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Creative Exercise: The Sovereign Dominion of Eyros

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Unbeknownst to other folk of Eyros, both Indracca and Orrukar have made nominal contact with the Mo'ahhi and Nientese in recent years, through exploration of the eastern Emerald Sea that borders Indracca and Orrukar. The Emerald Sea has a larger than normal amount of green algae near its surface, lending it the name. Bitter winds from the north mix with warm currents in the south, making the Emerald Sea a hotbed of hurricane and waterspout activity, leaving it a terribly dangerous route for trade and exploration. Nonetheless, a few Orrukarn and Indraccan vessels have survived the journey and discovered the eastern continent, which was surprisingly already inhabited by a great many humans and savage beasts. Orrukarn gnolls are trying to develop trade relations with Nientei as a new market for their glasswork and tropical fruits, while Indracca has tried to treat with Mo'ahhim as a military and trade partner. Neither group has had much success as of yet, but the delegations persist and might eventually come to agreements with the eastern folk.


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Arkhandus said:
Umm.... Not sure where this could be. As nobody else ever bothered with them earlier, I ended up describing each of Eyros' neighboring seas myself in contributions. The Sea of Deception (west/southwest), Thorntide Ocean (south/southwest), and Cerulean Vista (southeast/east). I suppose the Sea of Mist could be what's just south of the distant southwestern land of the thri-kreen, though. Though only the elves of Nistadeen know of that land (no one else can reach that far by ship), so nobody in Eyros proper would know of the Sea of Mist. So I guess the Nistadeeni named it.....?

Aye that they did.

Dr. Harry

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Arkhandus said:
Northeast of Eyros, east of Saagersberg, lies the Barren Plains where Eyros keeps a constant vigil over, though it is only nominally claimed by House Zhal. The Barren Plains are steadfastly defended against raids from Kwlloch, but the land has nothing of value. It's a scrubland with only scattered grasses and bushes, not very arable, and somewhat unstable because of seismic activity in the area, so neither Eyros nor Kwlloch has bothered to build any settlements or outposts on the Barren Plains. The only Eyrian outpost there collapsed two thousand years ago, a mere decade after its construction, and after that they realized it was pointless to try maintaining anything there. Kwlloch goblins and bugbears have tried living in the area previously, but couldn't eke out a living on the Plains and lost some of their folk to fissures during a mighty earthquake. Scattered across the Barren Plains are a few steam vents and geysers of sulfur-tainted water; many goblins and bugbears died after trying to drink from these water sources. Rainfall is infrequent on the Barren Plains.

It is still not widely known why House Zhal has put so much into the Barren Plains, but once every three years a caraven enters the Barren Plains and returns four weeks later. Both magical scrying and more direct tracking have so far failed to determine what the caravan goes in for, or what they bring back with them.


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Khorod said:
Oobrack is a large village ten miles inside the official Eastern boundaries of Eyros and about 30 miles south of the Blue Mountains. If one were to dig up the houses and dust off the streets, you would find the ground is the floor of an ancient stone border fortress of the Elven Knighthood, the Elpatha Sifela.

New Contribution:

The fortresses of the Elpatha Sifela were typically three towers. According to the mathematically precise research of a Praes Thanatos member interested in topography, the material of each tower and the overal layout of each installation is dependent on latitude and altitude.

There are at least 18 such fortresses in Eyros, 17 of which have been converted into the private abodes of members of the Scipii or barracks for the Legion of the Dead.

One of the larger fortresses is a ruin on the other side of Mt. Xark. It was the Valjin Chapterhouse of the Elpatha. The largest fortress is rumored to be hidden in the Blue Mountains, from which the occasional bit of stonework, object of art, or magical item is quietly sold into the Eyrosian black market.

Their is also a Nistadeeni Chapterhouse of the Elpatha Sifela. However, the Elpatha were entirely destroyed in Nistadeen before the fall of Valjin. Two-hundred years later, the ruler of Nistadeen directed the creation of the Elantha Deino. The Elantha were given the remains of the Elpatha Sifela's properties and treasures, but most of the ritual and responsibilities were new. The Elantha are specifically chartered as a national defense force of the borders of Nistadeen, and the specific protection of the recognized ruling family.

It is said some of the Elantha charter is quoted into the Oath of the Enforcer Masks and Guardian Masks.


I was looking for the name of these knights for a long time as I looked for a name for the Silas Arbani.

The primal oath of the masks is a two way oath. Every Grand Monarch is unwittingly bound by this ancient magic and the words of a long dead predecessor.
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First Post
Khorod said:
One of the larger fortresses is a ruin on the other side of Mt. Xark. It was the Valjin Chapterhouse of the Elpatha. The largest fortress is rumored to be hidden in the Blue Mountains, from which the occasional bit of stonework, object of art, or magical item is quietly sold into the Eyrosian black market.

Of course, this doesn't matter in the slightest to the Crucible with regards to their plans of intiating a controlled, minor eruption of Mount Xark along the side opposite Eyrdeyn..... Crucible fire cultists have been pillaging the Elpatha ruin there to ensure that anything truly useful to the Eyrians, except anything corrupted by elven magic of the worst sort, is removed before they follow through with the plans and obliterate the few Valjin ruins on Mt. Xark's now-uninhabited side.


The city of Meriga and the surrounding area is predominantly settled by gnomes. Meriga was the first city the gnomes founded after they were released from slavery to the elves. The city can be found 120 miles northeast of Eyrdeyn.


First Post
The main continent is Eyros, after which the Sovereign Dominion is named. Eyros is the ancient orcish name for the land. To the distant east is the Luviar continent, as the Indraccans have named it. Xaleris lies on a very small continent that the Xals call Relcaya. Far, far south of Nistadeen, slightly east of the Thorntide Ocean, lies the land called Isiranivaa by the elves; only Nistadeen knows of this landmass, and has only explored the northmost shores and northeast peninsula of it, and have named the mysterious waters south of it the Sea of Mist. No one has ever been far enough west to know of any landmasses there, except for a single mist-shrouded isle, which no one has survived exploring.

Voidrunner's Codex

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