Creature Catalogue Overhaul Project Revisited

Charming Gaze (Su): Up to 7 times a day the hawk lord may charm a single creature it makes eye contact with. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that the hawk lord must use a standard action, and those merely looking at it are not affected. The effect is as charm monster (only affects humanoids, giants, and predatory birds), 90 ft. range, Will save (DC X). The DC is Charisma-based.

I've lost track of these a bit. Other special abilities?

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Charming Gaze (Su): Up to 7 times a day the hawk lord may charm a single creature it makes eye contact with. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that the hawk lord must use a standard action, and those merely looking at it are not affected. The effect is as charm monster (only affects humanoids, giants, and predatory birds), 90 ft. range, Will save (DC X). The DC is Charisma-based.

I've lost track of these a bit. Other special abilities?

We'd agreed on their summoning ability, which works out:

Summon Raptors (Sp): The Hawk Lord can summon 10d6 hawks, 3d6 dire hawks*, or 2d6 legendary eagles* as a full round action, once per day. The summoned animals arrive at the beginning of the Hawk Lord’s following round and are completely loyal to the Hawk Lord, as if under the effects of an animal friendship spell cast at 20th level.

*The dire hawk and legendary eagle both appear in Monster Manual II. If that product is unavailable the Hawk Lord can summon 10d6 hawks, 3d6 giant eagles, or 1d8 rocs.

We started talking about 3.5-izing the Alternate Form, but seem to have gotten sidetracked.


For the dive attack, were we considering using one or more of these?

Dive (Ex): Once per hour, a fire falcon can move ten times its normal speed (900 feet) when it makes a flying charge attack from a higher altitude than its target.

Dive (Ex): A flying sword archon can make a diving attack, if it has 100 feet of clearance between itself and its target. If this attack is successful, the bite attack causes 2d10+9 points of damage. While diving, the archon gains a +3 circumstance bonus to its Armor Class due to its high speed.

Deadly Dive (Ex): When a crow's-nest dragon dives at least 30 feet and makes a successful bite attack at the end of the dive, it deals an extra 1d4 points of damage.

Swoop (Ex): Alguduir gain a +2 attack bonus when diving from the air to attack a land-based or underwater opponent.

Swoop (Ex): A noctral can execute a swoop attack that is similar to a charge action in all respects, except as noted here. The noctral must fly toward its target for a minimum of 50 feet in a straight line. If the swoop attack succeeds, the noctral can attempt to grapple the target without provoking an attack of opportunity or deal double claw damage (4d4+8 points) instead.

Swoop (Ex): If a flying hawkdragon charges or dives at a foe, it can make a full attack with both claws and its tail, dealing double damage with any attacks that hit. If either of its claw attacks hit it can attempt an eye gouge (see above).

Definitely need to fix alternate form.

I'd certainly be happy to add some version of dive or swoop. As long as it's strong enough. ;)


For the dive attack, were we considering using one or more of these?

The original is merely the AD&D version of the standard dive attack, so we don't need to make it a special attack if we don't want to.

If you want to give it a better-than normal Dive something based on the Sword Archon's version is my preference.


Dive (Ex): If the hawk lord makes a dive attack, it may make 2 claw attacks causing X damage with a +Y bonus to their attack roll. Furthermore, the hawk lord gains a +Z circumstance bonus to its Armor Class due to its high speed.

As you like.

How's this:

Dive (Ex): If the hawk lord makes a dive attack, it may make 2 claw attacks, each causing double damage with a +4 bonus to their attack roll. Furthermore, the hawk lord gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its Armor Class due to its high speed. The AC bonus lasts until the hawk lord stops moving or the start of its next turn, whichever comes first.

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