Critical Role Critical Role's New Show - Exandria Unlimited!

Critical Role is launching a new 8-week D&D 5E campaign on June 24th called Exandria Unlimited. "Exandria Unlimited is the newest eight episode mini-campaign brought to you by, and existing within, the same world as Critical Role. Following a fresh-faced and freshly formed crew of characters, this adventure begins in Emon, a city still recovering from the scars of the Chroma Conclave attack...

Critical Role is launching a new 8-week D&D 5E campaign on June 24th called Exandria Unlimited.


"Exandria Unlimited is the newest eight episode mini-campaign brought to you by, and existing within, the same world as Critical Role. Following a fresh-faced and freshly formed crew of characters, this adventure begins in Emon, a city still recovering from the scars of the Chroma Conclave attack nearly 30 years later."

The show features Matt Mercer (as a player not DM), Aabria Iyenger (who will be the DM for this show), Aimee Carrero (who currently plays She-Ra), Robbie Daymond (voice of Marvel's animated Spider-man), Ashley Johnson (co-founder of Critical Role), and Liam O'Brien (also from the main Critical Role show).

I am so hyped for this!


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I really wish that Matt had said that Campaign 3 would feature 'all your old favorites' or something to that end. Everything they've said about campaign 3 has been very vague - seemingly intentionally. I have this lingering feeling that it means someone is leaving - and I'd put my money on Sam.
No news is good news?

I think they just haven't seriously started work on it beyond the brainstorming stage and Matt wants to spend a month prepping

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Probably can't advertise using copyrighted and trademarked terms, like "Dungeon Master" or "Dungeons & Dragons"
Nah, that's not it. For multiple reasons!

1. "DM" is not a trademark.
2. You can use trademarks in that situation, even if it was.
3. They use "D&D" in the same paragraph.
4. Like WotC is going to challenge CR?

So there's a reason why they are using GM, but it's not because it's a trademark.


Book-Friend, he/him
Nah, that's not it. For multiple reasons!

1. "DM" is not a trademark.
2. You can use trademarks in that situation, even if it was.
3. They use "D&D" in the same paragraph.
4. Like WotC is going to challenge CR?

So there's a reason why they are using GM, but it's not because it's a trademark.
Maybe consistency, for the times when they talk about other game systems.


Book-Friend, he/him
Hmmm. Now I'm not sure if I should start here! Maybe I'll just practice guitar instead of taking up a new hobby....
It's a limited series, so it is probably going to be perfect for a quick dip to try the idea out, though you won't be getting Mercer doing his amazing DM performance, I'm sure he vetted a grear alternate: imagine having the means to get out of being a forever DM by hiring someone talented to let you play!


Book-Friend, he/him
If it's anything like Liam's Christmas one-shot, "A Night Before Critmas," entertainment is guaranteed. Matt was the best player at the table.

Okay, Travis was. But Matt was a close second.
Matt's been a great player, butnhe hasn't had a lot of time to get intk a serious character. He was fantastic as the bear in Honeyheist.

Nah, that's not it. For multiple reasons!

1. "DM" is not a trademark.
2. You can use trademarks in that situation, even if it was.
3. They use "D&D" in the same paragraph.
4. Like WotC is going to challenge CR?

So there's a reason why they are using GM, but it's not because it's a trademark.

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