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D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Planescape - In Through the Out Door


Queen of Everything
"Our room? Really? My goodness this madness is everywhere! Where can we go then?" Lili turns to Eurid. "Do you know what exactly is happening? And where can we go to be safe? It seems even the Festhall and our room has been overrun."

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Rusty turns its attention away from Flower Child Man and looks at the dot in the fireplace.

Instinct kicks in and its arms form into a scimitar and shield again as it interposes itself between Flower Child Man and the fireplace, trying to keep FCM safe.

Flower Child Man rests his hand on top of the 'drone, on what might loosely be called its shoulder. "Thanks, little fella," he says. His eyes are trained on the fireplace, and there's something in his stance that hints at readiness. His other hand is held slightly away from his body, just a little bit, as one might when readying oneself to draw a weapon.


First Post
Tempting, but I'd rather pass for now. The trouble with that is the tavern has just decided to kick everyone out; the streets are our next venue, and I'd ask your help for guiding us well away from here as soon as possible. My Invisibility won't cover the others, and I'm not ready to be rid of the strange machine yet- or the tiny purple dragonling that has just shown up, more fae than any I've ever heard of.

Do the rooftops seem a valid option to escape the teeming hordes of Brutestab and friends? Whatever's to be done, it has to be soon, unless the Mysterious Flower Fellow is going to teleport us all to safety- and should that happen, can you manage the incantation of the Mist Steps and hustle back here? I'd already be sorry to lose your company, Shandrizar.
Or far more importantly, his SPELLBOOK'S company.

Still, he'll take up his tankard and chug back a goodly bit of it (no sense letting good booze go to waste) before clopping it down on the table and looking around. "We're being kicked out to the streets, the fireplace might come alive with fiends at any moment, we need a plan. Eurid, have you some notion of how we can leave this place without being constantly challenged by bravos fled from this Torchedburg? Our dear pixie," he took a moment to smile and nod at Liliana, "may be able to hop on her steed and ride above it all without concern- but the rest of us are rather lacking in that option; now is the time to put forth alternatives." Then back to the tankard, he wants that thing empty before they start to move.


First Post
Shard looked back at where the spirit hovered from the window she'd gone to peer out of.

"None of us should stay put. This part of the city is being overrun. Too many people are using too many of the...the cracks...at once. If it goes on much longer, it may attract the..."

She trailed off, her face going blank. She wasn't sure what she was trying to communicate suddenly. The image in her head was fragmented, nightmarish. Every door had it's keeper, and this place was no exception.

"We have to go," Shard concluded lamely. "Who is coming with me?"

[section]"I's goin' where you's goin', Mizz Gewgaw. De question is, where?" The effigy swam down to Shard's side and hovered close. Shi-it. Honkies ever'where goin' crazzzzy. Jess lookit 'em! All jangled nerves and hoppin' 'round dis place like hookers in heat. We gotsta gets us up outta here. He looked around, uncertain, his eyes lighting on Barstle.[/section]
[sblock=Unsung]Casting message at Barstle. "Help a brother out? You ain't got no basement or cellar in here, does yous? Some place we could be layin' low 'til trouble blows over?"[/sblock]


Contemplating the street scene, the spellbook looks for the nearest escape route towards the Lady's Ward. In the worst case scenario this prime illusionist and his entourage of unusual acquaintances could gather themselves at his Celestial Orrery, assuming of course it was still intact. Of course Shandrizar was rather selective about who he invited to his wizard's tower par excellence - usually fellow archmages and other esteemed dignitaries - but seeing his current predicament, he could hardly hold a lesser pedigree against any of those gathered in the tavern.

Telepathically, to Graydon:

Taking to the rooftops? How adventurous. Well, it is certainly an option. Sadly, even steps of mist seems beyond me. A temporary setback that I shall soon remedy, I assure you.

OOC: Shandrizar will try to see if he can cast misty step, but I'm assuming he cannot.


First Post
It's as if the the rote components to cast the spell are there in Shandrizar's mind, only folded under several layers of gauze. The power lurks tantalizingly out his reach. The erstwhile archmage now finds himself unable to cast even this most rudimentary trick of teleportation.


First Post
Busy directing foot traffic out of his bar, Barstle suddenly looks back, having 'heard' Picayune speak. He looks straight through the effigy, frowning as he searches for the speaker before settling on the satyr. "Oh, balls. I suppose you new lot really don't have homes, do you?" The half-elf runs his hand back through his hair. "No, we haven't any further basements below the one you're already in-- beneath us is catacombs, and I don't call them safer. Look, head yourselves up into the house, past the pot-chambers and up the stairs. Wake Bix, fifth door on the left, if he ain't already up. Ask him to lead you out of the Lower Ward, through the portal in the courtyard. He'll see you right."

The glowing light above the fireplace suddenly expands all at once into a portal, a hole in the air with a roiling red border surrounding it, looking out onto steeply canted street that seems to plunge straight into a swamp at the bottom of a row of houses without stopping. Bodies line the street, with monsters pacing among them: huge beetle-like creatures, armed with swords and tridents, some of them as big as a Volkswagen.

Two of the first men to come through the aperture are dead before they set foot inside the Jilted Planes: a pair of glowing bolts of force strike them square in their heads, and they fall to the ground with wide, staring eyes. A crying woman and a lizardman wearing a tricorn hat rush through next, scattering to the corners of the bar. As the insect-monsters part, you can see what appears to be a little cackling fox-creature in brightly-coloured robes, waggling his fingers, a halo of sickly greenish light swirling around him.

Barstle swallows hard. "Adal!" he reaches below the bar and comes up with quite a long bundle wrapped in cloth, tossing it to the bariaur.

She catches it easily and tosses the cloth aside, revealing a long, simple-looking spear. "Come here," she says so Oz, and pulls him in for another kiss. Then she grabs up her shield-turned-serving tray, sending tankards clattering to the floor, and pulls it up along her arm.

The barman vaults over the table. He grunts-- no words, just sound-- and clasps both fists in front of him, and a mantle of magical armour suddenly materializes on top of him. "Tant! You in?"

The tiefling Defier nods. "Yes. Yes, of course." He twists a ring on his finger, and suddenly a long silver rapier fills his hand. He shrugs the shield off his back and snakes his arm through it. He nods amiably to Shard as he steps up beside Adal.

"The rest of you need to go," Barstle says.

Kiraya_TiDrekan said:
Rusty looks from Flower Child Man to Shard, uncertain and confused. It looks at Flower Child Man and asks, "Rusty goes or Rusty stays?"

"Could be best you g'wan, yeah. Up to you," says Hawaiian Joe. He steps into line next to Adal and Barstle, turning to face the portal. He reaches back under the drape of his flowered shirt, and produced a small metal rod-- matte-black, with a trigger mechanism like a crossbow. "Think I'll stick around myself, though."

Barstle's brows turn up quizzically. Something tall, dark, and chitinous approaches the portal, its bulk filling the view almost completely. "Do I know you, mate?" the barman asks.

Joe smiles and he seems to genuinely try to remember. Then he shrugs. "...Nahh, probably not. All the same, though."

"Oh, well then," Barstle sniffs, then turns to face the open portal. A web of arcane energy begins to take shape between his splayed fingers. "...Right."

OOC: I believe that calls for some initiative rolls.

...Not to cut anybody short! Talking is a free action. Remember that.

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