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Monster Junkie


Medium Outsider (Native)
Hit Dice: 27d8+243 (364 hp)
Initiative: +15
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 40 (+11 Dex, +9 natural, +10 deflection), touch 31, flat-footed 29
Base Attack/Grapple: +27/+38
Attack: Blackadder +40 melee (1d8+13/19-20) or Prisoner +40 ranged (1d8+2/19-20)
Full Attack: Blackadder +40/+35/+30/+25 melee (1d8+13/19-20) and Timelord +40/+35/+30 melee (1d8+7/x3) and Avenger +40/+35/+30 melee (1d4+7/x4) and Primeval Terror +40/+35/+30 melee (1d6+7) or Prisoner +40 ranged (1d8+2/19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Frightful presence, pain rend, poison use, sneak attack +10d6
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/cold iron and magic, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 15, hide in plain sight, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, shadow blend, spell resistance 40
Saves: Fort +24, Ref +25, Will +22
Abilities: Str 32, Dex 32, Con 29, Int 26, Wis 25, Cha 30
Skills: Balance +45, Bluff +40, Climb +41, Craft (trapmaking) +38, Diplomacy +14, Escape Artist +41, Hide +41, Intimidate +40, Jump +49, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +38, Listen +37, Move Silently +41, Search +38, Spot +37, Survival +37 (+41 following tracks, +41 underground), Tumble +45, Use Rope +11 (+15 bindings), Swim +41
Feats: Combat Expertise, Dire Charge, Epic Dodge (B), Greater Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Fighting, Self-Concealment (x2), Track
Environment: Underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 26
Treasure: No coins, standard goods, triple items
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

This humanoid-shaped being is wrapped in dark, voluminous robes. It carries a terrifying arsenal of weapons clearly designed to inflict great pain. Palpable terror shrouds its dark figure.

The elghonn is a legendary, enigmatic entity of the Underdark. Its name derives from the drow word for death. Indeed, this creature is death personified; even the drow matriarchs of Menzoberranzan fearfully whisper its name.

No survivors of the elghonn's attacks (and that group is quite small) have viewed the elghonn's true appearance beneath its robes. One did claim to have looked into a pair of cold red eyes within its hood. It possesses at least four arms, for it has been seen to brandish a quartet of one-handed weapons simultaneously.

A few facts can be confirmed from witnesses to the elghonn's predations. First, it carries an arsenal of weapons, favoring a life-stealing blade dubbed "Black Adder". Second, it is known to utilize poison upon its weaponry, and often carries a crossbow that paralyzes its prey. Finally, the elghonn can blend into the shadows, and tracks as well as the most legendary of rangers.

The elghonn constantly wanders the caverns of the Underdark in search of prey. It is not known whether the creature has a central lair, but should such a lair exist, it is surely a place of unspeakable evil.

All living creatures of the Underdark exist as prey for the elghonn. So far, it has never exhibited any preference as to who or what it stalks. Curiously enough, the elghonn never consumes its prey after the kill; however, dead victims of the predator are always found with expressions of horror on their faces.

Some scholars suggest that the elghonn may be an agent of some dark deity or perhaps even an avatar of some forgotten god. Unfortunately, no one has been able to substantiate this theory; the last several sages who entered the Underdark to unearth some information on this creature have never returned.

The elghonn is 7 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds.

The elghonn speaks Abyssal, Elven, and Undercommon.


The elghonn is a relentless hunter, using all of its heightened senses to track prey. It seems to enjoy inflicting great pain and psychological anguish before delivering a killing blow.

Frightful Presence (Su): The elghonn can inspire terror by charging or attacking. Affected creatures must succeed on a DC 33 Will save or become shaken, remaining in that condition as long as they remain with 60 feet of the elghonn. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Hide in Plain Sight (Su): The elghonn can use the Hide skill even while being observed. As long as it is within 10 feet of some sort of shadow, the elghonn can hide itself from view in the open without having anything to actually hide behind. It cannot, however, hide in its own shadow.

Pain Rend (Ex): If the elghonn hits with two or more attacks, it rips apart the opponent’s flesh, causing great pain in the process. This attack automatically deals an additional xdx+x points of damage. Additionally, the creature must succeed on a DC 34 Fortitude save or suffer wracking pains that impose a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for 1 hour. The save DC is Strength-based.

