aramil finishes another sleeping rat with his longsword.

[sblock=ooc]Aramil stands in L8 and Coup de Grace the rat in K7.
Dam 18, DC 28[/sblock]


Skye and Thunder each put down another rat fairly easily. After another round of attacks from the rats, which fail to land any hits, the remaining force of diseased rodents are dispatched.

Once all is said and done, Meepo steps out from around the corner behind everyone applauding with his two small claws. "Good job hairmonkeys! You killed the big momma of those bad bad hairy bads. You are obviously great heroes! Meepo will tell great stories to chieftain of your slaying prowess!"

The path to the west, leading to a door, and the path to the north where the rats came from are both viable points of exploration from where you currently are.



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Skye - Human Cleric - AC 16 - hp 12/17 - Perception (+7)

Skye exhaled in a half-whistle as she examined first her bleeding wounds and then secondly the critters that lay sprawled dead across the floor. "Nasty," she remarked, before taking some water to clean down the worst of the blood on her body. "Hope this doesn't scar, otherwise I'll hunt these rats in the afterlife and spit them over a fire." She stabbed one of those that had bit her for good measure.

"I guess we should take a look and see if there's anything interesting in this mother's lair," she continued, "Might be some clues as to what's up ahead. Rats gather all sorts of strange things. Snagg, you up for joining me in a quick search?" She headed forward, her eyes peeled for more trouble.

[SBLOCK=OOC]OOC: Perception +7 to search the area up ahead, taking 10 for a result of 17.

Spells and Abilities Active:

Spells Cast and Abilities/Items Used:

Turn Undead (2 Used)

Spells Prepared:

Spells Prepared (Normal 3/1, Wis 0/1):

Level 0 (3): Detect Magic, Light, Resistance
Level 1 (2): Bless, Protection from Evil

Skye's Character Sheet


Snag glances at Meepo as he moves to search the rats lair. He is not sure whether he should feel angry at the kobold for what would be a belittling comment from a civilized person, or to pity him if the kobold genuinely feels that way.


Skye and Snag both ntoice signs that four humanoids traveled this passage in recent time, heading north. Only Snag is clever enough, however, to identify that only three trails lead back out of this passage.

There are a few gold coins and small gems among the rats warren. There are 21 gold pieces and 4 small pearls.

Ahead, a room with two trapdoors blocked open by iron spikes opens up. It's obvious that if the tops of the trapdoors were flush with the floor, they would be difficult to spot. The north wall holds a dry fountain carved with a bas-relief of a dragon.



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Walking Dad

First Post
Aramil, AC 15 (T12, FF13), HP 18/18, F +1,R+3,W+2

"Do you think the Hucreles did that?" Aramil asks, as he spots the ironspiked trapdoors.

Voidrunner's Codex

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