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D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Greyhawk, City of Thieves


Davis painfully parts with three of his few remaining coins to register as a freesword, and fidgets uncomfortably through the bureaucratic ordeal that follows. Finally though, he finds himself standing at the Druid's gate, staring out to the road and the wide world it represents. There is an itching between his shoulder blades telling him to leave the city and get back out into the wilderness where things make sense.

At the mention of the market, he shakes his head, and then notes with some dismay that Mialee suggests taking a look.

"I have nothing I need. I will await you outside the gate."

OOC: -3 gp license
-1gp 4sp poor lifestyle

Davis Grey - Passive Perception 9 - Initiative +2

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OOC: Making two rolls for disadvantage

Helmut hefts his coin purse as he stands beneath the Druid’s Gate, marveling at how light it is. The nets were expensive, but necessary if they were to come through this intact. But then there was the percentage they signed away to their sponsor, and now this licensing fee was completely unexpected. On top of the meal and lodging from last night, he had only a handful of coppers left.

Everything hinged now on this fool’s errand to bring down a giant. It was a mercenary thing, to be sure, and Helmut had never had a mercenary’s heart, but he would see that more would come of it than just lining his pockets. The giant was on a reign of terror, and bringing the beast low could help many poor, innocent folk, so there was that. If he could, he might also be able to bring some order and tactics to his companions. That was always a worthy cause, and something he knew instinctively. And then, of course, there was the blood debt that he owed. His heart had been heavy with that burden since the day on the hill, but he could use the reward in a small way to begin lifting that weight. It was time to get started, and Helmut was eager to do so.

Standing in the late morning sun, Helmut addresses the group. ”Alright everyone, I’ve managed to purchase 6 nets. I’d recommend that everyone take one. When we see this giant, we should take turns throwing nets at him until he’s restrained, then the others can shoot at him from afar. As soon as he frees himself from one, we do it again. We’ll need to keep our distance to avoid being crushed, so it will be difficult to net him, but anyone should be able to sling one.”

Helmut then hands out a net to anyone who wants one, keeping one for himself plus any others that aren’t claimed.

[sblock=Mini Stat Block]Helmut Krauthammer
Passive Perception = 11
Initiative Modifier = +1


"Oooh the market of such a big city... I wonder what I can find."
Mialee finds a few interesting things in the Low Market. A river woman with graying hair has set up a table around a tent and uses a deck of Three-Dragon Ante to tell fortunes. She is willing to sell a copy of the deck for 9 sp, but admits the deck is missing The Druid. The cards appear to be made of dried vellum.

Meanwhile Helmut tries his skill at the dagger throw and manages to strike the center of the target. "Well done!" the game master cries. He produces a box from which he pulls out a wrapped cloth. He unwraps it to reveal a pair of gray stockings stripped with purple. They are clean, but appear well-worn. "And here is your prize, a pair of stockings worn by the Archmage Zagig himself! Some say they were enchanted by the old wizard to keep his feet warm regardless of temperature. Amazing prize for you and well-won. Now, who's next?"

Curly Craye smirks as he watches Helmut take the stockings from the game master. "Looks more like a pair of old socks to me own eyes," he says with a chuckle. "Now let's be off, mate. I'll handle one of those nets if ye be offerin'. Yer plan seems a sound one."


As your party approaches the line just inside the Druid's Gate to be allowed exit, you spy a human man and a half-orc eyeing your group from nearby. They appear to be discussing something and you note they point in your direction.
OOC: For the sake of the story, I have gone ahead and put John and Horse into the scene. How they got here can be up to you. You may use my suggestion that they heard about the venture at the Green Dragon Inn and headed out to try and join the group before they left the city. Or you may come up with your own explanation. Feel free to choose a narrative that fits your character.


First Post
Kail Ryon Init: +3 Pas. Perc: 15

Kail leaves the bureaucracy of Greyhawk behind, rolling and stowing his now paid Freesword papers into his case of notes. The inside of his sash, now down to six silver pieces, is considerably lighter, although it does not bother him so. After gathering his things and thanking the small family who allowed him shelter at night he made his way after the others to the Druid's gate. Upon arrival he once again gains an insightful look at their adventuring party, and despite Curly and Helmut he sighs at their gathered strength.

