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D&D 5E Curse of Strahd help


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Don't forget there's always additional info at the end of each chapter, "Special Events". For example (pg 124) it says that if Lady Wachter realises the characters are her enemies, she hands Ernst a bag of gold and instructs him to deliver it to the Vistani camp outside town, along with a letter asking them to kill the PC's once they have left town; likely, the Vistani actually just go and alert Strahd. Pretty sure I used a version of that myself, after everyone had a reasonably civil dinner with her and realised they were definitely not on her side.

Anyway, it's not clear if Lady Wachter is personally in touch with Strahd or not, but I'd figure that if she's worried about the PC's murdering her, its definitely a good opportunity to get Strahd involved via whatever means, and something like the attack on the church is a good response, even if the players won't make the immediate connection.

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[MENTION=40592]hastur_nz[/MENTION]: I'm pretty sure you had Strahd attack us at the baron's house while we were rescuing Ireena from Izek's clutches.

Anyway, my group rescued Arabelle early on, which means that the Vistani are supposed to ignore Lady Wachter's request and return her money. I could still have them go and alert Strahd, but I reckon he already knows what the PCs are up to. I figure he's been watching them closely ever since they helped Ireena escape in Krezk.

I was planning on having him initiate the attack on the church in the evening anyway, but maybe he could do it during the day, while the PCs are at Lady Wachter's, as a way of drawing them away from her place (although they wouldn't be able to get there in time to stop the attack, as the church is a good half-mile away from Wachterhaus, going by the scale on the town map.)

Regardless, I need to figure out how to have Lady Wachter respond to a bunch of heavily armed strangers bursting into her house from the basement, after having slaughtered her cultists and skeletal minions. I don't think they'll attack her if she doesn't threaten them, but if they do, she's no match for three 6th level PCs, backed up by Ezmerelda. Ernst and Majesto the imp won't be of much help either. I don't think there's any way for her to stop the PCs from turning her house upside down as they search for the item they're supposed to get from her (the tome).

Perhaps if they do murderhobo their way through Wachterhaus, I can have Strahd waiting for them outside in his carriage, slow-clapping as they approach and congratulating them on their descent into darkness ...

EDIT: I kind of feel like having Strahd be waiting for them at Lady Wachter's anyway. Just for the hell of it. I want to see their reaction when she ushers them into the parlor and there's Strahd!

As an aside, does anyone else feel like the 24-hour time limit on Strahd's charm is kind of lame? I feel like it ought to be indefinite, lasting until he chooses to end it or someone removes it with magic.
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First Post
Ah yes, Strahd charmed one of the Baron's man-servants, got an invite in, and you eventually kicked his butt back out again... but that was nothing to do with Lady Wachter...

As for your group, I'd say whatever 'threat' Lady Wachter might have presented, is well and truly dead. Not every fight needs to be fair, in either direction. If the players decide to murder her, so be it, the best you can do is try and portray it as such - she's got more than enough plausible deniability as far as any wrong-doings go, she can't be held accountable for what the people in her basement did or didn't do, no-one but the P's even saw it, and obviously she knows the PC's could murder her even easier than they murdered her cultists.

If they turn the house upside down and get the tome, no biggie, it's what's "supposed to happen", and the tome is just fluff, it has no in-game effect other than to provide some back-story, and annoy Strahd (which has already happened a lot already). They will probably find a lot of her creepy secrets, but again that's no genuine reason to kill her, maybe they could try and get her arrested which would create fun role-play opportunities with the Baron, Izek, etc.

Or she could figure out what they want, and just offer them the book, in return for them leaving her alone? It's probably more fun for everyone, to let them find all her creepy secrets, and grapple with the morals of what to do with her...

As I'm sure you know, pretty much all the "Evil NPC" types in my games have a good go at talking their way out of trouble, and usually get away with it - whereas the ones that attack the PC's end up dead. By rights, Lady Wachter should keep her head down, let the PC's do what they will, and move on once they are dead or gone - at most, she gets the word to Strahd, but I don't think that's going to change anything material.

The "slow clap" idea is good, if they kill her.

If they come out with the Tome, it's also a good opportunity for Strahd to go nuts on them, have a little tanty, maybe as per the Church scene or similar in a different location, as Strahd makes it clear that he's after the book...

