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[D&D 4e] IG's "The Witchlight Strand"

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The trio of of Aridha Druthruss and Gwendolyn make progress on the terrorblade, but somehow the thing refuses to drop. Gwen lands an important blow, but the orc answers with a devastating strike of his own, nearly felling the rogue completely.

Pier's relentless bolt threaten to un-nerve Kranaak completely, and the huge orc roars in frustration. Finally, he plants his heavy boot into Vatan's chest and knocks the warrior back a good ten feet. Despite the damage he's done, the orc doesn't even give Weel a glance as he turns and makes his way to the wizard. Kranaak stops halfway and draws a handaxe. Fortunately for Pier, his aim is well off, and the mage may live to cast again.


*Note: Though I forgot to indicate it on the map, Vatan is bloodied.

[sblock=Status & Initiative]
25 Aridha (14/26):
19 Druthruss (25/25):
17 Pier (20/20):
15 Vatan (7/29): Bloodied
15 Gwendolynn (4/25): Bloodied
15 Weel (15/28): +1 to AC TENT; +2 to all defenses TENT
14 Bad Guys

Enemy Status:
Terrorblade: Bloodied


Major: As emissaries from Port Magalie (and the Liaglades, for Aridha) travel to Hallowdale secure diplomatic relations with the new king.
Minor: Place the barbarian Kail's cold arrow upon the grave of King Lolgoff
Minor: Escort Andri Ziuul to safety complete

Standard: Savage Rend
-vs. T; miss

Move: Shift to I8
Standard: MBA vs. Terrorblade hits for 10 damage

Minor: none
Standard: Magic Missile vs. Kranaak; hits for 7 damage

Free: Maintain mark
Standard: Comeback Strike vs. Kranaak; miss
*Spend AP*
Standard: Reaping Strike vs. Kranaak; miss for 1 damage

Minor: none
Move: Shift to J10
Standard: Piercing Strike vs. Terrorblade; hits for 6 damage

Move: Shift to L4
Standard: Thundering Armor (+1 to AC TENT)
-Secondary Attack vs. Kranaak; hits for 9 damage
Minor: Healing Infusion on Arhida
*Spend AP*
Standard: Second Wind heals 7 hp, +2 to all defenses TENT

Orc Terrorblade
Standard: Bloodfury Attack vs. Gwendolyn; hits for 21 damage; orc heals 10 hp
Move: none

Gratuitous Violence recharge 1 (fail)
Minor: Brutal kick vs. Vatan; CRIT for 10 damage and pushed to M7
Move: 3 squares to G6
Standard: RBA vs. Pier; miss


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[sblock=Proposed Actions]
IG - I have Vatan's actions in mind but I am not too sure if it is do-able...

Free: maintain Mark
Minor: Drink Potion of Healing (does this give him HP = to surge value?)
Move: move 5 to H6 (as follows: L6-leap onto well at K6-step to J6 and jump off well through I6 to land at H6) screaming blue murder all the way
Standard: Comeback Strike vs Kranaak on the way down (hoping to all the Gods that it hits ;) )

He would be trying to do an intimidation attack on his target as well.

I figure that he would have to successfully make either an Athletics or Acrobatics skill check :lol: to get over the well.

Please let me know if doable and if so what checks to make.


[sblock=Proposed Actions]
IG - I have Vatan's actions in mind but I am not too sure if it is do-able...

Free: maintain Mark
Minor: Drink Potion of Healing (does this give him HP = to surge value?)
Move: move 5 to H6 (as follows: L6-leap onto well at K6-step to J6 and jump off well through I6 to land at H6) screaming blue murder all the way
Standard: Comeback Strike vs Kranaak on the way down (hoping to all the Gods that it hits ;) )

He would be trying to do an intimidation attack on his target as well.

I figure that he would have to successfully make either an Athletics or Acrobatics skill check :lol: to get over the well.

Please let me know if doable and if so what checks to make.

[sblock=Korash]Unless Vatan is running around with a potion in one hand and a sword in the other, you'd have to retrieve the potion before you could drink it, which is another minor action. Also, a potion of healing does burn a healing surge, but it heals for a straight 10 points instead of your surge value.

You can use Athletics to make a jump check (long jump) to see if you can hop up on the well (probably about 3 feet high). Hopping down is free. Alternately, Vatan could just move around the well and land in the same spot using the same number of squares movement.

What do you mean by an "intimidation attack"? Remember that use of the Intimidate skill during combat is a standard action.

Any way you go you're going to need to burn an action point in order to pull this off (2 minors to retrieve and drink the potion, 1 move for the move, plus one standard for the attack.

Hope that helps!


First Post
Yeah, thats what I figured. Guess I gotta go Balls to the Wall and do it without the potion. And HOPE to the Gods that I hit. (I had already used my AP on my last attempt at an attack)

What I meant by the intimidation attack was to startle him enough that he forgets about Pier. I am surprised that you can not use an attack to help in an Intimidation check.