Poison Use (Ex): The elghonn never risks accidentally poisoning itself when applying poison to a blade.

Shadow Blend (Su): In any condition of illumination other than full daylight, the elghonn can disappear into the shadows, giving it total concealment. Artificial illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this ability. A daylight spell, however, will.

Sneak Attack (Ex): The elghonn has the sneak attack ability of a 20th-level rogue.

Feats: In combination with its natural abilities, the elghonn's Multiweapon Fighting feat allows it to attack with all its arms at no penalty.

The Elghonn's Armaments
The Elghonn employs a variety of weapons, but usually favors the following:

Avenger: This +2 light pick allows the Elghonn to strike back at those who harm it. Any time the Elghonn is harmed by an opponent in melee combat, it may make a strike of vengeance with a Avenger against that individual on the Elghonn's next action. If this attack hits, the Elghonn deals maximum damage. The Elghonn may use this supernatural three times per day.

Blackadder: This +2 longsword functions as a nine-lives stealer, but has no limit to the number of lives it can steal.

Primal Terror: Any creature struck by this +2 sickle must succeed on a DC X Will save or become frightened for 1d6 rounds. Additional hits stack (thus, a frightened creature becomes panicked for 1d6 rounds).

Prisoner: Three times per day, the elghonn can attempt a paralytic shot with this +2 light crossbow. If the attack is successful, the victim must succeed on a DC X Fort save or become paralyzed for 24 hours.

Timelord: Any creature struck by this +2 warhammer must succeed on a DC X Fort(?) save or be temporarily displaced from the timestream. Affected creatures cannot take actions for 1 round, and during this time, are undetectable by any means. Affected creatures are shaken for 1 round upon their return to the standard time frame.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine Annual #1 (1996).
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Monster Junkie


Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 10d12+40 (105 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 40 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+9
Attack: Bite +9 melee (2d6+4 plus energy drain)
Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (2d6+4 plus energy drain) and 2 claws +7 melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Children of the jungle, dominate, energy drain, weretiger curse
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/silver and magic, darkvision 60 ft., resistance to cold 10, tiger empathy, +6 turn resistance, undead traits, unholy toughness
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +10
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 18, Con —, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 19
Skills: Bluff +25, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +4 (+6 acting), Hide +25, Listen +24, Move Silently +25, Search +24, Sense Motive +24, Spot +24, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks)
Feats: Alertness (B), Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes (B), Dodge (B), Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative (B), Lightning Reflexes (B), Mobility, Multiattack
Environment: Warm forests
Organization: Solitary or ambush (1 plus 1-3 weretigers)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Advancement: 6–10 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: —

This feral-looking, cadaverous humanoid has prominent fangs and elongated nails. It wears a tiger skin draped over itself like a cloak, with the head of the great cat atop its own.

Vampire-spectres, or ch’ang-kuei, are variant vampires with supernatural ties to tigers. Rather than creating vampire spawn, vampire-spectres transform humanoids into weretiger thralls. They can be found anywhere tigers are found, most often in jungles.

Vampire-spectres are 6 feet tall and weigh about as much as a similarly-sized human.

Vampire-spectres speak Common and can communicate with tigers using their tiger empathy ability.


Vampire-spectres fight more savagely than traditional vampires, ripping with their claws as well as biting with their prominent fangs. They do not feed on blood, but rather the life energy of their victims.

Children of the Jungle (Su): Vampire-spectres command the great cats of the jungle and once per day can call forth 2d4+4 leopards, 1d6+2 tigers, or 1d2 dire tigers as a standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve the vampire-spectre for up to 1 hour.

Domination (Su): A vampire-spectre can crush an opponent’s will just by looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that the vampire-spectre must take a standard action, and those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the vampire-spectre targets must succeed on a DC 19 Will save or fall instantly under the vampire-spectre's influence as though by a dominate person spell from a 12th-level caster. The ability has a range of 30 feet. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a vampire-spectre's bite attack gain two negative levels. For each negative level bestowed, the vampire-spectre gains 5 temporary hit points. A vampire-spectre can use its energy drain ability once per round.