Maybe Strahd goes nuts on Lady Wachter, for letting the PC's get his book - he's not 100% rational, after all, and having the PC's not kill Lady Wachter, then having Strahd kill her and turn her into a Vampire, to be part of his army at the Castle... now that could be a fun and fitting twist...


As for your group, I'd say whatever 'threat' Lady Wachter might have presented, is well and truly dead. Not every fight needs to be fair, in either direction.

Or she could figure out what they want, and just offer them the book, in return for them leaving her alone?
That's what I was thinking before; have her offer up the tome in exchange for her life. But as you say ...

It's probably more fun for everyone, to let them find all her creepy secrets, and grapple with the morals of what to do with her...

The "slow clap" idea is good, if they kill her.
I might also build up to it. If they decide to explore the house and end up in the library, I could tell them they hear tapping at the south window. If they go to look, there's a raven at the window, trying to alert them to the fact that Strahd's carriage has just pulled up at the end of the drive. If they hang around, Strahd might get out and go convince someone to let him and then wait for the PCs in the den or parlor. If they decide to leave in a hurry, he could just stay in his carriage.

Maybe Strahd goes nuts on Lady Wachter, for letting the PC's get his book - he's not 100% rational, after all, and having the PC's not kill Lady Wachter, then having Strahd kill her and turn her into a Vampire, to be part of his army at the Castle... now that could be a fun and fitting twist...
Good idea!


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Long time listener, first time caller. This is a great thread. Just making a post so I'll get notifications.

I ran a bit of Curse of Strahd on my YouTube channel a while ago. We did Barovia, Wizard of Wines, Old Bonegrinder, Yester Hill, and just got started with Vallaki. Unfortunately I didn't get to finish that campaign.

I'm now going to start running my homegroup through it this Friday. They're 3rd level, so I'm skipping Death House (unless, of course, they find out about it somehow and decide to go in there). I'll be sure to post if anything interesting happens, but in the meantime, I'm enjoying reading about the other campaigns being discussed in this thread.

EDIT: One thing interesting that happened in my online campaign was that the PCs had acquired the sunsword at the Wizard of Wines winery. However, they encountered Strahd on Yester Hill, and he knocked the PC with the sunsword to 0 hp and took it from them. That was pretty cool, and the first time I've pulled off something quite like that in a campaign before.
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[MENTION=54629]pukunui[/MENTION], add me to the list of fans of the "slow clap" idea. And having Strahd murder Lady Wachter into a vampire spawn if the party spares (is humane and reasonable to) her gives you a conclusion and something for Strahd to do more or less whatever the PCs choose. Either way it could lead to him inviting the players to the castle if he hasn't done that already. "Here, take my carriage. It leaves at dusk, whether you are in it or not." Then he turns into mist or a bat and flies off. I don't necessarily agree with the suggestion that he "goes nuts" on her though. In my opinion he is too cool and in command to lose his temper like that, with the possible exception of Ireena. There is an element of fear in evidence when someone goes ballistic like that, and I think Strahd is scarier and more interesting if he is always cold and confident, like an evil Vulcan.

My party has decided to spend some time at the Wizard of Wines so the druid can prepare Purify Food and Drink and use it tomorrow after a long rest. (She's also looking at casting Plant Growth in the 8-hour ritual form to try to rejuvenate the vineyard. What effect should that have, given that it is not the gems, or should I just moot the question by having Wintersplinter attack, disrupting the spell - see below?) It looks likely that in the meantime Ireena, with Izek and Ismark, along with an escort, will take a wagonload of wine to Krezk this afternoon and secure entrance for our party. So we're talking about splitting the party. They feel pretty secure, which is probably part naivete and part the fact that I have mostly taken kid gloves to them (being that they're all rookies and some are literal kids). I guess my question boils down in part to how, and to what extent, to take the kid gloves off. I don't want to just let them breeze through, but at the same time I don't want to blow them out.

