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D&D 3E/3.5 Creature Catalog 3.5 Overhaul Project


Creature Cataloguer
OK, the hamadryad’s powers are confusing at times, and it’s bugging me. Let me go at it by breaking down everything she’s got, and dissecting it and examining it and see what we come up with. Some of this will be scrapped or altered, some of these items will be merged into single powers, and some of it will be left as-is in the conversion as done before.

Now, keep in mind that the hamadryad is not as dependent on her oak as a normal dryad, so the Tree Dependent SQ may be reduced or eliminated. However, we may want to give the hamadryad the Wild Empathy druid power, and that may account for a little bit of her powers.


OK, discuss some of these bits. First off, here are bits from the 1E Dragon article as posted above:

Like a dryad, a hamadryad is linked to an individual oak tree and will quickly die if the tree is destroyed. But unlike a dryad, a hamadryad can leave the vicinity of the oak tree and travel any distance from the tree.

They prefer well water or mineral water, and derive energy from sunlight through the chlorophyll in their bright green hair. Shorn or dungeon-imprisoned hamadryads will die in 10-20 days if they cannot get sunlight and are not allowed to regrow their hair.

Hamadryads can use the following powers at will, one per round: animal friendship, entangle, pass without trace, speak with animals, and quench fire (16’ square area of effect).

They will always successfully detect snares and pits, and cannot be entangled.

They can dimension door from any tree to any other tree (maximum range of this ability is 66“), and can enter inside any living tree.

Hamadryads will always see non-real trees (such as those caused by a massmorph or tree spell) for what they truly are. They also recognize treants and treant-controlled trees on sight.

Once a day, a hamadryad can cast a hold plant spell, and thrice per day can cast a powerful charm person spell (save vs. magic at -3). If a person is taken away by a hamadryad, he will be compelled to perform one service (usually aid in protecting the woodlands from woodcutters or the like), and will then be released in the depths of the forest in a dryad grove, whereupon he may be charmed in turn by a dryad. If not, no forest creature of good or neutral alignment will attack the person if he does not bother them and is attempting to leave the forest.

If a hamadryad enters a tree which contains a druid (cf. pass plant and plant door spells), she can charm that druid if she so wishes with great efficacy (save at -6). She can converse with the druid normally, and there is room for both within the tree.

Hamadryads are immune to the effects of a call woodland beings spell, but will feel its summons and will usually (90% of the time) go to the caster’s location to observe; they give aid of their own free will.

They have exact knowledge of the forest in which they dwell.

A hamadryad’s tree is always old and large, but does not radiate magic.

The touch of a hamadryad is also said to cure nilbogism (see the FIEND FOLIO® Tome, Nilbog), but truth of this rumor is as much a mystery as the condition itself. (LOL, I’m almost tempted to leave this in there, just for humor value…)


Now, here are the hamadrayd’s 2E stats from the FR Monstrous Compendium (slightly different, but mostly the same):

Like their cousins the dryads, each hamadryad is linked to an individual oak tree; however, a hamadryad can leave the vicinity of her tree.

Hamadryads can cast hold plant once a day and charm person three times a day (saving throw has a –3 penalty) as casters at the 11th level of ability.

Hamadryads can use, at will, speak with plants, animal friendship, entangle, pass without trace, dimension door (from tree to tree only, maximum range 660 yards), and quench fire (as the reverse of the 7th-level priest spell fire storm) as casters of the 11th level of ability.

Hamadryads always successfully detect snares and pits and cannot be entangled.

A hamadryad can automatically discern the nature of magically-created trees or vegetation such as those generated by massmorph, tree, or hallucinatory forest spells.They recognize treants and treant-controlled trees on sight.

They can enter any living tree using the 6th-level priest spell transport via plants, and remain there as long as they wish.

If a hamadryad enters a tree containing a spell caster that is using a plant door, pass plant, or transport via plants spell, there always is room in the tree for the hamadryad and she can attempt to charm the spell caster. The saving throw vs. this charm has a -6 penalty. These special charms can be used at will and in addition to the hamadryad’s three charm person spells each day. The special charm even works on druids of 7th level or higher.

