D&D 5E Custom Lineage


• Creature Type.
[Choose an appropriate type, and any race and subrace.]
• Size. Medium, Small, [or Large].
• Speed 30.
• Ability Score Increase +2.
• Common Language.
• Other Language.
• Feat.
[8 points to spend on features.]
• Trait. [2 points to spend on features.]

The official design space for a Custom Lineage is simple and effective. Its current limit is the lack of feats and traits to choose from. Indeed, as-is, its result is almost identical with a Feat Human.

The purpose of this thread is for us to add homebrew options, that a lineage customizer can choose. Possibly, these lineage features here can inspire official options in the future.

The homebrew traits can be as big as a standard feat [8 points], or as small as an extra language [½ point], or anything in between. A +1 ability score increase or a "half feat" without the +1 ability score, are each worth about 4 points. Darkvision is worth about 2 points.

Rank each feature according to how many points it is worth.

A Custom Lineage has a Feat supplying 8 points, and a Trait supplying 2 points. Use these points to purchase the features that are in this thread.

To figure out how much a feature is worth, comparisons with official feats can help. Moreover this document that rebalances the feats in the Players Handbook and in Xanathars can help give a more accurate assessment of how much a feature is really worth.

According to Tashas, "You are a humanoid. You determine your kin." The term "kin" is used elsewhere to mean race and subrace, thus you can choose any race and subrace for your Custom Lineage. Your race can be your custom version of an official race, or a new race that you create.

Here, the choice of Creature Type expands to also include the nonhumanoid types that are in the recent UAs, such as fey or dragon. For example, one can choose a race and subrace whose type is a "Construct", for example.

When you use this thread to build your Custom Lineage, your creature type, and any race and subrace, any kin that is appropriate to your character concept.

Rules From the UA, Folk of the Feywild:

"Every creature in D&D, including every player character, has a special tag in the rules that identifies the type of creature they are. Most player characters are of the Humanoid type. A race option presented here tells you what your character’s creature type is.

Here’s a list of the game’s creature types in alphabetical order:
• Aberration
• Beast
• Celestial
• Construct
• Dragon
• Elemental
• Fey
• Fiend
• Giant
• Humanoid
• Monstrosity
• Ooze
• Plant
• Undead

These types dont have rules themselves, but some rules in the game affect creatures of certain types in different ways. For example, the text of the cure wounds spell specifies that the spell doesn’t work on a creature that has the Construct type."

If for your Custom Lineage, you choose Large size, the tag comes without rules. Any rules relating to Large size, such as the distance of your reach, extra damage if wielding a Large weapon, or having a grappling advantage, must be purchased separately as part of your feat or trait.

Because extended reach can only make one opportunity attack per round as a reaction, the Large size turns out to be surprisingly balanced in 5e.

You choose which features relate to the theme of your Large size.

In your posts below, come up with new features that a Custom Lineage can purchase. These features can come from official races or monsters, or can be your own innovation. Assess about how many points the feature is worth.

In the future, I will compile your suggestions that gain consensus in the Original Post, for the convenience of other players who are building their own Custom Lineage.

Think about a Custom Lineage that you want. What are the features that you would want it to have? Add these features here for other players to find inspiration too!
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8 points - feat
4 points - half feat (without the +1 ability score increase)

8 points - one other ability score increases by +2
8 points - two other ability scores increase by +1
4 points - one other ability score increases by +1
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Proficiencies: Skill, Tool, Language, Weapon, Background Feature

Some skills are better than others. For example, the Custom Lineage Trait grants 2 points, so these can be spent on 2-point Darkvision or 2-point Perception skill, or else spent on both the 1-point History skill and the 1-point Cartographers Tools.

Some tools are better than others, but I have less a feel for which ones are significantly better. For now, each tool is about 1 point. The use of a tool proficiency for related skill checks is excellent, and the use of the appropriate tool proficiency to price or even with DM agreement to craft a magic item, is awesome flavor.

Language is normally about ½ point, being situational. Of course, a special language like Telepathy would cost more. Also use the relevant language as a kind of History check for lore relating to the cultures that speak that language. Common is mainly a Human mercantile language.

Each background comes with a Feature. Typically this is a noncombat, situational, "special asset" that is unique to the specific background, worth about a ½ point, but with lots of flavor. However, some background assets are quite valuable, even to grant known spells, and can be worth more points.

Generally, building a 4-point background with Feature and proficiencies should be for noncombat applications, but might come with a weapon proficiency, such as a shepherd gaining a sling, or a deer hunter gaining a longbow. A background is worth about 4 points, about a half feat.