*By the way, I'm thinking about fabricating an encounter along the way with the dire wolf that separated Izek and Ireena when they were children and ate off Izek's arm. A dire wolf is a nothingburger encounter for a 5th level party, but I haven't been able to roleplay I&I interacting and developing a bond. Plus Izek kind of expresses himself by killing things these days. I sort of want the encounter to be almost an Izek set piece that sets up a real I&I moment. Does this sound like a good idea? How would anyone execute it, and how would you make it discernible that this is THAT dire wolf?*

Here is what I am beginning to envision Strahd and co. doing off-screen. Strahd lifted my warlock's pact tome when he charmed him, so he is the target of Strahd's scrying. (Plus a high-charisma modest-wisdom fiend-pact warlock seems like someone who would pique Strahd's interest.) I'm thinking Strahd is on Ireena's tail, one step behind the party. Last night, having chatted with the party yesterday, he conducted the attack on Vallaki. The party never restored the bones (or paid the slightest attention to the church), and they left town with Izek (neutering the Baron), so I'm thinking Strahd and his vampires attacked the town and failed to find Ireena where he had been told she was. Then the following day the Baron still tried to put on the Festival of the Burning Sun, which was such a catastrophe he was lynched and Lady Wachter took over. That brings us to today, the day the party cleared Wizard of Wines. Today Strahd scried on my warlock, found us all together at the winery, and tonight he will appear at Yester Hill for the druids' ritual, raising Wintersplinter. He will accompany the blight to the winery to abscond with Ireena during the chaos, only to find that she is gone again, this time in Krezk. (If she makes it to the pool today I suppose that'll change this since he'll know she's not still at the winery and have no urgency for attending the druids.)

So my question is: am I setting up my PCs for a TPK? They just hit level 5 when they cleared the winery. If our monk, Izek, Ismark, Ireena, and one of the young Martikov wereravens go to Krezk, that leaves the remaining Martikovs with our ranger, druid, and warlock at the winery. It's possible other PCs other than the druid decide to go with the Krezk group, but we don't want to leave the druid to make her way to Krezk (tomorrow) alone. Can the winery crew (and the winery) survive Wintersplinter? Should they? What should Strahd's involvement be, particularly once he realizes Ireena isn't there after all? In Krezk, if Ireena finds her way to the pool and goes with Sergei, Izek probably loses it. Can Ismark and a L5 monk survive him? Should they? Wintersplinter clearly can't be negotiated with, so it's fight, flee (and abandon the winery), or die. Izek probably can't either.

Is this all a reasonable depiction of Barovia's response to these meddling adventurers, and I should just let the dice fall where they fall, or should I relax the timetable a little bit? I guess one thing I'm worried about is feeling like the Wintersplinter attack needs to happen soon. Two druids escaped from the winery, so Yester Hill at least will be motivated to get the ritual going; it's less clear what Strahd's urgency is. The players aren't presently that interested in going to Yester Hill, and if that doesn't change and Wintersplinter is summoned, the winery will be destroyed off-screen, and that's an outcome that can't be reversed. I am trying to incorporate the "points of light" concept (the details of my implementation of which are beyond the scope of this already overlong post), and the full restoration of the winery is critical to that. I want to give the players a fair chance to save the winery, but I don't want to ignore the logic of the other people in the world who are interacting with them and the exigencies they are creating.

And one more thing. Our card reading indicated that the Holy Symbol is in "a fortress inside a fortress, in a place hidden behind fire." Our players are hot to trot to get to Krezk, thinking the Abbey is the fortress inside a fortress. This isn't implausible to me (the card actually refers to the treasury in Castle Ravenloft). I don't mind the Holy Symbol residing there (otherwise all the relics are in the Castle, which is daunting). I haven't looked at the Abbey much to see if there is a reasonable place to fit the whole description, but assuming something could work, would you recommend moving the Holy Symbol to the Abbey?


I'm now going to start running my homegroup through it this Friday. They're 3rd level, so I'm skipping Death House (unless, of course, they find out about it somehow and decide to go in there). I'll be sure to post if anything interesting happens, but in the meantime, I'm enjoying reading about the other campaigns being discussed in this thread.
I started my group at 4th level. I also skipped the Death House because we'd already done it as an April Fools' Day one-shot last year.

EDIT: One thing interesting that happened in my online campaign was that the PCs had acquired the sunsword at the Wizard of Wines winery. However, they encountered Strahd on Yester Hill, and he knocked the PC with the sunsword to 0 hp and took it from them. That was pretty cool, and the first time I've pulled off something quite like that in a campaign before.
Ah, so I'm not the only one who's done that after all!

[MENTION=54629]pukunui[/MENTION], add me to the list of fans of the "slow clap" idea.
I actually had him do it once before, right back at the beginning. After the PCs came through the gates, I had some Strahd zombies attack them. As they were fighting the zombies, the carriage showed up. When they were finished, Strahd got out and slow-clapped. He then charmed one of the PCs so he could get a good look at her before releasing her and driving off.

