Creature Catalogue Overhaul Project Revisited


Monster Junkie
Original thread closed due to exceeding 1,000 post count.

Like the original thread, this is designed to revise the early 3e conversions on the Creature Catalogue to reflect the latest rules and take into account monster design enhancements we've learned along the way.

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Looking over them to see what we still need...

Challenge Rating: x (might vary by specific type)

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +x. (again, might vary by specific type)

Poison (Ex): (Contact, Injury), Fortitude negates, initial damage 1 Con, secondary damage 1d2 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based. (I'm thinking injury).

Need to complete "Pseudo-undead as Characters" section.

I'd think most of these are CR +1, though pseudovamps and pseudoghasts might be +2.

Let's make the poison injury.

We left off with the pseudo-undead nearly complete.

That post now links here. Do you have a link to the original monster text (to save me going into my loft to look for it).

Looking over them to see what we still need...

Challenge Rating: x (might vary by specific type)

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +x. (again, might vary by specific type)

If this was a set of regular monsters, I'd expect different stats for each one, so I'd say variant templates would be a good idea.

Poison (Ex): (Contact, Injury), Fortitude negates, initial damage 1 Con, secondary damage 1d2 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based. (I'm thinking injury).

I don't think they all should have this. I think it is more fun if each type continues to have their own attack. (To avoid confusion, it might be worth doing one pseudo-undead at a time.)

Need to complete "Pseudo-undead as Characters" section.

I think this would be very interesting to Ravenloft players. Again, I think you might need a different section for each pseudo-undead. (It might even be better to make each one a separate template.)

Thinking about this some more, I think the Pseudo-undead could benifit from being more like the Lycanthrope of the SRD.

That has several example lycanthropes (Werebear, Wereboar, Hill Giant Dire Wereboar, Wererat, Weretiger, Werewolf, Werewolf Lord) as well as a template.

The example creatures are mostly human, but there is one giant in there. (I don't see a reason why we couldn't have giant Pseudo-undead if we wanted to. Most giants are just big versions of humanoids anyway.)

After the example creatures, we get the Creating A Lycanthrope template.

So I propose that we do an example Pseudoghoul, Pseudoghast, Pseudowight, Pseudowraith, Pseudospectre and Pseudovampire that use humans as the base creature. But then have the template, so that people can create the same creatures from dwarves, elves or orcs.

Better still, I think we could look at this part of the lycanthrope:

SRD said:
"Lycanthrope" is a template that can be added to any humanoid or giant (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The lycanthrope template can be inherited (for natural lycanthropes) or acquired (for afflicted lycanthropes). Becoming a lycanthrope is very much like multiclassing as an animal and gaining the appropriate Hit Dice.

I think that if you swap out animal for undead, you get a template that could potentially be used for a stack of other undead types.

How is this as a first attempt:

"Pseudo-undead" is a template that can be added to any humanoid or giant (referred to hereafter as the base creature). Becoming a pseudo-undead is very much like multiclassing as an undead and gaining the appropriate Hit Dice.​

I'm not sure if there are natural or afflicted pseudo-undead, so have pulled that sentence (but if you check the source it might be something that should be put back).

I'm also not sure about the hit dice, but can't think what to put in there yet. I suppose that base creatures would gain an appropriate attack form.

I think the problem with "lycanthropizing" these is that some of the abilities the pseudo-undead get are a bit different than the abilities the actual undead have and are in particular less dangerous. I'm not sure how to write guidelines to cover all undead, especially high-CR ones (or templates with big CR boosts).

I think the problem with "lycanthropizing" these is that some of the abilities the pseudo-undead get are a bit different than the abilities the actual undead have and are in particular less dangerous. I'm not sure how to write guidelines to cover all undead, especially high-CR ones (or templates with big CR boosts).

Fair point. Even though you can tell that each undead has been hobbled as a pseudo-undead, you can't tell how much hobbling is required on a case by case basis (so we would need to review and build additional pseudo-undead ourselves).

However, I still think that the structure of the lycanthrope monster entry would be easier to work with that what we have now (even if we don't allow any base undead to be added). If these monsters are going to be fixed, then maybe we could go for a structure more similar to one of the other multi-option monsters (instead of lycanthropes).

We could make "pseudo-undead" a new subtype* that grants all the shared abilities and then list each type of pseudo-undead and show what gets added to that subtype.

* = Assuming a humanoid is allowed to have two subtypes.

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