Fast Healing (Ex): A vampire-spectre heals 5 points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, it automatically assumes gaseous form and attempts to escape. It must reach its coffin home within 2 hours or be utterly destroyed. (It can travel up to nine miles in 2 hours.) Any additional damage dealt to a vampire-spectre forced into gaseous form has no effect. Once at rest in its coffin, a vampire-spectre is helpless. It regains 1 hit point after 1 hour, then is no longer helpless and resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit points per round.

Gaseous Form (Su): As a standard action, a vampire-spectre can assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.

Tiger Empathy (Ex): A vampire-spectre can communicate with tigers and dire tigers, and receives a +4 racial bonus on Charisma-based checks against tigers and dire tigers.

Tiger Skin Curse (Su): Once per month, a vampire-spectre may make a ranged touch attack (10 ft range, no range increments) with a tiger skin. If the skin hits, the victim must make a DC 19 Fort save, or absorb the skin and immediately transform into a weretiger. The victim must also make a DC 19 Will save or fall under the command of the vampire-spectre as through the vampire-spectre's dominate ability.

Each day, the victim must make an additional Will save. If it fails, it becomes permanently dominated by the vampire-spectre; if it succeeds, it resists mental control but may be dominated by the vampire-spectre just like any other creature. After a failed save, the weretiger victim must still make a DC 19 Will save each day until it fails again. On the first failure, the weretiger's alignment permanently shifts to chaotic evil.

At any point, a vampire-spectre may command a number of weretigers equal to the one-third its Hit Dice (3 for a typical vampire-spectre), but may remove the tiger skin, lycanthropy, and mental domination from a victim as a full-round action, although alignment changes remain. Otherwise, the curse, including any alignment shift, may be removed only by the wish and miracle spells or a break enchantment spell if the caster succeeds at a caster level check equal to the vampire-spectre's Hit Dice. After the destruction of the vampire-spectre, the victim becomes a free-willed weretiger.

Unholy Toughness (Ex): A vampire-spectre gains a bonus to its hit points equal to its Charisma modifier x its Hit Dice.

Skills: Vampire-spectres have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #26 (1979).
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Monster Junkie
Genie, Markeen


Genie, Markeen
Medium Outsider (Native)
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4
Attack: Scimitar +4 melee (1d6+3/18–20) or longbow +4 ranged (1d8/x3)
Full Attack: Scimitar +4 melee (1d6+3/18–20) or longbow +4 ranged (1d8/x3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., telepathy 100 ft.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 13
Skills: Appraise +5, Bluff +6, Concentration +6, Craft (any) +4, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +4 (+6 acting*), Intimidate +3, Listen +7, Move Silently +5, Ride +4, Sense Motive +7, Spot +7
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative (B)
Environment: Warm deserts
Organization: Solitary, company (2–4), or band (6–15)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often neutral
Advancement: 3–6 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3

This man is dressed in desert garb and wields a scimitar.

A markeen, or genie double, is a lesser form of genie cursed at birth to live on the Material Plane as an exact replicate of a specific human. The markeen is not magically linked to its double, and does not share the double's thoughts, memories, or any other traits besides outward appearance. It is commonly believed that markeen are the result of a genie rebellion which ended in the losers being forced to live forever as humans, with only tiny traces of their former power.

While a markeen and its double are always born at the same instant, the death of one has no effect on the other. A markeen may outlive its human double, but may also die before its human double does.

Not everyone has a genie double. Generally only famous, wealthy, beautiful, gifted, holy, or utterly villainous individuals have genie doubles. The confusion that results when the genie double of an important personage finds out who it resembles can be monumental.

Markeen are indistinguishable from humans. Their lifespans match those of humankind, and they appear to age as normal for a human.

Markeen speak Common, one elemental language (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran) and one alignment language (Abyssal, Celestial, or Infernal).


Although markeen can fly, they rarely use this ability around humans, unless it is necessary to make a sudden escape. Markeen often impersonate spellcasters in order to pass off their spell-like abilities as spells. In all other respects, genie doubles fight with the tactics of humans. Their preferred weapons are scimitars, spears, and crossbows.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—flame blade, gust of wind (DC 14), invisibility (self only), summon monster III (air elemental only). Caster level 4th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Skills: *A markeen has a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear as its double.