Either way it could lead to him inviting the players to the castle if he hasn't done that already.
He has. They let Ireena escape through the pool in Krezk. I've been having Strahd leave his carriage for them at various points, and they keep ignoring it, although there have been some pretty intense discussions about whether or not they should get in ...

*By the way, I'm thinking about fabricating an encounter along the way with the dire wolf that separated Izek and Ireena when they were children and ate off Izek's arm. A dire wolf is a nothingburger encounter for a 5th level party, but I haven't been able to roleplay I&I interacting and developing a bond. Plus Izek kind of expresses himself by killing things these days. I sort of want the encounter to be almost an Izek set piece that sets up a real I&I moment. Does this sound like a good idea? How would anyone execute it, and how would you make it discernible that this is THAT dire wolf?*
You could take a page from movies like Hook and Brave and have the wolf be well-known in Barovia. You can have Izek recognize it on sight.

So my question is: am I setting up my PCs for a TPK? They just hit level 5 when they cleared the winery. If our monk, Izek, Ismark, Ireena, and one of the young Martikov wereravens go to Krezk, that leaves the remaining Martikovs with our ranger, druid, and warlock at the winery. It's possible other PCs other than the druid decide to go with the Krezk group, but we don't want to leave the druid to make her way to Krezk (tomorrow) alone. Can the winery crew (and the winery) survive Wintersplinter? Should they? What should Strahd's involvement be, particularly once he realizes Ireena isn't there after all? In Krezk, if Ireena finds her way to the pool and goes with Sergei, Izek probably loses it. Can Ismark and a L5 monk survive him? Should they? Wintersplinter clearly can't be negotiated with, so it's fight, flee (and abandon the winery), or die. Izek probably can't either.
In my experience, Izek is something of a pushover, especially without all his guards to back him up, whereas Wintersplinter is tough all on its own.

Is this all a reasonable depiction of Barovia's response to these meddling adventurers, and I should just let the dice fall where they fall, or should I relax the timetable a little bit?
The book does give you the option to relax the timetable at various points. It's really up to you and how tough/easy you want to go on your players. Since they're family, you might want to err on the easy side.

And one more thing. Our card reading indicated that the Holy Symbol is in "a fortress inside a fortress, in a place hidden behind fire." Our players are hot to trot to get to Krezk, thinking the Abbey is the fortress inside a fortress. This isn't implausible to me (the card actually refers to the treasury in Castle Ravenloft). I don't mind the Holy Symbol residing there (otherwise all the relics are in the Castle, which is daunting). I haven't looked at the Abbey much to see if there is a reasonable place to fit the whole description, but assuming something could work, would you recommend moving the Holy Symbol to the Abbey?
Yeah, you could do that. One of the abbey locations is a niche behind a plaque above the fireplace, I think. That could work.

I'm betting the party can take Wintersplinter if they apply themselves. I'm constantly surprised by my party in that regard. Go for it! If they start to lose, well, Wintersplinter's not particularly fast, and he'll take time destroying the winery if they run for it.

I wouldn't move the Holy Symbol, but that's me. If you decide to leave it in the Castle, I'd suggest subtly pointing out the lack of a "behind fire" location to encourage them elsewhere. Or, conversely, use the fireplace like pukunui suggested.


First Post
[MENTION=6873909]texastoast[/MENTION], I think letting your group split into two parts is fine, especially as it feels like you've got a huge set of NPC's tagging along (a common problem).

Personally I had a couple of sessions along those lines, due to players being away - one night, we actually only had one PC, and two other players ran an NPC each (van Richten, and Ezmerelda?), then they ended up fighting vampire spawn with Izeek and some town guards so each player also ran Izeek or some guards... the spawn killed some guards pretty easily, but the players saw that Izeek was pretty tough. Generally I hate NPC add-ons in the group, as DM or as a Player, so I try and let the players run them when it comes to combats, and in Curse of Strahd in particular I tried to kill off NPC's in preference to PC's, within reason.

That's definitely something for you to consider i.e. let them split up, let them fight the huge animated tree that eventually comes along, and let players run the NPC's that are there - if you kill some NPC's, no big deal, hopefully any players running PC's are not stupid enough to hang about and get their character killed, too. It should be a good learning experience for the players - kids or not, no-one should feel invulnerable, especially in Curse of Strahd.

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