4 points - standard background (typically: 3½-points for proficiencies plus ½-point background feature)

1 point - standard tool proficiency

2 points - Perception skill

1½ points - Arcana, Athletics, Persuasion, Stealth, or Survival

1 point - Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Deception, History, Insight, Nature, or Slight of Hand

½ point - Intimidation, Medicine, or Performance (esthetics, crowd-pleasing, choose an instrument, acting, dancing, painting, etcetera)

Skill Homebrew
2 points - Gymnastics (merges Athletics and Acrobatics, with choice of Str or Dex as key for all checks), also called Swashbuckling

½ point - one standard language
½ point - Cipher (encrypt message, Investigation v DC Int score+proficiency, or teach code)
½ point - Lip Reading (if see mouth, "hear" speaker)

1½ points - Speak with Small Beast (small or smaller)
1 point - Speak with Aquatic Beast (having a swim speed)

3 points - all martial weapons
1 point - one martial weapon

1½ points - all simple weapons
½ point - one simple weapon

1 point - martial unarmed strike (1d4, Light, Finesse)
0 point - unarmed strike (1)
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Mod Squad
Staff member
8 points - feat
8 points - one other ability score increases by +2
8 points - two other ability scores increase by +1
4 points - half feat
4 points - one other ability score increases by +1

I think there's an flaw here, in that "half feats" give +1 to an ability score. So, with 8 points you can get:

Two ability scores increase by plus one, or
One ability score increases by one plus a half feat which raises an ability score by one, and has some other bonus.

In terms of building a custom for a particular character concept, the player gets to have their cake and eat it too, as they'll pick a half-feat that gives a +1 where they'd want it for their character anyway.


I think there's an flaw here, in that "half feats" give +1 to an ability score. So, with 8 points you can get:
Of course, here in this thread, a "half feat" doesnt include in the +1 ability score. Including that would become a full feat!

The player can pick two "half feats" (without the ability score increases), which is often a solid and flavorful assemblage of features for a Custom Lineage.

I will add a note to help clarify the above post.




(cost of proficient skill or tool) x3 points - Expertise (for skill or tool you are already proficient in)

For example:

2 points - Perception
6 points - Expertise for Perception if already proficient
8 points - Both Perception and Expertise for it

1½ points - Stealth
4½ points - Expertise for Stealth if already proficient
6 points - Both Stealth and Expertise for it

1 point - Animal Handling
3 points - Expertise for Animal Handling if already proficient
4 points - Both Animal Handling and Expertise for it
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5e limits Magic Resistance. It only grants advantage against magical effects that allow a save. A magical effect that has no save hits a magic-resistant creature normally.

The Gnome Cunning trait grants Magic Resistance for saves using Int, Wis, or Cha. This appears to be balanced. Few people complain about the Gnome Cunning being overpowered. Probably it is worth about 4 points, a half feat.

The saves using the other abilities are more valuable, being useful against more common magic.

Dexterity is the most common magical effect to save against, but usually deals damage that can heal.

Total Magic Resistance appears to be worth roughly two feats.


6 points - Magic Resistance: advantage on Dex saves against magical effects
5 points - Magic Resistance: advantage on Str and Con saves against magical effects
4 points - Magic Resistance: advantage on Int, Wis, and Cha saves against magical effects

2 points - Fear Resistance: advantage on saves against Frightened condition
1 point - Charm Resistance: advantage on saves against Charmed condition

½ point - Trance: immunity to sleep, and conscious during 4-hour long rest
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8 points - All Armors and Shields
3 points - Heavy Armor (requires Medium Armor)
1 point - Medium Armor (requires Light Armor)
2 points - Light Armor
2 points - Shield


2 points - Darkvision (60 feet)
2 points - Sensitive Darkvision (120 feet, with Sunlight Sensitivity)

1½ points - Amphibious (breathing air and water)

2½ points - Guidance, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion, Mind Sliver, Vicious Mockery, or Frostbite - Melee: Shillelagh, or Green Flame Blade

2 points - Fire Bolt, Chill Touch, Mage Hand, Resistance, Sacred Flame, or Prestiditation - Melee: Booming Blade

1½ points - Thaumaturgy, Druidcraft, Dancing Lights, Light, Mending, Create Bonfire, or Ray of Frost - Melee: Thorn Whip, Lightning Lure, or Shocking Grasp

1 points - Message, Spare the Dying, Control Flames, Produce Flame, Acid Splash, Shape Water, Friends, or Gust - Melee: Poison Spray, or Sword Burst
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