Markeen are merchants, tinkers, sailors, and horse traders, living by their wits in small communities that are isolated socially to prevent the discovery of their identities. Markeen frequently trade with humans.

Despite (or because of) the knowledge that they are genies and thus superior to those around them, the markeen are affable, friendly, and perfectly willing to live among humans without a trace of outward patronizing or haughty behavior. Markeen avoid all other genies and distrust them at best. Genie doubles will go to great lengths to silence anyone who uncovers the secret of one of their communities.

Genie doubles form shadow societies within human settlements with their own sets of beliefs, leaders, and rituals. Two of the most important rituals are “the search” and “the memory”. The search is a traditional coming-of-age ritual in which each young genie double sets out on an extended quest to find his or her human counterpart. These trips last from a month to a year, but the young markeen are not really expected to find their double. The purpose of the ritual is simply to expose the adolescents to the world and broaden their horizons. Actually finding the double is seen as flouting established traditions, since decades often go by between successful searches. However, it is possible for a markeen to take the place of his or her double, once found. The only difficulty they may have is a lack of knowledge of their double's life and skills. The ritual of memory is common among the older markeen. As genie doubles age, they tell younger markeen the stories of how they were cast out from the rest of geniekind and how they have tricked, befuddled, and swindled humans for generations. The story of exile is told, and other genies are always described in an unflattering light. The ritual of memory is always held in secrecy.

A subgroup of the markeen, called the hayan, are always doubles of bards and poets. They inhabit distant lands, but if they can be found they can inspire their double to write immortal poetry.

Originally appeared in Al-Qadim Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1992).
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Monster Junkie


Tiny Fey
Hit Dice: 1/2d6+2 (3 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +5 Dex), touch 17, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-10
Attack: Masterwork short sword +1 melee (1d3-2/19-20) or sling +7 ranged (1d2-2)
Full Attack: Masterwork short sword +1 melee (1d3-2/19-20) or sling +7 ranged (1d3-2)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison use, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Darkvision 30 ft., evasion, hide in plain sight, low-light vision, +4 racial bonus on saves vs. poison, uncanny dodge
Saves: Fort +2 (+6 vs. poison), Ref +7, Will +3
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 13
Skills: Balance +7, Climb +6, Escape Artist +8, Hide +17, Listen +7, Move Silently +9, Spot +7, Tumble +7
Feats: Agile, Dodge (B)
Environment: Temperate and warm forests and plains
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: 50% coins, 50% goods, standard items, plus masterwork short sword
Alignment: Often chaotic neutral, never good
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +4

This miniscule, feral-looking humanoid is covered in coarse, dark tan fur. The skin visible on its face, hands, and the soles of its feet is nut brown in color. Its nose is bearlike, and its crooked smile reveals long fangs.

Boggies were once brownies, transformed by unknown means into creatures of chaos. Not all are evil, but most are mischieveous. Evil boggies are often found in the employ of assassins, while neutral boggies can sometimes be found living with families in cottages, more or less as pets. The practical jokes played by the latter variety are usually harmless.

Nothing short of a wish or miracle spell can restore a boggie to the brownie it once was.

A boggie stands no taller than 2 feet and weighs about 6 pounds.

Boggies speak Common, Sylvan, and Undercommon.


Boggies use their size and stealth to great advantage, making hit-and-run attacks from ambush, then swiftly disappearing from sight. A boggie using its fear ability seems to transform into a terrifying, monstrous version of itself. Evil boggies often employ poisons, especially those who associated with assassins.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): In areas of dim light, tall grass, or heavy undergrowth, a boggie can make itself practically invisible. Under these conditions, a boggie can use its Hide skill even while being observed and without having anything to actually hide behind.

Poison Use (Ex): A boggie never risks accidentally poisoning itself when applying poison to a blade.

