[D&D 5E] Securing the Alliance: An Adventure in Tethyr (IC)

Forged Fury

First Post
Devlin wrung his hands. He appeared as if he was about to say something, but then ducked a hand in his coin pouch and seemed to change his mind. Instead, he said, "I'm sure it was just an accident. Whole thing's on the verge of collapse back there... I probably shouldn't have let you go. Is everyone alright? Maybe I should show you to your rooms upstairs?"

The innkeeper did not seem inclined to let the group tromp around on their own any longer.

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Gnorth, realizing the wording Devlin used was off even by the half orc standards, walked up to him, flask forgotten in Brue's hands. "You are sure? What else but accident? You fear sababatouge?"

Forged Fury

First Post
Devlin crinkled his brow, taking a second to figure out what the half-orc was asking. "Uh, no? It was pretty unstable before five people, one wearing heavy metal armor, started walking on it. Like I said, I probably shouldn't have let you all go back there. The ogres did quite a job on it."
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Lorenzo nods his head at the innkeeper .

"Yes, they caused no end of trouble, it seems, and they are not done yet. Perhaps you should show us to our rooms, I believe we will have to be on our way again tomorrow."

Forged Fury

First Post
The innkeeper led the party upstairs to two adjoining rooms. The rooms were located off a mezzanine above the main room.The lodgings were reasonably accommodating, each room containing two small beds with chests at the foot of each to hold gear. One room featured two windows, one facing out into an adjacent alley and another window facing out into the harbor, both of the windows in the other room faced out to the harbor. The structures appeared sound and it seemed unlikely any of the party would go crashing through the floor anytime soon. After checking that everyone was situated, Devlin departed and headed downstairs.

OOC: It's early evening. To accommodate everyone, please post what your activities will be for the evening. I'll send you PMs if anything interesting develops from said activities. Also, please figure out who is sleeping where in the OOC thread and let me know if you're planning on maintaining a watch.

Never one to be couped up for too long, Gnorth hits the town as soon as he places his pack in the first room he was shown. Armed with his flask, weapons and armor, and his hand drum, Gnorth uses what daylight is left to walk around the town trying to get more information on the ogre attacks, using this as an excuse to eb out in the fresh air. He trades their tales for songs of his own. At one point the half orc teaches a little girl a basic rhythm on his drum in return for an apple fromher mother's stall. The apple was pretty good, but the beaming smile from the young would be musician was better.


First Post
Gnomes were most certainly not born or bred to be in the water. And that thought was the only thing that went through Boddynock's mind as he floundered about in the water, flapping his arms in a rather unpracticed manner as he made his way back to the shoreline. He coughed and spat the salty liquid out in several hearty fits, his drenched beard sticking to his face and clothing in a very unbecoming way. He was about to make some rude comments about the engineering of the structure - he was a mechanic of sorts, after all - when Devlin decided that it was best they head upstairs. So he kept his mouth shut, hoping that he didn't accidentally make any off-color comments until he was sure he was by himself.

He ended up in one of the rooms that had 2 windows facing the harbor, preferring to not have the alley as one of the options available to him. Sure, if things went south he could have used the alley to get away. But he wasn't thinking about that; he was more concerned about the sunrise in the morning, and where the sun should be hitting the room when it did rise.

He reached into his pack and pulled out his now-wet gear, setting it about the room to dry. He used a simple cantrip to light a small fire in the room's fireplace, hoping the heat would be enough to dry his clothing out sufficiently. And then, half-naked and still dripping, he set about crafting a small clockwork device that he placed on the windowsill, one of the arms from the face of it pointing straight up, the other pointing into the room towards his bed.

OOC: Couple of things here.

1. There was no mention of whether or not the rooms had fireplaces, so I'm just assuming there is at least a small area to create a small fire to dry clothes. If that's not correct, let me know. And although it's a bit much, I am using Fire Bolt to light a fire said fireplace.

2. Boddynock, as a Tinker and guild craftsman, is using his ability to craft a tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 HP) out of the materials he has readily available to him in his gear. This takes 1 hour to complete. I know the book states that it is a toy, fire starter, or music box (my choice upon creating it), but I'd like to fluff it so that I can actually create a clock of sorts. A sundial, really. Something that has all the gears and wheels and such, but is actually used to shine the light of the coming sun into a specific location, much like an alarm clock? As I indicated in the IC post, it's got one arm pointing at the bed, with the other arm pointing out towards where the sun would rise; when the sun comes up, the light would hit one arm, travel to the other, and then shine into Boddynock's face. Is this acceptable fluff? Or do I need to edit the post above to something more appropriate?
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Lorenzo drops his back on the floor near Gnorths and begins rooting around in it until he comes up with a needle and thread. He promptly shucks his pants off, heedless of company, and sits around in his undershorts mending a tear in the trousers left by the near fall earlier. Once he's finished sewing the tear shut, he mutters a brief prayer and places his hand over the rent, wiping the tear (and his own sewing) off the fabric and leaving it whole. He also expends a little of Tymora's blessing on his bruises ( cure wounds - [roll0] ) and offers healing to any of the others who ask.

Later, after a brief nap, he wakes up and goes out into the night in search of a game. Eyeing his rapidly thinning purse, he pulls out a couple of gold in loose silver and copper, and lets his ears lead him to wherever dice are being rolled or cards shuffled. He plays cautiously, and looks for a gambler down on his luck. After intentionally losing about a quarter of his stake, he excuses himself from the table and leaves them a little richer and a little luckier, giving each a blessing from the lady as he leaves. He repeats this process again until his original investment is gone, and then returns to the rooms, whistling a little tune (badly) and falls asleep on the floor in front of the door, using his pack as a pillow.


After his close encounter with the bottom of the Harbor, Corilo really didn't feel like wandering around. Thankful for the fire conjured by Boddynock, he spent a couple hours drying his equipment, patching up his scratches and bruises and sharing a drink with whoever available.
Corilo wasn't the talkative type, but this evening he was quieter than usual. He had something in his mind, something that he couldn't quite place. That warrior, Brue. He'd seen her before, but not during his time with the Shadow Stars. It was before that. He couldn't remember when or why, though. And asking her would've been far too rude. What if he was wrong? It would be so embarrassing.

OOC: Corilo will use his second wind and heal [roll0]
He'll use it again after a short rest [roll1]

Brue dropped her pack in the room with Corilo and Schepp. When the gnome stripped down to the waist, Brue picked up her pack and left. She went next door, opened the door, and was confronted by a pantless Lorenzo. An involuntary squeak escaped her lips. She quickly slammed shut the door, re-hoisted her pack, and returned to the room with the lad and the gnome. She'd take a shirtless gnome over a pantless man any day.

Despite the unpleasantness of wet clothes, Brue didn't disrobe beyond removing her armor. She laid the pieces in a ring around the fire to let them dry. She'd make a point to oil the lot of it later in the evening. Shivering a little in her wet things, Brue wrapped a quilt from the foot of a bed around herself and flopped in a chair. She fingered the metal and leather lawkeeper's badge of office from Mosstone, and, thinking of Greycastle, quietly said a prayer to Ilmater for healing. The raw flesh of the cut on her shoulder and forehead knitted back together, and a bruise on her cheek lessened. A gash on her shin remained.

Brue looked up and took stock of the others. "Who's hurt? I can you heal, a little." She eyed the gnome. "If you'd like." The rejoinder was polite, if a little forced.

OOC: Casting cure wounds on herself for [roll0] hp. One more 1st-level spell slot available.

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