Hamadryads are immune to the effects of the call woodland beings spell, but are aware of the spell if they are in its area of effect. Usually (90%) they travel to the caster’s location to observe. If the caster’s goals are not contrary to the hamadryad’s, she serves of her own free will. Hamadryads who are expecting trouble usually gather a cadre of charmed people and friendly animals. While these allies fight, the hamadryad dimension doors from tree to tree, using entangle and charm to disorganize and demoralize foes.

Hamadryads do not eat. They get all the nourishment they need from sunlight, through the chlorophyll in their hair, and from the water they drink. They prefer fresh water from springs or wells, but can survive on water that has been fouled by human or animal wastes. A hamadryad who is imprisoned indoors will die of starvation in 10-20 days unless given access to sunlight for at least one hour a day. A hamadryad shorn of her hair starves unless she is allowed to regrow her hair.

A hamadryad's tree is always huge and old, but does not radiate magic or show other signs of its true nature, though careful questioning with a speak with plants spell probably will reveal the tree for what it is.
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Monster Junkie
Alright, you asked for it. Here's my long-winded response.

BOZ said:
However, we may want to give the hamadryad the Wild Empathy druid power, and that may account for a little bit of her powers.


Like a dryad, a hamadryad is linked to an individual oak tree and will quickly die if the tree is destroyed. But unlike a dryad, a hamadryad can leave the vicinity of the oak tree and travel any distance from the tree.

They prefer well water or mineral water, and derive energy from sunlight through the chlorophyll in their bright green hair. Shorn or dungeon-imprisoned hamadryads will die in 10-20 days if they cannot get sunlight and are not allowed to regrow their hair.

I'd omit this.

Hamadryads can use the following powers at will, one per round: animal friendship, entangle, pass without trace, speak with animals, and quench fire (16’ square area of effect).

Wild empathy covers animal friendship. All the rest can remain spell-like abilities, as you currently have them listed.

They will always successfully detect snares and pits, and cannot be entangled.

I'd give her detect snares and pits as a spell-like ability. For the cannot be entangled ability, perhaps replace with:

Greater Woodland Stride (Ex): A hamadryad may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. In addition, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion do not affect her.

They can dimension door from any tree to any other tree (maximum range of this ability is 66“), and can enter inside any living tree.

I'd replace this with tree stride.

Hamadryads will always see non-real trees (such as those caused by a massmorph or tree spell) for what they truly are. They also recognize treants and treant-controlled trees on sight.

Perhaps instead of rolling this into Nature Mastery, create a separate ability as follows:

Plant Sight (Sp): Hamadryads can see a plant in its true form, as if under a continuous true seeing{/I] effect.

They have exact knowledge of the forest in which they dwell.

Racial bonus to Knowledge (nature) and Survival?

The touch of a hamadryad is also said to cure nilbogism (see the FIEND FOLIO® Tome, Nilbog), but truth of this rumor is as much a mystery as the condition itself. (LOL, I’m almost tempted to leave this in there, just for humor value…)

Keep it. That's hilarious!

Hamadryads do not eat. They get all the nourishment they need from sunlight, through the chlorophyll in their hair, and from the water they drink. They prefer fresh water from springs or wells, but can survive on water that has been fouled by human or animal wastes. A hamadryad who is imprisoned indoors will die of starvation in 10-20 days unless given access to sunlight for at least one hour a day. A hamadryad shorn of her hair starves unless she is allowed to regrow her hair.

I'd leave this out or make it purely flavor text (rumor has it..., sages speculate..., etc. so it's not a rule.)

A hamadryad's tree is always huge and old, but does not radiate magic or show other signs of its true nature, though careful questioning with a speak with plants spell probably will reveal the tree for what it is.

Maybe require a caster level check vs. 11 + hamadryad's Hit Dice to successfully detect magic or speak with plants?


Creature Cataloguer
OK, after some thought, here is what I am thinking of doing with her powers so far:

Spell-Like Abilities: At will – entangle (DC 13), pass without trace, quench, speak with animals, speak with plants, tree stride. Caster level 11th. The save DCs are Wisdom-based.