Spell-Like Abilities: Always 3/day—fear (DC 15). Caster level 8th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Skills: Boggies have keen senses and receive a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks. Boggies use their Dexterity scores for Climb checks.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #54 (1981) as "boggart".
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Monster Junkie


Tiny Dragon
Hit Dice: 2d12+4 (17 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), fly 60 ft. (good), swim 50 ft.
Armor Class: 18 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/–9
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d2–3 plus poison)
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d2–3 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Dancing song, poison
Special Qualities: Blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., immunity to sleep and paralysis, low-light vision, spell resistance 19, telepathy 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Diplomacy +2, Hide +20*, Listen +9, Search +6, Sense Motive +7, Spot +9, Survival +1 (+3 following tracks), Swim +5
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or clutch (3–5)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic, rarely good
Advancement: 3–4 HD (Tiny)
Level Adjustment: +3

This creature resembles a miniature gold dragon, slightly smaller than a housecat. Its scaly hide is gold, and it has glowing green eyes. Its tail is about twice as long as its body, and its wings are long and slender.

Veeru are close relatives of the pseudodragon. These nomadic creatures roam widely, but usually remain near water. They are elusive and generally avoid direct contact with other intelligent creatures. Veeru make floating nests of reeds to sleep in, or lair in trees or caves if reeds are unavailable.

A veeru has a body about 1 foot long, with a 2-foot tail. It weights about 7 pounds.

A veeru can communicate telepathically and can also vocalize animal noises such as a rasping purr (pleasure), a hiss (unpleasant surprise), a chirp (desire), or a growl (anger).

A veeru can be acquired as a familiar with the Improved Familiar feat, beginning at 7th level if the character is of chaotic neutral or chaotic evil alignment.


When threatened, a veeru attempts to use its dancing song to occupy its aggressors while it makes its escape. Failing that, it bites at foes until they succumb to its confusion-inducing venom.

Dancing Song (Su): Once per day a verru may sing a chiming tune that causes all creatures within 30 feet to dance uncontrollably. Affected creatures must succeed on a DC 13 Will save or suffer the effects of an irresistible dance spell. A veeru can sing a dancing song for up to 3 rounds, and must maintain concentration. Affected victims continue dancing for 1d4+1 rounds after the veeru stops singing. Dancing song is a sonic, mind-affecting compulsion and can be neutralized by a bard's countersong ability. The save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 15, initial damage confused for 1d6 rounds, secondary damage confused for 2d6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Telepathy (Su): Veeru can communicate telepathically with creatures that speak Common or Sylvan, provided they are within 60 feet.

Skills: A veeru has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. Veeru have a chameleonlike ability that grants them a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. *In forests or overgrown areas, this bonus improves to +8.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #86 (1984).
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Monster Junkie

Tiny Fey
Hit Dice: 1/2d6+2 (3 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 18 (+2 size, +5 Dex, +1 insight), touch 18, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-1
Attack: Club -1 melee (1d3-3) or sling +7 ranged (1d2-3)
Full Attack: Club -1 melee (1d3-3) or sling +7 ranged (1d3-3)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Dying curse, spell-like abilities, telekinesis
Special Qualities: Darkvision 30 ft., evasion, fear of noise, greater invisibility, low-light vision, spell resistance 8, uncanny dodge
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 13
Skills: Climb +5, Craft (any two) +7, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nature) +13, Listen +7*, Move Silently +9*, Sense Motive +5, Spot +7*
Feats: Dodge (B), Mobility
Environment: Any building
Organization: Solitary, family (2-5), or festival (20-200)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: 50% coins, 50% goods, standard items
Alignment: Usually lawful good
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +4

The creature resembles a wee elf, with a big nose and comical, brightly colored garments.

Bogeys are close relatives of brownies that reside in extremely old buildings, preferably those inhabited by good-aligned creatures. Bogeys are beneficial creatures, helping out with chores after the resident family goes to bed. Bogeys never accept payment for their help, though if someone leaves out small scraps of food for them, they gladly gobble it up.

Bogeys generally remain invisible, revealing themselves only to the pure and innocent, such as children or paladins. They are frightened by loud noises, and generally will go into hiding for some time after a sudden clamor arises. Bogeys are known to play with young children, but they vanish when a disbelieving adult is near.

Although generally solitary, each month at the night of the full moon, up to hundreds of bogeys gather for a festival. Very few mortals have seen these merry occurrences, and those who have tell that strange secrets can be gleaned from them. Bogeys are primarily vegetarians, though they may eat sausages and smoked meats at their festivals.

A bogey stands no taller than 2 feet and weighs about 6 pounds. Their garments are usually made of wool or linen and dyed bright colors and decorated with elaborate embroidery or trimmed with silver or gold studs and buttons.

