Critical Role Critical Role show kickstarter update: Backers have to get Amazon prime to get the show

"They could have done better."


Amazon owns Twitch — one of CR's favored platforms. They also can give away temporary access codes, free months or even a free week of Prime, and so on. There were many other possible avenues between "walking away from the deal" and forcing people to sign up for free trials and create fake emails. The assumption that it was only these two options is inherently erroneous, and really highlights the failures of Critical Role to try and find an equitable solution to their newfound complication.

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This all seems reeeeally unrealistic.
I just have higher expectations for multi-billion dollar companies and their capabilities then you do. That's by design. It seems like a lot to do, but for Amazon, it wouldn't be. Not at all. Automated systems do this stuff without problem.


I just have higher expectations for multi-billion dollar companies and their capabilities then you do. That's by design. It seems like a lot to do, but for Amazon, it wouldn't be. Not at all. Automated systems do this stuff without problem.
It's not what the multi-billion dollar can do, Amazon can change the world if they want to. It's unrealistic because the megacorp will never be willing to do that.

It's not what the multi-billion dollar can do, Amazon can change the world if they want to. It's unrealistic because the megacorp will never be willing to do that.
This is true. But the reality of the situation (megacorps will naughty word us over anyway they can) has no relation to me complaining about it here. When I see disgusting practices like these, I will posit alternatives that could have and should have been done, even if there is no reality where they could have been done so long as Amazon as a concept is around.


This is true. But the reality of the situation (megacorps will naughty word us over anyway they can) has no relation to me complaining about it here. When I see disgusting practices like these, I will posit alternatives that could have and should have been done, even if there is no reality where they could have been done so long as Amazon as a concept is around.
You can definatelly complain about it, more power to you. I said it was unrealistic because Critical Role has absolutelly no control over what Amazon can do. CR promised to let backers view the two first episodes earlier and for free. They got Amazon to agree with it, if the backers sign for a free trial.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
I didn't back this, and only briefly scanned the original KS (I don't watch Critical Role so wasn't all that interested) and even I remember that the show itself wasn't one of the backer rewards. Anybody upset by this news should...L2Read?

This project was really in the original spirit of KS: to crowdsource funding for creative endeavors. Not to pre-order physical products.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I agree, and did say in the "this respect only" (free watching via trial) was backer meaningless?.
For me it is kinda meaningless, because I don't care about early access. If they didn't offer early access, I wouldn't be upset. But in my experience with Kickstarters MANY MANY people do not feel that way. People get very nasty in the backer comments if, say, a backed game hits stores at the same time or before they get their copy mailed to them (e.g., Ares Expedition - The Terraforming Mars Card Game). Backers expect and feel entitled to get the stuff first. If that is not going to be the case, you really need to VERY carefully spell that out upfront and even then expect a backlash. If CR would not have arrange any form of early access the outrage would have been exponentially greater than that over the Amazon account controversy.

So, yes, in respect to free watching, being a backer is meaningful to many people because of the limited early access.

I didn't back this, and only briefly scanned the original KS (I don't watch Critical Role so wasn't all that interested) and even I remember that the show itself wasn't one of the backer rewards. Anybody upset by this news should...L2Read?

This project was really in the original spirit of KS: to crowdsource funding for creative endeavors. Not to pre-order physical products.
A masterclass of victim blaming.

Voidrunner's Codex

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