Tree Dependent (Su): Each hamadryad is mystically bound to a single, enormous oak tree. Unlike a dryad, a hamadryad can leave the vicinity of the oak and travel any distance away from the tree. However, she will quickly die if the tree is destroyed. A hamadryad’s oak does not radiate magic or show other signs of its true nature, though careful questioning with a speak with plants spell probably will reveal the tree for what it is.

Wild Empathy (Ex): This power works like the druid’s wild empathy class feature, except that the hamadryad has a +6 racial bonus on the check.

Greater Woodland Stride (Ex): A hamadryad may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. In addition, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion do not affect her.

Plant Sight (Sp): Hamadryads can see a plant in its true form, as if under a continuous true seeing effect. They can also automatically identify magically created vegetation, including spells such as hallucinatory terrain or tree shape. They recognize treants and treant-controlled trees for what they are on sight.
(Is there a 3E equivalent for the massmorph spell?)

Photosynthesis (Ex): A hamadryad does not eat, but gains all of her nutrients by absorbing sunlight through the chlorophyll in her hair. If a hamadryad’s head is shaved and kept shorn, or if she is imprisoned indoors without at least one hour’s worth of exposure to the sun per day, she will begin to starve. The hamadryad will die of starvation in 10d2 days if kept this way.


and even after all of that, it still leaves some items to discuss:

What about replacing the pass without trace spell-like ability with the druid’s Trackless Step? How would that affect how it works?

“They prefer fresh water from mineral springs or wells, but can survive on water that has been fouled by human or animal wastes.”

“They have exact knowledge of the forest in which they dwell.”
* maybe makes Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks in her environment automatically successful? *

“They will always successfully detect snares and pits.”
shade said:
I'd give her detect snares and pits as a spell-like ability.
perhaps, but this sounds like a continuous ability rather than an at will ability – sounds like she doesn’t even have to think about using it, she just knows when she’s in range.

“Hamadryads are immune to the effects of the call woodland beings spell, but are aware of the spell if they are in its area of effect. Usually (90%) they travel to the caster’s location to observe. If the caster’s goals are not contrary to the hamadryad’s, she serves of her own free will. Hamadryads who are expecting trouble usually gather a cadre of charmed people and friendly animals. While these allies fight, the hamadryad dimension doors from tree to tree, using entangle and charm to disorganize and demoralize foes.”

“Once a day, a hamadryad can cast a hold plant spell, and thrice per day can cast a powerful charm person spell (save vs. magic at -3). If a person is taken away by a hamadryad, he will be compelled to perform one service (usually aid in protecting the woodlands from woodcutters or the like), and will then be released in the depths of the forest in a dryad grove, whereupon he may be charmed in turn by a dryad. If not, no forest creature of good or neutral alignment will attack the person if he does not bother them and is attempting to leave the forest.”

“If a hamadryad enters a tree containing a spell caster that is using a plant door, pass plant, or transport via plants spell, there always is room in the tree for the hamadryad and she can attempt to charm the spell caster. The saving throw vs. this charm has a -6 penalty. These special charms can be used at will and in addition to the hamadryad’s three charm person spells each day. The special charm even works on druids of 7th level or higher.”
“She can converse with the druid normally, and there is room for both within the tree.”

And, so do we keep her at CR 4, and SR 19?
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Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
What about replacing the pass without trace spell-like ability with the druid’s Trackless Step? How would that affect how it works?

Comparing the two, I'd say Trackless Step fits better, as it only works in natural surroundings, while pass without trace is any terrain. Here are the two for comparison:

Trackless Step (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a druid leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired.

Pass Without Trace: The subject or subjects can move through any type of terrain and leave neither footprints nor scent. Tracking the subjects is impossible by nonmagical means.

BOZ said:
“They have exact knowledge of the forest in which they dwell.”
* maybe makes Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks in her environment automatically successful? *

Is there a precedent of any other creature that automatically succeeds on skill checks? If so, I'd say that would work. Otherwise, maybe a +20 racial bonus, and the hamadryad can always take 10 (or 20?) even if rushed or threatened?

