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Creepy Player Habits - WARNING: reading may require a Sanity Check!

Lonely Tylenol

First Post
Well, the rest of the group were relatively normal, if a little "faded, stained rock band shirt"-y, and I had fun playing with them. The issue of our companion's adventures with scissors and book were never brought up at the table.

But holy hell, I cannot claim the prize for weirdest gaming experience. Not after having read that rpg.net thread posted above. I mean. Wow. Just...wow. Look for Rob Lowry's post...

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mmmm... chick tracts.

Torm said:
But my second DM, through 6th-8th grades, was a really scary guy. He was in college, but he only played with high school and jr. high school students. He always had his fingernails painted black with strange pictures or symbols painted in gold on top. He made us memorize our character sheets, so we could play in faint candlelight - just good enough to see our dice rolls. From the time we entered his game room, til we left, EVERYTHING we said was "in character". And if your character died, you had to leave, and essentially beg him to spend the time on helping you make a new character - always first level, of course. :\

I have to...



First Post
Man o man... I've been president of a campus gaming club and been to several cons before and seen my fair share of socially impaired gamers, but some of these stories are a whole order of magnitude of creepy beyond anything I've ever encountered. Dungeonmastercal's bunch is astonishing simply because all those individuals formed one gaming group. The costumed dad sounds like something out of a dumb comedy movie, although I'm sure it would be quite odd in real life.

The guy Dr. Awkward mentioned sounds like the kind of individual you might want to drop an anonymous tip to the local cops about if you saw more suspicious behaviour. That clipping of pictures of children in underwear sounds like the warning signs of a potential molester, or more likely someone likely to get into child p*rn. Definitely NOT someone I'd ever want to game with.

My local bunch of gaming geeks seem so utterly normal in comparison.


Man, I like to think I have a relatively high level of creepy tolerence. But if I ever encountered some of these people, I don't know what I'd do.

Although I would be tempted to wake the purple spellcaster, just to see what would happen...

The Grackle

First Post
Dr. Awkward said:
Inside were a bunch of cut up Sears catalogues...which was weird enough. But then we noticed that the only pictures he had cut out of what must have been hundreds of catalogues were pictures of children in their underwear.

Maybe he was working on some kind of art project? ...right? ...maybe? ...please?

The creepiest guy I ever played with was named Howie. He gamed with "those wierd MERP guys," the other clique of gamers from my highschool. He was kind of an evil and unbathed gnome wrapped up in a black trenchcoat. Once I went over to his place pick him up for a game of Axis&A, and it was like some kind of nightmare, white-trash funhouse. The walls were plastered in place with chickenwire and all the floors were uneven. Whatever his grandma was cooking smelled like feet, and I had to pretend to be vegetarian so I wouldn't have to stay for dinner.

He was a creepy perv who would check out 11 year old girls and say stuff like, "She'll be ready in about 3 months. Rha-hah-ha." Real funny. He used to always draw character sketches by tracing superheroes out of comic books and drawing weapons in their hands. Howie was a truly corrupt/immoral/depraved human being, but he was such a sad little man that it just didn't seem threatening. You had to pity him.

He also started off every combat by throwing a spear into the nearest orc and yelling, "Hold my spear, F***er!" which I found sort of endearing.

All of the people I DM with a more than mildly eccentric, although I don't keep friends who aren't, and that sort of thing pretty much comes with a hobby such as gaming, but no one who's genuinely creepy. There was someone who my friend brought to a game who was extremely annoying though. If he only had a few of these idiosyncrasies, it would have been fine, but all of them were too much. He practiced his karate during the middle of the game, and made references to his sensei. He carried a large briefcase with him at all times, and halfway through the game, he opened it and gave us all some of it's contents, which were extremely well-drawn (if I say so myself) pictures he had drawn, as well as what appeared to be sloppily written random Japanese sentences. (It was really good Japanese, but still) He never seemed to want to actually play the game (sans battles, which he enjoyed immensely), and spent the majority of the time smoking outside, and halfway through he opened up his briefcase and randomly pulled out Sears catalogue cut-outs of women (No, they were adult women this time) and interrupted the DM with them. My friend and I got stuck riding home with him. His car was decrepit, but had a really expensive steering wheel with flag decals on it. He listened to emo music and intentionally crashed into snow banks for fun. It was odd.

But, it doesn't hold a flame to the pedophile and the Chick track character.


Inventor of Super-Toast
I've got no stories nearly as creepy as some of these on the thread. But I have had a few creepy gamers in my group over the years.

One woman in my group really liked my game. Really. Basic Instinct levels of obsession. Writing fan-fic, obsessive devotion to her character, etc. Creepy, yes, but not too bad, and not really any skin off of my back (although she did annoy just about everyone else in the group).

Much more recently, an NPC of mine was so beloved by my players that one guy, when making a new character, considered making one specifically to be the NPC's girlfriend. He then realized that it was a bit creepy, and made a different character.

Demiurge out.

Eosin the Red

First Post
We had a couple show up for a game once - they seemed pleasant enough but every once in awhile they would start muttering some gutteral gibberish to each other and then snicker. Unable to stand being in the dark - I asked what they were doing - turns out that they were speaking Klingon to each other. They were big Trek fans and memorized the language so that they could talk to each other without fear of being overheard.....creepy but not too bad, until they explained that it had improved their love life.

They did not come back -- the vision of someone yelling in Klingon while ....well.... you know what I mean.


Eosin the Red said:
We had a couple show up for a game once - they seemed pleasant enough but every once in awhile they would start muttering some gutteral gibberish to each other and then snicker. Unable to stand being in the dark - I asked what they were doing - turns out that they were speaking Klingon to each other. They were big Trek fans and memorized the language so that they could talk to each other without fear of being overheard.....creepy but not too bad, until they explained that it had improved their love life.

They did not come back -- the vision of someone yelling in Klingon while ....well.... you know what I mean.
Hell, me and my wife unit considered learning Klingon and speak it. BUT, the prime reason for it was that we have kids and we wanted to make sure we could communicate without them understanding.

But now they're teens (the kids) and are in the "what ?" phase, you know, you tell them something in their face and they don't get it, so it's ok now.

When I saw the thread title I wanted to tell some stories of my own, but it just won't hold with all the whacked up stuff I read so far.


There was this guy that was a food stealer. He would steal anyone's grub. The first time I gamed with him, the DM's mum brought a huge bowl of donuts and put it on the table. I mean about 30 donuts. I was new at that game. As soon as she leaves, one of the players proceeded to put the bowl as far away from the food thief as possible. He looked very sad but didn't say anything. I felt pitty, and he kept looking at the bowl during the game.

So I take the bowl (nobody noticed) and put it close to him, and got back to the game. Five minutes later I look back at him, and the friggin bowl was empty. One of the players noticed, and the DM looked at me and said "#%^@! christ, why did you do that ?" to me.

At another game, I was holding a big bag of chips. I wasn't playing, so I was standing up beside the DM, watching the game. All of a sudden, I feel something kreeping in my bag (OF CHIPS !!!), turn around, and there he is, his arm elbow deep in the bag. I lower the bag, but he follows. Seriously, I say "Don't do that" but he just looks at me, is hand still grasping the biggest handful possible.

He would always grab people's snacks without ever asking.

OK, he's not creepy, but I just felt like typing it up. It was eerie. Guess you had to be there.

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