Creature Catalogue Overhaul Project Revisited

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Very good! Moving on...

Updating the Wolf Lord Working Draft.

According to my notes, the next candidate for an Epic Conversion is Andromidus the Titan of Inspired Vision from Dungeon #2.

We've already got a whole passel of other Titans to turn to for inspiration, although you may have some difficulty digging the final draft out from wherever they're buried - it is a pain that the CC is still down!


Yes, let's.

Come to think of it, Andromidus is a new conversion so wouldn't be on this Overhaul thread anyway.

Also, we're only one monster short of completing our Epic Batch Of Ten, so maybe we should start working on the Titan of Dreams in the Epic Monsters thread?




The Overhaul Project bursts back into life with a swarm of beetles!

I happened to be going through the CC archive today and noticed that the 3.0 Whiz-Bang Beetle Swarm has several problems - most noticeably that it has the Ooze type for some reason.

So after consulting with Freyar we've decided it's a prime candidate for an overhaul to 3.5.

Here's the 3.0 conversion currently in the CC. I'll dig out the original Dragon Magazine stats and post them next.

Whiz-Bang Beetle (Swarm)
Large Ooze
Hit Dice: 7d8 (31 hp)
Initiative: +6 (Dex)
Speed: Fly 300 ft (perfect)
AC: 15 (-1 size, +6 Dex)
Attacks:See text
Damage: See text
Face/Reach: 10 ft by 10 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Engulf
Special Qualities: Swarm, ooze traits
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +2
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 22, Con 10, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 4
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5
Feats: None
Climate: Any underground
Organization: Swarm (20-80)
Challenge Rating: 04
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: None

Whiz-bang beetles are tiny 1-inch long flying beetles, black or silver in color that make their lair in the walls of dungeons and caverns. They are quite fond of fire and smoke and sarm out of their nest if such a source is detected near a whiz-bang beetle lair. The distance the fire/smoke can be detected by the beetles depends solely on the source of fire/smoke as follows:

Fire Source
5-ft radius fire(200 feet)
Torch/lantern(100 feet)
Candle(30 feet)
Pipe or smaller(10 feet)
Whiz-bang beetles attack any light source within range by flying directly into it. Creatures near the source are hit as well as the beetles swarm the source of light.

Engulf (Ex): A whiz-bang beetle swarm only has to fly into an area occupied by a Large or smaller creature to attack it. Creatures that are swarmed or move into a space occupied by the whiz-bang swarm take 2d6 points of damage each round they remain in the area (Reflex save DC 13 for half). Concentration checks are necessary to cast spells while in a swarmed area.

Creatures in the area cannot see (even with darkvision) and are slowed to one-half movement.

Swarm (Ex): Despite being composed of many tiny stinging insects, the whia-bang beetles are treated as a single creature of the Ooze type.

Whiz-Bang Beetle Honey
The honey found in a whiz-bang beetle nest has a chance of bestowing unusual effects on a creature that eats it. A creature eating a portion of the honey is affected as follows:

1-2No effect
3-8Haste (as the spell) for 5 rounds
9-18Haste (as the spell) for 5 rounds; creature suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, checks, and saves for 1 minute afterwards.
19-20Creature is nauseated for 1 minute.

Originally found in Dragon #29 (John Hageman)


Whiz-Bang Beetles Original Stats

Here's the original entry:

Whiz-bang Beetles
(Coleoptera Conflagratio Amotensia)
Created by John Hageman
MOVE: 60”
HIT DICE: 1 hp
% IN LAIR: 50%
TREASURE TYPE: (see below)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1 hit point
SIZE: 1” to 2” (beetle size)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

His shield held in front of him with one hand, a torch raised aloft in his other, Murphy proceeded cautiously around the corner. “This stretch of corridor seems too quiet,” he thought to himself, however he could think of nothing else to do but push forward.

A faint whining sound came up the corridor and an instant later something whizzed by his head, followed by another and another. Suddenly the air was full of speeding projectiles. Two or three hit his torch and tore it from his fingers. One struck his arm a stinging blow, numbing his hand. Then they were hitting him all over. Protecting his face he reeled back around the comer.

“What the hell,” he muttered under his breath, “was that?”

* * *

Murphy has just encountered the dreaded Coleoptera Conflagratio Amotensia, colloquially known as the whiz-bang for the noise of its airborne attack.

Unusually speedy dungeon creatures, whiz-bang beetles love fire and smoke. It’s this attraction that makes them dangerous to run into, as they will be compelled to throw themselves at the source of a flame. Whiz-bang beetles will attack fire sources at a range from their hive that is determined by the size of the fire source. Some of these ranges are given below:


5’ diameter pool of oil

Torch or lantern


Pipe or cigarette

The larger the fire, the more beetles it is likely to attract. When beetles are drawn, a roll is made to determine the number appearing. Each beetle then rolls to hit. All successful hits automatically do 1 point of damage. Most beetles will hit near the area of the fire but some will be as far as 5’ off course randomly striking surrounding objects.

Burrowing into dungeon walls by repeatedly throwing themselves at it, whiz-bang beetles form hives, usually at the end of a corridor stretch (so they can get a run at it), although they have been known to dig into pillars with an entrance on either side. The entrance hole is usually 3” to 4” in diameter.

Inside the hive there is a 75% chance of finding 1 to 6 ounces of whiz-bang “honey”. This honey has some very unusual properties. Roll percentile dice to determine its effect.

01 to 25
No effect
26 to 75
1 oz. will give one person double speed for 1 turn.
76 to 90
1 oz. will give one person double speed for 1 turn plus 1 side effect for the next turn*
91 to 100
1 oz. will give one person 1 side effect for 1 turn with no increase in speed.
*side effects can include such things as half-speed, alignment change, explosive indigestion, food poisoning, etc.

Whiz-bang beetles can usually (75%) be subdued if found in their hive and kept from seeing light. In order to keep them alive outside the hive they must be fed 1 oz. of Whiz-bang honey per 50 beetles per day. In this manner they can be kept for up to two weeks. Queens cannot be removed from the hive without killing them.

Whiz-bang beetles will attack magic fire sources only 25% of the time. Magic attacks upon them will also be successful only 25% of the time, plus 5% per level of magic user.

Whiz-bang beetles are 1” to 2” in length with two transparent wings on either side of their bony, bullet-shaped body. Their dark color (grey to black) makes them hard to spot in a dimly lit dungeon. Queen beetles are twice that size and light grey or white in color.

Being fairly low level creatures, Whiz-bang beetles are worth 1 point of experience each for all avoided or captured beetles. Whiz-bang honey is worth up to 100 G.P. per oz. to Alchemists if it is to be sold.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #29 (1979).

Voidrunner's Codex

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