Critical Role Critical Role's Kickstarter Breaks $1,000,000 In About An Hour!

For those hoping for a new D&D cartoon, Critical Role has just launched a Kickstarter for an animated show based on their livestream campaign. It broke a million dollars in about an hour, and has 45 days left to go...

For those hoping for a new D&D cartoon, Critical Role has just launched a Kickstarter for an animated show based on their livestream campaign. It broke a million dollars in about an hour, and has 45 days left to go...


"Critical Role's The Legend of Vox Machina reunites your favorite D&D heroes for a professional-quality animated special!"

Also on offer are theme song MP3s, production art prints, sticker sets, dice, playing card sets, plushies, pin sets, canvas bags, and more.

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
It sounds like they approached some Hollywood producers about this project, but didn't like the offers they received and turned to crowdfunding instead.
The Kickstarter Page said:
Travis & Sam went on dozens of Hollywood pitch meetings, and found some interest — but we ultimately decided to create our first animated special on our own. By doing so, we can continue to stay true to our beloved characters and tell the stories you want to see. With an ever-burning desire to bring a Vox Machina animation to the masses, we decided to give the power back to our amazing community, roll up our sleeves, and make this special with YOU instead.
I don't want to read too much into that, but given how quickly it was funded on Kickstarter....well. At the very least, it makes me wonder if those people in Hollywood fully understand CR's target audience.
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They are over 2 million dollars Canadian, or 1.6 million USD. And climbing fast, at this rate they could out do the Veronica Mars movie.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Kicktraq is always wildly inaccurate for the first week. It’ll settle down its prediction to something much lower in a few days. It simply projects the day’s pledges and assumes the same number every day, but Kickstarters don’t work like that .


Man, that little money wheel is screaming. They could make a whole series to rival the original D&D cartoon. Does Matt look like Dungeon Master, or is it just me. :)


Do they even have the legal rights to do a D&D movie or could this end up in the courts? I mean I can't see Warner Bros. Being okay with this or Hasbro if they aren't getting a cut of the money.

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