BOZ said:
“They will always successfully detect snares and pits.”

perhaps, but this sounds like a continuous ability rather than an at will ability – sounds like she doesn’t even have to think about using it, she just knows when she’s in range.

How about:

Detect Snares and Pits (Su): Hamadryads have a continuous detect snares and pits ability, as the spell (caster level 20th).

BOZ said:
And, so do we keep her at CR 4, and SR 19?

It seems reasonable. SR 11+CR is supposed to allow a character a 50% chance of success, so 15+CR would still be possible, just a bit more challenging.


Creature Cataloguer
shade, I liked your ideas for the hamadryad and implemented a few of them ( http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/showthread.php?t=63533 ), but there are still a few items to figure out:

“They prefer fresh water from mineral springs or wells, but can survive on water that has been fouled by human or animal wastes.”
keep as flavor text, omit, or use it somehow as a power?

“They have exact knowledge of the forest in which they dwell.”
Have we determined if there is a precedent for automatic success at skill checks? If not, the +20 to Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks in her environment should do.

“Hamadryads are immune to the effects of the call woodland beings spell, but are aware of the spell if they are in its area of effect. Usually (90%) they travel to the caster’s location to observe. If the caster’s goals are not contrary to the hamadryad’s, she serves of her own free will. Hamadryads who are expecting trouble usually gather a cadre of charmed people and friendly animals. While these allies fight, the hamadryad dimension doors from tree to tree, using entangle and charm to disorganize and demoralize foes.”

“Once a day, a hamadryad can cast a hold plant spell, and thrice per day can cast a powerful charm person spell (save vs. magic at -3). If a person is taken away by a hamadryad, he will be compelled to perform one service (usually aid in protecting the woodlands from woodcutters or the like), and will then be released in the depths of the forest in a dryad grove, whereupon he may be charmed in turn by a dryad. If not, no forest creature of good or neutral alignment will attack the person if he does not bother them and is attempting to leave the forest.”

“If a hamadryad enters a tree containing a spell caster that is using a plant door, pass plant, or transport via plants spell, there always is room in the tree for the hamadryad and she can attempt to charm the spell caster. The saving throw vs. this charm has a -6 penalty. These special charms can be used at will and in addition to the hamadryad’s three charm person spells each day. The special charm even works on druids of 7th level or higher.”
“She can converse with the druid normally, and there is room for both within the tree.”

also, just for reference purposes under the Plant Sight ability, is there a 3E equivalent for the massmorph spell?

So if we’re going with SR = CR +15, do we still want the CR to be only 4, with all of these “new” powers we’ve added? (see the most recent posting of the hamadryad to be sure). I’d say the CR should increase to at least 5 or maybe 6 (remember, we also bumped up her HD).


Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
shade, I liked your ideas for the hamadryad and implemented a few of them ( http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/showthread.php?t=63533 ), but there are still a few items to figure out:

“They prefer fresh water from mineral springs or wells, but can survive on water that has been fouled by human or animal wastes.”
keep as flavor text, omit, or use it somehow as a power?

I'd keep it as flavor text or omit it.

BOZ said:
“They have exact knowledge of the forest in which they dwell.”
Have we determined if there is a precedent for automatic success at skill checks? If not, the +20 to Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks in her environment should do.

I have been looking, but haven't found any monster that automatically succeeds on checks. The closest I've found it the blindsight ability, which says the monster usually doesn't need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice things within its blindsight.

BOZ said:
“Hamadryads are immune to the effects of the call woodland beings spell, but are aware of the spell if they are in its area of effect. Usually (90%) they travel to the caster’s location to observe. If the caster’s goals are not contrary to the hamadryad’s, she serves of her own free will. Hamadryads who are expecting trouble usually gather a cadre of charmed people and friendly animals. While these allies fight, the hamadryad dimension doors from tree to tree, using entangle and charm to disorganize and demoralize foes.”