I will post the attack later.


First Post
As soon as the big orc turns its attention on him and moves away from Weel and Vatan, Pier smiles nastily. He's been waiting for an opportunity, and he takes it immediately. With a quick underhanded toss, he flips the bit of firewood he'd collected the night before toward Kranaak. A moment of concentration and a word of power activates the magic stored in the stick. It flashes green and zips away toward the orc.

Before even checking to see if it hits, Pier turns tail and runs, hoping he can stay ahead of the beast long enough for either the acid or his friends to finish it off.


Move: Straight north 6 squares (and off the map)
Minor: pass

Standard action: Acid Arrow
Target: Kranaak

Acid Arrow
+5 (INT) v Reflex | 2d8 + 5 (INT) damage
Standard Action | Ranged 20
Primary Target: One creature
Sec. Target: Each creature adjacent to Primary Target
+5 (INT) v Reflex | 1d8 + 5 (INT)
On hit: 5 ongoing Acid damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, 2 ongoing Acid damage (save ends), no secondary attack.
Arcane, Acid, Implement


[sblock=quick stats]
Pier Glasser- Human Male Wizard 1
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 14
AC: 16, Fort: 12, Reflex: 17, Will: 14 -- Speed: 6
Resist 5 Poison
HP: 20/20, Bloodied: 10, Surge Value: 5, Surges left: 6/6
Initiative: +2
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: not used

Magic Missile Autohit, 7 damage (basic ranged attack)
Dagger +3, 1d4 (basic melee attack)

Prepared Daily Spells:
Acid Arrow

Encounter Spells:
Ray of Enfeeblement



First Post
Druthruss squints his eye and aims his blade for a spot between the shoulders and in an opportune moment makes his swing but the orc spots it and deftly moves to one side. Cursing wildly and knowing the enemy is behind him he musters up the strength to (spend an action point) and get another swing in before he must move. This time, distracted by all the allies around him the orc does not pay quite as much attention and takes a clumsy hit.

If the orc is felled or he is able to cross the square then he will move to K11.

Actions: Std Melee, Action Pt Std Melee hit with 18(+2?) and dam for (3+2)
Move: To K11


First Post
Weel Naxel, human artificer

Weel looks around, clearly baffled to discover he's alone on the field again. Then he snaps out of it, cocking his head to one side to listen to 'Skitgami,' the crudely-decorated rod he carries.

"Yes, yes, no fair picking on someone just because he's squishy," Weel says, nodding absent-mindedly. He holds out his home-made rod, and lightning flashes from it again, lancing across the field to Kranaak.

Without any further acknowledgement of Kranaak, as if he's no longer even there, Weel wanders over to the cluster of people surrounding the Terrorblade. Again, he seems far less interested in the orc, instead frowning a bit as he looks to the injured Gwendolynn.

"Do we like thieves?" he asks the small pouch attached to his shoulder. The pouch lifts into the air in response, and Weel smiles brightly. "Oh, but you're right! Thieves help things get out and about. No fun stuck at home all the time. Yes, yes, we like thieves."

The pouch bobs in the air a moment, then lobs over the orc's head to burst apart over Gwendolynn. More of the foul-smelling green liquid dumps onto her, but as with Aridha, it's almost instantly absorbed, just as her wounds begin to knit closed.

[sblock=actions]Standard: Static Shock vs. Kranaak Reflex

Static shock attack; damage (1d20+6=18, 1d8+5=8)

Hit: 8 damage, -3 penalty on next damage roll for Kranaak. Also 4 lightning damage if he attacks Weel

Move: to J8

Minor: Healing Infusion (Curative) for Gwendolynn (heal surge +1 HP)[/sblock]

[sblock=resources used]Encounter: Scouring Weapon, Healing Infusions (both), Action Point, Second Wind[/sblock]


First Post
Seeing the large brute start off towards Pier, Vatan bellows "(cursing) Come back here!!! (even more) Ya yella bellied (a few F bombs here) bilge rat!! (starting to peel paint now) I not be even start'n ta be done with ye!!!!" as he makes a quick hop up onto the wall of the well and after a step launches himself after the retreating orc. As he lands behind him both the sword and axe dig deep into the beast's back and shoulder.

move: to H6 via the well (acrobatics check = 16)
Standard: Comback Strike
att: 1d20+7 = 22
dmg: 2d8+4 = 15 (anything for "charging" through the air?) + spend healing surge for 7 hit points

Roll Lookup

Boy oh Boy am I a forgetfull nut!...IG, if Kranaak would kindly consider himself Marked still, I would greatly appreciate it ;) Death comes but once a lifetime (esp. at low levels), but at least it won't be someone else (unlike Jude). :)
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