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[D&D 4e] IG's "The Witchlight Strand"


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ZZZZZzzzzzzz.... ZZZZZZzzzzzzz.....

(OOC:Wake me up when were ready to kick off the next day.)

As Vatan leaves his room go to wake up the dwarf. By pounding on the door and calling loudly "Friend Dwarf, it be high time ta be gettin' to the docks. The Ship be leavin' at first light. I be tryin' to hold it as long as I can."

Vatan will be waiting on the docks to make sure that all of his "crew" are aboard.

"I don't s'pose ya need an extra hand on this trip of yours do you?"

After a quick look at the newcomer, Vatan will extend his hand with a smile. "Judging by your kit, I be assuming that ye be not askin' for a sailor's berth. Aye we be needin' as many blades as we can get for when we be debarkin'. On th' voyage inland we be servin' as marines if there be any trougble, an' I be telling ye that this all started 'cause some Gobbos hijacked a ship sailin' from up-river. If'n ye be not mindin' lobbin' some Gobbo heads we would be happy to be countin' ye as part o' the crew. Bring yer kit aboard n' someone 'll show ye where to be stowin' it"

Vatan will call up to the Captain "Capt'n, be one more for me crew an' be wait'n for two more 'n we be complete." He will then be waiting impatiently for Peir and the Dwarf...
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Aridha nods at Jude and Sahyr, then gives the Captain a truncated bow.

"In deference to your customs, I accept your offer of a private room."


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Sahyr grinned at the man mentioned goblin hijackers, his fingers instinctively reaching for his blade, before he stopped himself, remembering there wasn't anything to fight. Yet. His grin remained as he looked to the others. "I welcome the challenge! Let them test their mettle and lose their heads!"


If you're ok with it, I'd like to switch out Knockdown Assault for Cleave.[/sblock]
[sblock=Ren]Fine with me. Make any changes you need to before we start rolling, which will be soon. Make sure you update the character thread.[/sblock]

Aridha nods at Jude and Sahyr, then gives the Captain a truncated bow.

"In deference to your customs, I accept your offer of a private room."
"Right then," the captain says. He's obviously befuddled by the elven woman, but opts to shake it off and move on.

Sahyr grinned at the man mentioned goblin hijackers, his fingers instinctively reaching for his blade, before he stopped himself, remembering there wasn't anything to fight. Yet. His grin remained as he looked to the others. "I welcome the challenge! Let them test their mettle and lose their heads!"
"Whoa there, furry fella! I'd not mind strikin' off a few o' their little green heads meself, but let's not be invitin' the trouble, ye hear?" He shakes Sahyr's hand and slaps him on the sholder as he says this.

"Well then, just a few more preparations an' we're off!" He whispers to Vatan as he makes his leave, "I hope yer friends are here by then, or we'll be two short."


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Pier arrives at the dock, pack on his back and staff in hand. He steps on board and looks around, making a quick count of the other adventurers and pausing in surprise as he notices Jude. He makes his way over to the farmer and clasps his mail-covered shoulder. "You have reconsidered, I see. It is good to have you along."

After exchanging additional pleasantries with anyone interested in conversation with him, Pier finds an out of the way bit of deck to sit down with his spellbook and supplies. He opens his pack and gets out a small dish and a black silken cloth, then pulls his crystal out of a pocket of his tunic. He stares at the crystal for a few minutes, murmuring under his breath. He had slept with it under his pillow, allowing it to capture some of his magic during the night, and now his mind reflects and refracts through the material, directing the sleep magic into a useful pattern. Once the crystal is fully suffused with his will, he places it into the dish and covers it with the cloth. He reads the rest of the incantation from the spellbook, then pulls his mind away from the crystal, through the cloth, creating the spiritual vacuum necessary for his Sleep spell.

That done, he spends some time flipping through the book, following its procedures to renew the enchantments on his implements, refresh his recollection of some of the incantations, and gather the power necessary to cast them at a moment's notice.


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Drůthruss staggers up the path with his hefty pack on his back and axe in hand.

"Argh, seems I'm last again. Thought I slept through the whole day and next eve too. Hullo Captain. Im not much of a deck hand I should tell ya but if you have some bits that need fixing, or rope that needs knotting then I can keep myself busy and out of your way with that."

He looks for some part of the boat near the prow away from peoples busy feet to put a bedroll down and continue nodding for a while until he's out of the dock area and city limits where he will start to be on the lookout for gobbos.


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"Capt'n, the last o' me crew be aboard" Vatan will call out as he comes aboard after Drůthruss. After he gets "his" crew settled, he will sling his hammock and go to see the captain. "Capt', when do you want us to be startin' our watches and does ye have any idea when we could be expectin' the beginin' o' trouble?"


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Sahyr would lounge on deck, leaning against the cabin wall until they were underway, at which point he would begin making rounds of the ship, avoiding areas where he would get in the way of normal operations, hand lightly gripping his slightly oversized greatsword. A faint grin plastered on his face as he imagined a glorious battle taking place on the ship. Whether it was a vision of the future from the Brawler, or just wishful thinking... was another matter entirely.


The waters are smooth and quiet as the captain's ship sails up the Crescent. The air is brisk but tolerable, even refreshing. The crewmen have maintained their distance from the lady of the ship, likely under the direction of the captain.

Faint whispers among the crewmen could be heard by all but Sahyr, for it seemed everywhere the strange-looking fellow went that all eyes were down and all hands busy.

The sun began it's descent a couple of hours outside of Hania, and the captain spoke up. "All eyes!" he screamed. "River narrows up ahead, barely enough room to get'r through. If sumpin's gonna happen, it'll be there."

The only sound was that of the faint breeze swirling into the sails.


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Pier has been watching the landscape roll by from an out-of-the-way spot in the bow. He has never left the city before, and the variety of vegetation and terrain is a delight to him. Hearing the captain's warning, though, he shifts his attention to looking for signs of ambushers as the shores get closer.

[sblock="Perception Check"]
Perception check (1d20+1=8)

Voidrunner's Codex

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