Bogeys speak Common, Halfling, and Sylvan, plus one other language (usually Elven or Gnome).


Bogeys, like brownies, prefer to avoid combat. However, they will try to drive off any threats to their adopted homes, using their spell-like abilities to torment intruders until they leave.

Dying Curse (Sp): Any creature that lands the killing blow upon a bogey is subjected to a curse (as the bestow curse spell, Will DC 15, caster level 8th). The curse always manifests as a –4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. The dying curse cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell. Remove curse works only if its caster level is equal to or higher than the bogey's caster level. The save DC is Charima-based.

Fear of Noise (Ex): A bogey has an irrational terror of loud sounds. It must make a Will save (DC equals the DC of the sonic effect or 10, whichever is higher) or be frightened for 1d4 rounds. Particularly loud and jarring mundane noise, like the pealing of an enormous bell, may have a DC higher than the default of 10. If a bogey is struck by a sonic fear attack it must make two saves versus fear, one for the special attack's fear and one for its own fear of noise, and the duration of the resulting fear effects stack.

Greater Invisibility (Su): A bogey remains invisible even when it attacks. This ability is constant, but the bogey can suppress or resume it as a free action.

Spell-Like Abilities: Always At will—dancing lights, faerie fire, ghost sound (DC 11), mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, ventriloquism (DC 12). Caster level 8th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Telekinesis (Su): A bogey can use telekinesis as a standard action (caster level 2nd or equal to the bogey's HD, whichever is higher). When a bogey uses this power, it must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.

Skills: Bogeys have a +4 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) checks and a +8 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks. Bogeys have a knack for working with their hands, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on all Craft checks. Bogeys have keen senses and receive a +2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks. Bogeys use their Dexterity scores for Climb checks.

*Bogeys have a +6 racial bonus on Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks within the house they've adopted as their own. These bonuses only function within one home that a bogey has resided in for more than 30 days.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #239 (1997) as "boggart".
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Monster Junkie
Fly, Giant, Bluebottle


Fly, Giant, Bluebottle
Medium Vermin
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+1
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d8-1)
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d8-1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Disease
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, resistant to disease, scent, vermin traits, wallcrawling
Saves: Fort +4 (+8 vs. disease), Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 15, Con 12, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Skills: Climb +10, Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Dodge (B), Weapon Finesse (B)
Environment: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or swarm (2–10)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 4 HD (Medium); 5-9 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: —

The abdomen of this giant fly is a bright metallic blue with black markings. Its body and legs are covered with black bristle-like hair, while its head and thorax are dull gray. Its large, multifaceted eyes are red.

Giant bluebottle flies are drawn to the scent of rotting meat. They can smell carrion from great distances.

A giant bluebottle fly is about 3 feet long with a 6-foot wingspan and weighs 60 pounds.


Giant bluebottle flies are normally nonaggressive unless bothered.

Disease (Ex): Filth fever—bite, Fortitude DC 12, incubation period 1d3 days, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Resistant to Disease (Ex): A giant bluebottle fly has a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves vs. disease.

Wallcrawling (Ex): A giant bluebottle fly need not make Climb checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). It retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class while climbing and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it.

Skills: Giant bluebottle flies have a +2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. A giant bluebottle fly can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. Giant bluebottle flies use either their Strength or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher.

Originally appeared in Monster Manual II (1983).
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Monster Junkie
Fly, Giant, Horsefly


Fly, Giant, Horsefly
Large Vermin
Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+11
Attack: Bite +6 melee (2d8+4 plus wounding)
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (2d8+4 plus wounding)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Disease, wounding
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, resistant to disease, scent, vermin traits, wallcrawling
Saves: Fort +8 (+12 vs. disease), Ref +7, Will +2
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 15, Con 16, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Skills: Climb +11, Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Dodge (B)
Environment: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or swarm (2–4)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —

This massive fly approaches with a thunderous din from its rapidly beating wings.

Giant horseflies are among the largest of their kind. They feed upon nectar and pollen of giant plants, and the blood and flesh of large mammals, birds, and other animals.

Giant horseflies lay their eggs on leaves, stems, or stones near water. On hatching, the larvae fall into water or moist earth, feeding voraciously on anything smaller than themselves.