He nods to Helmut, takes a net when offered. Glad to have a plan he rests lightly upon his Quarterstaff as the others join up. His Ki is wrapped tightly around his body, unlike the night before. Despite the closeness of the clothing he still has complete freedom of movement, and the only color comes from the dull orange sash across his waist. The only other possessions of interest are his stout Quarterstaff and his pack slung across his back, which carries a scroll case.

OOC: -3 GP for tax credentials, just in case he would want magical items or non monetary loot.
-1 GP and 4 SP for poor living conditions.


"Yes, I believe that's them Horse", if you will allow me, I will make our introduction", the Paladin smiled, his hand on the half-orcs shoulder. With care to make certain to appear without hostility, John Vareen moved towards the group of people the innkeeper had described as Fortunes Fools. They certainly fit the description.

Licking his dried lips, he smelt his breath, which was alcohol free for now. He had not had a drink since the night before and the thought that he'd be going without alcohol for a time, turned his stomach. He could always use his lay on hands ability to remove the toxins from his body, but that would be an abuse of his powers in his eyes. After all, his alcoholism was self inflicted.

Stopping in front of the party, he smiled, looking over their shoulders momentarily whilst clearing him throat, he raised his arm and ran his hand through his blonde hair before placing both of his muscle bound arms beside him, his hands on his hips raising his elbows, which in turn pushed his cloak away revealing a tarnished old suit of Chain-mail, along with the holy symbol of Tritherion riveted to the front in brass.

"Mmmm, pardon me good men and women of, er Fortunes... Fools?" He paused momentarily at the sound of the name... Amongst other things, John enjoyed gambling; plus he was also pretty good at it, particularly at cards... So he liked the name Fortunes Fools; it was an honest name, which was part of the reason he wanted to help these people. Honesty was a rare thing to find in the city of Greyhawk; And people who don't lie to themselves about their odds, John could take a punt on people like that.

"My name is John Vareen, Paladin of Trithereon, this man beside me I believe to be a capable warrior who goes by the name Horse. We seek to assist you in taking down this, Grob the Mighty. Although I cannot speak for my companion, I would volunteer my own services for free, in the good name of Tritherion to take this evil creature down. Of course, if you were to find it in your hearts to make a small donation to the church later down the track, perhaps th-". He pauses upon seeing the half-elf cleric standing there watching, suddenly blushing with feelings of inadequacy... The innkeeper never mentioned a cleric. How long would it be before she criticised his methods as a Paladin? Trying to cover up his awkwardness, John finished quickly [roll0] "Well, I'll leave it to you, so, what say you?"


His shoulder muscles twitched at the touch, a sidelong glance at Vareen, and a smile eased across Horse's face. He squinted towards the group, as the two strode up; realizing he was baring to much teeth, he quickly straitened his face and looked around them, feigning as if he was watching for something. 'Dont show people your teeth like that, it scares them' his mother's voice echoed in his mind.

Uncomfortable, Horse shifted his stance and looked back upon the group of strangers, his trained eye noticing their postures, their demeanor, their armor and weaponry. He relaxed as the paladin made his introductions. He says hello when introduced, and waits expectantly.

[sblock="OOC"] [roll0], if Horse notices they are carrying nets, he grabs at the net bunched up and attached to his belt, 'you plan to catch?' he asks[/sblock]


OOC: I would think the nets would be obvious enough that anyone with a Passive Perception of 10 or higher would notice them. No one has mentioned trying to keep them secreted away anywhere.
"What's this then?" Curly Craye says, stepping up to the would-be adventurers. "Ye wish to join our merry band. Well I say we put it to vote then, since we 'aven't exactly named a leader as such. Since this here fellow be willin' to work fer free, I votes we take him!" he says, putting his hand on John's shoulder.

"And what about that feller ye says be a good fighter? He willing to fight for free as well?"

Curly Craye grins widely as he speaks. These prospects appear to please him.


Planting the pummel of his axe, he leans his wait on it, and first looking away as if not paying attention, he leans back in towards Curly, making eye contact, "I no fool, but Grenda say 'a bully for you is a bully for me'. Horse fight for glory, and full belly; if beat the giant, people will be happy, and this makes me happy to think." Horse states, leaning back satisfactorily, then smiles; quickly realizing the attention he is getting, he stops smiling and looks down, turning up the heel of his bare foot to inspect it, then scratches it with the edge of his axe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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