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D&D 5E [D&D 5E] Pirates of the Spheres: Captain's Privilege (Recruiting)


1. Yes, you can take proficiency in spelljamming vehicles (visualization note - think of the ships not in sci-fi terms but more in fantastical flying sea vessels and airships and such). Any background proficiency can be swapped for proficiency in spelljammers.

2. Draconic is a bit like Latin - language of the rulers and nobility (and the Church). Common is for everyone else.

3. All of the waterborne adventures UA article is available. What supplement/article are eladrin in? My inclination is usually to equate eladrin with high elves and not count them as a separate race.

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Steve Gorak

1. Yes, you can take proficiency in spelljamming vehicles (visualization note - think of the ships not in sci-fi terms but more in fantastical flying sea vessels and airships and such). Any background proficiency can be swapped for proficiency in spelljammers.

2. Draconic is a bit like Latin - language of the rulers and nobility (and the Church). Common is for everyone else.

3. All of the waterborne adventures UA article is available. What supplement/article are eladrin in? My inclination is usually to equate eladrin with high elves and not count them as a separate race.

Cool! I'll revamp my character's proficiencies to include spelljamming vehicles. Note to the other players: remember that you can spend 250gp (if allowed by the DM, of course) to gain proficiency in a language or tools. This is in the downtime (or resting between adventures ) section of the phb.

Regarding Eladrin, they are in the create a new race section of the DMG. As high elves, but replace the cantrip with the 2nd level spell misty step once per short rest. This is a juicy perk ;-)



2. Draconic is a bit like Latin - language of the rulers and nobility (and the Church). Common is for everyone else.

So does this mean that Draconic is also the language of science/mathematics? (Does this also apply to computers, programming, and computer science?)

Steve Gorak

Hey Kiraya!

These are the magic items I am considering.

Bag of tricks - looks like fun
belt of dwarvenkind - snot sure I want my character to have a dwarf beard!
Cloak of protection - useful
Eyes of the eagle - nice for a pirate
Necklace of adaptation - nice for spacewalks
Ring of mind shielding - the way I read this, insight checks against my character would always fail, right? I really like the role playing potential of the soul of a mentor (the dragonslayer Grandfather, for example, or perhaps the soul of the pirate ship). could also explain why my character is so difficult to find and kill by the empire. I'd need to find a way to become proficient at playing cards, in order to bluff all the time at spelljammer-poker ;-)
Weapon of warning - being alert is cool
Winged boots - flying pirate![/sblock]

Are any of these outright banned (like winged boots ;-)? Going over the magic item list almost makes me want to take 1 level of bard to have access to instrument of the bard. Those are powerful!
I imagine the necklace of adaptation protects against the void of space, right?
FYI, I am leaning towards the ring of mind shielding for RP purposes, even if it's a relatively weak compared to other choices.



All of those are fine. We can also add some history to any item you select via some of the suggestions and tables and such in the DMG if you want to go that route.

Steve Gorak


I unfortunately will have to let go of the flying boots (bye bye flying pirate) and go with the ring of mind shielding.

Here is what I propose: The ring was created during the fourth Dragonslayer war by priests of a god of knowledge, and currently contains the soul of a priest of knowledge (as per the item description, it can contain a soul). The priest chose to have his soul stay in the ring when he died at the hands of the empire, his god having passed from the world due to the lack of followers. He has seen the dragons hunt down Humans across generation, and refuses to leave for the afterword while his brethren are in danger.
The priest was human, and has seen many generations of wearers, many of these being from Albathar's family, including his grandfather and father. To Albathar, the ring is a family heirloom, and the spirit a mentor.
The ring was lost when Albathar's parent's were killed when he was a child. However, the ancient Fey entity with whom he made a warlock pact was a friend and ally of the dead god, and gave back the ring to Albathar, earning his eternal gratitude and his vow to fight the dragons.

This is the stuff I need your approval for: If acceptable, the spirit in the ring helps Albathar with information (in game terms, the spirit has a few knowledge skills (History & religion seem the most appropriate), and can share some information with Albathar when appropriate). I'll let you tell me what you're comfortable with as far as mechanics are concerned (for example, can the spirit "help" on insight checks, because of the high wisdom of the priest?). Since this is mostly for RPing, please let me know what boundaries you feel are relevant.
Also, if ok: Minor property (as per the DMG table): guardian (the item grants +2 to initiative by warning the wearer of danger.

What do you think?


Steve Gorak

I'm glad you like it! I'm going more for flavor than raw power, and had in mind the belt of dwarvenkind as a rough template of what can be part of an uncommon magic item.
I look forward to your feedback!


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