A giant horsefly is 4 to 6 feet long with a 10-foot wingspan and weighs around 500 pounds.


The giant horsefly's mandibles resemble serrated scimitars, which they use to rip and slice flesh, leaving vicious wounds. The horsefly laps up the flowing blood, or carve off a chunk of meat to digest at its leisure. Giant horseflies often spread a variety of blood-borne diseases (this one carries red ache).

Disease (Ex): Red ache—bite, Fortitude DC 16, incubation period 1d3 days, damage 1d6 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Resistant to Disease (Ex): A giant horsefly has a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves vs. disease.

Wallcrawling (Ex): A giant horsefly need not make Climb checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). It retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class while climbing and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it.

Wounding (Ex): On a successful hit, a giant horsefly's bite attack deals 1 point of Constitution damage from blood loss in addition to normal damage. A critical hit does not multiply the Constitution damage. Creatures immune to critical hits (such as plants and constructs) are immune to the Constitution damage caused by wounding.

Skills: Giant horseflies have a +2 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks and a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. A giant horsefly can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

Originally appeared in Monster Manual II (1983).
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Monster Junkie


Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 7d10+20 (58 hp)
Initiative: -2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (–2 Dex, +7 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+10
Attack: Falchion +11 melee (2d4+7/18-20) or falchion +6 melee (2d4+17/18-20) w/Power Attack
Full Attack: Falchion +11 melee (2d4+7/18-20) or falchion +6 melee (2d4+17/18-20) w/Power Attack
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Death throes, intimidating strength
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 5/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, resistance to fire 20
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 7, Con —, Int 3, Wis 6, Cha 1
Skills: Climb +8, Jump +8, Intimidate +9
Feats: Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (falchion)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, gang (2–4), or mob (5-20)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 8 HD (Medium); 9–18 HD (Large); 19–21 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —

This human is clad in red caftans and pantaloons and wields a jagged falchion. Its eyes glow red and its skin glows with an orangish, slight luminescence. It walks with a slow, shambling gait, as if sleepwalking.

Sleepwalkers are minor flesh golems with a glimmer of sentience and flaming oil for blood. The mage that created the first sleepwalkers dubbed them "flame sentinels", but their shambling, clumsy strides led the nearby peasants to refer to them as "sleepwalkers". Much to the chagrin of their creator, the latter name stuck.

A sleepwalker stands 6 to 7 feet tall and weighs around 300 pounds.

A sleepwalker cannot speak, although it can emit a hoarse roar of sorts. It walks and moves with a stiff-jointed gait, as if not in complete control of its body.


Although not mindless like most golems, sleepwalkers are extremely slow and dim-witted, capable of following only the simplest instructions without bungling them. In battle, they simply strike with their large, jagged falchions, causing great wounds due to their incredible strength.

Sleepwalkers generally utilize their Power Attack feat to its fullest (as indicated on the attack and full attack lines above).

Death Throes (Ex): When reduced to 0 hit points or less, a sleepwalker bursts into flame and disintegrates, dealing 2d8 points of fire damage to anything adjacent to the sleepwalker (Reflex DC 13 half). This explosion automatically destroys any weapons the sleepwalker is holding. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Intimidating Strength (Ex): A sleepwalker substitutes its Strength modifier for its Charisma modifier when making Intimidate checks.

A sleepwalker's body must come from a normal human corpse that has not decayed significantly. Special unguents, bindings, and a large quantity of oil worth 500 gp are also required. Note that creating a sleepwalker requires casting a spell with the evil descriptor.

Assembling the body requires a DC 13 Craft (leatherworking) check or a DC 13 Heal check.

CL 8th; Craft Construct, animate dead, bull’s strength, fireball, geas/quest, caster must be at least 8th level; Price 20,000 gp; Cost 6,500 gp + 460 XP.

Originally appeared in Dungeon Magazine #63 (1997).
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Monster Junkie
Skeleton, Dust


Skeleton, Dust (variant template)

A dust skeleton is a variant skeleton whose bones are dried almost to the point of disintegration. In its wake it leaves a trail of blue-gray dust hanging in the air. Dust skeletons are used to break enemy formations by disabling large numbers of troops.

A dust skeleton weighs only one-fifth as much a standard skeleton of the same size.