Does call woodland beings still exist in some form? The closest I can think of is summon nature's ally, and the regular dryad doesn't show up on the list, so I suspect this text is no longer needed.

BOZ said:
“Once a day, a hamadryad can cast a hold plant spell,

Hmmm...maybe hold monster that only effects plants.

BOZ said:
and thrice per day can cast a powerful charm person spell (save vs. magic at -3).

Charm person 3/day as spell-like ability, save DC increased from Ability Focus.

BOZ said:
If a person is taken away by a hamadryad, he will be compelled to perform one service (usually aid in protecting the woodlands from woodcutters or the like), and will then be released in the depths of the forest in a dryad grove, whereupon he may be charmed in turn by a dryad. If not, no forest creature of good or neutral alignment will attack the person if he does not bother them and is attempting to leave the forest.”

Flavor text?

BOZ said:
“If a hamadryad enters a tree containing a spell caster that is using a plant door, pass plant, or transport via plants spell, there always is room in the tree for the hamadryad and she can attempt to charm the spell caster. The saving throw vs. this charm has a -6 penalty. These special charms can be used at will and in addition to the hamadryad’s three charm person spells each day. The special charm even works on druids of 7th level or higher.”
“She can converse with the druid normally, and there is room for both within the tree.”

For the charm ability, maybe something like this:

Nature's Charm: If a hamadryad enters a tree containing a spellcaster that is using transport via plants or a similar spell, there always is room in the tree for the hamadryad and she can attempt to use her charm person spell-like ability on the spellcaster. The spellcaster suffers a -6 penalty on his saving throw. These special charms can be used at will and does not count against the hamadryad's daily usages of her charm person spell-like ability.

BOZ said:
“The special charm even works on druids of 7th level or higher.”
“She can converse with the druid normally, and there is room for both within the tree.

I'd omit this. The -6 penalty helps offset the druid's resist nature's lure ability.

BOZ said:
also, just for reference purposes under the Plant Sight ability, is there a 3E equivalent for the massmorph spell?

Not as far as I can tell.

BOZ said:
“So if we’re going with SR = CR +15, do we still want the CR to be only 4, with all of these “new” powers we’ve added? (see the most recent posting of the hamadryad to be sure). I’d say the CR should increase to at least 5 or maybe 6 (remember, we also bumped up her HD).

Well, most of its abilities don't have much impact on combat, which seems to be where most of the "challenge" in CR is derived. The normal dryad has 4 HD and many similar abilities, with a CR of 3. The hamadryad currently has 6 HD and really good SR, which together are worth about 2 in my opinion, so maybe bump it up to CR 5?


Creature Cataloguer
Ok, how about these? The woodland mastery replaces what was left of the old nature mastery. Also, I decided to switch hold plants with command plants.

Strider's Charm (Su): If a hamadryad enters a tree containing a spellcaster that is using tree stride or a similar spell, there always is room in the tree for the hamadryad. She has the ability to converse with the spellcaster normally, or she can attempt to charm the spellcaster (DC 19). These special charms can be used at will and do not count against the hamadryad's daily usage of her charm person spell-like ability. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Woodland Mastery (Su): Hamadryads are in tune with their forest and environment they live in, and have a significant advantage while in the woodlands. They have exact knowledge of their forest home, providing them with +20 to Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. Hamadryads in the forest are immune to any sort of summoning spell, but are aware of the attempted summons and from where it originated. They can consume any water, even water fouled by human or animal wastes.

for skills, she would now have 72 ranks (she's definitely getting a bump-up), so any suggestions on how to plan that out? the original conversion has Animal Empathy, Craft (any one), Knowledge (any one), Escape Artist, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search , Sense Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore.
note that the dryad has now been given Knowledge (nature), Ride, and Use Rope (not that we need to give the hamadryad any of these). Animal Empathy will become Handle Animal, and Wilderness Lore will become Survival.


Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
now... AHEM, anyone have a li'l one-paragraph description pretty please? ;)

This isn't my forte', but I'll give it a try.

A beautiful elven woman, with long green hair emerges from behind a tree. She is naked, except for a long knife strapped to one knee. Her deep green eyes sparkle like the finest emeralds.


Creature Cataloguer
Astral Energy Monster

Ok, I don’t have a whole lot to say about this one, but maybe you do. ;)

I can tell you one thing: it was hard to locate this monster in the Dragon magazine. All I could find of the original description was a single paragraph tucked into an insert. Maybe there’s more to it, but I’m not so sure. This was all I saw for it:

This is an Aura Energy Monster, value 600. It is AC10, 3 Dice, 10HP. When attacked, it reacts as if in pain, but it is actually absorbing the energy of the attack. On the next round, it will return the energy in the form of flames, striking at any one creature with a +5. This creature can only be harmed by cold attacks. It is insubstantial, and cannot harm those who do not attack it.

Notice how it is called an “Aura Energy Monster” instead of Astral Energy Monster – I couldn’t find any reference to it by the name Scott called it.

As far as changes… it would get 1 extra feat, and its skill points should be at 48. That’s about all the input I have, is there something else I’m missing? Here’s one idea, maybe we could give it the fire subtype?

Also, here is las’ version from the first page (I think he dropped out of this thread some time ago), so let’s see what we can make use of from that…

las said:
Well then heres what I have on the Astral Energy Monster. Now this is not even a fully redone vershen so it has some holes. Two any ideas from you all on how some ability and such should change please say them. My one mager change is to the Firebolt ability other wise its close to what was in the CC.

Now lets get these minds working lets get this one done and BOZ please post any ideas you have on this one.

Astral Energy Monster
Medium Outsider (Extraplaner, Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft., Fly 50 ft. (Perfect)
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Deflection), touch , flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+3
Attack: Flame bolt +5 (See Text)
Full Attack: Flame bolt +5 (See Text)
Damage: See Text
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Flame bolt
Special Qualities: Incorporeal, energy absorption, cold vulnerability
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str -, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 14
Skills: Hide +8, Listen +9, Search +6, Spot +9
Feats: Alertness, ?

Enviroment: Any land or underground (the Astral Plane)
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4-9 HD (Medium-size)

The astral energy monster is a creature native to the Astral Plane. They are usually summoned to the Material Plane by spellcasters who use them as guardians or protectors.

An astral energy monster appears as a 6-foot tall humanoid composed of translucent white fire. Two dark black pinpoints can be seen where its eyes are located. It has no other discernable facial features.

The astral energy monster only attacks those creatures that attack it first. If it is not molested, it does not initiate combat. If attacked however, the astral energy monster can prove to be a formidable opponent especially to those unprepared.

Flame Bolt (Su): Once per round it can fire a bolt of flame this attack needs a ranged touch attack to hit, it has a range of 30 feet. This bolt deals 1d8 points of fire damage.

Energy Absorption (Ex): The astral energy mosnter absorbs any fire-, sonic-, electricity-, or acid-based attack directed at it (area spells still affect it normally). Absorbed spells are converted into fire and released (as a free action this round) back at the original attacker in the form of a flame bolt. This bolt deals damage to the original attacker equal to the amount of damge it would've dealt to the astral energy monster.

Cold Vulnerability (Ex): The astral energy monster suffers a -2 penalty to all saves against cold-based effects.

Things that still need to get done find the second feat (I dont have an idea of what will work). Though it could have the dodge feat.

Now thats a start :D .
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Creature Cataloguer
I say, why not add the fire subtype? Looking at the original brief writeup of the creature, it has both a flame attack and a vulnerability to cold – to me, that practically screams “fire subtype”. I mean, it’s from the Astral plane, so a fire-type creature would be rare enough, but this is an odd creature so why not?

And to the flamebolt, I like las’ idea of making it a Ranged Touch attack, and I don’t see why we can’t do that. I also think krish’s suggestion of save for half is good too. And the Ability Focus applied to it is not a half-bad idea either.

One other question I have: what name should we go with? Is the original name of “Aura Energy Monster” good, or should we keep the name “Astral Energy Monster?” Should we have a poll maybe (if it’s worthy), or is there a consensus on this issue?

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