Armor Class: A dust skeleton's natural armor bonus is 2 less than a standard skeleton.

Attack: A dust skeleton's claw attacks deal damage as if the skeleton were two size categories smaller than normal (to a minimum of 1 point of damage). If the base creature's natural attacks iinclude claw attacks, use the dust skeleton claw damage if it’s better. Reduce the damage of any other natural attacks possessed by the base creature as if it were one size category smaller.

Special Attacks: A dust skeleton gains the following special attacks.

Aura of Dust (Ex): A dust skeleton constantly emits a cloud of irritating dust, which spreads out to a distance equal to twice its Space (for example, a Small or Medium dust skeleton has a 10-foot-radius aura of dust). All living creatures which enter this cloud of dust must make a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d2 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based.

Death Throes (Ex): If a dust skeleton is slain its body explodes into a burst of toxic dust, affecting all living creatures within a radius equal to twice the skeleton's space (for example, a 10-foot-radius burst for a Small or Medium dust skeleton). Creatures within the area must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 2d6 rounds. Creatures that succeed on their saves are instead sickened for 1 round. The save DC is Strength-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Special Qualities: Dust skeletons do not have damage reduction. A dust skeleton also gains the following special quality.

Trail of Dust (Ex): A dust skeleton leaves a trail of dust wherever it goes. Any creature attempting to track a dust skeleton by sight receives a +12 circumstance bonus on their Survival checks to track the skeleton. This dust trail is a strong irritant, so creatures attempting to track its trail by scent are affected as if they were exposed to the skeleton's aura of dust (see above).

CR Adjustment: A dust skeleton is treated as one step higher on the skeleton CR chart.

Sample Dust Skeletons

Dust Skeleton, Human Warrior
Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 1d12 (6 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 heavy steel shield), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple +0/+1
Attack: Scimitar +1 melee (1d6+1/18–20) or claw +1 melee (1d2+1)
Full Attack: Scimitar +1 melee (1d6+1/18–20) or 2 claws +1 melee (1d2+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Aura of dust, death throes
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, trail of dust, undead traits
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: —
Feats: Improved Initiative (B)
Environment: Temperate plains
Organization: Any
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

Aura of Dust (Ex): A dust skeleton constantly emits a cloud of irritating dustin a 10-foot-radius. All living creatures which enter this cloud of dust must make a DC 11 Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d2 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based.

Death Throes (Ex): If a dust skeleton is slain its body explodes into a burst of toxic dust, affecting all living creatures within a 10-foot-radius burst. Creatures within the area must make a DC 13 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 2d6 rounds. Creatures that succeed on their saves are instead sickened for 1 round. The save DC is Strength-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Trail of Dust (Ex): A dust skeleton leaves a trail of dust wherever it goes. Any creature attempting to track a dust skeleton by sight receives a +12 circumstance bonus on their Survival checks to track the skeleton. This dust trail is a strong irritant, so creatures attempting to track its trail by scent are affected as if they were exposed to the skeleton's aura of dust (see above).

Dust Skeleton Light Horse
Large Undead
Hit Dice: 3d12 (19 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares)
Armor Class: 11 (–1 size, +2 Dex), touch 12, flat-footed 9
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+7
Attack: Hoof –2 melee (1d3+1*)
Full Attack: 2 hooves –2 melee (1d3+1*)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to cold, trail of dust, undead traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: —
Feats: Improved Initiative (B)
Environment: Temperate plains
Organization: Any
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

Aura of Dust (Ex): A dust skeleton constantly emits a cloud of irritating dustin a 20-foot-radius. All living creatures which enter this cloud of dust must make a DC 13 Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d2 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based.

Death Throes (Ex): If a dust skeleton is slain its body explodes into a burst of toxic dust, affecting all living creatures within a 20-foot-radius burst. Creatures within the area must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 2d6 rounds. Creatures that succeed on their saves are instead sickened for 1 round. The save DC is Strength-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Trail of Dust (Ex): A dust skeleton leaves a trail of dust wherever it goes. Any creature attempting to track a dust skeleton by sight receives a +12 circumstance bonus on their Survival checks to track the skeleton. This dust trail is a strong irritant, so creatures attempting to track its trail by scent are affected as if they were exposed to the skeleton's aura of dust (see above).

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #234 (1996).
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